Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

The Republican Party's 2012 platform expressed support for fast tracking the TPP trade agreement.

Now we're supposed to believe that en masse the GOP has turned protectionist?
Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Source: PoliticusUSA

Donald Trump’s appearance at an African-American church in Detroit went wrong, as the congregation rejected Trump by not showing up to hear him speak.

Read more: Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Man, what a dumbass!!!! Trump is such a loon and fake that no one with a real brain wishes to be seen with him.

But it's OK for Hillary to go to a black church and use an exaggerated black accent.

Interesting that you defend Trump by trying to show how much like Hillary Clinton he is.

Yeah that isn't "empty"....poor Matthew fell for it


Matthews just trying to keep the black man down.

It's how he rolls

That would be racist ;)
That would describe Matthew to a T.
Fact: Clinton & Obama Decreased the Black / White Employment Gap. Republicans Increased It.
Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Source: PoliticusUSA

Donald Trump’s appearance at an African-American church in Detroit went wrong, as the congregation rejected Trump by not showing up to hear him speak.

Read more: Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Man, what a dumbass!!!! Trump is such a loon and fake that no one with a real brain wishes to be seen with him.

But it's OK for Hillary to go to a black church and use an exaggerated black accent.

Yes it is, because Hillary Clinton also walks the walk.

She can't even walk up some stairs without someone holding her up.
I added a little more if you're interested.

Man....are you needy or what?

How'd you like the speech? The black church helps to build strong black families..Trump is right:cool:

I, being a normal person of average intelligence, saw that speech for what it was. A poorly delivered set of remarks which demonstrated the desire of Donald Trump to pander to black voters. He failed to impress anyone other than his current base of support. People like you.

Donald Trump isn't a religious man and he's not concerned with the black experience in this nation.

Your enthusiasm in this thread leads me to think that you aren't serious.

Hillary is the panderer ..Trump doesn't pander, the church is the cornerstone of a healthy black family structure, it's always been that way. You leftist attempt to destroy the church, trivialize Judaeo-christian ethics and moral values, which leads to broken families, no moral compass, and black kids killing each other in the streets, because they have no respect for life. I'm very serious, but you're not a serious person, you're a board clown:slap:

The black church is thriving, is it not?
In some segments...Too many inner city young people have lost any relationship with God and family. I do a lot of work for black churches, and their parishioners. The nicest people you'll ever meet....Their children wouldn't be out killing each other in the streets
I, being a normal person of average intelligence, saw that speech for what it was. A poorly delivered set of remarks which demonstrated the desire of Donald Trump to pander to black voters. He failed to impress anyone other than his current base of support. People like you.

Donald Trump isn't a religious man and he's not concerned with the black experience in this nation.

Your enthusiasm in this thread leads me to think that you aren't serious.

Hillary is the panderer ..Trump doesn't pander, the church is the cornerstone of a healthy black family structure, it's always been that way. You leftist attempt to destroy the church, trivialize Judaeo-christian ethics and moral values, which leads to broken families, no moral compass, and black kids killing each other in the streets, because they have no respect for life. I'm very serious, but you're not a serious person, you're a board clown:slap:

You're serious alright.

Trump's trip was the biggest pander we've seen in modern political history.
Hitlery ain't in no ways tired....from humping that bottle of hot sauce around her plantation.....:lol:

I'm sure she "doesn't recall" that pander

So when you thought Clinton was pandering to blacks, it was a bad thing. Now Trump panders to blacks,

and suddenly you're showering the act with praise.

Clinton was getting blow jobs on the oval office from interns then went to ask forgiveness ...The scumbag:slap:
He did a great job:cool:

Trump claimed at the beginning of the speech that he wrote it.

If he wrote that speech, I'm the Queen of England. It was hilarious as he read it, it was like he was reading it for the first time. He kept interrupting the words he was reading to say, "So true! So true!" :lol:
Man....are you needy or what?

How'd you like the speech? The black church helps to build strong black families..Trump is right:cool:

I, being a normal person of average intelligence, saw that speech for what it was. A poorly delivered set of remarks which demonstrated the desire of Donald Trump to pander to black voters. He failed to impress anyone other than his current base of support. People like you.

Donald Trump isn't a religious man and he's not concerned with the black experience in this nation.

Your enthusiasm in this thread leads me to think that you aren't serious.

Hillary is the panderer ..Trump doesn't pander, the church is the cornerstone of a healthy black family structure, it's always been that way. You leftist attempt to destroy the church, trivialize Judaeo-christian ethics and moral values, which leads to broken families, no moral compass, and black kids killing each other in the streets, because they have no respect for life. I'm very serious, but you're not a serious person, you're a board clown:slap:

The black church is thriving, is it not?
In some segments...Too many inner city young people have lost any relationship with God and family. I do a lot of work for black churches, and their parishioners. The nicest people you'll ever meet....Their children wouldn't be out killing each other in the streets

You are a clown. The church isn't the cornerstone of anything but the bank accounts of those who run the damned thing.
He did a great job:cool:

Trump claimed at the beginning of the speech that he wrote it.

If he wrote that speech, I'm the Queen of England. It was hilarious as he read it, it was like he was reading it for the first time. He kept interrupting the words he was reading to say, "So true! So true!" :lol:

You are 100% correct. He could barely read the thing.
How'd you like the speech? The black church helps to build strong black families..Trump is right:cool:

I, being a normal person of average intelligence, saw that speech for what it was. A poorly delivered set of remarks which demonstrated the desire of Donald Trump to pander to black voters. He failed to impress anyone other than his current base of support. People like you.

Donald Trump isn't a religious man and he's not concerned with the black experience in this nation.

Your enthusiasm in this thread leads me to think that you aren't serious.

Hillary is the panderer ..Trump doesn't pander, the church is the cornerstone of a healthy black family structure, it's always been that way. You leftist attempt to destroy the church, trivialize Judaeo-christian ethics and moral values, which leads to broken families, no moral compass, and black kids killing each other in the streets, because they have no respect for life. I'm very serious, but you're not a serious person, you're a board clown:slap:

The black church is thriving, is it not?
In some segments...Too many inner city young people have lost any relationship with God and family. I do a lot of work for black churches, and their parishioners. The nicest people you'll ever meet....Their children wouldn't be out killing each other in the streets

You are a clown. The church isn't the cornerstone of anything but the bank accounts of those who run the damned thing.

More proof that you don't know shit..Maybe you should expose to yourself to the world outside of you're little, dumbass, cocoon...What a peabrain :slap:
He did a great job:cool:

Trump claimed at the beginning of the speech that he wrote it.

If he wrote that speech, I'm the Queen of England. It was hilarious as he read it, it was like he was reading it for the first time. He kept interrupting the words he was reading to say, "So true! So true!" :lol:

lol..Poor liberal, cant tell when people actually speak from the heart..You've been listening to Obama's fake, bullshit, for way too long.... sheep:slap:
Yo, g5000 , this guy really thinks Trump is a devout Christian and cares about Israel. He truly believes that Trump will bring about Christian sharia if elected.
Trump's about as Christian as a heavily used dildo. I'm sure there are just as many rubes in the black community as there are in the white evangelical community (paging Mike Pence) who think Trump is a god-fearing Christian.
Yo, g5000 , this guy really thinks Trump is a devout Christian and cares about Israel. He truly believes that Trump will bring about Christian sharia if elected.

You don't have to be a devote Christian to know the Black church for the most part is good for America..unless it's some kinda of rev wright hate fest...Is it mandatory that you leftist scum be as dumb as you are?
Yo, g5000 , this guy really thinks Trump is a devout Christian and cares about Israel. He truly believes that Trump will bring about Christian sharia if elected.

You don't have to be a devote Christian to know the Black church for the most part is good for America..unless it's some kinda of rev wright hate fest...Is it mandatory that you leftist scum be as dumb as you are?

You said Trump doesn't pander. You don't get to call anyone dumb.
Going after the black vote is sort of like kicking over an ants nest with liberal morons.

Nothing, and I mean nothing gets them more frantic and panicked than the notion of any right wing Republican attempting to win over their slaves.

Nothing. They are all just kept, and locked away. As close to automatic votes as they will ever get and always just automatically count on. I mean, they are their slaves. Rationed and seduced.

I mean, I personally think it is rather hilarious how they are owned and almost all of them don't know it. Whatever.
Going after the black vote is sort of like kicking over an ants nest with liberal morons.

Nothing, and I mean nothing gets them more frantic and panicked than the notion of any right wing Republican attempting to win over their slaves.

Nothing. They are all just kept, and locked away. As close to automatic votes as they will ever get and always just automatically count on. I mean, they are their slaves. Rationed and seduced.

I mean, I personally think it is rather hilarious how they are owned and almost all of them don't know it. Whatever.

Dumbest argument ever made.
Libs have gone insane over this speech, attacking and criticizing Trump, because the way he was received - getting a standing ovation - scares the crap out of Democrats.

Libs are losing the black vote.

I just saw where 'Diddy' said black have gotten the short end of the stick under Barry.

Liberals can claim the opposite until they are blue in the face...but they know.

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