Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

God bless Trump for not backing down to the yapping hyenas on the Left. He DOUBLSE down! That's why American loves him and will reelect him.

Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America
Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

After triggering backlash over tweets urging progressive congresswomen to go back to their "broken and crime infested" home countries, President Trump appeared unbowed Sunday night, suggesting it was "so sad" to see Democrats sticking up for the lawmakers.

"So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, 'RACIST,'" Trump tweeted. "Their disgusting language... and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged."

He continued, "If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
" . . . . . (SNIP)
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.
Republicans are officially Anti-Americans party.
Have you ever in your life seen a republican burn an American flag? You can accuse republicans of many things, but being un-american isnt one of them.
Pubs shroud themselves in patriotism to piss all over what America stands for. You missed my point. Republicans love America...they hate Americans.

It seems the First Amendment is for all except for Trump.
The liberals are trying desperately to silence him.
Is he doing it from the so called presidential podium to squash her free speech... to speak out against our government?
So they have a right to speak out against our country, but he hasn't the right to speak up for our country?
I see.......
how is he speaking up for it Meister?

Is he discussing or debating the issues with those that differ? NO

he's using it to continue on his never ending quest of hatred and dividing this country... imo.
He is speaking up against those who don't like our country, Care.
Your opinion on him debating or discussing the issues is just your opinion, I disagree with your assessment.
Hatred and dividing this country? He loves this country and willing to fight for it.
This country has been divided for a long time if you haven't noticed. Seems now you and the left are going down
a socialistic path, Care.
That's all BS Trump campaign rhetoric Meister, these are simply 4 young freshmen congresswoman, they have no power... much like the tea party was, they had no power to make changes.... the Republicans continued to spend money like there was no tomorrow.... tea party could not change things.

What does your Trump Party stand for? What is your platform for the middle class?

Trump has done nothing for America but policies that enrich the richest and increase their wealth....And hired Swamp creatures and scrum in his administration, NOTHING done for the average American or our country, only for corporations... wall street and himself.....

Is social security retirement and Medicare socialism, socialistic, socialist??
Those 4 young freshman congress critters have taken over your msm, care....iffin' you haven't noticed.
They pretty much handcuffed your party's leaders in the process. Pelosi seems to use kid gloves when speaking about them.
Republicans spending too much....absolutely they are spending too much. Politicians spend too much, no doubt about that.
Do you rally think the wealthy got richer just when Trump took over????? News for you,'s been going on for a long long time.
But, now the wages are increasing for the middle and lower class...unlike when your messiah was in office for 8 years when
wages were stagnating.
I sure do wish you were as animate about corporations and wall street when the messiah was in office as you are now,
you would have convinced me about your sincerity of the subject....other than just politics.
being proved wrong leaves whites like Trump distressed. he gets the racial blues. let's call it CHEAT (Chronic Historical Evasion And Trickery)]

if not treated properly, it can lead to other disorders, like the following:

FAKE (Finding Alternative Knowledge Elusive)
FOOL (Forsaking Others Outstanding Legacy)
LIE (Lacking Introspection Entirely)
I ask you to pick your strongest example for serious discussion, and you just repeat all of the shit.

YOu really are a retarded monkey.

I will address your first shit sandwich.

You posted the clip of Trump's "enemy" ad. It shows COngressmen, and politicians and reporters, not regular people going about their business.

Your first piece of shit, is revealed to be shit. Do you want to defend that, somehow, or move down the list to your next lie?

Your choice, but pick one, I'm not going to let you get away with your retard shit throwing monkey routine.

oh gimmee a break, cartoon boy. i don't 'need' to defend anything.... your president dotard has repeatedly called 'democrats' the enemy... m......

& then i said, if they STILL support such an unethical, immoral, thieving INCOMPETENT conman after all that has been said & done & NOT done, after these 2 1/2 years, then they & YOU have moved from basket to the other & deserve to be mocked & scorned.

1. I understand your confusion at being expected to defend the shit you say. After all you are a liberal.

2. And you can't.

3. Hillary smeared half the nation. ANd you do to. As you just did. THus proving my point.

4. Trump's platform was designed to serve our interests. Voting for that is not being conned. YOu are just a fucking asshole.

here's yer interest cartoon boy..................

Your inability to make defend your claim is noted. YOu lose, loser.

i did. you just can't accept it cause your belly is full of orange koolaid.

Your concession is accepted. My points stand as the conclusion of our little debate.

1. I understand your confusion at being expected to defend the shit you say. After all you are a liberal.

2. And you can't.

3. Hillary smeared half the nation. ANd you do to. As you just did. THus proving my point.

4. Trump's platform was designed to serve our interests. Voting for that is not being conned. YOu are just a fucking asshole.
When Trump became President, the Race Baiters flew into a frenzy.

You are an asshole.

when trump became 'president' the torch bearers got the green light. why did david duke support trump? why did richard spencer giggle like a school girl? why did PEPE croak with glee?

That is the narrative that you filthy liars keep pushing.

You can't back it up, with anything more than your usual bullshit. But having shit pour from your mouth doesn't seem to be a problem for you fuckers.

tsk tsk tsk..... such a potty mouth on you cartoon boy................

i'd call that

triggered. :afro:

When some cocksucker like you, starts with Godwins, obscenities are certainly called for.

You are a vile little piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

lol... never used the word hitler.... never used the word nazi.....

remember when i said 'triggered' ? ......


You cited David Duke and Richard Spencer, and you are a cowardly fucktard.

Your dishonest lib tactic of being a fucking asshole, and then acting like there is something wrong with ME, because I respond appropriately to a fucking asshole,

is just you being a dishonest fucking asshole.

oh gimmee a break, cartoon boy. i don't 'need' to defend anything.... your president dotard has repeatedly called 'democrats' the enemy... m......

& then i said, if they STILL support such an unethical, immoral, thieving INCOMPETENT conman after all that has been said & done & NOT done, after these 2 1/2 years, then they & YOU have moved from basket to the other & deserve to be mocked & scorned.

1. I understand your confusion at being expected to defend the shit you say. After all you are a liberal.

2. And you can't.

3. Hillary smeared half the nation. ANd you do to. As you just did. THus proving my point.

4. Trump's platform was designed to serve our interests. Voting for that is not being conned. YOu are just a fucking asshole.

here's yer interest cartoon boy..................

Your inability to make defend your claim is noted. YOu lose, loser.

i did. you just can't accept it cause your belly is full of orange koolaid.

Your concession is accepted. My points stand as the conclusion of our little debate.

1. I understand your confusion at being expected to defend the shit you say. After all you are a liberal.

2. And you can't.

3. Hillary smeared half the nation. ANd you do to. As you just did. THus proving my point.

4. Trump's platform was designed to serve our interests. Voting for that is not being conned. YOu are just a fucking asshole.

she smeared the deplorables. the ones that deserve every bit of scorn... the ones that are racist - like you... misogynists - like you... islamophobes... which i am pretty sure you are & homophobes... which wouldn't surprise me if you are..... the other 1/2 she absolutely did not. however, like i said, cartoon boy - if you still support trump after these 2 1/2 years- then you & your 'forgotten men' will be pointed out for the poorly educated trumpanzees that you are.

Only an ignorant fool would claim the Central Park 5 were innocent.

And Trump condemned them, based on their individual actions, so still not supporting your claim.

they didn't commit the crime that he was calling for the death penalty... he didn't walk back that part either when they were found to have no part in it.

ONly an ignorant fool would claim that they had no part in that horrible rape.

only an ignorant fool would claim to not be a a poorly educated racist & trump leg humper & then post what you just did.

Says the man defending 5 rapists. You are a vile piece of shit.

one woman mistakenly accuses 5 men of rape. DNA PROVES that they didn't. the animal that confessed to the crime, NEVER names them as being there, let alone participated. are you saying that cause donny did? i'll bet.

but your president.... accused by several women ( one being 13 years old at the time ) for sexual assault that encompasses everything from forcing a kiss to unwanted grabbing in a sexual way to outright rape.... many describing the same scenario, is ' innocent '. wow wow wow..... stunning.... but it sure doesn't surprise me that's your mode of thinking.

now tell me how THEY were all lying... tell me your excuse about why - when trump lied he was going to sue them all for defamation, never brought a suit against any of them...

now tell me why you will call summer zervos a liar when her lawsuit against trump for defamation ( approved by the court to proceed ) finally starts up... & then again should it be ruled that donny did kiss & grope her against her will.... because, well the trump ankle grabbers are gonna bend over, right?

& one more thing - we have crossed paths several times on this board & several times you have referred to me as a man.

& SEVERAL times i have corrected you on my gender. i am a woman. born female & will die female.

seems that you cannot retain that one little factoid about me says much about what you can actually use in that brain of yers to give a logical, coherent, retort to anything regarding your thortrump, cartoon boy.

1. The raped woman did NOT accuse the 5 men of rape. She was so badly injured that she has no memory of the incident. The men were arrested for the rape because they were picked up, roaming the park and confessed to the crime.

2. That the one rapists does not accuse the other rapists, is not proof of their innocence. D'uh.

3. My information this incident predates Trump's involvement by quite a bit. Nothing about his statements on it, effected my view on it at all. You are just an asshole.

4. You lefties tend to blur together. It is a result of you all talking like a hive mind. My ability to pretend that you are individuals instead of mindless NPCs, is limited. Deal with it, nor not. Whatever.
when trump became 'president' the torch bearers got the green light. why did david duke support trump? why did richard spencer giggle like a school girl? why did PEPE croak with glee?

That is the narrative that you filthy liars keep pushing.

You can't back it up, with anything more than your usual bullshit. But having shit pour from your mouth doesn't seem to be a problem for you fuckers.

tsk tsk tsk..... such a potty mouth on you cartoon boy................

i'd call that

triggered. :afro:

When some cocksucker like you, starts with Godwins, obscenities are certainly called for.

You are a vile little piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

lol... never used the word hitler.... never used the word nazi.....

remember when i said 'triggered' ? ......


You cited David Duke and Richard Spencer, and you are a cowardly fucktard.

Your dishonest lib tactic of being a fucking asshole, and then acting like there is something wrong with ME, because I respond appropriately to a fucking asshole,

is just you being a dishonest fucking asshole.


they didn't commit the crime that he was calling for the death penalty... he didn't walk back that part either when they were found to have no part in it.

ONly an ignorant fool would claim that they had no part in that horrible rape.

only an ignorant fool would claim to not be a a poorly educated racist & trump leg humper & then post what you just did.

Says the man defending 5 rapists. You are a vile piece of shit.

one woman mistakenly accuses 5 men of rape. DNA PROVES that they didn't. the animal that confessed to the crime, NEVER names them as being there, let alone participated. are you saying that cause donny did? i'll bet.

but your president.... accused by several women ( one being 13 years old at the time ) for sexual assault that encompasses everything from forcing a kiss to unwanted grabbing in a sexual way to outright rape.... many describing the same scenario, is ' innocent '. wow wow wow..... stunning.... but it sure doesn't surprise me that's your mode of thinking.

now tell me how THEY were all lying... tell me your excuse about why - when trump lied he was going to sue them all for defamation, never brought a suit against any of them...

now tell me why you will call summer zervos a liar when her lawsuit against trump for defamation ( approved by the court to proceed ) finally starts up... & then again should it be ruled that donny did kiss & grope her against her will.... because, well the trump ankle grabbers are gonna bend over, right?

& one more thing - we have crossed paths several times on this board & several times you have referred to me as a man.

& SEVERAL times i have corrected you on my gender. i am a woman. born female & will die female.

seems that you cannot retain that one little factoid about me says much about what you can actually use in that brain of yers to give a logical, coherent, retort to anything regarding your thortrump, cartoon boy.

1. The raped woman did NOT accuse the 5 men of rape. She was so badly injured that she has no memory of the incident. The men were arrested for the rape because they were picked up, roaming the park and confessed to the crime.

2. That the one rapists does not accuse the other rapists, is not proof of their innocence. D'uh.

3. My information this incident predates Trump's involvement by quite a bit. Nothing about his statements on it, effected my view on it at all. You are just an asshole.

4. You lefties tend to blur together. It is a result of you all talking like a hive mind. My ability to pretend that you are individuals instead of mindless NPCs, is limited. Deal with it, nor not. Whatever.

they confessed because they were severly pressured into it. it happens.... & no DNA means no rape. no way can any assault that bad not leave a trace of DNA.

lol.... rave on lunatic... rave on.
That’s what you’ll run on it won’t work. The independents aren’t buying it. This stuff is turning them off.

But this is trumps strategy. His supporters sure love it. They love anything he does. He could be that pedophile Epstein’s best friend republicans would love it. Deplorable
When Trump became presidunce the racists came out of their closets

When Trump became President, the Race Baiters flew into a frenzy.

You are an asshole.

when trump became 'president' the torch bearers got the green light. why did david duke support trump? why did richard spencer giggle like a school girl? why did PEPE croak with glee?

That is the narrative that you filthy liars keep pushing.

You can't back it up, with anything more than your usual bullshit. But having shit pour from your mouth doesn't seem to be a problem for you fuckers.
He asked you a question you didn’t answer.

Telling us,”oh that’s just your narrative”

Is it true?

We used to say bush was a racist simply because his policies that negatively effect poor people, which a lot of blacks happen to be poor. Of course Ben Carson can see the gop side but that’s because he’s got that greedy ignorant ungrateful gene and he forgot where he came from. So you say it’s not racism then it’s more about money, and that is true. If only you poor whites would realize that’s true. But the rich, who typically happen to be mostly whites, use race to divide us.

Trump is actually purposely playing the race card. He’s being much more overt. You think it’s because he doesn’t care and he is unfiltered and you actually agree with the shit he says for example are you a person who likes to tell immigrants to go back to their own country?

Trump thinks being politically incorrect will work. I’m curious to see what America is made of. We kno 49% of voters will vote for trump. I’m curious to see which way the independents and undecideds go. And new voters. I hope like hell they vote this embarrassment out of office.

Trump never played the race card. YOu are being lied to.

THe question he asked, was not a question. It was a propaganda attack, thinly veiled as a question.

Imagine if, every day for your entire life, in view of others, people asked you if you had "stopped beating your wife yet".

And no matter what you said or did, they kept asking the question?

You think that would have an impact on your life?

How long would it be, before you stopped, answering the question, and started punching people in the face?
When Trump became presidunce the racists came out of their closets

When Trump became President, the Race Baiters flew into a frenzy.

You are an asshole.

when trump became 'president' the torch bearers got the green light. why did david duke support trump? why did richard spencer giggle like a school girl? why did PEPE croak with glee?

That is the narrative that you filthy liars keep pushing.

You can't back it up, with anything more than your usual bullshit. But having shit pour from your mouth doesn't seem to be a problem for you fuckers.
He asked you a question you didn’t answer.

Telling us,”oh that’s just your narrative”

Is it true?

We used to say bush was a racist simply because his policies that negatively effect poor people, which a lot of blacks happen to be poor. Of course Ben Carson can see the gop side but that’s because he’s got that greedy ignorant ungrateful gene and he forgot where he came from. So you say it’s not racism then it’s more about money, and that is true. If only you poor whites would realize that’s true. But the rich, who typically happen to be mostly whites, use race to divide us.

Trump is actually purposely playing the race card. He’s being much more overt. You think it’s because he doesn’t care and he is unfiltered and you actually agree with the shit he says for example are you a person who likes to tell immigrants to go back to their own country?

Trump thinks being politically incorrect will work. I’m curious to see what America is made of. We kno 49% of voters will vote for trump. I’m curious to see which way the independents and undecideds go. And new voters. I hope like hell they vote this embarrassment out of office.

Trump never played the race card. YOu are being lied to.

THe question he asked, was not a question. It was a propaganda attack, thinly veiled as a question.

Imagine if, every day for your entire life, in view of others, people asked you if you had "stopped beating your wife yet".

And no matter what you said or did, they kept asking the question?

You think that would have an impact on your life?

How long would it be, before you stopped, answering the question, and started punching people in the face?
"YES punch him in the face I'll pay the lawyers bills"" D Trump
1. I understand your confusion at being expected to defend the shit you say. After all you are a liberal.

2. And you can't.

3. Hillary smeared half the nation. ANd you do to. As you just did. THus proving my point.

4. Trump's platform was designed to serve our interests. Voting for that is not being conned. YOu are just a fucking asshole.

here's yer interest cartoon boy..................

Your inability to make defend your claim is noted. YOu lose, loser.

i did. you just can't accept it cause your belly is full of orange koolaid.

Your concession is accepted. My points stand as the conclusion of our little debate.

1. I understand your confusion at being expected to defend the shit you say. After all you are a liberal.

2. And you can't.

3. Hillary smeared half the nation. ANd you do to. As you just did. THus proving my point.

4. Trump's platform was designed to serve our interests. Voting for that is not being conned. YOu are just a fucking asshole.

she smeared the deplorables. the ones that deserve every bit of scorn... the ones that are racist - like you... misogynists - like you... islamophobes... which i am pretty sure you are & homophobes... which wouldn't surprise me if you are..... the other 1/2 she absolutely did not. however, like i said, cartoon boy - if you still support trump after these 2 1/2 years- then you & your 'forgotten men' will be pointed out for the poorly educated trumpanzees that you are.


1. If you say someone has a 50% of being a bad person, you have smeared them, you dishonest fuck.

2. Half of America does not deserve those smears, and only a fucktard, HIlalry and you, for example, would claim they do.

3. You are a fucking asshole.
That is the narrative that you filthy liars keep pushing.

You can't back it up, with anything more than your usual bullshit. But having shit pour from your mouth doesn't seem to be a problem for you fuckers.

tsk tsk tsk..... such a potty mouth on you cartoon boy................

i'd call that

triggered. :afro:

When some cocksucker like you, starts with Godwins, obscenities are certainly called for.

You are a vile little piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

lol... never used the word hitler.... never used the word nazi.....

remember when i said 'triggered' ? ......


You cited David Duke and Richard Spencer, and you are a cowardly fucktard.

Your dishonest lib tactic of being a fucking asshole, and then acting like there is something wrong with ME, because I respond appropriately to a fucking asshole,

is just you being a dishonest fucking asshole.



If America was half, no, a TENTH as racist as race baiting assholes like you claim,

you would not have to use photoshop to support your claims.

here's yer interest cartoon boy..................

Your inability to make defend your claim is noted. YOu lose, loser.

i did. you just can't accept it cause your belly is full of orange koolaid.

Your concession is accepted. My points stand as the conclusion of our little debate.

1. I understand your confusion at being expected to defend the shit you say. After all you are a liberal.

2. And you can't.

3. Hillary smeared half the nation. ANd you do to. As you just did. THus proving my point.

4. Trump's platform was designed to serve our interests. Voting for that is not being conned. YOu are just a fucking asshole.

she smeared the deplorables. the ones that deserve every bit of scorn... the ones that are racist - like you... misogynists - like you... islamophobes... which i am pretty sure you are & homophobes... which wouldn't surprise me if you are..... the other 1/2 she absolutely did not. however, like i said, cartoon boy - if you still support trump after these 2 1/2 years- then you & your 'forgotten men' will be pointed out for the poorly educated trumpanzees that you are.


1. If you say someone has a 50% of being a bad person, you have smeared them, you dishonest fuck.

2. Half of America does not deserve those smears, and only a fucktard, HIlalry and you, for example, would claim they do.

3. You are a fucking asshole.

And all those following the race baiting divider of America are Rhode scholars ?? You should pick your battles with those you can defeat
here's yer interest cartoon boy..................

Your inability to make defend your claim is noted. YOu lose, loser.

i did. you just can't accept it cause your belly is full of orange koolaid.

Your concession is accepted. My points stand as the conclusion of our little debate.

1. I understand your confusion at being expected to defend the shit you say. After all you are a liberal.

2. And you can't.

3. Hillary smeared half the nation. ANd you do to. As you just did. THus proving my point.

4. Trump's platform was designed to serve our interests. Voting for that is not being conned. YOu are just a fucking asshole.

she smeared the deplorables. the ones that deserve every bit of scorn... the ones that are racist - like you... misogynists - like you... islamophobes... which i am pretty sure you are & homophobes... which wouldn't surprise me if you are..... the other 1/2 she absolutely did not. however, like i said, cartoon boy - if you still support trump after these 2 1/2 years- then you & your 'forgotten men' will be pointed out for the poorly educated trumpanzees that you are.


1. If you say someone has a 50% of being a bad person, you have smeared them, you dishonest fuck.

2. Half of America does not deserve those smears, and only a fucktard, HIlalry and you, for example, would claim they do.

3. You are a fucking asshole.

tsk tsk tsk..... such a potty mouth on you cartoon boy................

i'd call that

triggered. :afro:

When some cocksucker like you, starts with Godwins, obscenities are certainly called for.

You are a vile little piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

lol... never used the word hitler.... never used the word nazi.....

remember when i said 'triggered' ? ......


You cited David Duke and Richard Spencer, and you are a cowardly fucktard.

Your dishonest lib tactic of being a fucking asshole, and then acting like there is something wrong with ME, because I respond appropriately to a fucking asshole,

is just you being a dishonest fucking asshole.



tsk tsk tsk..... such a potty mouth on you cartoon boy................

i'd call that

triggered. :afro:

When some cocksucker like you, starts with Godwins, obscenities are certainly called for.

You are a vile little piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

lol... never used the word hitler.... never used the word nazi.....

remember when i said 'triggered' ? ......


You cited David Duke and Richard Spencer, and you are a cowardly fucktard.

Your dishonest lib tactic of being a fucking asshole, and then acting like there is something wrong with ME, because I respond appropriately to a fucking asshole,

is just you being a dishonest fucking asshole.



If America was half, no, a TENTH as racist as race baiting assholes like you claim,

you would not have to use photoshop to support your claims.

So you say all those voting for the racist trump aren't racists like him?? Well I guess some of you are good people
ONly an ignorant fool would claim that they had no part in that horrible rape.

only an ignorant fool would claim to not be a a poorly educated racist & trump leg humper & then post what you just did.

Says the man defending 5 rapists. You are a vile piece of shit.

one woman mistakenly accuses 5 men of rape. DNA PROVES that they didn't. the animal that confessed to the crime, NEVER names them as being there, let alone participated. are you saying that cause donny did? i'll bet.

but your president.... accused by several women ( one being 13 years old at the time ) for sexual assault that encompasses everything from forcing a kiss to unwanted grabbing in a sexual way to outright rape.... many describing the same scenario, is ' innocent '. wow wow wow..... stunning.... but it sure doesn't surprise me that's your mode of thinking.

now tell me how THEY were all lying... tell me your excuse about why - when trump lied he was going to sue them all for defamation, never brought a suit against any of them...

now tell me why you will call summer zervos a liar when her lawsuit against trump for defamation ( approved by the court to proceed ) finally starts up... & then again should it be ruled that donny did kiss & grope her against her will.... because, well the trump ankle grabbers are gonna bend over, right?

& one more thing - we have crossed paths several times on this board & several times you have referred to me as a man.

& SEVERAL times i have corrected you on my gender. i am a woman. born female & will die female.

seems that you cannot retain that one little factoid about me says much about what you can actually use in that brain of yers to give a logical, coherent, retort to anything regarding your thortrump, cartoon boy.

1. The raped woman did NOT accuse the 5 men of rape. She was so badly injured that she has no memory of the incident. The men were arrested for the rape because they were picked up, roaming the park and confessed to the crime.

2. That the one rapists does not accuse the other rapists, is not proof of their innocence. D'uh.

3. My information this incident predates Trump's involvement by quite a bit. Nothing about his statements on it, effected my view on it at all. You are just an asshole.

4. You lefties tend to blur together. It is a result of you all talking like a hive mind. My ability to pretend that you are individuals instead of mindless NPCs, is limited. Deal with it, nor not. Whatever.

they confessed because they were severly pressured into it. it happens.... & no DNA means no rape. no way can any assault that bad not leave a trace of DNA.

lol.... rave on lunatic... rave on.

1. At least one of them just blurted out a denial of his involvement in the car. Another led the cops to the scene. ANOTHER, claimed to have "just held her down, not raped her" which in our laws is a confession of rape.

2. A lack of DNA does not mean that they did not assist in the rape/assault. It does not mean that they did not penetrate but not ejaculate, it does not mean that they did not ejaculate, but their particular dna might not have been recovered for any number of reasons.

3. You are the one raving on, in defense of very violent and vile rapists.
When Trump became President, the Race Baiters flew into a frenzy.

You are an asshole.

when trump became 'president' the torch bearers got the green light. why did david duke support trump? why did richard spencer giggle like a school girl? why did PEPE croak with glee?

That is the narrative that you filthy liars keep pushing.

You can't back it up, with anything more than your usual bullshit. But having shit pour from your mouth doesn't seem to be a problem for you fuckers.
He asked you a question you didn’t answer.

Telling us,”oh that’s just your narrative”

Is it true?

We used to say bush was a racist simply because his policies that negatively effect poor people, which a lot of blacks happen to be poor. Of course Ben Carson can see the gop side but that’s because he’s got that greedy ignorant ungrateful gene and he forgot where he came from. So you say it’s not racism then it’s more about money, and that is true. If only you poor whites would realize that’s true. But the rich, who typically happen to be mostly whites, use race to divide us.

Trump is actually purposely playing the race card. He’s being much more overt. You think it’s because he doesn’t care and he is unfiltered and you actually agree with the shit he says for example are you a person who likes to tell immigrants to go back to their own country?

Trump thinks being politically incorrect will work. I’m curious to see what America is made of. We kno 49% of voters will vote for trump. I’m curious to see which way the independents and undecideds go. And new voters. I hope like hell they vote this embarrassment out of office.

Trump never played the race card. YOu are being lied to.

THe question he asked, was not a question. It was a propaganda attack, thinly veiled as a question.

Imagine if, every day for your entire life, in view of others, people asked you if you had "stopped beating your wife yet".

And no matter what you said or did, they kept asking the question?

You think that would have an impact on your life?

How long would it be, before you stopped, answering the question, and started punching people in the face?
"YES punch him in the face I'll pay the lawyers bills"" D Trump

Are you retarded?

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