Trump administration cutting EPA restriction on coal and oil. MAGA!

Already a thread on this, but not really true-

Mercury and Air Toxics Standards for Power Plants: Revised Supplemental Finding and Residual Risk and Technology Review Final Rule
• On April 16, 2020, EPA completed a reconsideration of the appropriate and necessary finding for the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS), correcting flaws in the approach to considering costs and benefits while ensuring that hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions from power plants continue to be appropriately controlled.
• Under this action, no more mercury or any other hazardous air pollutant will be emitted into the air than before. EPA is maintaining its mercury and air toxics emissions standards as Administrator Wheeler announced nearly a year ago.
• EPA is not removing coal- and oil-fired power plants from the list of affected source categories for regulation under section 112 of the Clean Air Act (CAA), so MATS remains in effect.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler said the rollback was reversing what he depicted as regulatory overreach by the Obama administration. “We have put in place an honest accounting method that balances” the cost to utilities with public safety, he said.

Wheeler is a former coal lobbyist whose previous clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they sought from the Trump administration.

Money well spent to get thing change in your favor

Yet most of the upgrades have already been done.

In 2017, Wheeler, while still a lobbyist, accompanied coal magnate Robert Murray on some of Murray's calls to new Trump Cabinet members. Murray was pushing a list of desired rollbacks of regulations on coal, as well as asking for major staffing cuts at the EPA and other changes at government boards.

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