Trump Admits Kavanaugh Unqualified

Are we going to endure quotes alleged to the former administration for the next four years while the current administration falls apart?
Your delusions are your problem.

By the way, the quotes are from Trump's mouth to the book authors' ears. The mentally ill orange slob keeps agreeing to these interviews because he is detached from reality and thinks he will charm the authors.
Kavannah is well qualified. The guy sat on the DC Court of Appeals. That's pretty much a steppingstone to the SCOTUS.
Qualified, but the wrong person for SCOTUS. He's been a hyper-partisan for decades. He was the one who wrote the questions that Ken Starr's prosecutors asked Bill Clinton, about cigars and oral sex.
Trumpers will only venture into this thread to try to derail it, or troll. You watch. And the mods will let them.

Right on cue. It's like you're a puppet and Synthaholic holds the strings.

The only thing synthaholic is holding is her penis.

Well it's so big you can't keep it in your mouth!

Sorry, I am not a psycho perv like you.
Am I ever NOT right?

You're just sad, Syndi. Don't you like how you leftist women demand to not be treated as sex objects, then one after another you make up rape accusations over political disagreements. You're shameless over your own actions, racist bitch
It's pretty typical for drunks.

If you were treated remotely like Kavanaugh at the hearing you'd do a lot more than cry and Democrats would scream bloody murder if it happened to them. That the Kavanaugh hearings with what we know are fake accusations shows how you prostitute yourself for your party, you're sick.

Fake accusations? Yes. Or explain how he raped a woman in Kentucky in her 40s when he was 20 and lived in Maryland with no evidence they were ever near each other. Or the ding bat who suddenly remembered him after decades of not mentioning an assault with her husband or anyone else. Then the best was the woman who went to 10 rape parties, then was raped. Sssssurrreeeeeee, hooker.

Again, leftist women are pathetic, you want to not be treated as sex objects, then you make yourself to be false sexual victims with shallow lies, and you personally are fine with that because you're a prostitute
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