Trump administration has notified Congress that Iran is complying with Obama Great Nuke Deal


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
Matthew Lee, AP Diplomatic Writer
12 hours ago
WASHINGTON - The Trump administration has notified Congress that Iran is complying with the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal negotiated by former President Barack Obama, and says the U.S. has extended the sanctions relief given to the Islamic republic in exchange for curbs on its atomic program.

Trump administration: Iran complying with nuclear deal

Amazing isn't it. Iran is complying and Trump continues sanctions relief.

Bomb bomb bomb Iran idiots must be very depressed right now.
Remember when the now Dunce-In-Chief was screeching about how he would "Rip up the Iran deal on day one!?"
This will create or sustain 18,000 US jobs. Good jobs.

. Nasser Karimi and Jon Gambrell | Associated PressUpdated 1:49 p.m. ET April 4, 2017
Boeing said Tuesday that it had agreed to sell $3 billion in airplanes to an Iranian airline, deepening the American manufacturer's bet on the Iranian market following the lifting of sanctions.

Boeing signs $3 billion deal to sell planes to Iran airline

Obama made these jobs possible.

Trump will take credit saying (lying) he supported the Iran Deal all along. That's what liars do.
deltex1, post: 11092799
How do they feel about Mom and Apple pie?

On the Iran deal Most Americans were right. You on the other hand stood with the neocon warmongers still dripping with Iraqi and US Troops sent there - blood.

You worship death
No matter. Trump is still hoping to send thousands of U.S. troops to their doom for nothing somewhere. Iran remains a prime candidate.
Matthew Lee, AP Diplomatic Writer
12 hours ago
WASHINGTON - The Trump administration has notified Congress that Iran is complying with the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal negotiated by former President Barack Obama, and says the U.S. has extended the sanctions relief given to the Islamic republic in exchange for curbs on its atomic program.

Trump administration: Iran complying with nuclear deal

Amazing isn't it. Iran is complying and Trump continues sanctions relief.

Bomb bomb bomb Iran idiots must be very depressed right now.

Yep, and apparently that pisses off the Trump team - which is why Tillerson is beating the Iran war drums.
This is supposed to be "news"?

Of course Iran is complying. The Obama deal gave them everything they wanted: Relief from sanctions, a billion dollars or so, and permission to develop their own atomic bomb.

The fact that it was an absolutely miserable deal, giving the world's worst terrorist nation nuclear weapons, is conveniently overlooked.

Trumps is determined to junk the deal and "re-negotiate" one that Iran likes a lot less. Kudoes to President Trump.
Little-Acorn, post: 17067842
This is supposed to be "news"?

It is huge news because warmonger right-wing opposition was very much based on predictions that Iran would not comply.

It's always good news when right wing warmongers are proven wrong and they don't get to start wars and kill people because diplomacy works.
Indeed. Giving billions of dollars to state sponsors of terrorism is a GREAT IDEA.
Indeed. Giving billions of dollars to state sponsors of terrorism is a GREAT IDEA.
The money was Iran's money.
Right? We make GREAT foreign policy giving terrorists back their shit.
We always lost with that dumbfuck in office. Fucking iran laughing at us. Jeebus Christ. And ignorant assholes like you love we give terrorists billions of dollars.
How has that ALWAYS worked out?
You people are insane.
Indeed. Giving billions of dollars to state sponsors of terrorism is a GREAT IDEA.
The money was Iran's money.
Right? We make GREAT foreign policy giving terrorists back their shit.
We always lost with that dumbfuck in office. Fucking iran laughing at us. Jeebus Christ. And ignorant assholes like you love we give terrorists billions of dollars.
How has that ALWAYS worked out?
You people are insane.
You and Trump want to steal Mid East oil ... a war crime.
Indeed. Giving billions of dollars to state sponsors of terrorism is a GREAT IDEA.
The money was Iran's money.
Right? We make GREAT foreign policy giving terrorists back their shit.
We always lost with that dumbfuck in office. Fucking iran laughing at us. Jeebus Christ. And ignorant assholes like you love we give terrorists billions of dollars.
How has that ALWAYS worked out?
You people are insane.
You and Trump want to steal Mid East oil ... a war crime.
lol ya big dummy
Little-Acorn, post: 17067842,
The fact that it was an absolutely miserable deal, giving the world's worst terrorist nation nuclear weapons, is conveniently overlooked.

When did Iran get nuclear weapons or when do they according to whatever bullshit artist you are listening to, do you know they will produce a nuclear weapon?

Backup your claim or admit you are lying, because if Iran is complying it clearly means they are not developing a nuclear weapon. .

Paul Ryan tweeted last December: “As #Iran continues to violate the nuclear deal, we must maintain the ability to immediately reinstate sanctions,”

Ryan was third in line to the Presidency when he lied that Iran continues to violate the deal. It is huge news that such high level leaders in the GOP are such huge liars.

Don't you think Ryan should check his facts before spouting off political lies that could involve starting a war?
TNHarley, post: 17068383
Indeed. Giving billions of dollars to state sponsors of terrorism is a GREAT IDEA.

We didn't give Iran any money that was not their's. So many lies from the right about Iran. Sanctions are still in place with regard to Iran's terrorism.

But getting Iran to comply with a deal that prevents them from doing what North Korea has done is a win for the world rightly worried about nuclear proliferation.

And you would have Trump kill the 18,000 Boeing jobs in America that Obama created because you live in such constant trumped up fear.

Go hide somewhere and leave us intelligent and brave Americans alone.
TNHarley, post: 17068383
Indeed. Giving billions of dollars to state sponsors of terrorism is a GREAT IDEA.

We didn't give Iran any money that was not their's. So many lies from the right about Iran. Sanctions are still in place with regard to Iran's terrorism.

But getting Iran to comply with a deal that prevents them from doing what North Korea has done is a win for the world rightly worried about nuclear proliferation.

And you would have Trump kill the 18,000 Boeing jobs in America that Obama created because you live in such constant trumped up fear.

Go hide somewhere and leave us intelligent and brave Americans alone.
nice justification for giving terrorists billions of dollars.
Whats funny is, you act like you are smart but don't realize the pandoras box that mindset could start.
You lost me on the rest. Must be high as fuck?
TNHarley, post: 17070453
nice justification for giving terrorists billions of dollars

We did not give Iran anything. Sanction were lift and their frozen assets were unfrozen.

Say it correctly if you must repeat wingnut whine.

You don't have a counter-argument why it would be better to have left Iran under sanctions as they were about a year from having produced their own high grade uranium giving them the ability to produce a bomb.

They would have it by now in other words.

The Nuke Deal reversed their enrichment program and they are farther away from a nuclear weapon than they were nearly two years ago.

I guess you don't have the intellect to understand how the Boeing Deal creates and sustains jobs in America.

You'd think a Trumpeteer would get the jobs angle, but nothing surprising about what makes a Trumpeteer tick.

Very weird people they are.

But now that Trump has certified to Congress that Iran is complying and unprincipled liars like Paul Ryan have been outed, you don't realize that you need a new outrage at Obama since he was right about the Iran Deal, very right.

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