Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Wow...remember how libs gave Conservatives shit for daring to question Obama's faith...even when he 'mis-spoke' on live tv and said 'My Muslim faith' and had to be corrected by the interviewer?!

Lib hypocrisy is on full display tonight, I see.

Yep, and it was the libs who were bashing Trump because he was talking to a white audience about the problems in the black community.

So Trump did as the libs suggested and went to a black church, and now they are bashing him for doing that. Obama might have attended, but Trump was not about to bash our country by saying GOD DAMN AMERICA or how the chickens are coming home to roost.
His trade and immigration polices are designed to increase jobs, wages and working conditions for Working Class and Middle Class Americans.

He SAYS they are. What politician doesn't?

I don't know. I hear a lot of libs and anti-trump people on this site arguing that we should just give up on manufacturing jobs, and manual labor jobs, and high tech jobs...

INdeed, it seems that fighting for those jobs is a pretty unpopular opinion around here.

The Republican Party is not the pro-labor party, between the two.

Errr, that's weird.

I thought we were talking about pro-job policies.

I responded to your previous post and when you hit the reply button, nothing in your post addressed my post.

Here, maybe you misread my post.

I don't know. I hear a lot of libs and anti-trump people on this site arguing that we should just give up on manufacturing jobs, and manual labor jobs, and high tech jobs...

INdeed, it seems that fighting for those jobs is a pretty unpopular opinion around here.

So the era of the free market conservative is over?


Surely you are aware of the HUGE and LOUD battle in the Republican Party over Trump's proposed Trade Polices.

There are several Free Trade Republicans on this site that have attacked Trump's trade policies mercilessly

I didn't pay a lot of attention to the other republican candidates once Trump came out with his polices, but I am sure that many of them were Free Traders.

The Free Traders have lost THIS battle.

But they are certainly not gone. This is a Contest of Ideas that is not over.

Hopefully a successful Trump Presidency with good results from his Immigration and Trade Policies will convince more and more of them to join us.
His trade and immigration polices are designed to increase jobs, wages and working conditions for Working Class and Middle Class Americans.

He SAYS they are. What politician doesn't?

I don't know. I hear a lot of libs and anti-trump people on this site arguing that we should just give up on manufacturing jobs, and manual labor jobs, and high tech jobs...

INdeed, it seems that fighting for those jobs is a pretty unpopular opinion around here.

The Republican Party is not the pro-labor party, between the two.

Errr, that's weird.

I thought we were talking about pro-job policies.

I responded to your previous post and when you hit the reply button, nothing in your post addressed my post.

Here, maybe you misread my post.

I don't know. I hear a lot of libs and anti-trump people on this site arguing that we should just give up on manufacturing jobs, and manual labor jobs, and high tech jobs...

INdeed, it seems that fighting for those jobs is a pretty unpopular opinion around here.

There's a difference between pro-labor and pro-jobs?


Trump proposed Trade and Immigration policies are all about increasing available jobs and wages for American workers.

If Unions were about representing the best interests of their members, they would be supporting Trump.

Yet the Dems are the ones that support UNIONS, politically.

And the ones that unions almost always support.

YOu dismissed my claim about Trump's policies by suggesting that I was basing my opinion on them by what Trump said about them.

And implied that all politicians claim that their policies would increase jobs and wages.

I pointed out that many anti-trump people are arguing that we should just give up on quite a lot of jobs, manufacturing, manual labor, and high tech jobs.

And that my arguing for trying for those jobs seems an unpopular position around here.

You have not addressed that point.
He did a great job:cool:

Trump claimed at the beginning of the speech that he wrote it.

If he wrote that speech, I'm the Queen of England. It was hilarious as he read it, it was like he was reading it for the first time. He kept interrupting the words he was reading to say, "So true! So true!" :lol:

I thought he did stuff like that all the time.
So what's next on Trump's Bucket List, now that he's 'talked to some black people'?

What would you rather he do? Show how racist he is by ignoring an invitation to speak at a black church?

Have you lost your mind? Or is it just that you're uber unreasonable?

He has already declined invitations from the NAACP, National Urban League, and the National Association of Black Journalists.
You liberals just can't stand that Trump is doing more hands on outreach with African Americans. The fact the he's doing this in churches only makes it even worse for you.

You can't stand it. It's easy to see!
^This.. You hit the nail on the head.. Liberals are melting down and ate up with sheer terror.. .They've used the race card for so long, it's their auction block and they see it crumbling. It's like Diamond and Silk said.. the Slave Masters used food and housing to keep their slaves... Dems use EBT -food and Ghettos- housing to keep their slaves on the Liberal Plantation of shit.

I added a little more if you're interested.

Man....are you needy or what?

Were you trying to make a point?

One of LL's tactics is, when he CAN'T seriously or honestly attack a point a conservative raises, is to just post some vague and meaningless shit, that is sort of kinda of negative sounding.

THus he can sort of dispute the point the con makes, without actually doing so, so has nothing to respond to.

AND in classic mode, he did so and tried to make the topic about YOU, and some made up failing you supposedly have.

He would love for the topic to you YOU, and not any real issue.

He can just dismiss everything you say about yourself, with assholeness, and bury any real discussion of the topic under partisan blather and spin.

He is a troll.

And I believe a sociopath.
You are a clown.

You are a bigot. A giant one. As evidenced in the proceeding statement.

The church isn't the cornerstone of anything but the bank accounts of those who run the damned thing.

So, who's the clown? You're making your hatred of Christians quite clear.

(sitting in my chair twiddling my thumbs waiting for a wisecrack about my weight or my lack of employment)

You liberals just can't stand that Trump is doing more hands on outreach with African Americans. The fact the he's doing this in churches only makes it even worse for you.

You can't stand it. It's easy to see!
^This.. You hit the nail on the head.. Liberals are melting down and ate up with sheer terror.. .They've used the race card for so long, it's their auction block and they see it crumbling. It's like Diamond and Silk said.. the Slave Masters used food and housing to keep their slaves... Dems use EBT -food and Ghettos- housing to keep their slaves on the Liberal Plantation of shit.

I added a little more if you're interested.

Man....are you needy or what?

Were you trying to make a point?

One of LL's tactics is, when he CAN'T seriously or honestly attack a point a conservative raises, is to just post some vague and meaningless shit, that is sort of kinda of negative sounding.

THus he can sort of dispute the point the con makes, without actually doing so, so has nothing to respond to.

AND in classic mode, he did so and tried to make the topic about YOU, and some made up failing you supposedly have.

He would love for the topic to you YOU, and not any real issue.

He can just dismiss everything you say about yourself, with assholeness, and bury any real discussion of the topic under partisan blather and spin.

He is a troll.

And I believe a sociopath.

Look. Its another idiot Trump supporter trying to analyze one of his superiors.

I responded to this thread topic dummy. TK began the insults. You haven't addressed the topic. Are you a troll?
I'm sure those that attended will keep everything Trump says to themselves.
Nah the MSM that you say would never report anything Trump says has already plastered it all over the place

Plastered what he said or that only 100 people attended?
100? :eusa_think:
You haven't answered the question.
Yes, there's probably about 100 people in that room as not everybody is in the angle of the camera.
What question... the "what have you got to lose" question that I asked? Well they have their constitutional rights and freedoms to lose. Trump supports racially profiling minorities as being guilty until proven innocent. He's posted blatant lies on national media to make black people look as terrible as possible.

Black communities have seen a huge decline in murder rates, and an increase in employment and education rates since the disastrous Reagan Presidency that assaulted their communities.

I think they have quite a lot to lose.
I watch his interviews and speeches.
You listen to the sound bites.
If he ever said something like that I wouldn't vote for.
Nice ad bed wetter. It was debunked in Matturd's asinine thread yesterday.

Go choke on a bag of dicks.

Sorry Repubtard, it's a proven fact that Republicans buy Dicks by the bag full to stuff in their mouth.
You want some Republican cock so bad you can taste it.

Sorry nobody wants Republicans tiny cocks. We all know Republicans envy Democrats big swinging cocks. This is why you don't dispute the fact that Republicans buy Dicks by the bag full to stuff in their mouth.
Nah the MSM that you say would never report anything Trump says has already plastered it all over the place

Plastered what he said or that only 100 people attended?
100? :eusa_think:
You haven't answered the question.
Yes, there's probably about 100 people in that room as not everybody is in the angle of the camera.
What question... the "what have you got to lose" question that I asked? Well they have their constitutional rights and freedoms to lose. Trump supports racially profiling minorities as being guilty until proven innocent. He's posted blatant lies on national media to make black people look as terrible as possible.

Black communities have seen a huge decline in murder rates, and an increase in employment and education rates since the disastrous Reagan Presidency that assaulted their communities.

I think they have quite a lot to lose.
I watch his interviews and speeches.
You listen to the sound bites.
If he ever said something like that I wouldn't vote for.

Yes Trump did say that he will strip us of more Constitutional Rights.
Nice ad bed wetter. It was debunked in Matturd's asinine thread yesterday.

Go choke on a bag of dicks.

Sorry Repubtard, it's a proven fact that Republicans buy Dicks by the bag full to stuff in their mouth.
You want some Republican cock so bad you can taste it.
Sorry nobody wants Republicans tiny cocks. We all know Republicans envy Democrats big swinging cocks. This is why you don't dispute the fact that Republicans buy Dicks by the bag full to stuff in their mouth.
Male liberals are just women with dicks, no wonder you think about cock so much.
Plastered what he said or that only 100 people attended?
100? :eusa_think:
You haven't answered the question.
Yes, there's probably about 100 people in that room as not everybody is in the angle of the camera.
What question... the "what have you got to lose" question that I asked? Well they have their constitutional rights and freedoms to lose. Trump supports racially profiling minorities as being guilty until proven innocent. He's posted blatant lies on national media to make black people look as terrible as possible.

Black communities have seen a huge decline in murder rates, and an increase in employment and education rates since the disastrous Reagan Presidency that assaulted their communities.

I think they have quite a lot to lose.
I watch his interviews and speeches.
You listen to the sound bites.
If he ever said something like that I wouldn't vote for.

Yes Trump did say that he will strip us of more Constitutional Rights.
Please provide a Link.
Yes Trump did say that he will strip us of more Constitutional Rights.

You wish.


Trump wants to strip thousands of us of property rights to build walls just like he did the New Yorkers. Trump want's us to carry papers, Real ID & E-Verify to prove who we are. Trump wants to strip Natural Born US citizens of their property & deport them to countries they have never been. Trump wants to devalue our currency, after Republican Nixon took US off the Gold Standard. The list of Trump Constitutional Violations is Very Long!!!
Yes Trump did say that he will strip us of more Constitutional Rights.

You wish.


Trump wants to strip thousands of us of property rights to build walls just like he did the New Yorkers. Trump want's us to carry papers, Real ID & E-Verify to prove who we are. Trump wants to strip Natural Born US citizens of their property & deport them to countries they have never been. Trump wants to devalue our currency, after Republican Nixon took US off the Gold Standard. The list of Trump Constitutional Violations is Very Long!!!

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