Trump admits he is part of the 47%

Poor, poor Trump

He made less money last year than a family of Mexican immigrants

In the debate last night, Hillary brought up the reason Trump won't release his returns......He pays no taxes
The only tax returns ever released by Trump showed him paying ZERO Federal Income Tax

Trump smirked and said it shows how smart he is

We have a word for those who don't pay taxes.......FREELOADER

I agree that paying no tax when you make that much is purely wrong, however I would save the designation of freeloader for those that do nothing, collect government assistance and then have the nerve to call someone that produces income a freeloader.
The free loader is the one that does not pay tax and does not support themselves. Donald supports himself rather nicely, he is not a drain on society.

Let's be clear here. I don't have any problem with how Trump makes his money. That is what it is. I have a problem with the fact that the man has no "skin in the game" when it comes to federal income taxes. That said, when I think about Trump paying no taxes -- at any point in time, seeing as at every point in time, he's earned far more than I have --- and receiving the same things I do from the Federal Government, if not more, he looks like a freeloader to me, and in my book, one either is or is not a freeloader. There are no degrees of freeloader, and, frankly, someone earning hundreds of millions of dollars a year, has no business being a freeloader. Period.

What Trump gets in return for paying no federal income taxes:
  • He gets FAA services that allow him to fly that 757 of his all over the nation just like everyone else who flies safely on commercial airlines.
  • Het gets all the same military protections everyone else who pays for it does.
  • He got a dead Osama Bin Laden just like the rest of us who pay taxes roughly commensurate our earnings.
  • He gets a Senator and a Congressperson to represent him in Congress.
  • He gets weather reports that tell him when a hurricane is headed toward his homes.
  • He gets FEMA and other organizations clearing roads, rescuing and helping flood victims in Baton Rouge so he can drive to a photo op with people who actually paid their share of taxes.
  • He gets roads built so folks can drive to his for-profit clubs.
  • He gets the Federal Reserve of the U.S. combating inflation so his dollars are worth something.
  • He gets military veterans to whom he can pander even though, unlike the rest of us, he pays no federal income taxes to support them, not while they are serving nor after they've served.
  • He gets people who are educated enough for him to hire them to work in his businesses.
  • He gets medications are safe to use.
  • He gets intellectual property laws that protect the Trump brand that allows him, via licensing deals, to generate the lion's share of the net worth on which he pays no taxes.
At the end of the day, what it comes down to is the man wants you and me to pay his salary as President, a salary that will come from our tax payments, yet he effectively doesn't pay federal income taxes.
And we KNOW he doesn't pay any Federal because Harry and Hillary said so?

Trump admitted it

There is that.
In the debate last night, Hillary brought up the reason Trump won't release his returns......He pays no taxes
The only tax returns ever released by Trump showed him paying ZERO Federal Income Tax

Trump smirked and said it shows how smart he is

We have a word for those who don't pay taxes.......FREELOADER

I agree that paying no tax when you make that much is purely wrong, however I would save the designation of freeloader for those that do nothing, collect government assistance and then have the nerve to call someone that produces income a freeloader.
The free loader is the one that does not pay tax and does not support themselves. Donald supports himself rather nicely, he is not a drain on society.
Many folks produce and earn income, but that income is so low it is not taxed. These folks are gleefully referred to as "Freeloaders" by the same folks who think Trump's tax dodge is somehow a noble exercise.
when those people can get more money back than they paid in to taxes, the sit around claiming that some guy only paid a few million in taxes is not paying his fair share, then yes they become ignorant unproductive free loaders
It appears that Trump did not pay a few million in taxes. From his response, we might conclude he paid nothing in taxes. Yet he benefits greater than any of those so called freeloaders who do work but get paid so little they are not taxed.

Who's the freeloader? Someone with a private jet and homes all around the globe but pays no taxes, or someone who works for low wages and wishes he could have a steak for dinner but subsists on ramen noodles?
Now that we know Trump makes too little money to qualify for paying taxes, Trump is eligible for:

Free Obamacare...take care of them sniffles Donny
Charter Schools for his son Baron...let him take classes with those "negroes and Mexicans" who admire Trump so much
Food stamps....I hear the local food pantry has those taco bowls Trump loves so much
Mass transit voucher....who needs a helicopter when you can take the bus?
In the debate last night, Hillary brought up the reason Trump won't release his returns......He pays no taxes
The only tax returns ever released by Trump showed him paying ZERO Federal Income Tax

Trump smirked and said it shows how smart he is

We have a word for those who don't pay taxes.......FREELOADER

I agree that paying no tax when you make that much is purely wrong, however I would save the designation of freeloader for those that do nothing, collect government assistance and then have the nerve to call someone that produces income a freeloader.
The free loader is the one that does not pay tax and does not support themselves. Donald supports himself rather nicely, he is not a drain on society.
Many folks produce and earn income, but that income is so low it is not taxed. These folks are gleefully referred to as "Freeloaders" by the same folks who think Trump's tax dodge is somehow a noble exercise.
when those people can get more money back than they paid in to taxes, the sit around claiming that some guy only paid a few million in taxes is not paying his fair share, then yes they become ignorant unproductive free loaders

Wait a minute. Are you seriously going to begrudge folks who qualify for any of the five refundable tax credits -- the only credits/deductions that make it possible (not assured, but possible) for one to get more income tax money returned to them than they had withheld/paid during a given tax year? Let's get real. One has to be poor to "just barely not poor" to qualify for them. That in your mind makes those poor folks freeloaders? Really? Jesus. I make no pretense about being a Social Darwinist, and even I wouldn't resent those folks' getting the little bit they may from a refundable tax credit.

I think you have some sort of twisted way of thinking. Let's be clear. You know who wants to be poor enough to qualify for a refundable tax credit? The people who earn a little bit more than the maximum sum allowed to qualify.

Take a look at the chart below.


You see that orange band? That's folks who paid no taxes (however that comes to be so). Who's in that group? Two classes of workers: the very poorest of our countrymen and the very richest of them. Of the non-rich folks in those two groups, I can live with their getting a bit of money back, but the idea that folks who are most able to pay for everything they can need, imagine needing or wanting without care for whether they'll eat, or get their transmission fixed, and so on pay nothing does not sit well with me. The fact of the matter is that even if one can deduct one's way to a zero tax liability, a sense of civic duty ought to be enough that a $600M household would feel obliged to at least pay some small pittance (relative to their income), even if it's just, say $10K.
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In the debate last night, Hillary brought up the reason Trump won't release his returns......He pays no taxes
The only tax returns ever released by Trump showed him paying ZERO Federal Income Tax

Trump smirked and said it shows how smart he is

We have a word for those who don't pay taxes.......FREELOADER

And it's his fault if he's paid no Federal taxes?
I'm sure you use every tax law in your favor or are you that dumb?
Blame Congress, not Trump.

Doesn't EVERYONE in the 47% use the tax code to avoid paying taxes?

Trump is a bigger FREELOADER than any of them

A family making $20,000 a year doesn't have a team of lawyers fighting to make sure they don't pay taxes

Whose fault is that?
In the debate last night, Hillary brought up the reason Trump won't release his returns......He pays no taxes
The only tax returns ever released by Trump showed him paying ZERO Federal Income Tax

Trump smirked and said it shows how smart he is

We have a word for those who don't pay taxes.......FREELOADER

And it's his fault if he's paid no Federal taxes?
I'm sure you use every tax law in your favor or are you that dumb?
Blame Congress, not Trump.

Doesn't EVERYONE in the 47% use the tax code to avoid paying taxes?

Trump is a bigger FREELOADER than any of them

A family making $20,000 a year doesn't have a team of lawyers fighting to make sure they don't pay taxes

Whose fault is that?

Why obviously the lawyers fault
I had to laugh when Hillary baited Trump about his taxes and started with...

Donald is not as rich as he claims
Donald does not contribute much to charity

and then

Donald does not pay federal taxes

Amazingly, after Trump had challenged everything Hillary said about him as being a lie....he meekly let it go
Oh Definitely. I Agree. But to me, It is a matter of degree.

By now, you know me, I'm not an ideologue, I'm a pragmatist. If you are comparing two crony capitalists, who is more the crony? The one that openly criticizes their slave master, or the one that stays silent?


System whores never realize when they are system trapped. Now the shitty people of this nation have resorted to scaling cronyism?
How dare you judge me?

Of course I know that. Ask anyone on this site that has been here more than, what, a whole ten months noob?

They will tell you that I don't even believe your vote even means shit. The system will put into power whoever the hell it wants to have in power.

Well, why are you here?

For me, it's just a hobby, like video games, or foot ball, etc.

Why do you bother coming to this site?

I like to analyze politics. Do you actually think I'm going to vote for either one of these idiots?

You've Got to Stop Voting - by Mark E. Smith
You've Got to Stop Voting - by Mark E. Smith | FUBAR AND GRILL
The most common activist strategies, such as street demonstrations, protests, etc., rarely seem to bring about any change in government. There is only one nonviolent tactic that has been proven to work. Recently I asked the new president of a local activist group that had banned me from speaking, if I would be allowed to speak under the new leadership. I explained that I'm an election boycott advocate. The reply I got was:

"So my question is - how does NOT voting change anything? I can see actually writing in someone you believe in - but not voting simply is giving up."

I decided to answer the question as thoroughly as I could. Here's what I wrote, which I'm posting here with the person's name removed:
In the debate last night, Hillary brought up the reason Trump won't release his returns......He pays no taxes
The only tax returns ever released by Trump showed him paying ZERO Federal Income Tax

Trump smirked and said it shows how smart he is

We have a word for those who don't pay taxes.......FREELOADER

That should get him the freeloader vote as it did for Obama.
In the debate last night, Hillary brought up the reason Trump won't release his returns......He pays no taxes
The only tax returns ever released by Trump showed him paying ZERO Federal Income Tax

Trump smirked and said it shows how smart he is

We have a word for those who don't pay taxes.......FREELOADER

That should get him the freeloader vote as it did for Obama.

Obama has released his taxes

Unlike Trump he actually contributes to our country
You know, its a funny thing.

My batshit crazy brother actually brags that he is living off the state. He hates to work. He refuses to work. He is quite capable of working, but he refuses to do so. He thinks he is pulling a fast one because New Hampshire and the US federal government are supporting him.

He is the very picture of the welfare cheat which the Right hates. The kind of guy the pseudocons think everyone on welfare is.

And he's a YUUUUUGE Trump supporter. He loves Hitler, loves Trump, hates homos and blacks and Mexicans. It's the homos and blacks and Mexicans who are destroying America, in my brother's very inflated opinion.

And if Hillary wins, my brother is really, really, really looking forward to he and all the patriots of America rising up in violent armed revolution.
So we have learned that illegal Mexicans pay more taxes than Trump
Oh, one other thing.

My brother the slacker on welfare is not buying steaks and booze and drugs. He couldn't even afford to contribute a cent to our mother's funeral when she recently passed.

He couldn't even afford a button down shirt to wear to the funeral. Forget about a tie or jacket!

So there's one myth busted about people living high on the hog on welfare.

Just thought I'd pass that along.
I am wondering how my batshit crazy brother is going to participate in the armed revolution when he can't even afford a new shirt.

I means guns and ammo aren't cheap, amiright?

I guess he'll be living off the land. Confiscating bullets from the corpses of traitorous American soldiers. Prying taco bowls from the dead cold hands of expired wetbacks. Shit like that.
So what have we learned about Deadbeat Donny?

1. He doesn't pay taxes
2. He stiffs people who do work for him
3. He doesn't honor his agreements
I am wondering how my batshit crazy brother is going to participate in the armed revolution when he can't even afford a new shirt.

I means guns and ammo aren't cheap, amiright?

I guess he'll be living off the land. Confiscating bullets from the corpses of traitorous American soldiers.
Seems to me that your...

Never mind - USME rules, but good luck to the both of you and any other survivors.
If the revolutionaries are going to hunt down and kill the 47%, Trump and my batshit crazy brother better watch their backs!
How much foreign investment does Trump have?
How much is in debt to Putin?

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