Trump Administration Aggressively, Successfully, Taking Down Child Traffickers - No Thanks To The FBI - Where's The Media?

The media mocked the contrived story and plat to undermine Bill Clinton just like they have tried since 1992. Child trafficking and minors under sexploitation is nothing new in the USA and has been fought since the powers that be became powers in society. The group that is pushing the crackdown narrative is the teens in the US..My age group really gave it little attention..

Still lying to cover up for the child sex traffickers.

Hey dumbfuck, we have PROOF Clinton was a frequent guest on the Lolita Express and the pedophile Island. Even after being proven, you lie to cover up the child sex industry.

His love, loyalty, and devotion is to his masters in the Democratic Party. Raped children aren't on his radar.
I'm not the on
Not that you would know it since the anti-Trump media has refused to highlight Trump administration successes, but the DOJ has just successfully executed its 3rd or 4th operation in which it has taken down huge child-trafficking organizations, rescuing over 1,300 children, victims of child sex trafficking, since 2016!


HUGE! US Marshals Service Announces Rescue
of More than 1,300 Missing Children Including
Victims of Sex Trafficking — TRUMP Has Doubled

the Number of Rescues!

"While the FBI was out raiding conservatives at home in their sleep over the bogus Russia hoax — The US Marshals were out rescuing missing children and children victims of sex trafficking.

US Marshals Service Director Donald Washington made the announcement on Thursday that the US Marshals have rescued over 1,300 missing children since fiscal year 2016."

Are US Marshalls rescuing the thousands of children Donald Trump took away from their parents and lost in the foster care system? That would be the first place they needed to start.

Your desperation to make Dumb Donald seem like a caring person who hasn't killed 210,000 Americans with his "hoax" virus is stirring. This is your 4th thread this morning, pushing Russian propaganda and bullshit.

Trump rescured 1300 children. I guess he's getting ready to send them to the Covid Classrooms.

Another advocate for the child sex trafficking trade shows up.

C'mon man, tell me leftists aren't pure evil.

If there is a god, you're in for a rough eternity, deservedly so.

Failure to believe FOX News lies is not advocating for child sex trafficking, but in truly Republican style, you accuse other of doing what you're doing.

You voted for Donald Trump - who has been credibly accused of raping a 13 year old girl. You voted for a child sex trafficker.

So don't try to paint me or anyone else as advocating child sex trafficking because we're not buying into FOX News propaganda as Donald Trump the saviour of small children, because it's bullshit. Trump has literally been killing children with his policies. Children are dying across the country as Trump forces the country to re-open schools, businesses and places of employment, while the pandemic rages.
Then go after Bill Clinton stupid bitch I had nothing to do with it. I lied about nothing, you however are the one lying to try and hurt my character. I kill child molestors and sex abusers...The largest sources of kids having sex with adults is in the form of prostitution to anyone that has the dough and that includes millions more than one guy you are hung up on.

Then stop covering for child sex traffickers, scumbag.

your posts are being reported for false allegations y
The media isn't reporting on it for the same reason they didn't report on the Obama administration giving an untold number of children directly in to the hands of child traffickers. Actually working WITH them.
Look it up... it is true.

It is true....I wonder, did you read the entire Snopes entry? It appears that the violations and vile practices went on well into 2018--who was President then?

Estimated more than 6,000 children abused and used for slave labor in 2018?

As a result of the investigation, HHS and the Department of Homeland Security entered into an agreement to hammer out a joint plan that would address the issues raised in the report. As of 26 April 2018, that still had not happened according to Portman, who released a statement blasting the agencies for their failure to take action. He wrote:

The agreement said the agencies would enter into a detailed “Joint Concept of Operations” that would spell out what the agencies would do to fix the problems. They gave themselves a deadline of February 2017. That was over a year ago.
It’s now April 2018. We still don’t have that Joint Concept of Operations — the JCO — and despite repeated questions from Sen. Carper and me, as well as our staffs, over the past year, we don’t have any answers about why that is.
In fact, in a recent meeting, a DHS official asked our investigators why we even cared about the JCO.

The issue of HHS’s lack of accountability for unaccompanied immigrant children came to a head in May 2018 when HHS acting assistant secretary of Administration for Children and Families Steven Wagner told a Senate oversight committee that the agency could not account for 1,475 children it had placed with sponsors from October to December 2017. The furor over that story accompanied outrage over the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy, with critics raising concerns that the federal government was unnecessarily overwhelming an already-overburdened system with traumatized children.

To make matters worse, an investigation published 19 June 2018 by McClatchy revealed that the figure was only a snapshot from a three-month period and the number of children who are unaccounted for by HHS is actually nearly 6,000. The figure is likely exacerbated by an April 2018 agreement that allows background check information, including immigration status, of caregivers like parents and relatives to be shared with immigration authorities. McClatchy reported:

No... that is not what it says. It says they lost track of some number of kids. It does not, in any way, say the practice of turning immigrant children over to child traffickers continued to 2018. That would be hard since the front organization was closed down in 2015
There has been a rise in successful raids / operations against child-trafficking organizations since the feds raided Epstein's pedo island, where supposedly there was a wealth of information / evidence / documents kept.

I have wondered a LOT about why we have not seen anything come out....I believe we are starting to see why and the ;fruit' of all that information obtained.

One thing we definitely learned in the M.E. - if you raid an enemy safe house / location and you obtain ell phones / cell phone numbers of bad guys, you don't let anyone know you have them - you exploit them. I am beginning to think that Epstein had information on different child trafficking organizations, contacts, contact info, locations, etc....and we have been / are exploiting that information.

I hope so!

Save the kids. Take down the pedo animals.

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