Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

Trump never played the race card. YOu are being lied to.

THe question he asked, was not a question. It was a propaganda attack, thinly veiled as a question.

Imagine if, every day for your entire life, in view of others, people asked you if you had "stopped beating your wife yet".

And no matter what you said or did, they kept asking the question?

You think that would have an impact on your life?

How long would it be, before you stopped, answering the question, and started punching people in the face?
"YES punch him in the face I'll pay the lawyers bills"" D Trump

Are you retarded?
I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But I've recovered since then

Wow. I asked you if you were retarded, and you felt the need to be evasive?

Very telling. I will give your typical liberal playing stupid tactic much more credibility in the future.

Three members of a white supremacist group who participated in 2017’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, were handed jail sentences related to riot charges on Friday, the Justice Department announced.

Benjamin Daley was sentenced to 37 months in prison, Thomas Gillen to 33 months and Michael Miselis to 27 months for violence they committed during the Charlottesville rally and other events in California. The men were arrested by federal authorities in Virginia in October and were part of a now-defunct group called the Rise Above Movement, a violent white supremacist organization based in California.

And Trump said there were some very fine people on both sides? Where were the fine people sitting on these guys side? You would have been with them right? I think that disqualified you as being a "very fine" person if you are at a white pride rally.

I don't know that's just the way I was raised. I know your argument. Why can blacks have black pride and latino pride but whites cant? Because every day is white pride day.

Do you want to have straight pride day too?

The STATED reason for the rally, was not "white pride" but to protest the removal of historical statues. (are you shocked that white supremacists would be dishonest?)

There were plenty of people there, who were on the side AGAINST the removal of those statues, but were not white supremacists.

You know as well as I do, that the President specifically stated that he was NOT referring to white supremacists when he made the "fine people" comment.

So, why do you libs keeping coming back to a claim you know it false?

Are you truly lacking any actual examples of racism, that you have to keep citing false ones?
"YES punch him in the face I'll pay the lawyers bills"" D Trump

Are you retarded?
I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But I've recovered since then

Wow. I asked you if you were retarded, and you felt the need to be evasive?

Very telling. I will give your typical liberal playing stupid tactic much more credibility in the future.

Three members of a white supremacist group who participated in 2017’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, were handed jail sentences related to riot charges on Friday, the Justice Department announced.

Benjamin Daley was sentenced to 37 months in prison, Thomas Gillen to 33 months and Michael Miselis to 27 months for violence they committed during the Charlottesville rally and other events in California. The men were arrested by federal authorities in Virginia in October and were part of a now-defunct group called the Rise Above Movement, a violent white supremacist organization based in California.

And Trump said there were some very fine people on both sides? Where were the fine people sitting on these guys side? You would have been with them right? I think that disqualified you as being a "very fine" person if you are at a white pride rally.

I don't know that's just the way I was raised. I know your argument. Why can blacks have black pride and latino pride but whites cant? Because every day is white pride day.

Do you want to have straight pride day too?

The STATED reason for the rally, was not "white pride" but to protest the removal of historical statues. (are you shocked that white supremacists would be dishonest?)

There were plenty of people there, who were on the side AGAINST the removal of those statues, but were not white supremacists.

You know as well as I do, that the President specifically stated that he was NOT referring to white supremacists when he made the "fine people" comment.

So, why do you libs keeping coming back to a claim you know it false?

Are you truly lacking any actual examples of racism, that you have to keep citing false ones?

It's subtle. Like saying "send them back" reminds us of the time when whites were saying that to blacks. Send them back to Africa. It's a racist thing to say.

In fact, Trump being a birther proves he's racist. He suggested our president wasn't born in this country. Do you think Trump deserves any better than what he did to Obama? And for the record, I truly believe Trump is a racist. His business practices suggest he is and it's rumored he uses the N word A LOT.

So, let me ask you the same question. Why did Trump keep coming back to a claim he knew was false? Maybe he truly believed Obama was born in Kenya just like I truly believe he's a racist. I don't believe Trump believed he was born in Kenya. I think he was doing that to rally his racist base. And he's doing the same thing now with this go back to your country shit.
"YES punch him in the face I'll pay the lawyers bills"" D Trump

Are you retarded?
I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But I've recovered since then

Wow. I asked you if you were retarded, and you felt the need to be evasive?

Very telling. I will give your typical liberal playing stupid tactic much more credibility in the future.

Three members of a white supremacist group who participated in 2017’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, were handed jail sentences related to riot charges on Friday, the Justice Department announced.

Benjamin Daley was sentenced to 37 months in prison, Thomas Gillen to 33 months and Michael Miselis to 27 months for violence they committed during the Charlottesville rally and other events in California. The men were arrested by federal authorities in Virginia in October and were part of a now-defunct group called the Rise Above Movement, a violent white supremacist organization based in California.

And Trump said there were some very fine people on both sides? Where were the fine people sitting on these guys side? You would have been with them right? I think that disqualified you as being a "very fine" person if you are at a white pride rally.

I don't know that's just the way I was raised. I know your argument. Why can blacks have black pride and latino pride but whites cant? Because every day is white pride day.

Do you want to have straight pride day too?

The STATED reason for the rally, was not "white pride" but to protest the removal of historical statues. (are you shocked that white supremacists would be dishonest?)

There were plenty of people there, who were on the side AGAINST the removal of those statues, but were not white supremacists.

You know as well as I do, that the President specifically stated that he was NOT referring to white supremacists when he made the "fine people" comment.

So, why do you libs keeping coming back to a claim you know it false?

Are you truly lacking any actual examples of racism, that you have to keep citing false ones?

Why would Trump claim this when he knows it's false?

President Donald Trump tweeted on Monday that four congresswomen known colloquially as “the Squad” ― are “a very Racist group of troublemakers.” The hypocritical tweet comes after a week of Trump’s repeated, racist comments about the congresswomen.

He described them as “‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen” who “originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all).”

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough,” he continued.

These are people who hate our country,” he continued. “They hate it, I think with a passion. Now it’s possible I’m wrong, the voters will decide,” he said.
Are you retarded?
I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But I've recovered since then

Wow. I asked you if you were retarded, and you felt the need to be evasive?

Very telling. I will give your typical liberal playing stupid tactic much more credibility in the future.

Three members of a white supremacist group who participated in 2017’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, were handed jail sentences related to riot charges on Friday, the Justice Department announced.

Benjamin Daley was sentenced to 37 months in prison, Thomas Gillen to 33 months and Michael Miselis to 27 months for violence they committed during the Charlottesville rally and other events in California. The men were arrested by federal authorities in Virginia in October and were part of a now-defunct group called the Rise Above Movement, a violent white supremacist organization based in California.

And Trump said there were some very fine people on both sides? Where were the fine people sitting on these guys side? You would have been with them right? I think that disqualified you as being a "very fine" person if you are at a white pride rally.

I don't know that's just the way I was raised. I know your argument. Why can blacks have black pride and latino pride but whites cant? Because every day is white pride day.

Do you want to have straight pride day too?

The STATED reason for the rally, was not "white pride" but to protest the removal of historical statues. (are you shocked that white supremacists would be dishonest?)

There were plenty of people there, who were on the side AGAINST the removal of those statues, but were not white supremacists.

You know as well as I do, that the President specifically stated that he was NOT referring to white supremacists when he made the "fine people" comment.

So, why do you libs keeping coming back to a claim you know it false?

Are you truly lacking any actual examples of racism, that you have to keep citing false ones?

It's subtle. Like saying "send them back" reminds us of the time when whites were saying that to blacks. Send them back to Africa. It's a racist thing to say.

In fact, Trump being a birther proves he's racist. He suggested our president wasn't born in this country. Do you think Trump deserves any better than what he did to Obama? And for the record, I truly believe Trump is a racist. His business practices suggest he is and it's rumored he uses the N word A LOT.

So, let me ask you the same question. Why did Trump keep coming back to a claim he knew was false? Maybe he truly believed Obama was born in Kenya just like I truly believe he's a racist. I don't believe Trump believed he was born in Kenya. I think he was doing that to rally his racist base. And he's doing the same thing now with this go back to your country shit.

Imo, it is more likely that he was harping on the perception of Obama being alien to traditional America, not because of his ethnicity, but because of his non American environment growing up, and his liberalism.

I've interacted with plenty of regular Americans, who are constantly surprised when confronted with what liberals actually believe.

Your cite your assumptions and allegations from people like you, in a circular reasoning, as though the allegations and rumors support your assumptions, and visa versa.

They do not.

The STATED reason was historical statues. That you see them as some "subtle" meaning, does not mean that all the people there did, thus it is a certainty, that there were some good people there, who supported the statues.

That you can't admit that, shows that on some level, you know your position on this is very, very weak.
I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But I've recovered since then

Wow. I asked you if you were retarded, and you felt the need to be evasive?

Very telling. I will give your typical liberal playing stupid tactic much more credibility in the future.

Three members of a white supremacist group who participated in 2017’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, were handed jail sentences related to riot charges on Friday, the Justice Department announced.

Benjamin Daley was sentenced to 37 months in prison, Thomas Gillen to 33 months and Michael Miselis to 27 months for violence they committed during the Charlottesville rally and other events in California. The men were arrested by federal authorities in Virginia in October and were part of a now-defunct group called the Rise Above Movement, a violent white supremacist organization based in California.

And Trump said there were some very fine people on both sides? Where were the fine people sitting on these guys side? You would have been with them right? I think that disqualified you as being a "very fine" person if you are at a white pride rally.

I don't know that's just the way I was raised. I know your argument. Why can blacks have black pride and latino pride but whites cant? Because every day is white pride day.

Do you want to have straight pride day too?

The STATED reason for the rally, was not "white pride" but to protest the removal of historical statues. (are you shocked that white supremacists would be dishonest?)

There were plenty of people there, who were on the side AGAINST the removal of those statues, but were not white supremacists.

You know as well as I do, that the President specifically stated that he was NOT referring to white supremacists when he made the "fine people" comment.

So, why do you libs keeping coming back to a claim you know it false?

Are you truly lacking any actual examples of racism, that you have to keep citing false ones?

It's subtle. Like saying "send them back" reminds us of the time when whites were saying that to blacks. Send them back to Africa. It's a racist thing to say.

In fact, Trump being a birther proves he's racist. He suggested our president wasn't born in this country. Do you think Trump deserves any better than what he did to Obama? And for the record, I truly believe Trump is a racist. His business practices suggest he is and it's rumored he uses the N word A LOT.

So, let me ask you the same question. Why did Trump keep coming back to a claim he knew was false? Maybe he truly believed Obama was born in Kenya just like I truly believe he's a racist. I don't believe Trump believed he was born in Kenya. I think he was doing that to rally his racist base. And he's doing the same thing now with this go back to your country shit.

Imo, it is more likely that he was harping on the perception of Obama being alien to traditional America, not because of his ethnicity, but because of his non American environment growing up, and his liberalism.

I've interacted with plenty of regular Americans, who are constantly surprised when confronted with what liberals actually believe.

Your cite your assumptions and allegations from people like you, in a circular reasoning, as though the allegations and rumors support your assumptions, and visa versa.

They do not.

The STATED reason was historical statues. That you see them as some "subtle" meaning, does not mean that all the people there did, thus it is a certainty, that there were some good people there, who supported the statues.

That you can't admit that, shows that on some level, you know your position on this is very, very weak.

I'm just playing the same politics you and Trump are playing. What' the goal? Stop Republicans from running the country. They/you are ruining the country.

Elizabeth Warren sees "serious warning signs" of an economic crash

Many people were concerned about President Donald Trump's response to the New Zealand mosque shooting in March, when he seemed to downplay the seriousness of white nationalism.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, criticized Trump’s rhetoric for dividing people. She noted that the Christchurch shooter said that Trump was a symbol of "renewed white identity."

Tapper cited the upward trend of hate crimes in many parts of the world and highlighted the rise of white nationalism in the United States. "There has been an increase in hate crimes,"

Supreme Court Bars Challenges to Partisan Gerrymandering

Trump telling aides to look at potential spending cuts if he wins reelection: report

Yea, like social security and medicare

After initially announcing plans for continued growth from $716 billion in fiscal year 2019 to $733 billion in 2020, President Trump directed the Department of Defense (DoD) to plan instead for reductions to a $700 billion budget. In early December 2018, Trump went as far as to call current levels of U.S. defense spending “crazy,” only to announce plans for a $750 billion defense budget just a week later.

White House Proposes $4.7 Trillion Budget for Fiscal 2020

"By threatening Iran with 'serious consequences,' without knowing what that may entail, Britain blindly dances to the beat of [U.S. national security adviser John] Bolton's war drums."

With the United Kingdom and Iran in the midst of a tense and dangerous standoff after the tit-for-tat seizure of oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz, international observers are warning that the British government has fallen into a trap set by hawkish U.S. national security adviser John Bolton that could lead to a devastating military conflict.

After British commandos earlier this month swarmed and detained Iran's Grace 1 oil supertanker in waters east of Gibraltar, Bolton applauded the move as "excellent news" and said "America and our allies will continue to prevent regimes in Tehran and Damascus from profiting off this illicit trade."

"The Bolton gambit succeeded. Despite its misgivings, Britain has been co-opted on to the front line of Washington's confrontation with Iran."
—Simon Tisdall, The Guardian

Simon Tisdall, foreign affairs editor and commentator for The Guardian, wrote over the weekend that "Bolton's delighted reaction suggested the seizure was a surprise."

"But accumulating evidence suggests the opposite is true, and that Bolton's national security team was directly involved in manufacturing the Gibraltar incident," wrote Tisdall. "The suspicion is that Conservative politicians, distracted by picking a new prime minister, jockeying for power, and preoccupied with Brexit, stumbled into an American trap."

Shortly after British forces seized Grace 1, Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell said the U.K.'s capture of the tanker was carried out under orders from the United States.
... 20+ Women Who Have Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Assault & Misconduct

20+ Lying sacks of shit who want to make money.

Any convictions? No?
Then shut your faggot ass dickhole GayTime

Hillary has no convictions either yet scumbag republicans rag on her every day

AND they wanna crap all over the constitution by not even giving her due process.

tsk tsk tsk.... why do rw basket dwelling deplorables hate america & the constituion?
I guess he is just not a very smart person and is too stupid to know that Cinci and Brooklyn are in American.
I think he is smart enough not to remain silent to a bunch of Evil Assholes chanting "Death To America" who somehow got elected to office because they come from Muslim No Go Zones practicing Sharia Law right here in our country.

It's sad to see so called Americans defending Terrorists and Illegal Aliens while telling American Citizens and Taxpayers to STFU and sit down.

Do you have any links to any sort of stories or video of these duly elected Congresswomen saying “Death to America” is this just Something you just pulled out of your ass?

These women haven’t defended illegal aliens nor have they told American citizens to “shut the fuck up”.

In fact the only person telling American citizens to shut the fuck up is Donald Trump. Thin skin Donnie can’t stand to be criticized or to have his policies called out for being racist, xenophobic and Unconstitutional.

These women of colour are duly elected members of Congress. They are citizens and taxpayers which is more than can be said for lying Russian trolls such as you.

It’s disgusting how low you will sink to disparage these American women.
Why do you hate America?

What Flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Russia is a hoax, so STFU about it.

Why don't you care about Google, Twitter and Facebook, spending millions of dollars trying to Rig the 2020 election in favor of The Chinacrat Party?

I'm not the one trying to destroy the country to the benefit of Vladimir Putin. Russia is NOT a hoax, and now that the American people are on to you, you had no success at all in 2018.

Look at you telling ME to "shut the fuck up". The guy who "never uses profanity". I'm not very good at taking orders from assholes. That's why I've always been able to rise to the top wherever I've gone. I know the difference between right and wrong. Between lying, cheating, and denigrating others, and telling the truth, playing according to the rules, and treating others with respect.


I'm very proud of my flag and the country for which it stands. Canadians voted for their flag. We picked this design. But it's just a piece of cloth. What we're most proud of is our PEOPLE. Immigrants from every nation on earth. 25,000 refugees from Syria. The Canadian people are the ones who make our country strong.

You scream loudly about your country's symbols and history, and say nothing about divisions, the segregation of your communities, by race, by religion, by political persuasion. Your Founders sought a "more perfect union", and they expected those who followed them to live up to those ideals.

The US was never a "white nation". But it has always been a "white ruled nation". Native Americans always formed a significant percentage of the population, and blacks have formed 10% of the population since before the Founders signed the Declaration of Independence. California, Texas were both settled by the Spanish. Texas was won in the Spanish American wars, California voted to join the USA.

Trump's racist rants, screeds and diatribes are the death throes of the rule of old white men, and the inequity, injustice, and waste of human resources that have been institutionalized by their rule.

"E pluribus unum - from many, one" - from many nations, from many races, from many cultures - one nation.
You are Putin's Ally. You spout Putin's Propaganda every day. If Putin was with in a 100 feet of you, you would drop to your knees to service him.

There is no Racism in America. It's a myth. It's Putin's Myth and Yours. No Black man could ever be president of a Racist Nation with 70% of the population being white.

Now go back to what you are good at, serving at Putin's Pleasure.

That and lying your ass off every day, and attacking America.

lol.... no puppet, no puppet... trump's the puppet... no TRUMP'S the puppet................
I think he is smart enough not to remain silent to a bunch of Evil Assholes chanting "Death To America" who somehow got elected to office because they come from Muslim No Go Zones practicing Sharia Law right here in our country.

It's sad to see so called Americans defending Terrorists and Illegal Aliens while telling American Citizens and Taxpayers to STFU and sit down.

Do you have any links to any sort of stories or video of these duly elected Congresswomen saying “Death to America” is this just Something you just pulled out of your ass?

These women haven’t defended illegal aliens nor have they told American citizens to “shut the fuck up”.

In fact the only person telling American citizens to shut the fuck up is Donald Trump. Thin skin Donnie can’t stand to be criticized or to have his policies called out for being racist, xenophobic and Unconstitutional.

These women of colour are duly elected members of Congress. They are citizens and taxpayers which is more than can be said for lying Russian trolls such as you.

It’s disgusting how low you will sink to disparage these American women.
Why do you hate America?

What Flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Russia is a hoax, so STFU about it.

Why don't you care about Google, Twitter and Facebook, spending millions of dollars trying to Rig the 2020 election in favor of The Chinacrat Party?

I'm not the one trying to destroy the country to the benefit of Vladimir Putin. Russia is NOT a hoax, and now that the American people are on to you, you had no success at all in 2018.

Look at you telling ME to "shut the fuck up". The guy who "never uses profanity". I'm not very good at taking orders from assholes. That's why I've always been able to rise to the top wherever I've gone. I know the difference between right and wrong. Between lying, cheating, and denigrating others, and telling the truth, playing according to the rules, and treating others with respect.


I'm very proud of my flag and the country for which it stands. Canadians voted for their flag. We picked this design. But it's just a piece of cloth. What we're most proud of is our PEOPLE. Immigrants from every nation on earth. 25,000 refugees from Syria. The Canadian people are the ones who make our country strong.

You scream loudly about your country's symbols and history, and say nothing about divisions, the segregation of your communities, by race, by religion, by political persuasion. Your Founders sought a "more perfect union", and they expected those who followed them to live up to those ideals.

The US was never a "white nation". But it has always been a "white ruled nation". Native Americans always formed a significant percentage of the population, and blacks have formed 10% of the population since before the Founders signed the Declaration of Independence. California, Texas were both settled by the Spanish. Texas was won in the Spanish American wars, California voted to join the USA.

Trump's racist rants, screeds and diatribes are the death throes of the rule of old white men, and the inequity, injustice, and waste of human resources that have been institutionalized by their rule.

"E pluribus unum - from many, one" - from many nations, from many races, from many cultures - one nation.
You are Putin's Ally. You spout Putin's Propaganda every day. If Putin was with in a 100 feet of you, you would drop to your knees to service him.

There is no Racism in America. It's a myth. It's Putin's Myth and Yours. No Black man could ever be president of a Racist Nation with 70% of the population being white.

Now go back to what you are good at, serving at Putin's Pleasure.

That and lying your ass off every day, and attacking America.

lol.... no puppet, no puppet... trump's the puppet... no TRUMP'S the puppet................

Sure, whatever you say.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?
Wow. I asked you if you were retarded, and you felt the need to be evasive?

Very telling. I will give your typical liberal playing stupid tactic much more credibility in the future.

Three members of a white supremacist group who participated in 2017’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, were handed jail sentences related to riot charges on Friday, the Justice Department announced.

Benjamin Daley was sentenced to 37 months in prison, Thomas Gillen to 33 months and Michael Miselis to 27 months for violence they committed during the Charlottesville rally and other events in California. The men were arrested by federal authorities in Virginia in October and were part of a now-defunct group called the Rise Above Movement, a violent white supremacist organization based in California.

And Trump said there were some very fine people on both sides? Where were the fine people sitting on these guys side? You would have been with them right? I think that disqualified you as being a "very fine" person if you are at a white pride rally.

I don't know that's just the way I was raised. I know your argument. Why can blacks have black pride and latino pride but whites cant? Because every day is white pride day.

Do you want to have straight pride day too?

The STATED reason for the rally, was not "white pride" but to protest the removal of historical statues. (are you shocked that white supremacists would be dishonest?)

There were plenty of people there, who were on the side AGAINST the removal of those statues, but were not white supremacists.

You know as well as I do, that the President specifically stated that he was NOT referring to white supremacists when he made the "fine people" comment.

So, why do you libs keeping coming back to a claim you know it false?

Are you truly lacking any actual examples of racism, that you have to keep citing false ones?

It's subtle. Like saying "send them back" reminds us of the time when whites were saying that to blacks. Send them back to Africa. It's a racist thing to say.

In fact, Trump being a birther proves he's racist. He suggested our president wasn't born in this country. Do you think Trump deserves any better than what he did to Obama? And for the record, I truly believe Trump is a racist. His business practices suggest he is and it's rumored he uses the N word A LOT.

So, let me ask you the same question. Why did Trump keep coming back to a claim he knew was false? Maybe he truly believed Obama was born in Kenya just like I truly believe he's a racist. I don't believe Trump believed he was born in Kenya. I think he was doing that to rally his racist base. And he's doing the same thing now with this go back to your country shit.

Imo, it is more likely that he was harping on the perception of Obama being alien to traditional America, not because of his ethnicity, but because of his non American environment growing up, and his liberalism.

I've interacted with plenty of regular Americans, who are constantly surprised when confronted with what liberals actually believe.

Your cite your assumptions and allegations from people like you, in a circular reasoning, as though the allegations and rumors support your assumptions, and visa versa.

They do not.

The STATED reason was historical statues. That you see them as some "subtle" meaning, does not mean that all the people there did, thus it is a certainty, that there were some good people there, who supported the statues.

That you can't admit that, shows that on some level, you know your position on this is very, very weak.

I'm just playing the same politics you and Trump are playing. What' the goal? Stop Republicans from running the country. They/you are ruining the country.

What you just said there makes no sense.

I pointed out that what you were saying, was a false claim. So, your defense is to say that Republicans are ruining the country?

That does not explain your actions. Why are you lying about Charlottesville?

God bless Trump for not backing down to the yapping hyenas on the Left. He DOUBLSE down! That's why American loves him and will reelect him.

Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America
Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

After triggering backlash over tweets urging progressive congresswomen to go back to their "broken and crime infested" home countries, President Trump appeared unbowed Sunday night, suggesting it was "so sad" to see Democrats sticking up for the lawmakers.

"So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, 'RACIST,'" Trump tweeted. "Their disgusting language... and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged."

He continued, "If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
" . . . . . (SNIP)
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.

Standing up American citizens, and duly elected members of Congress, the First Amendment right to free speech, and the right of citizens to seek redress from their government is unAmerican?

If that’s your take on this the Republican Party is in bigger trouble than I thought.
That's not what's happening here.
These 4 are making up lies to create problems that the government has to deal with simply because they're women of color. If you don't jump thru their hoops you're a racist.

That is EXACTLY what is happening here. Trump is making up lies about these women, because Mueller is testifying before Congress next week, Michael Flynn's business partner went on trial last week, his best friend from the 1990's and 2000's, Jeffrey Epstein, has been arrested and is being denied bail, and the Supoena to search Michael Cohen's office has been unsealed and published by the judge in the case, saying it was a matter of "Nationals Security", after AG Barr shut down further investigation and prosecution of other players in this case, including President Trump. And you're on the verge of war with Iran. Not to mention Trump lost 3 court cases about his personal finances and Congressional investigations last week, and his tax returns are about to be revealed to the American people. And that's just the shit that happened in the last 14 days.

Trump is declaring that he is a white supremacist to deflect from the shitstorm that is raining down on him from all sides. And polls that are basically saying that any of the top 5 Democratic candidates for President will beat Trump. This is not likely to end well for Trump.

Do you have any links to any sort of stories or video of these duly elected Congresswomen saying “Death to America” is this just Something you just pulled out of your ass?

These women haven’t defended illegal aliens nor have they told American citizens to “shut the fuck up”.

In fact the only person telling American citizens to shut the fuck up is Donald Trump. Thin skin Donnie can’t stand to be criticized or to have his policies called out for being racist, xenophobic and Unconstitutional.

These women of colour are duly elected members of Congress. They are citizens and taxpayers which is more than can be said for lying Russian trolls such as you.

It’s disgusting how low you will sink to disparage these American women.
Why do you hate America?

What Flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Russia is a hoax, so STFU about it.

Why don't you care about Google, Twitter and Facebook, spending millions of dollars trying to Rig the 2020 election in favor of The Chinacrat Party?

I'm not the one trying to destroy the country to the benefit of Vladimir Putin. Russia is NOT a hoax, and now that the American people are on to you, you had no success at all in 2018.

Look at you telling ME to "shut the fuck up". The guy who "never uses profanity". I'm not very good at taking orders from assholes. That's why I've always been able to rise to the top wherever I've gone. I know the difference between right and wrong. Between lying, cheating, and denigrating others, and telling the truth, playing according to the rules, and treating others with respect.


I'm very proud of my flag and the country for which it stands. Canadians voted for their flag. We picked this design. But it's just a piece of cloth. What we're most proud of is our PEOPLE. Immigrants from every nation on earth. 25,000 refugees from Syria. The Canadian people are the ones who make our country strong.

You scream loudly about your country's symbols and history, and say nothing about divisions, the segregation of your communities, by race, by religion, by political persuasion. Your Founders sought a "more perfect union", and they expected those who followed them to live up to those ideals.

The US was never a "white nation". But it has always been a "white ruled nation". Native Americans always formed a significant percentage of the population, and blacks have formed 10% of the population since before the Founders signed the Declaration of Independence. California, Texas were both settled by the Spanish. Texas was won in the Spanish American wars, California voted to join the USA.

Trump's racist rants, screeds and diatribes are the death throes of the rule of old white men, and the inequity, injustice, and waste of human resources that have been institutionalized by their rule.

"E pluribus unum - from many, one" - from many nations, from many races, from many cultures - one nation.
You are Putin's Ally. You spout Putin's Propaganda every day. If Putin was with in a 100 feet of you, you would drop to your knees to service him.

There is no Racism in America. It's a myth. It's Putin's Myth and Yours. No Black man could ever be president of a Racist Nation with 70% of the population being white.

Now go back to what you are good at, serving at Putin's Pleasure.

That and lying your ass off every day, and attacking America.

lol.... no puppet, no puppet... trump's the puppet... no TRUMP'S the puppet................

Sure, whatever you say.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?


well, certainly not one of these, tree stump...............


Why do you hate America?

What Flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Russia is a hoax, so STFU about it.

Why don't you care about Google, Twitter and Facebook, spending millions of dollars trying to Rig the 2020 election in favor of The Chinacrat Party?

I'm not the one trying to destroy the country to the benefit of Vladimir Putin. Russia is NOT a hoax, and now that the American people are on to you, you had no success at all in 2018.

Look at you telling ME to "shut the fuck up". The guy who "never uses profanity". I'm not very good at taking orders from assholes. That's why I've always been able to rise to the top wherever I've gone. I know the difference between right and wrong. Between lying, cheating, and denigrating others, and telling the truth, playing according to the rules, and treating others with respect.


I'm very proud of my flag and the country for which it stands. Canadians voted for their flag. We picked this design. But it's just a piece of cloth. What we're most proud of is our PEOPLE. Immigrants from every nation on earth. 25,000 refugees from Syria. The Canadian people are the ones who make our country strong.

You scream loudly about your country's symbols and history, and say nothing about divisions, the segregation of your communities, by race, by religion, by political persuasion. Your Founders sought a "more perfect union", and they expected those who followed them to live up to those ideals.

The US was never a "white nation". But it has always been a "white ruled nation". Native Americans always formed a significant percentage of the population, and blacks have formed 10% of the population since before the Founders signed the Declaration of Independence. California, Texas were both settled by the Spanish. Texas was won in the Spanish American wars, California voted to join the USA.

Trump's racist rants, screeds and diatribes are the death throes of the rule of old white men, and the inequity, injustice, and waste of human resources that have been institutionalized by their rule.

"E pluribus unum - from many, one" - from many nations, from many races, from many cultures - one nation.
You are Putin's Ally. You spout Putin's Propaganda every day. If Putin was with in a 100 feet of you, you would drop to your knees to service him.

There is no Racism in America. It's a myth. It's Putin's Myth and Yours. No Black man could ever be president of a Racist Nation with 70% of the population being white.

Now go back to what you are good at, serving at Putin's Pleasure.

That and lying your ass off every day, and attacking America.

lol.... no puppet, no puppet... trump's the puppet... no TRUMP'S the puppet................

Sure, whatever you say.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?


well, certainly not one of these, tree stump...............



Jesus Christ, that is the dumbest most pathetic little gotcha I have ever seen. How much time and energy went into that, for you lefties to play with yourselves?

God bless Trump for not backing down to the yapping hyenas on the Left. He DOUBLSE down! That's why American loves him and will reelect him.

Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America
Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

After triggering backlash over tweets urging progressive congresswomen to go back to their "broken and crime infested" home countries, President Trump appeared unbowed Sunday night, suggesting it was "so sad" to see Democrats sticking up for the lawmakers.

"So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, 'RACIST,'" Trump tweeted. "Their disgusting language... and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged."

He continued, "If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
" . . . . . (SNIP)
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.

Standing up American citizens, and duly elected members of Congress, the First Amendment right to free speech, and the right of citizens to seek redress from their government is unAmerican?

If that’s your take on this the Republican Party is in bigger trouble than I thought.
That's not what's happening here.
These 4 are making up lies to create problems that the government has to deal with simply because they're women of color. If you don't jump thru their hoops you're a racist.

That is EXACTLY what is happening here. Trump is making up lies about these women, because Mueller is testifying before Congress next week, Michael Flynn's business partner went on trial last week, his best friend from the 1990's and 2000's, Jeffrey Epstein, has been arrested and is being denied bail, and the Supoena to search Michael Cohen's office has been unsealed and published by the judge in the case, saying it was a matter of "Nationals Security", after AG Barr shut down further investigation and prosecution of other players in this case, including President Trump. And you're on the verge of war with Iran. Not to mention Trump lost 3 court cases about his personal finances and Congressional investigations last week, and his tax returns are about to be revealed to the American people. And that's just the shit that happened in the last 14 days.

Trump is declaring that he is a white supremacist to deflect from the shitstorm that is raining down on him from all sides. And polls that are basically saying that any of the top 5 Democratic candidates for President will beat Trump. This is not likely to end well for Trump.


Take heed in promoting slander and lies, for some day you will be held accountable for it.

2nd Timothy 4:3-4

3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. 4 So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

1 Timothy 4:1-2

But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron,
Why do you hate America?

What Flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Russia is a hoax, so STFU about it.

Why don't you care about Google, Twitter and Facebook, spending millions of dollars trying to Rig the 2020 election in favor of The Chinacrat Party?

I'm not the one trying to destroy the country to the benefit of Vladimir Putin. Russia is NOT a hoax, and now that the American people are on to you, you had no success at all in 2018.

Look at you telling ME to "shut the fuck up". The guy who "never uses profanity". I'm not very good at taking orders from assholes. That's why I've always been able to rise to the top wherever I've gone. I know the difference between right and wrong. Between lying, cheating, and denigrating others, and telling the truth, playing according to the rules, and treating others with respect.


I'm very proud of my flag and the country for which it stands. Canadians voted for their flag. We picked this design. But it's just a piece of cloth. What we're most proud of is our PEOPLE. Immigrants from every nation on earth. 25,000 refugees from Syria. The Canadian people are the ones who make our country strong.

You scream loudly about your country's symbols and history, and say nothing about divisions, the segregation of your communities, by race, by religion, by political persuasion. Your Founders sought a "more perfect union", and they expected those who followed them to live up to those ideals.

The US was never a "white nation". But it has always been a "white ruled nation". Native Americans always formed a significant percentage of the population, and blacks have formed 10% of the population since before the Founders signed the Declaration of Independence. California, Texas were both settled by the Spanish. Texas was won in the Spanish American wars, California voted to join the USA.

Trump's racist rants, screeds and diatribes are the death throes of the rule of old white men, and the inequity, injustice, and waste of human resources that have been institutionalized by their rule.

"E pluribus unum - from many, one" - from many nations, from many races, from many cultures - one nation.
You are Putin's Ally. You spout Putin's Propaganda every day. If Putin was with in a 100 feet of you, you would drop to your knees to service him.

There is no Racism in America. It's a myth. It's Putin's Myth and Yours. No Black man could ever be president of a Racist Nation with 70% of the population being white.

Now go back to what you are good at, serving at Putin's Pleasure.

That and lying your ass off every day, and attacking America.

lol.... no puppet, no puppet... trump's the puppet... no TRUMP'S the puppet................

Sure, whatever you say.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?


well, certainly not one of these, tree stump...............


Apparently you have no sense of humor and neither does your failing party. That is the difference between Conservatives and The Left.
We recognize subtle humor.

You should recognize when you are being mocked and ridiculed.

Going through life stupid and blind is no way to live, son.

The Russian Flag was to MOCK YOU, and MOCK your Entire Party, especially Birther and Creator also of The Russian Collusion Narrative Lie, Hillary Clinton.

Imagine that, Hillary Clinton was responsible for both The Birther Movement, and The Fake Russian Collusion Narrative. Two Lies she created and used to attack her Political Rivals with.

She also created The Benghazi Was Attacked Due To A Video Lie, The Email Yoga Pants Email Lie, and Many Many Others.

And we can talk about Uranium One, Fast and Furious, Travel Gate, Bimbo Storms and many many other scandals she was involved in, all of which she lied about.
I'm not the one trying to destroy the country to the benefit of Vladimir Putin. Russia is NOT a hoax, and now that the American people are on to you, you had no success at all in 2018.

Look at you telling ME to "shut the fuck up". The guy who "never uses profanity". I'm not very good at taking orders from assholes. That's why I've always been able to rise to the top wherever I've gone. I know the difference between right and wrong. Between lying, cheating, and denigrating others, and telling the truth, playing according to the rules, and treating others with respect.


I'm very proud of my flag and the country for which it stands. Canadians voted for their flag. We picked this design. But it's just a piece of cloth. What we're most proud of is our PEOPLE. Immigrants from every nation on earth. 25,000 refugees from Syria. The Canadian people are the ones who make our country strong.

You scream loudly about your country's symbols and history, and say nothing about divisions, the segregation of your communities, by race, by religion, by political persuasion. Your Founders sought a "more perfect union", and they expected those who followed them to live up to those ideals.

The US was never a "white nation". But it has always been a "white ruled nation". Native Americans always formed a significant percentage of the population, and blacks have formed 10% of the population since before the Founders signed the Declaration of Independence. California, Texas were both settled by the Spanish. Texas was won in the Spanish American wars, California voted to join the USA.

Trump's racist rants, screeds and diatribes are the death throes of the rule of old white men, and the inequity, injustice, and waste of human resources that have been institutionalized by their rule.

"E pluribus unum - from many, one" - from many nations, from many races, from many cultures - one nation.
You are Putin's Ally. You spout Putin's Propaganda every day. If Putin was with in a 100 feet of you, you would drop to your knees to service him.

There is no Racism in America. It's a myth. It's Putin's Myth and Yours. No Black man could ever be president of a Racist Nation with 70% of the population being white.

Now go back to what you are good at, serving at Putin's Pleasure.

That and lying your ass off every day, and attacking America.

lol.... no puppet, no puppet... trump's the puppet... no TRUMP'S the puppet................

Sure, whatever you say.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?


well, certainly not one of these, tree stump...............



Jesus Christ, that is the dumbest most pathetic little gotcha I have ever seen. How much time and energy went into that, for you lefties to play with yourselves?

<pffft> no matter how you slice it or dice it - the above is proof positive that poorly educated basket dwellers have earned that label all by them thar selves... :itsok:
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.

Standing up American citizens, and duly elected members of Congress, the First Amendment right to free speech, and the right of citizens to seek redress from their government is unAmerican?

If that’s your take on this the Republican Party is in bigger trouble than I thought.
That's not what's happening here.
These 4 are making up lies to create problems that the government has to deal with simply because they're women of color. If you don't jump thru their hoops you're a racist.

That is EXACTLY what is happening here. Trump is making up lies about these women, because Mueller is testifying before Congress next week, Michael Flynn's business partner went on trial last week, his best friend from the 1990's and 2000's, Jeffrey Epstein, has been arrested and is being denied bail, and the Supoena to search Michael Cohen's office has been unsealed and published by the judge in the case, saying it was a matter of "Nationals Security", after AG Barr shut down further investigation and prosecution of other players in this case, including President Trump. And you're on the verge of war with Iran. Not to mention Trump lost 3 court cases about his personal finances and Congressional investigations last week, and his tax returns are about to be revealed to the American people. And that's just the shit that happened in the last 14 days.

Trump is declaring that he is a white supremacist to deflect from the shitstorm that is raining down on him from all sides. And polls that are basically saying that any of the top 5 Democratic candidates for President will beat Trump. This is not likely to end well for Trump.


Take heed in promoting slander and lies, for some day you will be held accountable for it.

2nd Timothy 4:3-4

3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. 4 So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

1 Timothy 4:1-2

But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron,


you need to try a little matthew 6: 5-11....
I'm not the one trying to destroy the country to the benefit of Vladimir Putin. Russia is NOT a hoax, and now that the American people are on to you, you had no success at all in 2018.

Look at you telling ME to "shut the fuck up". The guy who "never uses profanity". I'm not very good at taking orders from assholes. That's why I've always been able to rise to the top wherever I've gone. I know the difference between right and wrong. Between lying, cheating, and denigrating others, and telling the truth, playing according to the rules, and treating others with respect.


I'm very proud of my flag and the country for which it stands. Canadians voted for their flag. We picked this design. But it's just a piece of cloth. What we're most proud of is our PEOPLE. Immigrants from every nation on earth. 25,000 refugees from Syria. The Canadian people are the ones who make our country strong.

You scream loudly about your country's symbols and history, and say nothing about divisions, the segregation of your communities, by race, by religion, by political persuasion. Your Founders sought a "more perfect union", and they expected those who followed them to live up to those ideals.

The US was never a "white nation". But it has always been a "white ruled nation". Native Americans always formed a significant percentage of the population, and blacks have formed 10% of the population since before the Founders signed the Declaration of Independence. California, Texas were both settled by the Spanish. Texas was won in the Spanish American wars, California voted to join the USA.

Trump's racist rants, screeds and diatribes are the death throes of the rule of old white men, and the inequity, injustice, and waste of human resources that have been institutionalized by their rule.

"E pluribus unum - from many, one" - from many nations, from many races, from many cultures - one nation.
You are Putin's Ally. You spout Putin's Propaganda every day. If Putin was with in a 100 feet of you, you would drop to your knees to service him.

There is no Racism in America. It's a myth. It's Putin's Myth and Yours. No Black man could ever be president of a Racist Nation with 70% of the population being white.

Now go back to what you are good at, serving at Putin's Pleasure.

That and lying your ass off every day, and attacking America.

lol.... no puppet, no puppet... trump's the puppet... no TRUMP'S the puppet................

Sure, whatever you say.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?


well, certainly not one of these, tree stump...............


Apparently you have no sense of humor and neither does your failing party. That is the difference between Conservatives and The Left.
We recognize subtle humor.

You should recognize when you are being mocked and ridiculed.

Going through life stupid and blind is no way to live, son.

The Russian Flag was to MOCK YOU, and MOCK your Entire Party, especially Birther and Creator also of The Russian Collusion Narrative Lie, Hillary Clinton.

Imagine that, Hillary Clinton was responsible for both The Birther Movement, and The Fake Russian Collusion Narrative. Two Lies she created and used to attack her Political Rivals with.

She also created The Benghazi Was Attacked Due To A Video Lie, The Email Yoga Pants Email Lie, and Many Many Others.

And we can talk about Uranium One, Fast and Furious, Travel Gate, Bimbo Storms and many many other scandals she was involved in, all of which she lied about.

... 20+ Women Who Have Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Assault & Misconduct
Andrea González-Ramírez

Ahead, all the claims of sexual assault, harassment, and misconduct against President Trump, in reverse chronological order of when they were reported. He has denied all the allegations.
E. Jean Carroll
In an excerpt from her book published in The Cut, Carroll wrote that Trump raped her after she tried to help him find a gift for a unnamed woman.
Alva Johnson
Johnson, who worked on the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, alleged that he attempted to kiss her without her consent at a rally in Florida.
Jill Harth
Harth told The Guardian that Trump made unwanted advances toward her and attempted to grope her during a meeting at Trump Tower in 1992. She alleged that Trump groped her while she and her then partner George Houraney were touring Mar-a-Lago a year later. Harth sued Trump in 1997.
Ninni Laaksonen
Laaksonen told the Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat that Trump groped her while backstage at the Late Show with David Letterman in 2006.
Jessica Drake
Drake said during a press conference that Trump kissed her without her consent at a charity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, NV, in 2006.
Karena Virginia
Virginia told The Washington Post that Trump groped her breast at the 1998 U.S. Open tennis tournament.
Cathy Heller
Heller told The Guardian that Trump forcibly kissed her at a Mother's Day brunch at Mar-a-Lago in 1997.
Summer Zervos
Zervos told reporters that Trump forcibly kissed her and touched her breast without her consent at a dinner in Beverly Hills in 2007. Zervos is currently suing Trump for defamation.

Kristin Anderson
Anderson told The Washington Post that Trump sat next to her at a club in Manhattan, slid his fingers up her skirt without her consent, and then groped her through her underwear in the early 1990s.
Mariah Billado
The former Miss Teen USA contestant told BuzzFeed News that Trump walked in on her and the other teenage contestants while they were changing backstage in 1997.
Samantha Holvey
The former Miss USA contestant told CNN that Trump made lewd comments about the contestants at the 2006 pageant, and personally inspected each woman. It was "the dirtiest I felt in my entire life," she said.
Lisa Boyne
Boyne told HuffPost that Trump looked under women’s skirts and made comments about whether they were wearing underwear or not while at a meeting in a restaurant in 1996. “It was the most offensive scene I’ve ever been a part of,” Boyne said. “I wanted to get the heck out of there.”
Rachel Crooks
Crooks, who worked as a receptionist at an investment firm located in Trump Tower, told The New York Times that Trump kissed her without her consent in 2006.
Jessica Leeds
Leeds told The New York Times that Trump groped her breasts and tried to slide his hand up her skirt without her consent during a flight in the early 1980s.
Melinda McGillivray
McGillivray told the Palm Beach Post that she was 23 when Trump groped her backside during a concert at Mar-a-Lago in 2003.
Cassandra Searles
Searles, a former Miss USA contestant, wrote in a Facebook post that Trump repeatedly groped her backside during the 2013 pageant.
Natasha Stoynoff
The People magazine journalist said Trump forcibly kissed her while she was reporting a story at Mar-a-Lago in 2005.
Tasha Dixon
The former Miss USA contestant told CBS News’ Los Angeles affiliate that Trump walked in on contestants while they were changing at the 2001 pageant.
Bridget Sullivan
Sullivan, who participated in the 2000 Miss Teen USA pageant, told BuzzFeed News that Trump would give the teenage girls "a squeeze like a creepy uncle would" and walked in on them while they were changing in the dressing room.
Temple Taggart
Taggart, a former Miss USA contestant, told The New York Times that Trump kissed her without her consent at the 1997 pageant and a subsequent meeting in Manhattan when she was 21 years old.
Ivana Trump
Ivana said at a deposition during the couple's divorce proceedings that after an argument in 1989, they had a sexual encounter she described as "rape." She later retracted the statement, saying she felt "violated" by the encounter but she didn't think it was rape in "the criminal sense."

At Least 21 Women Have Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Assault & Misconduct

And every one a proven liar. So of course you believe them.
... 20+ Women Who Have Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Assault & Misconduct
Andrea González-Ramírez

Ahead, all the claims of sexual assault, harassment, and misconduct against President Trump, in reverse chronological order of when they were reported. He has denied all the allegations.
E. Jean Carroll
In an excerpt from her book published in The Cut, Carroll wrote that Trump raped her after she tried to help him find a gift for a unnamed woman.
Alva Johnson
Johnson, who worked on the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, alleged that he attempted to kiss her without her consent at a rally in Florida.
Jill Harth
Harth told The Guardian that Trump made unwanted advances toward her and attempted to grope her during a meeting at Trump Tower in 1992. She alleged that Trump groped her while she and her then partner George Houraney were touring Mar-a-Lago a year later. Harth sued Trump in 1997.
Ninni Laaksonen
Laaksonen told the Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat that Trump groped her while backstage at the Late Show with David Letterman in 2006.
Jessica Drake
Drake said during a press conference that Trump kissed her without her consent at a charity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, NV, in 2006.
Karena Virginia
Virginia told The Washington Post that Trump groped her breast at the 1998 U.S. Open tennis tournament.
Cathy Heller
Heller told The Guardian that Trump forcibly kissed her at a Mother's Day brunch at Mar-a-Lago in 1997.
Summer Zervos
Zervos told reporters that Trump forcibly kissed her and touched her breast without her consent at a dinner in Beverly Hills in 2007. Zervos is currently suing Trump for defamation.

Kristin Anderson
Anderson told The Washington Post that Trump sat next to her at a club in Manhattan, slid his fingers up her skirt without her consent, and then groped her through her underwear in the early 1990s.
Mariah Billado
The former Miss Teen USA contestant told BuzzFeed News that Trump walked in on her and the other teenage contestants while they were changing backstage in 1997.
Samantha Holvey
The former Miss USA contestant told CNN that Trump made lewd comments about the contestants at the 2006 pageant, and personally inspected each woman. It was "the dirtiest I felt in my entire life," she said.
Lisa Boyne
Boyne told HuffPost that Trump looked under women’s skirts and made comments about whether they were wearing underwear or not while at a meeting in a restaurant in 1996. “It was the most offensive scene I’ve ever been a part of,” Boyne said. “I wanted to get the heck out of there.”
Rachel Crooks
Crooks, who worked as a receptionist at an investment firm located in Trump Tower, told The New York Times that Trump kissed her without her consent in 2006.
Jessica Leeds
Leeds told The New York Times that Trump groped her breasts and tried to slide his hand up her skirt without her consent during a flight in the early 1980s.
Melinda McGillivray
McGillivray told the Palm Beach Post that she was 23 when Trump groped her backside during a concert at Mar-a-Lago in 2003.
Cassandra Searles
Searles, a former Miss USA contestant, wrote in a Facebook post that Trump repeatedly groped her backside during the 2013 pageant.
Natasha Stoynoff
The People magazine journalist said Trump forcibly kissed her while she was reporting a story at Mar-a-Lago in 2005.
Tasha Dixon
The former Miss USA contestant told CBS News’ Los Angeles affiliate that Trump walked in on contestants while they were changing at the 2001 pageant.
Bridget Sullivan
Sullivan, who participated in the 2000 Miss Teen USA pageant, told BuzzFeed News that Trump would give the teenage girls "a squeeze like a creepy uncle would" and walked in on them while they were changing in the dressing room.
Temple Taggart
Taggart, a former Miss USA contestant, told The New York Times that Trump kissed her without her consent at the 1997 pageant and a subsequent meeting in Manhattan when she was 21 years old.
Ivana Trump
Ivana said at a deposition during the couple's divorce proceedings that after an argument in 1989, they had a sexual encounter she described as "rape." She later retracted the statement, saying she felt "violated" by the encounter but she didn't think it was rape in "the criminal sense."

At Least 21 Women Have Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Assault & Misconduct

And every one a proven liar. So of course you believe them.

nice try, but not one of them has been proven to be anything. the statute of limitations has run out & they never had their day in court. remember when he said that after the election he was gonna sue his accusers?

ya.... i do.

& did he?


why? why you ask?

'cause that woulda meant his accusers would have testified & he would have been put under oath as well & the pussy grabber knew that, that's why he reneged.

donny is gonna settle with summer zervos, who is suing him for defamation; claiming how he defamed her by calling her a liar re: her accusations against him. when it's time for the court to hear the case, he'll cave. although he claimed to never settle cause it means you're weak & guilty.

remember how he settled his trump U fraud case against him?

:abgg2q.jpg: i do.
... 20+ Women Who Have Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Assault & Misconduct
Andrea González-Ramírez

Ahead, all the claims of sexual assault, harassment, and misconduct against President Trump, in reverse chronological order of when they were reported. He has denied all the allegations.
E. Jean Carroll
In an excerpt from her book published in The Cut, Carroll wrote that Trump raped her after she tried to help him find a gift for a unnamed woman.
Alva Johnson
Johnson, who worked on the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, alleged that he attempted to kiss her without her consent at a rally in Florida.
Jill Harth
Harth told The Guardian that Trump made unwanted advances toward her and attempted to grope her during a meeting at Trump Tower in 1992. She alleged that Trump groped her while she and her then partner George Houraney were touring Mar-a-Lago a year later. Harth sued Trump in 1997.
Ninni Laaksonen
Laaksonen told the Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat that Trump groped her while backstage at the Late Show with David Letterman in 2006.
Jessica Drake
Drake said during a press conference that Trump kissed her without her consent at a charity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, NV, in 2006.
Karena Virginia
Virginia told The Washington Post that Trump groped her breast at the 1998 U.S. Open tennis tournament.
Cathy Heller
Heller told The Guardian that Trump forcibly kissed her at a Mother's Day brunch at Mar-a-Lago in 1997.
Summer Zervos
Zervos told reporters that Trump forcibly kissed her and touched her breast without her consent at a dinner in Beverly Hills in 2007. Zervos is currently suing Trump for defamation.

Kristin Anderson
Anderson told The Washington Post that Trump sat next to her at a club in Manhattan, slid his fingers up her skirt without her consent, and then groped her through her underwear in the early 1990s.
Mariah Billado
The former Miss Teen USA contestant told BuzzFeed News that Trump walked in on her and the other teenage contestants while they were changing backstage in 1997.
Samantha Holvey
The former Miss USA contestant told CNN that Trump made lewd comments about the contestants at the 2006 pageant, and personally inspected each woman. It was "the dirtiest I felt in my entire life," she said.
Lisa Boyne
Boyne told HuffPost that Trump looked under women’s skirts and made comments about whether they were wearing underwear or not while at a meeting in a restaurant in 1996. “It was the most offensive scene I’ve ever been a part of,” Boyne said. “I wanted to get the heck out of there.”
Rachel Crooks
Crooks, who worked as a receptionist at an investment firm located in Trump Tower, told The New York Times that Trump kissed her without her consent in 2006.
Jessica Leeds
Leeds told The New York Times that Trump groped her breasts and tried to slide his hand up her skirt without her consent during a flight in the early 1980s.
Melinda McGillivray
McGillivray told the Palm Beach Post that she was 23 when Trump groped her backside during a concert at Mar-a-Lago in 2003.
Cassandra Searles
Searles, a former Miss USA contestant, wrote in a Facebook post that Trump repeatedly groped her backside during the 2013 pageant.
Natasha Stoynoff
The People magazine journalist said Trump forcibly kissed her while she was reporting a story at Mar-a-Lago in 2005.
Tasha Dixon
The former Miss USA contestant told CBS News’ Los Angeles affiliate that Trump walked in on contestants while they were changing at the 2001 pageant.
Bridget Sullivan
Sullivan, who participated in the 2000 Miss Teen USA pageant, told BuzzFeed News that Trump would give the teenage girls "a squeeze like a creepy uncle would" and walked in on them while they were changing in the dressing room.
Temple Taggart
Taggart, a former Miss USA contestant, told The New York Times that Trump kissed her without her consent at the 1997 pageant and a subsequent meeting in Manhattan when she was 21 years old.
Ivana Trump
Ivana said at a deposition during the couple's divorce proceedings that after an argument in 1989, they had a sexual encounter she described as "rape." She later retracted the statement, saying she felt "violated" by the encounter but she didn't think it was rape in "the criminal sense."

At Least 21 Women Have Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Assault & Misconduct

And every one a proven liar. So of course you believe them.

nice try, but not one of them has been proven to be anything. the statute of limitations has run out & they never had their day in court. remember when he said that after the election he was gonna sue his accusers?

ya.... i do.

& did he?


why? why you ask?

'cause that woulda meant his accusers would have testified & he would have been put under oath as well & the pussy grabber knew that, that's why he reneged.

donny is gonna settle with summer zervos, who is suing him for defamation; claiming how he defamed her by calling her a liar re: her accusations against him. when it's time for the court to hear the case, he'll cave. although he claimed to never settle cause it means you're weak & guilty.

remember how he settled his trump U fraud case against him?

:abgg2q.jpg: i do.
Poor deluded tard. Every one of those women was shown to be a liar. Trump can't sue them because he's President and busy with an actual job, unlike those money grubbing liars who disappeared after the election. With many of them called liars by witnesses to their alleged "assault". Unless that tramp can show she was assaulted by Trump, she has no defamation case because it seems Trump is telling the truth about her being a liar.

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