Trump adds 6 times more jobs last two years then Obama’s last two..

and Obama didn't give a huge tax cut to corps or the elites or have to tell the corps they could pollute all they want.
Two Charts Show Trump's Job Gains Are Just A Continuation From Obama's Presidency
Actually Obama has done much better than tramp.
tramp inherited an UR of December 2016: 4.7%, decreased 0.3%

Obama inherited an UR of December 2009: 9.9%, increased 2.6%(teeth of the recession)
Trump is amazing! How can he do so well I’m only two years!? Amazing
Trump is amazing! How can he do so well I’m only two years!? Amazing

Obama was 100X's the president tramp ever thought of becoming. (I say becoming, as he is not presidential at all- he is a disaster)
Trump is amazing! How can he do so well I’m only two years!? Amazing

Obama was 100X's the president tramp ever thought of becoming. (I say becoming, as he is not presidential at all- he is a disaster)
Did you read the number! 6x Obama lol obama was a joke haha

If you read the budget you will see he has cut all gov depts. except the defense budget. More cuts are coming this year.
Jobs created under Obama were mostly government jobs (paid by tax dollars). Jobs created by Trump were REAL jobs, paid for by an expanding economy. BIG DIFFERENCE.
This is NOT Obama's economy by any stretch of the imagination.

Trump is amazing! How can he do so well I’m only two years!? Amazing

Obama was 100X's the president tramp ever thought of becoming. (I say becoming, as he is not presidential at all- he is a disaster)
Did you read the number! 6x Obama lol obama was a joke haha

If you read the budget you will see he has cut all gov depts. except the defense budget. More cuts are coming this year.
Good cut them all!

Obama's term ended in 2016.....stop using that excuse. Lol
This is Trump's economy and not some continuation from Obama.

No its a continuation of Obama's. If Trump had inherited what Obama did , we'd be in the greatest depression of all time.
Stop being a child Obama was a horrible President,, no one tried to hire him in the free market.
Jobs created under Obama were mostly government jobs (paid by tax dollars). Jobs created by Trump were REAL jobs, paid for by an expanding economy. BIG DIFFERENCE.
This is NOT Obama's economy by any stretch of the imagination.

Correct me if I am wrong, wasn't it Obama that outsourced jobs overseas? Like China?
Wasn't it Obama that we went through more welfare state than any other Presidents? The Unemployment rate was staggering throughout his terms, right?
Trump adds 6 times more jobs last two years then Obama’s last two..

Wow, a syllogistic fallacy from hell!

Considering that the economy was not in the same situation when both started doesn't make the metric seem like Trump did more.He didn't. Trump started with a good economy unlike 2009 when Oblama took over. It is unfair to compare them together.
It is like saying the rocket flew faster the higher it went...Well duh...
Jobs created under Obama were mostly government jobs (paid by tax dollars). Jobs created by Trump were REAL jobs, paid for by an expanding economy. BIG DIFFERENCE.
This is NOT Obama's economy by any stretch of the imagination.

Correct me if I am wrong, wasn't it Obama that outsourced jobs overseas? Like China?
Wasn't it Obama that we went through more welfare state than any other Presidents? The Unemployment rate was staggering throughout his terms, right?
Yes, he did. Then he made the statement that we should get used to the fact that manufacturing jobs were not coming back. And the jobs he "created" were not from a growing economy, they were from a growing government. His sluggish GDP numbers reveal the truth about his economy.

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