Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Well, you would think so.

But they are constantly bombarded with propaganda about how the REpublcans want to kill and enslave them.

That's what it is.

You don't find many blacks interested in politics. The extent of their knowledge is the Republicans are for the rich white people and the Democrats are for the working and the poor. Beyond that, they are clueless.

Even the blacks that are educated went to a college that continued their indoctrination from high school.

We are political junkies so we dedicate a lot of our lives to politics. At least for myself, it's morning, noon and night. You don't get many blacks that do the same, and the ones who do are Republicans.

So on the rare occasion I get into a discussion about politics with a black person, I try to simplify what's really going on and explain to them what all this political mumbo-jumbo means. It's my hope that Trump does the exact same. Break it down for them so they can understand politics without dedicating 15 hours a day to it like we do.
Well, you would think so.

But they are constantly bombarded with propaganda about how the REpublcans want to kill and enslave them.

That's what it is.

You don't find many blacks interested in politics. The extent of their knowledge is the Republicans are for the rich white people and the Democrats are for the working and the poor. Beyond that, they are clueless.

Even the blacks that are educated went to a college that continued their indoctrination from high school.

We are political junkies so we dedicate a lot of our lives to politics. At least for myself, it's morning, noon and night. You don't get many blacks that do the same, and the ones who do are Republicans.

So on the rare occasion I get into a discussion about politics with a black person, I try to simplify what's really going on and explain to them what all this political mumbo-jumbo means. It's my hope that Trump does the exact same. Break it down for them so they can understand politics without dedicating 15 hours a day at it like we do.

I was talking to a middle aged black guy and he was shocked when I suggested that there was a political angle to the rape accusations against Bill Cosby.

He had no idea.
Wow, maybe 75 people, many of them his security team. I love the expression of the woman to his left. Maybe Trump had just farted.
It's killing you, isn't it. During August Hillary's support among women, Hispanics and liberals has fallen sharply, and now her last bastion of strong support, African Americans, is welcoming Trump.
You are fooling yourself, just like Correll and Vigilante did earlier, if you think she is collapsing. She is certainly not. She needs 36 EVs in todays polls, and Trump has not budged from the 116 he needs.
It is far from over, but she is clearly trending down, and it is hard to see how she can reverse this trend since her campaign has no substance and is entirely dependent of Trump making huge gaffes which he is clearly not making anymore. All the stories about Trump are affirmative and positive, his visit to Mexico, a strong clear speech on illegal immigration and now this visit to the Detroit church, and all the stories about Hillary lately are negative. If Hillary continues to depend on going negative on Trump, she will lose his election. She must begin to give voters affirmative reasons for voting for her if she hopes to win this election.
You are substituting your assertions ("campaign has no substance" and "dependent of Trump making huge gaffes" that he will not make anymore. That is your spin on Trump and Mexico, Trump and immigration, Trump and the black church.

You are hoping, but understand those are hopes, not facts.

I think (my assertion) is that the debates are becoming even more key.

But one of your implied assertions is one I agree with: the election is Hillary ~ to lose or win.

If she gets her act together better, Trump will be in hot water again.
I didn't just make these things up. If you look at the graph of national polls on RCP, you will see that Hillary's two big surges came when Trump made huge mistakes, attacking the Hispanic judge of his Trump University lawsuit and attacking Khan. The graph shows that when Trump is not making those kinds of mistakes, Hillary's support just flatlines. Also, Trump supporters will often tell you they support Trump because of one of his policies, but only rarely do you find a Clinton supporter who tells you he or she supports Hillary because of one of the policies she proposes in this election. Hence, Trump has given his supporters affirmative reasons to vote for him, but Hillary has failed to give her supporters affirmative reasons to vote for her. That's what I mean by her campaign having no substance.

As I see it, there are three factors working against Hillary. First, she has done such a terrible job of handling the controversy over her emails/server that instead of just fading away, it continues to grow until now there is hardly a day that goes by without something coming out that casts doubt on her honesty and judgement.

Second, since Clinton has largely failed to imbue in her supporters affirmative reasons for voting for her, if Trump continues to avoid making huge gaffes, the negative stories about her that are now pouring out will cause much of her support to wilt.

Third, Hillary has antagonized the press by refusing to hold press conferences for so long and now that the email/server controversy has grown to such a pitch, if she does have one, she is sure to be savaged by them if she continues to be evasive or dishonest. On the other hand, if she continues to avoid press conferences, she will look weak and guilty and that will cost her support.

The debates can be crucial if one or the other wins decisively, but if they split the debates, then the election will be decided by three groups of voters: those who vote for Trump, those who vote for Clinton and those who vote for a third party candidate or who decide just not to vote. So even if Trump does not pick up much more support, if Clinton continues to lose support, states like Virginia, for example, will fall into the Trump column.

1. The Media will NOT turn on Hillary.

2. Hillary has given her supporters FEAR of Trump. And that is what she is selling to undecided voters. Nothing but Fear.
When did the Republican party get the poor rural whites in America out of poverty?

Is that what you think our federal government or representatives are supposed to do, get people out of poverty? Then you on the left wonder why we refer to you as the Uninformed Voter.

So you admit that Trump will do NOTHING for the poor in Detroit that he's currently pretending to care about.

His trade and immigration polices are designed to increase jobs, wages and working conditions for Working Class and Middle Class Americans.

He SAYS they are. What politician doesn't?

I don't know. I hear a lot of libs and anti-trump people on this site arguing that we should just give up on manufacturing jobs, and manual labor jobs, and high tech jobs...

INdeed, it seems that fighting for those jobs is a pretty unpopular opinion around here.

The Republican Party is not the pro-labor party, between the two.
Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Source: PoliticusUSA

Donald Trump’s appearance at an African-American church in Detroit went wrong, as the congregation rejected Trump by not showing up to hear him speak.

Read more: Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Man, what a dumbass!!!! Trump is such a loon and fake that no one with a real brain wishes to be seen with him.

Trump is no Lincoln or Reagan--and it's pretty obvious to see that in his rhetoric.


Reagan was no Reagan. Until he got elected and got to show what he could do.
When did the Republican party get the poor rural whites in America out of poverty?

Is that what you think our federal government or representatives are supposed to do, get people out of poverty? Then you on the left wonder why we refer to you as the Uninformed Voter.

So you admit that Trump will do NOTHING for the poor in Detroit that he's currently pretending to care about.

His trade and immigration polices are designed to increase jobs, wages and working conditions for Working Class and Middle Class Americans.

He SAYS they are. What politician doesn't?

I don't know. I hear a lot of libs and anti-trump people on this site arguing that we should just give up on manufacturing jobs, and manual labor jobs, and high tech jobs...

INdeed, it seems that fighting for those jobs is a pretty unpopular opinion around here.
Yup, the "hear" are the voices in your head. No one is saying give up on anything. You are translating the fact that manufacturing jobs cannot be back into some "oh wo" from your political enemies.
Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Source: PoliticusUSA

Donald Trump’s appearance at an African-American church in Detroit went wrong, as the congregation rejected Trump by not showing up to hear him speak.

Read more: Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Man, what a dumbass!!!! Trump is such a loon and fake that no one with a real brain wishes to be seen with him.

But it's OK for Hillary to go to a black church and use an exaggerated black accent.

Yes it is, because Hillary Clinton also walks the walk.
Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Source: PoliticusUSA

Donald Trump’s appearance at an African-American church in Detroit went wrong, as the congregation rejected Trump by not showing up to hear him speak.

Read more: Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Man, what a dumbass!!!! Trump is such a loon and fake that no one with a real brain wishes to be seen with him.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Indeed... Threads such as these show just how tightly fear has gripped the left. I love every single one of them. They've been reduced to flat out making shit up. Yet the gap continues to tighten.
So what's next on Trump's Bucket List, now that he's 'talked to some black people'?

Go skydiving? Visit a gay bar? Shoot a moose?

You seem upset that he talked to black people.

Why is that?

I seem amused.

NO, you don't. And there is nothing funny here.

Trump is making a play for "the black vote", as he well should.

HIs policies are such that they would benefit greatly.

His brash NYC style is seems like it would speak well to a lot of working class blacks.

If he makes ANY headway, it would spell disaster for Hillary.

He spoke in a Church.

His Religious credentials and family values credentials are pretty weak, but then again, Hillary.

His point that the Dems haven't delivered is pretty strong.

Hell, even if the blacks just protest vote ONCE, against the Dems, it would make the dems work harder for them for a generation.
Is that what you think our federal government or representatives are supposed to do, get people out of poverty? Then you on the left wonder why we refer to you as the Uninformed Voter.

So you admit that Trump will do NOTHING for the poor in Detroit that he's currently pretending to care about.

His trade and immigration polices are designed to increase jobs, wages and working conditions for Working Class and Middle Class Americans.

He SAYS they are. What politician doesn't?

I don't know. I hear a lot of libs and anti-trump people on this site arguing that we should just give up on manufacturing jobs, and manual labor jobs, and high tech jobs...

INdeed, it seems that fighting for those jobs is a pretty unpopular opinion around here.

The Republican Party is not the pro-labor party, between the two.

Errr, that's weird.

I thought we were talking about pro-job policies.

I responded to your previous post and when you hit the reply button, nothing in your post addressed my post.

Here, maybe you misread my post.

I don't know. I hear a lot of libs and anti-trump people on this site arguing that we should just give up on manufacturing jobs, and manual labor jobs, and high tech jobs...

INdeed, it seems that fighting for those jobs is a pretty unpopular opinion around here.
The rest of your gibberish is nonsense, and your same argument could easily be used to condemn people like you.

Hardly. I don't call them "Uncle Tom" or treat them with contempt when they stray away from the beaten path.Nor do I call them "brown" like you do. I don't encourage African Americans to disown someone of the same race as they are because they believe in something greater than food stamps or welfare checks. I treat them with respect. I'm past classifying people by their races or identities or ways of life, nor do I segregate others by politics either. Your bigotry speaks for itself.
So you say "brown" is an insult?! Fuck you I'm brown. And you're the one who brought up "Uncle Tom," lest you be reminded that you just compared any black person who disagrees with you to a broke slave. :fu:
You're an've said nothing of value on this thread, nothing new for you:slap:
Trump did a a great job which is why there wont be any leftist running their mouth on the substance of what he said, only a couple of troll, antagonist, attempting to derail the thread into the gutter
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You liberals just can't stand that Trump is doing more hands on outreach with African Americans. The fact the he's doing this in churches only makes it even worse for you.

You can't stand it. It's easy to see!
^This.. You hit the nail on the head.. Liberals are melting down and ate up with sheer terror.. .They've used the race card for so long, it's their auction block and they see it crumbling. It's like Diamond and Silk said.. the Slave Masters used food and housing to keep their slaves... Dems use EBT -food and Ghettos- housing to keep their slaves on the Liberal Plantation of shit.

I added a little more if you're interested.

Man....are you needy or what?
You liberals just can't stand that Trump is doing more hands on outreach with African Americans. The fact the he's doing this in churches only makes it even worse for you.

You can't stand it. It's easy to see!
^This.. You hit the nail on the head.. Liberals are melting down and ate up with sheer terror.. .They've used the race card for so long, it's their auction block and they see it crumbling. It's like Diamond and Silk said.. the Slave Masters used food and housing to keep their slaves... Dems use EBT -food and Ghettos- housing to keep their slaves on the Liberal Plantation of shit.

I added a little more if you're interested.

Man....are you needy or what?

How'd you like the speech? The black church helps to build strong black families..Trump is right:cool:

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