Trump Admin Added $8 Trillion to the National Debt

President Trump will fix the debt and reveal his healthcare plan in his second term. Have faith.

OP forgets that half of that $8 trillion was due to Covid 19. If dems had their way it would be $11 trillion.
Does it even matter anymore?
Does anyone really care?
Might as well make the stimulus checks 100 grand and we can have one big party before the house of cards crashes.
This is after he criticized Obama for his massive debt spending. When will the Republican Party stop lying to the people about being fiscal conservatives?

What party controlled the house the two biggest spending years of Trump's presidency? Ya know, that's where spending bills originate. Not on Trumps desk.

I'll ask you like I've asked the other morons like you on the left. Trump is attacked if he doesn't sign every covid19 bill (we saw that in the weeks following his refusal) and when he does, he's attacked for deficit spending.

What exactly was he supposed to do that would have had your support and you would have said was the right thing to do? Because as I see it, he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

Oh and it's the republican party right now saying 'NO' to 2000 bucks in everyone's pocket. The democrats are saying yes bigtime. So where is your criticism of them?
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COVID is Trump's fault too huh? This isn't even a bad attempt at trolling.

What party controlled the house the two biggest spending years of Trump's presidency? Ya know, that's where spending bills originate. Not on Trumps desk.

Stop making excuses, hacks. He was hiking up the debt at a faster rate than Obama before everyone even knew what COVID was
This is after he criticized Obama for his massive debt spending. When will the Republican Party stop lying to the people about being fiscal conservatives?

How much of that is CHINA's responsibility, I mean if you want an honest thread you can't blame Trump for CHINA dickheads heaping a pandemic on the whole planet now can you.

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