Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

God bless Trump for not backing down to the yapping hyenas on the Left. He DOUBLSE down! That's why American loves him and will reelect him.

Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America
Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

After triggering backlash over tweets urging progressive congresswomen to go back to their "broken and crime infested" home countries, President Trump appeared unbowed Sunday night, suggesting it was "so sad" to see Democrats sticking up for the lawmakers.

"So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, 'RACIST,'" Trump tweeted. "Their disgusting language... and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged."

He continued, "If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
" . . . . . (SNIP)
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.

Standing up American citizens, and duly elected members of Congress, the First Amendment right to free speech, and the right of citizens to seek redress from their government is unAmerican?

If that’s your take on this the Republican Party is in bigger trouble than I thought.
I guess he is just not a very smart person and is too stupid to know that Cinci and Brooklyn are in American.
I think he is smart enough not to remain silent to a bunch of Evil Assholes chanting "Death To America" who somehow got elected to office because they come from Muslim No Go Zones practicing Sharia Law right here in our country.

It's sad to see so called Americans defending Terrorists and Illegal Aliens while telling American Citizens and Taxpayers to STFU and sit down.

Do you have any links to any sort of stories or video of these duly elected Congresswomen saying “Death to America” is this just Something you just pulled out of your ass?

These women haven’t defended illegal aliens nor have they told American citizens to “shut the fuck up”.

In fact the only person telling American citizens to shut the fuck up is Donald Trump. Thin skin Donnie can’t stand to be criticized or to have his policies called out for being racist, xenophobic and Unconstitutional.

These women of colour are duly elected members of Congress. They are citizens and taxpayers which is more than can be said for lying Russian trolls such as you.

It’s disgusting how low you will sink to disparage these American women.
Why do you hate America?

What Flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Russia is a hoax, so STFU about it.

Why don't you care about Google, Twitter and Facebook, spending millions of dollars trying to Rig the 2020 election in favor of The Chinacrat Party?

God bless Trump for not backing down to the yapping hyenas on the Left. He DOUBLSE down! That's why American loves him and will reelect him.

Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America
Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

After triggering backlash over tweets urging progressive congresswomen to go back to their "broken and crime infested" home countries, President Trump appeared unbowed Sunday night, suggesting it was "so sad" to see Democrats sticking up for the lawmakers.

"So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, 'RACIST,'" Trump tweeted. "Their disgusting language... and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged."

He continued, "If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
" . . . . . (SNIP)
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.

Standing up American citizens, and duly elected members of Congress, the First Amendment right to free speech, and the right of citizens to seek redress from their government is unAmerican?

If that’s your take on this the Republican Party is in bigger trouble than I thought.
Why do you oppose Free Speech, and why have you allied with Google in trying to silence the voice of Conservatives?
... 20+ Women Who Have Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Assault & Misconduct

20+ Lying sacks of shit who want to make money.

Any convictions? No?
Then shut your faggot ass dickhole GayTime

you're still empty & gots nuthin', i see. it will be quite interesting to see zervos' lawsuit proceed.... do you think the pussy grabber will settle like he always does? remember when he said that people who settle lawsuits are guilty?

i do.

you still think i'm a gay dude, don'tcha oh ignorant rooooskie?
I guess he is just not a very smart person and is too stupid to know that Cinci and Brooklyn are in American.
I think he is smart enough not to remain silent to a bunch of Evil Assholes chanting "Death To America" who somehow got elected to office because they come from Muslim No Go Zones practicing Sharia Law right here in our country.

It's sad to see so called Americans defending Terrorists and Illegal Aliens while telling American Citizens and Taxpayers to STFU and sit down.

Do you have any links to any sort of stories or video of these duly elected Congresswomen saying “Death to America” is this just Something you just pulled out of your ass?

These women haven’t defended illegal aliens nor have they told American citizens to “shut the fuck up”.

In fact the only person telling American citizens to shut the fuck up is Donald Trump. Thin skin Donnie can’t stand to be criticized or to have his policies called out for being racist, xenophobic and Unconstitutional.

These women of colour are duly elected members of Congress. They are citizens and taxpayers which is more than can be said for lying Russian trolls such as you.

It’s disgusting how low you will sink to disparage these American women.
Why do you hate America?

What Flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Russia is a hoax, so STFU about it.

Why don't you care about Google, Twitter and Facebook, spending millions of dollars trying to Rig the 2020 election in favor of The Chinacrat Party?

I'm not the one trying to destroy the country to the benefit of Vladimir Putin. Russia is NOT a hoax, and now that the American people are on to you, you had no success at all in 2018.

Look at you telling ME to "shut the fuck up". The guy who "never uses profanity". I'm not very good at taking orders from assholes. That's why I've always been able to rise to the top wherever I've gone. I know the difference between right and wrong. Between lying, cheating, and denigrating others, and telling the truth, playing according to the rules, and treating others with respect.

Redirect Notice

I'm very proud of my flag and the country for which it stands. Canadians voted for their flag. We picked this design. But it's just a piece of cloth. What we're most proud of is our PEOPLE. Immigrants from every nation on earth. 25,000 refugees from Syria. The Canadian people are the ones who make our country strong.

You scream loudly about your country's symbols and history, and say nothing about divisions, the segregation of your communities, by race, by religion, by political persuasion. Your Founders sought a "more perfect union", and they expected those who followed them to live up to those ideals.

The US was never a "white nation". But it has always been a "white ruled nation". Native Americans always formed a significant percentage of the population, and blacks have formed 10% of the population since before the Founders signed the Declaration of Independence. California, Texas were both settled by the Spanish. Texas was won in the Spanish American wars, California voted to join the USA.

Trump's racist rants, screeds and diatribes are the death throes of the rule of old white men, and the inequity, injustice, and waste of human resources that have been institutionalized by their rule.

"E pluribus unum - from many, one" - from many nations, from many races, from many cultures - one nation.
I guess he is just not a very smart person and is too stupid to know that Cinci and Brooklyn are in American.
I think he is smart enough not to remain silent to a bunch of Evil Assholes chanting "Death To America" who somehow got elected to office because they come from Muslim No Go Zones practicing Sharia Law right here in our country.

It's sad to see so called Americans defending Terrorists and Illegal Aliens while telling American Citizens and Taxpayers to STFU and sit down.

Do you have any links to any sort of stories or video of these duly elected Congresswomen saying “Death to America” is this just Something you just pulled out of your ass?

These women haven’t defended illegal aliens nor have they told American citizens to “shut the fuck up”.

In fact the only person telling American citizens to shut the fuck up is Donald Trump. Thin skin Donnie can’t stand to be criticized or to have his policies called out for being racist, xenophobic and Unconstitutional.

These women of colour are duly elected members of Congress. They are citizens and taxpayers which is more than can be said for lying Russian trolls such as you.

It’s disgusting how low you will sink to disparage these American women.
Why do you hate America?

What Flag do you fly over your commie compound?

Russia is a hoax, so STFU about it.

Why don't you care about Google, Twitter and Facebook, spending millions of dollars trying to Rig the 2020 election in favor of The Chinacrat Party?

I'm not the one trying to destroy the country to the benefit of Vladimir Putin. Russia is NOT a hoax, and now that the American people are on to you, you had no success at all in 2018.

Look at you telling ME to "shut the fuck up". The guy who "never uses profanity". I'm not very good at taking orders from assholes. That's why I've always been able to rise to the top wherever I've gone. I know the difference between right and wrong. Between lying, cheating, and denigrating others, and telling the truth, playing according to the rules, and treating others with respect.


I'm very proud of my flag and the country for which it stands. Canadians voted for their flag. We picked this design. But it's just a piece of cloth. What we're most proud of is our PEOPLE. Immigrants from every nation on earth. 25,000 refugees from Syria. The Canadian people are the ones who make our country strong.

You scream loudly about your country's symbols and history, and say nothing about divisions, the segregation of your communities, by race, by religion, by political persuasion. Your Founders sought a "more perfect union", and they expected those who followed them to live up to those ideals.

The US was never a "white nation". But it has always been a "white ruled nation". Native Americans always formed a significant percentage of the population, and blacks have formed 10% of the population since before the Founders signed the Declaration of Independence. California, Texas were both settled by the Spanish. Texas was won in the Spanish American wars, California voted to join the USA.

Trump's racist rants, screeds and diatribes are the death throes of the rule of old white men, and the inequity, injustice, and waste of human resources that have been institutionalized by their rule.

"E pluribus unum - from many, one" - from many nations, from many races, from many cultures - one nation.
You are Putin's Ally. You spout Putin's Propaganda every day. If Putin was with in a 100 feet of you, you would drop to your knees to service him.

There is no Racism in America. It's a myth. It's Putin's Myth and Yours. No Black man could ever be president of a Racist Nation with 70% of the population being white.

Now go back to what you are good at, serving at Putin's Pleasure.

That and lying your ass off every day, and attacking America.
they are bending over & grabbing their ankles for donny.
You sound jealous ha

you sound desperate. haaaaaaaaaaa.....................
Trump 2020
----------------------------------- TRUMP is doing fine and he sure doesn't expect agreement with the 'unamerican' dems and Playtime .
Every day now we see that to donnie's deplorables/CRCs, to be against be anti fascism is "unamerican".
You know, being against racism and fascism is considered a good thing. Maybe you should rewrite the sentence? Unless you are finally 'woke' to the fact that Conservatives -- not that Trump is one -- are not the racists and fascists you think they are.
He asked you a question you didn’t answer.

Telling us,”oh that’s just your narrative”

Is it true?

We used to say bush was a racist simply because his policies that negatively effect poor people, which a lot of blacks happen to be poor. Of course Ben Carson can see the gop side but that’s because he’s got that greedy ignorant ungrateful gene and he forgot where he came from. So you say it’s not racism then it’s more about money, and that is true. If only you poor whites would realize that’s true. But the rich, who typically happen to be mostly whites, use race to divide us.

Trump is actually purposely playing the race card. He’s being much more overt. You think it’s because he doesn’t care and he is unfiltered and you actually agree with the shit he says for example are you a person who likes to tell immigrants to go back to their own country?

Trump thinks being politically incorrect will work. I’m curious to see what America is made of. We kno 49% of voters will vote for trump. I’m curious to see which way the independents and undecideds go. And new voters. I hope like hell they vote this embarrassment out of office.

Trump never played the race card. YOu are being lied to.

THe question he asked, was not a question. It was a propaganda attack, thinly veiled as a question.

Imagine if, every day for your entire life, in view of others, people asked you if you had "stopped beating your wife yet".

And no matter what you said or did, they kept asking the question?

You think that would have an impact on your life?

How long would it be, before you stopped, answering the question, and started punching people in the face?
"YES punch him in the face I'll pay the lawyers bills"" D Trump

Are you retarded?
I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But I've recovered since then

Wow. I asked you if you were retarded, and you felt the need to be evasive?

Very telling. I will give your typical liberal playing stupid tactic much more credibility in the future.

Three members of a white supremacist group who participated in 2017’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, were handed jail sentences related to riot charges on Friday, the Justice Department announced.

Benjamin Daley was sentenced to 37 months in prison, Thomas Gillen to 33 months and Michael Miselis to 27 months for violence they committed during the Charlottesville rally and other events in California. The men were arrested by federal authorities in Virginia in October and were part of a now-defunct group called the Rise Above Movement, a violent white supremacist organization based in California.

And Trump said there were some very fine people on both sides? Where were the fine people sitting on these guys side? You would have been with them right? I think that disqualified you as being a "very fine" person if you are at a white pride rally.

I don't know that's just the way I was raised. I know your argument. Why can blacks have black pride and latino pride but whites cant? Because every day is white pride day.

Do you want to have straight pride day too?
Trump never played the race card. YOu are being lied to.

THe question he asked, was not a question. It was a propaganda attack, thinly veiled as a question.

Imagine if, every day for your entire life, in view of others, people asked you if you had "stopped beating your wife yet".

And no matter what you said or did, they kept asking the question?

You think that would have an impact on your life?

How long would it be, before you stopped, answering the question, and started punching people in the face?
"YES punch him in the face I'll pay the lawyers bills"" D Trump

Are you retarded?
I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But I've recovered since then

Wow. I asked you if you were retarded, and you felt the need to be evasive?

Very telling. I will give your typical liberal playing stupid tactic much more credibility in the future.

Three members of a white supremacist group who participated in 2017’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, were handed jail sentences related to riot charges on Friday, the Justice Department announced.

Benjamin Daley was sentenced to 37 months in prison, Thomas Gillen to 33 months and Michael Miselis to 27 months for violence they committed during the Charlottesville rally and other events in California. The men were arrested by federal authorities in Virginia in October and were part of a now-defunct group called the Rise Above Movement, a violent white supremacist organization based in California.

And Trump said there were some very fine people on both sides? Where were the fine people sitting on these guys side? You would have been with them right? I think that disqualified you as being a "very fine" person if you are at a white pride rally.

I don't know that's just the way I was raised. I know your argument. Why can blacks have black pride and latino pride but whites cant? Because every day is white pride day.

Do you want to have straight pride day too?
Again for the millionth time ha.. he was talking about the historians trying to preserve the historic statues.

Even the the whites that got violent weren’t in the wrong... the police pushed the undermanned crowd in to the crowd of democrats with weapons.. only terrorist were the democrats

God bless Trump for not backing down to the yapping hyenas on the Left. He DOUBLSE down! That's why American loves him and will reelect him.

Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America
Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

After triggering backlash over tweets urging progressive congresswomen to go back to their "broken and crime infested" home countries, President Trump appeared unbowed Sunday night, suggesting it was "so sad" to see Democrats sticking up for the lawmakers.

"So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, 'RACIST,'" Trump tweeted. "Their disgusting language... and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged."

He continued, "If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
" . . . . . (SNIP)
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.

Standing up American citizens, and duly elected members of Congress, the First Amendment right to free speech, and the right of citizens to seek redress from their government is unAmerican?

If that’s your take on this the Republican Party is in bigger trouble than I thought.
That's not what's happening here.
These 4 are making up lies to create problems that the government has to deal with simply because they're women of color. If you don't jump thru their hoops you're a racist.
LOL then you are blind On another note Trump calls the American congresswomen Omar anti semitic ?? In NC ??? Yes we know how folks in NC love blacks love jews love gays they want her to go back?? Are you fucking kidding me you racist POS?/

So you are still attempting to push your Socialist Democrat Masters' false narrative that anyone who says anti-Semitic, terrorist supporting, Trump-Hating, Brother-Marrying, America-hating Americans (or non-Americans) should GTFO is a 'racist'....especially if they live in [Fill In The Name Of Any State Whose Citizens Say This]?!



So you say. You are in no position to talk about anyone else. Telling a foreigner to go back where you came from is racist and Americans agree with me not you. You are the one who gives us false narratives as Trump is your master and you rely on him to tell you what to say.
how is telling someone from another country to go home racist exactly? let's hear this logic.

BTW, it isn't what he said, but why would you care about facts?

God bless Trump for not backing down to the yapping hyenas on the Left. He DOUBLSE down! That's why American loves him and will reelect him.

Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America
Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

After triggering backlash over tweets urging progressive congresswomen to go back to their "broken and crime infested" home countries, President Trump appeared unbowed Sunday night, suggesting it was "so sad" to see Democrats sticking up for the lawmakers.

"So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, 'RACIST,'" Trump tweeted. "Their disgusting language... and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged."

He continued, "If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
" . . . . . (SNIP)
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.

Standing up American citizens, and duly elected members of Congress, the First Amendment right to free speech, and the right of citizens to seek redress from their government is unAmerican?

If that’s your take on this the Republican Party is in bigger trouble than I thought.
That's not what's happening here.
These 4 are making up lies to create problems that the government has to deal with simply because they're women of color. If you don't jump thru their hoops you're a racist.
that is exactly the ploy, if you are of color, and someone opposes you, the opposer is racist. too fking funny. you all are delusional for sure. and you don't know shit.

God bless Trump for not backing down to the yapping hyenas on the Left. He DOUBLSE down! That's why American loves him and will reelect him.

Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America
Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

After triggering backlash over tweets urging progressive congresswomen to go back to their "broken and crime infested" home countries, President Trump appeared unbowed Sunday night, suggesting it was "so sad" to see Democrats sticking up for the lawmakers.

"So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, 'RACIST,'" Trump tweeted. "Their disgusting language... and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged."

He continued, "If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
" . . . . . (SNIP)
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.

Standing up American citizens, and duly elected members of Congress, the First Amendment right to free speech, and the right of citizens to seek redress from their government is unAmerican?

If that’s your take on this the Republican Party is in bigger trouble than I thought.
Why do you oppose Free Speech, and why have you allied with Google in trying to silence the voice of Conservatives?
if the voice of conservatives is so out there, why are the leftists so afraid of the useless message they say it is? anyone say inconsistent?

God bless Trump for not backing down to the yapping hyenas on the Left. He DOUBLSE down! That's why American loves him and will reelect him.

Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America
Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

After triggering backlash over tweets urging progressive congresswomen to go back to their "broken and crime infested" home countries, President Trump appeared unbowed Sunday night, suggesting it was "so sad" to see Democrats sticking up for the lawmakers.

"So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, 'RACIST,'" Trump tweeted. "Their disgusting language... and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged."

He continued, "If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
" . . . . . (SNIP)
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.
And Trump is doing a fantastic job of making Democrats come out of the closet and exposing their hatred of America.

To be fair I don't think he's making them do anything. I think they came out all on their own. He's just pointing it out.

Democrats ADMITTED President Trump NEVER used anyone's name and NEVER mentioned color DESPITE the fact that D-Omar, a racist terrorist-supporting anti-Semite who has been rebuked several times by her own party for her words / actions, FALSELY accused the President of 'RACISTLY attacking' HER by telling HER if she hates this country so much she should to go back to where she came from and then joining her in officially condemning the President's NON-racial NON-attack on Omar.

Not only did the DEMOCRATS themselves admit it, the TRUTH was reported by liberal anti-Trump media who continued to attempt to claim HE DID SO WITHOUT DOING SO. :p

"He did NOT mention Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley or Tlaib by name."
-- House votes to condemn Trump's racist tweets with support from only 4 Republicans

"The president did NOT explicitly name the women"

-- Theresa May condemns Trump's 'go back' remark

Omar publicly declared President attacked HER using 'RACIAL' remarks.
- SHE LIED! And the Democratic Party backed her LIE anyway just to attempt to score a 'political hit' against the President.

What Omar, what the Squad, what the Democratic party just did was COMMIT A HATE-CRIME HOAX ACCUSATION! They falsely accused the President of a (Racist) Hate-Crime...because what they FALSELY accused the President of doing DID NOT HAPPEN!

LYING Socialist Democrat politicians are now using this tactic all over the country, it seems:


"He said, 'go back,' you know, those types of words," Thomas said on Saturday. "I don't wanna say he said 'go back to your country,' or 'go back to where you came from,' but he was making those types of references, is what I remember."

"So, you don't remember exactly what he said?" a reporter pressed.

Thomas answered: "No, no, definitely not."

Georgia lawmaker who said man told her to 'go back where you came from' walks back part of claim

The Democrats - founders of militant hate groups The KKK, The Black Panthers, & ANTIFA - is a vile race-baiting bunch of PROVEN violent, divisive LIARS!



God bless Trump for not backing down to the yapping hyenas on the Left. He DOUBLSE down! That's why American loves him and will reelect him.

Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America
Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

After triggering backlash over tweets urging progressive congresswomen to go back to their "broken and crime infested" home countries, President Trump appeared unbowed Sunday night, suggesting it was "so sad" to see Democrats sticking up for the lawmakers.

"So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, 'RACIST,'" Trump tweeted. "Their disgusting language... and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged."

He continued, "If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
" . . . . . (SNIP)
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.
And Trump is doing a fantastic job of making Democrats come out of the closet and exposing their hatred of America.

To be fair I don't think he's making them do anything. I think they came out all on their own. He's just pointing it out.
They knew it was them.
Who else was trashing the country at that moment in time?
2weeks earlier it would have been every Democrat Presidential candidate at the debates.
They knew it was them.

Defense attorney asks crazed TDS-suffering snowflake on the witness stand:

Snowflake: "NO, but I KNOW it was him! I just KNOW!"



God bless Trump for not backing down to the yapping hyenas on the Left. He DOUBLSE down! That's why American loves him and will reelect him.

Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America
Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

After triggering backlash over tweets urging progressive congresswomen to go back to their "broken and crime infested" home countries, President Trump appeared unbowed Sunday night, suggesting it was "so sad" to see Democrats sticking up for the lawmakers.

"So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, 'RACIST,'" Trump tweeted. "Their disgusting language... and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged."

He continued, "If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
" . . . . . (SNIP)
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.

Standing up American citizens, and duly elected members of Congress, the First Amendment right to free speech, and the right of citizens to seek redress from their government is unAmerican?

If that’s your take on this the Republican Party is in bigger trouble than I thought.
That's not what's happening here.
These 4 are making up lies to create problems that the government has to deal with simply because they're women of color. If you don't jump thru their hoops you're a racist.

That is EXACTLY what is happening here. Trump is making up lies about these women, because Mueller is testifying before Congress next week, Michael Flynn's business partner went on trial last week, his best friend from the 1990's and 2000's, Jeffrey Epstein, has been arrested and is being denied bail, and the Supoena to search Michael Cohen's office has been unsealed and published by the judge in the case, saying it was a matter of "Nationals Security", after AG Barr shut down further investigation and prosecution of other players in this case, including President Trump. And you're on the verge of war with Iran. Not to mention Trump lost 3 court cases about his personal finances and Congressional investigations last week, and his tax returns are about to be revealed to the American people. And that's just the shit that happened in the last 14 days.

Trump is declaring that he is a white supremacist to deflect from the shitstorm that is raining down on him from all sides. And polls that are basically saying that any of the top 5 Democratic candidates for President will beat Trump. This is not likely to end well for Trump.
It's not the President / Republicans who are ADMITTEDLYT lying, my last post above, open the link, read the article....or just keep 'lying / denying / justifying'.


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