Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

... 20+ Women Who Have Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Assault & Misconduct
Andrea González-Ramírez

Ahead, all the claims of sexual assault, harassment, and misconduct against President Trump, in reverse chronological order of when they were reported. He has denied all the allegations.
E. Jean Carroll
In an excerpt from her book published in The Cut, Carroll wrote that Trump raped her after she tried to help him find a gift for a unnamed woman.
Alva Johnson
Johnson, who worked on the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, alleged that he attempted to kiss her without her consent at a rally in Florida.
Jill Harth
Harth told The Guardian that Trump made unwanted advances toward her and attempted to grope her during a meeting at Trump Tower in 1992. She alleged that Trump groped her while she and her then partner George Houraney were touring Mar-a-Lago a year later. Harth sued Trump in 1997.
Ninni Laaksonen
Laaksonen told the Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat that Trump groped her while backstage at the Late Show with David Letterman in 2006.
Jessica Drake
Drake said during a press conference that Trump kissed her without her consent at a charity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, NV, in 2006.
Karena Virginia
Virginia told The Washington Post that Trump groped her breast at the 1998 U.S. Open tennis tournament.
Cathy Heller
Heller told The Guardian that Trump forcibly kissed her at a Mother's Day brunch at Mar-a-Lago in 1997.
Summer Zervos
Zervos told reporters that Trump forcibly kissed her and touched her breast without her consent at a dinner in Beverly Hills in 2007. Zervos is currently suing Trump for defamation.

Kristin Anderson
Anderson told The Washington Post that Trump sat next to her at a club in Manhattan, slid his fingers up her skirt without her consent, and then groped her through her underwear in the early 1990s.
Mariah Billado
The former Miss Teen USA contestant told BuzzFeed News that Trump walked in on her and the other teenage contestants while they were changing backstage in 1997.
Samantha Holvey
The former Miss USA contestant told CNN that Trump made lewd comments about the contestants at the 2006 pageant, and personally inspected each woman. It was "the dirtiest I felt in my entire life," she said.
Lisa Boyne
Boyne told HuffPost that Trump looked under women’s skirts and made comments about whether they were wearing underwear or not while at a meeting in a restaurant in 1996. “It was the most offensive scene I’ve ever been a part of,” Boyne said. “I wanted to get the heck out of there.”
Rachel Crooks
Crooks, who worked as a receptionist at an investment firm located in Trump Tower, told The New York Times that Trump kissed her without her consent in 2006.
Jessica Leeds
Leeds told The New York Times that Trump groped her breasts and tried to slide his hand up her skirt without her consent during a flight in the early 1980s.
Melinda McGillivray
McGillivray told the Palm Beach Post that she was 23 when Trump groped her backside during a concert at Mar-a-Lago in 2003.
Cassandra Searles
Searles, a former Miss USA contestant, wrote in a Facebook post that Trump repeatedly groped her backside during the 2013 pageant.
Natasha Stoynoff
The People magazine journalist said Trump forcibly kissed her while she was reporting a story at Mar-a-Lago in 2005.
Tasha Dixon
The former Miss USA contestant told CBS News’ Los Angeles affiliate that Trump walked in on contestants while they were changing at the 2001 pageant.
Bridget Sullivan
Sullivan, who participated in the 2000 Miss Teen USA pageant, told BuzzFeed News that Trump would give the teenage girls "a squeeze like a creepy uncle would" and walked in on them while they were changing in the dressing room.
Temple Taggart
Taggart, a former Miss USA contestant, told The New York Times that Trump kissed her without her consent at the 1997 pageant and a subsequent meeting in Manhattan when she was 21 years old.
Ivana Trump
Ivana said at a deposition during the couple's divorce proceedings that after an argument in 1989, they had a sexual encounter she described as "rape." She later retracted the statement, saying she felt "violated" by the encounter but she didn't think it was rape in "the criminal sense."

At Least 21 Women Have Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Assault & Misconduct

And every one a proven liar. So of course you believe them.

nice try, but not one of them has been proven to be anything. the statute of limitations has run out & they never had their day in court. remember when he said that after the election he was gonna sue his accusers?

ya.... i do.

& did he?


why? why you ask?

'cause that woulda meant his accusers would have testified & he would have been put under oath as well & the pussy grabber knew that, that's why he reneged.

donny is gonna settle with summer zervos, who is suing him for defamation; claiming how he defamed her by calling her a liar re: her accusations against him. when it's time for the court to hear the case, he'll cave. although he claimed to never settle cause it means you're weak & guilty.

remember how he settled his trump U fraud case against him?

:abgg2q.jpg: i do.
Poor deluded tard. Every one of those women was shown to be a liar. Trump can't sue them because he's President and busy with an actual job, unlike those money grubbing liars who disappeared after the election. With many of them called liars by witnesses to their alleged "assault". Unless that tramp can show she was assaulted by Trump, she has no defamation case because it seems Trump is telling the truth about her being a liar.

sure. & you can just cough up some unbiased credible links to back up your drivel & let me know when it's posted.
I'm not the one trying to destroy the country to the benefit of Vladimir Putin. Russia is NOT a hoax, and now that the American people are on to you, you had no success at all in 2018.

Look at you telling ME to "shut the fuck up". The guy who "never uses profanity". I'm not very good at taking orders from assholes. That's why I've always been able to rise to the top wherever I've gone. I know the difference between right and wrong. Between lying, cheating, and denigrating others, and telling the truth, playing according to the rules, and treating others with respect.


I'm very proud of my flag and the country for which it stands. Canadians voted for their flag. We picked this design. But it's just a piece of cloth. What we're most proud of is our PEOPLE. Immigrants from every nation on earth. 25,000 refugees from Syria. The Canadian people are the ones who make our country strong.

You scream loudly about your country's symbols and history, and say nothing about divisions, the segregation of your communities, by race, by religion, by political persuasion. Your Founders sought a "more perfect union", and they expected those who followed them to live up to those ideals.

The US was never a "white nation". But it has always been a "white ruled nation". Native Americans always formed a significant percentage of the population, and blacks have formed 10% of the population since before the Founders signed the Declaration of Independence. California, Texas were both settled by the Spanish. Texas was won in the Spanish American wars, California voted to join the USA.

Trump's racist rants, screeds and diatribes are the death throes of the rule of old white men, and the inequity, injustice, and waste of human resources that have been institutionalized by their rule.

"E pluribus unum - from many, one" - from many nations, from many races, from many cultures - one nation.
You are Putin's Ally. You spout Putin's Propaganda every day. If Putin was with in a 100 feet of you, you would drop to your knees to service him.

There is no Racism in America. It's a myth. It's Putin's Myth and Yours. No Black man could ever be president of a Racist Nation with 70% of the population being white.

Now go back to what you are good at, serving at Putin's Pleasure.

That and lying your ass off every day, and attacking America.

lol.... no puppet, no puppet... trump's the puppet... no TRUMP'S the puppet................

Sure, whatever you say.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?


well, certainly not one of these, tree stump...............


Apparently you have no sense of humor and neither does your failing party. That is the difference between Conservatives and The Left.
We recognize subtle humor.

You should recognize when you are being mocked and ridiculed.

Going through life stupid and blind is no way to live, son.

The Russian Flag was to MOCK YOU, and MOCK your Entire Party, especially Birther and Creator also of The Russian Collusion Narrative Lie, Hillary Clinton.

Imagine that, Hillary Clinton was responsible for both The Birther Movement, and The Fake Russian Collusion Narrative. Two Lies she created and used to attack her Political Rivals with.

She also created The Benghazi Was Attacked Due To A Video Lie, The Email Yoga Pants Email Lie, and Many Many Others.

And we can talk about Uranium One, Fast and Furious, Travel Gate, Bimbo Storms and many many other scandals she was involved in, all of which she lied about.

We have investigated all of these things, more than once, many of them more than a dozen times. 7 Benghazi Reports - all of them say Hillary told no lies, committed no crimes, and was not responsible for either the attacks or their outcome.

Putin himself told the American people he wanted Donald Trump as Presiden, not Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump is responsible for the Birther Movement: Here are his tweets from 2011/2012

Donald Trump's Birther Tweets

We can talk about Uranium One, Fast and Furious, Travel Gate, Bimbo Storms and many many other Republlican lies, and phony scandals and the fact that every investigation has said the same thing. HILLARY CLINTON COMMITTED NO CRIMES, IS FACING NO CHARGES, AND HAS NEVER BEEN INDICTED FOR A SINGLE CRIME. 17 INVESTIGATIONS, $100 MILLION SPENT - NO CHARGES, NO WITNESSES, NO EVIDENCE, AND NO CRIMES.

None of this changes the basic fact Trump is Putin's agent in the White House, having late night calls with Putin, and he is destroying NATO and the American trade alliances to harm the USA at Putin's request.

Trump has been caught and he's trying to lie his way out of everything. And you're trying to deflect away from your lying criminal President because you're a lying criminal Russian piece of shit.
You are Putin's Ally. You spout Putin's Propaganda every day. If Putin was with in a 100 feet of you, you would drop to your knees to service him.

There is no Racism in America. It's a myth. It's Putin's Myth and Yours. No Black man could ever be president of a Racist Nation with 70% of the population being white.

Now go back to what you are good at, serving at Putin's Pleasure.

That and lying your ass off every day, and attacking America.

lol.... no puppet, no puppet... trump's the puppet... no TRUMP'S the puppet................

Sure, whatever you say.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?


well, certainly not one of these, tree stump...............


Apparently you have no sense of humor and neither does your failing party. That is the difference between Conservatives and The Left.
We recognize subtle humor.

You should recognize when you are being mocked and ridiculed.

Going through life stupid and blind is no way to live, son.

The Russian Flag was to MOCK YOU, and MOCK your Entire Party, especially Birther and Creator also of The Russian Collusion Narrative Lie, Hillary Clinton.

Imagine that, Hillary Clinton was responsible for both The Birther Movement, and The Fake Russian Collusion Narrative. Two Lies she created and used to attack her Political Rivals with.

She also created The Benghazi Was Attacked Due To A Video Lie, The Email Yoga Pants Email Lie, and Many Many Others.

And we can talk about Uranium One, Fast and Furious, Travel Gate, Bimbo Storms and many many other scandals she was involved in, all of which she lied about.

We have investigated all of these things, more than once, many of them more than a dozen times. 7 Benghazi Reports - all of them say Hillary told no lies, committed no crimes, and was not responsible for either the attacks or their outcome.

Putin himself told the American people he wanted Donald Trump as Presiden, not Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump is responsible for the Birther Movement: Here are his tweets from 2011/2012

Donald Trump's Birther Tweets

We can talk about Uranium One, Fast and Furious, Travel Gate, Bimbo Storms and many many other Republlican lies, and phony scandals and the fact that every investigation has said the same thing. HILLARY CLINTON COMMITTED NO CRIMES, IS FACING NO CHARGES, AND HAS NEVER BEEN INDICTED FOR A SINGLE CRIME. 17 INVESTIGATIONS, $100 MILLION SPENT - NO CHARGES, NO WITNESSES, NO EVIDENCE, AND NO CRIMES.

None of this changes the basic fact Trump is Putin's agent in the White House, having late night calls with Putin, and he is destroying NATO and the American trade alliances to harm the USA at Putin's request.

Trump has been caught and he's trying to lie his way out of everything. And you're trying to deflect away from your lying criminal President because you're a lying criminal Russian piece of shit.

There you go again pounding the pulpit like Hitler again with your DemNazi Propaganda.

How about some facts?

Like the Fact that Mueller's key witness is a Pedophile, and Mueller knew for two years he was investigating a hoax but took the money anyways?

No one is deflecting from anything.

You are deflecting from facts, such as "NO COLLUSION"

Clinton and OBAMA paid for "RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA" that came straight from Putin.

Mueller staffed his entire staff with Trump Haters and some of the very people that launched the Insurance Policy COUP and half of Mueller's team is under Criminal Investigation for Treason and Abuse of Power.

Your COUP failed because it was based on lies, and created by liars, and supported by liars like you.


ERICA THOMAS: State rep. says man told her to 'go back where you came from' at grocery store

THE WEEK'S BEST STORY: Alleged racist disputes her story ... and Erika walks back her claim: "I don't want to say he said, 'Go back to your country,' or 'Go back to where you came from,' but he was making those types of references is what I remember."

VIDEO! 1) Alleged WHITE MAN is a Cuban Democrat. 2) Erika doesn't looks especially weak on her feet due to pregnancy.
... 20+ Women Who Have Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Assault & Misconduct
Andrea González-Ramírez

Ahead, all the claims of sexual assault, harassment, and misconduct against President Trump, in reverse chronological order of when they were reported. He has denied all the allegations.
E. Jean Carroll
In an excerpt from her book published in The Cut, Carroll wrote that Trump raped her after she tried to help him find a gift for a unnamed woman.
Alva Johnson
Johnson, who worked on the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, alleged that he attempted to kiss her without her consent at a rally in Florida.
Jill Harth
Harth told The Guardian that Trump made unwanted advances toward her and attempted to grope her during a meeting at Trump Tower in 1992. She alleged that Trump groped her while she and her then partner George Houraney were touring Mar-a-Lago a year later. Harth sued Trump in 1997.
Ninni Laaksonen
Laaksonen told the Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat that Trump groped her while backstage at the Late Show with David Letterman in 2006.
Jessica Drake
Drake said during a press conference that Trump kissed her without her consent at a charity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, NV, in 2006.
Karena Virginia
Virginia told The Washington Post that Trump groped her breast at the 1998 U.S. Open tennis tournament.
Cathy Heller
Heller told The Guardian that Trump forcibly kissed her at a Mother's Day brunch at Mar-a-Lago in 1997.
Summer Zervos
Zervos told reporters that Trump forcibly kissed her and touched her breast without her consent at a dinner in Beverly Hills in 2007. Zervos is currently suing Trump for defamation.

Kristin Anderson
Anderson told The Washington Post that Trump sat next to her at a club in Manhattan, slid his fingers up her skirt without her consent, and then groped her through her underwear in the early 1990s.
Mariah Billado
The former Miss Teen USA contestant told BuzzFeed News that Trump walked in on her and the other teenage contestants while they were changing backstage in 1997.
Samantha Holvey
The former Miss USA contestant told CNN that Trump made lewd comments about the contestants at the 2006 pageant, and personally inspected each woman. It was "the dirtiest I felt in my entire life," she said.
Lisa Boyne
Boyne told HuffPost that Trump looked under women’s skirts and made comments about whether they were wearing underwear or not while at a meeting in a restaurant in 1996. “It was the most offensive scene I’ve ever been a part of,” Boyne said. “I wanted to get the heck out of there.”
Rachel Crooks
Crooks, who worked as a receptionist at an investment firm located in Trump Tower, told The New York Times that Trump kissed her without her consent in 2006.
Jessica Leeds
Leeds told The New York Times that Trump groped her breasts and tried to slide his hand up her skirt without her consent during a flight in the early 1980s.
Melinda McGillivray
McGillivray told the Palm Beach Post that she was 23 when Trump groped her backside during a concert at Mar-a-Lago in 2003.
Cassandra Searles
Searles, a former Miss USA contestant, wrote in a Facebook post that Trump repeatedly groped her backside during the 2013 pageant.
Natasha Stoynoff
The People magazine journalist said Trump forcibly kissed her while she was reporting a story at Mar-a-Lago in 2005.
Tasha Dixon
The former Miss USA contestant told CBS News’ Los Angeles affiliate that Trump walked in on contestants while they were changing at the 2001 pageant.
Bridget Sullivan
Sullivan, who participated in the 2000 Miss Teen USA pageant, told BuzzFeed News that Trump would give the teenage girls "a squeeze like a creepy uncle would" and walked in on them while they were changing in the dressing room.
Temple Taggart
Taggart, a former Miss USA contestant, told The New York Times that Trump kissed her without her consent at the 1997 pageant and a subsequent meeting in Manhattan when she was 21 years old.
Ivana Trump
Ivana said at a deposition during the couple's divorce proceedings that after an argument in 1989, they had a sexual encounter she described as "rape." She later retracted the statement, saying she felt "violated" by the encounter but she didn't think it was rape in "the criminal sense."

At Least 21 Women Have Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Assault & Misconduct

And every one a proven liar. So of course you believe them.

nice try, but not one of them has been proven to be anything. the statute of limitations has run out & they never had their day in court. remember when he said that after the election he was gonna sue his accusers?

ya.... i do.

& did he?


why? why you ask?

'cause that woulda meant his accusers would have testified & he would have been put under oath as well & the pussy grabber knew that, that's why he reneged.

donny is gonna settle with summer zervos, who is suing him for defamation; claiming how he defamed her by calling her a liar re: her accusations against him. when it's time for the court to hear the case, he'll cave. although he claimed to never settle cause it means you're weak & guilty.

remember how he settled his trump U fraud case against him?

:abgg2q.jpg: i do.
Poor deluded tard. Every one of those women was shown to be a liar. Trump can't sue them because he's President and busy with an actual job, unlike those money grubbing liars who disappeared after the election. With many of them called liars by witnesses to their alleged "assault". Unless that tramp can show she was assaulted by Trump, she has no defamation case because it seems Trump is telling the truth about her being a liar.

sure. & you can just cough up some unbiased credible links to back up your drivel & let me know when it's posted.

Poor baby. See, I have t prove nothing. YOU are making the charge. Burden of proof is on you. If the liar can't PROVE she was assaulted by Trump, then she IS a liar and has no case. You talking about unbiased sources? :21::21: Let us know when you stop regurgitating the latest crap from the usual liberal rags.
... 20+ Women Who Have Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Assault & Misconduct
Andrea González-Ramírez

Ahead, all the claims of sexual assault, harassment, and misconduct against President Trump, in reverse chronological order of when they were reported. He has denied all the allegations.
E. Jean Carroll
In an excerpt from her book published in The Cut, Carroll wrote that Trump raped her after she tried to help him find a gift for a unnamed woman.
Alva Johnson
Johnson, who worked on the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, alleged that he attempted to kiss her without her consent at a rally in Florida.
Jill Harth
Harth told The Guardian that Trump made unwanted advances toward her and attempted to grope her during a meeting at Trump Tower in 1992. She alleged that Trump groped her while she and her then partner George Houraney were touring Mar-a-Lago a year later. Harth sued Trump in 1997.
Ninni Laaksonen
Laaksonen told the Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat that Trump groped her while backstage at the Late Show with David Letterman in 2006.
Jessica Drake
Drake said during a press conference that Trump kissed her without her consent at a charity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, NV, in 2006.
Karena Virginia
Virginia told The Washington Post that Trump groped her breast at the 1998 U.S. Open tennis tournament.
Cathy Heller
Heller told The Guardian that Trump forcibly kissed her at a Mother's Day brunch at Mar-a-Lago in 1997.
Summer Zervos
Zervos told reporters that Trump forcibly kissed her and touched her breast without her consent at a dinner in Beverly Hills in 2007. Zervos is currently suing Trump for defamation.

Kristin Anderson
Anderson told The Washington Post that Trump sat next to her at a club in Manhattan, slid his fingers up her skirt without her consent, and then groped her through her underwear in the early 1990s.
Mariah Billado
The former Miss Teen USA contestant told BuzzFeed News that Trump walked in on her and the other teenage contestants while they were changing backstage in 1997.
Samantha Holvey
The former Miss USA contestant told CNN that Trump made lewd comments about the contestants at the 2006 pageant, and personally inspected each woman. It was "the dirtiest I felt in my entire life," she said.
Lisa Boyne
Boyne told HuffPost that Trump looked under women’s skirts and made comments about whether they were wearing underwear or not while at a meeting in a restaurant in 1996. “It was the most offensive scene I’ve ever been a part of,” Boyne said. “I wanted to get the heck out of there.”
Rachel Crooks
Crooks, who worked as a receptionist at an investment firm located in Trump Tower, told The New York Times that Trump kissed her without her consent in 2006.
Jessica Leeds
Leeds told The New York Times that Trump groped her breasts and tried to slide his hand up her skirt without her consent during a flight in the early 1980s.
Melinda McGillivray
McGillivray told the Palm Beach Post that she was 23 when Trump groped her backside during a concert at Mar-a-Lago in 2003.
Cassandra Searles
Searles, a former Miss USA contestant, wrote in a Facebook post that Trump repeatedly groped her backside during the 2013 pageant.
Natasha Stoynoff
The People magazine journalist said Trump forcibly kissed her while she was reporting a story at Mar-a-Lago in 2005.
Tasha Dixon
The former Miss USA contestant told CBS News’ Los Angeles affiliate that Trump walked in on contestants while they were changing at the 2001 pageant.
Bridget Sullivan
Sullivan, who participated in the 2000 Miss Teen USA pageant, told BuzzFeed News that Trump would give the teenage girls "a squeeze like a creepy uncle would" and walked in on them while they were changing in the dressing room.
Temple Taggart
Taggart, a former Miss USA contestant, told The New York Times that Trump kissed her without her consent at the 1997 pageant and a subsequent meeting in Manhattan when she was 21 years old.
Ivana Trump
Ivana said at a deposition during the couple's divorce proceedings that after an argument in 1989, they had a sexual encounter she described as "rape." She later retracted the statement, saying she felt "violated" by the encounter but she didn't think it was rape in "the criminal sense."

At Least 21 Women Have Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Assault & Misconduct

And every one a proven liar. So of course you believe them.

nice try, but not one of them has been proven to be anything. the statute of limitations has run out & they never had their day in court. remember when he said that after the election he was gonna sue his accusers?

ya.... i do.

& did he?


why? why you ask?

'cause that woulda meant his accusers would have testified & he would have been put under oath as well & the pussy grabber knew that, that's why he reneged.

donny is gonna settle with summer zervos, who is suing him for defamation; claiming how he defamed her by calling her a liar re: her accusations against him. when it's time for the court to hear the case, he'll cave. although he claimed to never settle cause it means you're weak & guilty.

remember how he settled his trump U fraud case against him?

:abgg2q.jpg: i do.
Poor deluded tard. Every one of those women was shown to be a liar. Trump can't sue them because he's President and busy with an actual job, unlike those money grubbing liars who disappeared after the election. With many of them called liars by witnesses to their alleged "assault". Unless that tramp can show she was assaulted by Trump, she has no defamation case because it seems Trump is telling the truth about her being a liar.

sure. & you can just cough up some unbiased credible links to back up your drivel & let me know when it's posted.

Poor baby. See, I have t prove nothing. YOU are making the charge. Burden of proof is on you. If the liar can't PROVE she was assaulted by Trump, then she IS a liar and has no case. You talking about unbiased sources? :21::21: Let us know when you stop regurgitating the latest crap from the usual liberal rags.

you made the accusations that they lied. how do you know that? you don't & can't prove it.

i gave you a list of actual names & what they accused trump of doing. there is no bias in that. nice try though. they can't prove what happened NOT because they are lies - but because like i said.... the statute of limitations has made it impossible.

don't think i haven't noticed how you CONveniently didn't address the fact that trump said he was going to sue them. he never did. & the reason is crystal clear... trump is a sue happy whore - but not for this.
And every one a proven liar. So of course you believe them.

nice try, but not one of them has been proven to be anything. the statute of limitations has run out & they never had their day in court. remember when he said that after the election he was gonna sue his accusers?

ya.... i do.

& did he?


why? why you ask?

'cause that woulda meant his accusers would have testified & he would have been put under oath as well & the pussy grabber knew that, that's why he reneged.

donny is gonna settle with summer zervos, who is suing him for defamation; claiming how he defamed her by calling her a liar re: her accusations against him. when it's time for the court to hear the case, he'll cave. although he claimed to never settle cause it means you're weak & guilty.

remember how he settled his trump U fraud case against him?

:abgg2q.jpg: i do.
Poor deluded tard. Every one of those women was shown to be a liar. Trump can't sue them because he's President and busy with an actual job, unlike those money grubbing liars who disappeared after the election. With many of them called liars by witnesses to their alleged "assault". Unless that tramp can show she was assaulted by Trump, she has no defamation case because it seems Trump is telling the truth about her being a liar.

sure. & you can just cough up some unbiased credible links to back up your drivel & let me know when it's posted.

Poor baby. See, I have t prove nothing. YOU are making the charge. Burden of proof is on you. If the liar can't PROVE she was assaulted by Trump, then she IS a liar and has no case. You talking about unbiased sources? :21::21: Let us know when you stop regurgitating the latest crap from the usual liberal rags.

you made the accusations that they lied. how do you know that? you don't & can't prove it.

i gave you a list of actual names & what they accused trump of doing. there is no bias in that. nice try though. they can't prove what happened NOT because they are lies - but because like i said.... the statute of limitations has made it impossible.

don't think i haven't noticed how you CONveniently didn't address the fact that trump said he was going to sue them. he never did. & the reason is crystal clear... trump is a sue happy whore - but not for this.

Poor loser. So the statute of limitations destroyed their evidence (which didn't exist anyway)? Apparently the statute of limitations has a lot more power than we thought if evidence is disappearing because of it. Notice how you never address the FACT that these liars all disappeared right after the election and never took Trump to court like they threatened to. So you can read minds now? Why sue these liars when people have already proven them to be liars?
nice try, but not one of them has been proven to be anything. the statute of limitations has run out & they never had their day in court. remember when he said that after the election he was gonna sue his accusers?

ya.... i do.

& did he?


why? why you ask?

'cause that woulda meant his accusers would have testified & he would have been put under oath as well & the pussy grabber knew that, that's why he reneged.

donny is gonna settle with summer zervos, who is suing him for defamation; claiming how he defamed her by calling her a liar re: her accusations against him. when it's time for the court to hear the case, he'll cave. although he claimed to never settle cause it means you're weak & guilty.

remember how he settled his trump U fraud case against him?

:abgg2q.jpg: i do.
Poor deluded tard. Every one of those women was shown to be a liar. Trump can't sue them because he's President and busy with an actual job, unlike those money grubbing liars who disappeared after the election. With many of them called liars by witnesses to their alleged "assault". Unless that tramp can show she was assaulted by Trump, she has no defamation case because it seems Trump is telling the truth about her being a liar.

sure. & you can just cough up some unbiased credible links to back up your drivel & let me know when it's posted.

Poor baby. See, I have t prove nothing. YOU are making the charge. Burden of proof is on you. If the liar can't PROVE she was assaulted by Trump, then she IS a liar and has no case. You talking about unbiased sources? :21::21: Let us know when you stop regurgitating the latest crap from the usual liberal rags.

you made the accusations that they lied. how do you know that? you don't & can't prove it.

i gave you a list of actual names & what they accused trump of doing. there is no bias in that. nice try though. they can't prove what happened NOT because they are lies - but because like i said.... the statute of limitations has made it impossible.

don't think i haven't noticed how you CONveniently didn't address the fact that trump said he was going to sue them. he never did. & the reason is crystal clear... trump is a sue happy whore - but not for this.

Poor loser. So the statute of limitations destroyed their evidence (which didn't exist anyway)? Apparently the statute of limitations has a lot more power than we thought if evidence is disappearing because of it. Notice how you never address the FACT that these liars all disappeared right after the election and never took Trump to court like they threatened to. So you can read minds now? Why sue these liars when people have already proven them to be liars?

who said anything about 'evidence'? there are several reasons whys exual assault victims don't come forward in time. donny's decades long reputation is less than admirable & he wanted to sue them for exactly that - defamation. he coulda proved they were liars & you know he would have if it suited him well & elevated his 'star' quality. but he didn't & there's no mind reading needed. it's simple logic.

& lest ye forget - summer zervos didn't disappear.................. & the lawsuit is proceeding...........
You are Putin's Ally. You spout Putin's Propaganda every day. If Putin was with in a 100 feet of you, you would drop to your knees to service him.

There is no Racism in America. It's a myth. It's Putin's Myth and Yours. No Black man could ever be president of a Racist Nation with 70% of the population being white.

Now go back to what you are good at, serving at Putin's Pleasure.

That and lying your ass off every day, and attacking America.

lol.... no puppet, no puppet... trump's the puppet... no TRUMP'S the puppet................

Sure, whatever you say.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?


well, certainly not one of these, tree stump...............



Jesus Christ, that is the dumbest most pathetic little gotcha I have ever seen. How much time and energy went into that, for you lefties to play with yourselves?

<pffft> no matter how you slice it or dice it - the above is proof positive that poorly educated basket dwellers have earned that label all by them thar selves... :itsok:

No, it's not. It's nothing. An unimportant meaningless stunt.

You are grasping at straws. Pathetically.
lol.... no puppet, no puppet... trump's the puppet... no TRUMP'S the puppet................

Sure, whatever you say.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?


well, certainly not one of these, tree stump...............



Jesus Christ, that is the dumbest most pathetic little gotcha I have ever seen. How much time and energy went into that, for you lefties to play with yourselves?

<pffft> no matter how you slice it or dice it - the above is proof positive that poorly educated basket dwellers have earned that label all by them thar selves... :itsok:

No, it's not. It's nothing. An unimportant meaningless stunt.

You are grasping at straws. Pathetically.

that's your job. i know what the russian flag looks like. don't make excuses for them.
Sure, whatever you say.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?


well, certainly not one of these, tree stump...............



Jesus Christ, that is the dumbest most pathetic little gotcha I have ever seen. How much time and energy went into that, for you lefties to play with yourselves?

<pffft> no matter how you slice it or dice it - the above is proof positive that poorly educated basket dwellers have earned that label all by them thar selves... :itsok:

No, it's not. It's nothing. An unimportant meaningless stunt.

You are grasping at straws. Pathetically.

that's your job. i know what the russian flag looks like. don't make excuses for them.

Good for you. So what? What do you think those pics prove?

well, certainly not one of these, tree stump...............



Jesus Christ, that is the dumbest most pathetic little gotcha I have ever seen. How much time and energy went into that, for you lefties to play with yourselves?

<pffft> no matter how you slice it or dice it - the above is proof positive that poorly educated basket dwellers have earned that label all by them thar selves... :itsok:

No, it's not. It's nothing. An unimportant meaningless stunt.

You are grasping at straws. Pathetically.

that's your job. i know what the russian flag looks like. don't make excuses for them.

Good for you. So what? What do you think those pics prove?


Jesus Christ, that is the dumbest most pathetic little gotcha I have ever seen. How much time and energy went into that, for you lefties to play with yourselves?

<pffft> no matter how you slice it or dice it - the above is proof positive that poorly educated basket dwellers have earned that label all by them thar selves... :itsok:

No, it's not. It's nothing. An unimportant meaningless stunt.

You are grasping at straws. Pathetically.

that's your job. i know what the russian flag looks like. don't make excuses for them.

Good for you. So what? What do you think those pics prove?



1. NOthing wrong with not having a college degree.

2. And there is no reasonable connection between your post, and the vid that you claim is the point. Are you just throwing shit at the wall, like a retarded monkey?
<pffft> no matter how you slice it or dice it - the above is proof positive that poorly educated basket dwellers have earned that label all by them thar selves... :itsok:

No, it's not. It's nothing. An unimportant meaningless stunt.

You are grasping at straws. Pathetically.

that's your job. i know what the russian flag looks like. don't make excuses for them.

Good for you. So what? What do you think those pics prove?



1. NOthing wrong with not having a college degree.

2. And there is no reasonable connection between your post, and the vid that you claim is the point. Are you just throwing shit at the wall, like a retarded monkey?

1) being poorly educated has nothing to do with how far one has gone in school.

2) it has everything to do with it. you think trump wants you to research the things he has said, the things he has done, the things he has not done, & find out truthful facts? of course not. he wants you to 'stick with him'.
No, it's not. It's nothing. An unimportant meaningless stunt.

You are grasping at straws. Pathetically.

that's your job. i know what the russian flag looks like. don't make excuses for them.

Good for you. So what? What do you think those pics prove?



1. NOthing wrong with not having a college degree.

2. And there is no reasonable connection between your post, and the vid that you claim is the point. Are you just throwing shit at the wall, like a retarded monkey?

1) being poorly educated has nothing to do with how far one has gone in school.

2) it has everything to do with it. you think trump wants you to research the things he has said, the things he has done, the things he has not done, & find out truthful facts? of course not. he wants you to 'stick with him'.

1. Wow. You're stupid. The basis of that quote is because Trump's strongest support comes from whites without college degrees, often referred to as "poorly educated". Trump "loves" them, because they support him, politically.

2. That is your opinion, and it has nothing to do with those silly flags. Did you forget that you posted that vid as an explanation supposedly of why those flags matter? Or is the stuff you say just shit?
that's your job. i know what the russian flag looks like. don't make excuses for them.

Good for you. So what? What do you think those pics prove?



1. NOthing wrong with not having a college degree.

2. And there is no reasonable connection between your post, and the vid that you claim is the point. Are you just throwing shit at the wall, like a retarded monkey?

1) being poorly educated has nothing to do with how far one has gone in school.

2) it has everything to do with it. you think trump wants you to research the things he has said, the things he has done, the things he has not done, & find out truthful facts? of course not. he wants you to 'stick with him'.

1. Wow. You're stupid. The basis of that quote is because Trump's strongest support comes from whites without college degrees, often referred to as "poorly educated". Trump "loves" them, because they support him, politically.

2. That is your opinion, and it has nothing to do with those silly flags. Did you forget that you posted that vid as an explanation supposedly of why those flags matter? Or is the stuff you say just shit?

you keep telling yerself that, cartoon boy. trump cares not about you. nobody questioning that flag with trump's name on it is a perfect example of the laziness of his people.

i bet you would give him the bullets if he wanted to take a stroll down the middle of 5th ave.

you go boy!
Good for you. So what? What do you think those pics prove?



1. NOthing wrong with not having a college degree.

2. And there is no reasonable connection between your post, and the vid that you claim is the point. Are you just throwing shit at the wall, like a retarded monkey?

1) being poorly educated has nothing to do with how far one has gone in school.

2) it has everything to do with it. you think trump wants you to research the things he has said, the things he has done, the things he has not done, & find out truthful facts? of course not. he wants you to 'stick with him'.

1. Wow. You're stupid. The basis of that quote is because Trump's strongest support comes from whites without college degrees, often referred to as "poorly educated". Trump "loves" them, because they support him, politically.

2. That is your opinion, and it has nothing to do with those silly flags. Did you forget that you posted that vid as an explanation supposedly of why those flags matter? Or is the stuff you say just shit?

you keep telling yerself that, cartoon boy. trump cares not about you. nobody questioning that flag with trump's name on it is a perfect example of the laziness of his people.

i bet you would give him the bullets if he wanted to take a stroll down the middle of 5th ave.

you go boy!

My God, you were watching the whole thing, and you understood NOTHING.

The basis of that quote is because Trump's strongest support comes from whites without college degrees, often referred to as "poorly educated". Trump "loves" them, because they support him, politically.

That is the point, you moron.

1. NOthing wrong with not having a college degree.

2. And there is no reasonable connection between your post, and the vid that you claim is the point. Are you just throwing shit at the wall, like a retarded monkey?

1) being poorly educated has nothing to do with how far one has gone in school.

2) it has everything to do with it. you think trump wants you to research the things he has said, the things he has done, the things he has not done, & find out truthful facts? of course not. he wants you to 'stick with him'.

1. Wow. You're stupid. The basis of that quote is because Trump's strongest support comes from whites without college degrees, often referred to as "poorly educated". Trump "loves" them, because they support him, politically.

2. That is your opinion, and it has nothing to do with those silly flags. Did you forget that you posted that vid as an explanation supposedly of why those flags matter? Or is the stuff you say just shit?

you keep telling yerself that, cartoon boy. trump cares not about you. nobody questioning that flag with trump's name on it is a perfect example of the laziness of his people.

i bet you would give him the bullets if he wanted to take a stroll down the middle of 5th ave.

you go boy!

My God, you were watching the whole thing, and you understood NOTHING.

The basis of that quote is because Trump's strongest support comes from whites without college degrees, often referred to as "poorly educated". Trump "loves" them, because they support him, politically.

That is the point, you moron.

if it makes you feel better to actually try 'n believe that.... then you go right ahead.
1. NOthing wrong with not having a college degree.

2. And there is no reasonable connection between your post, and the vid that you claim is the point. Are you just throwing shit at the wall, like a retarded monkey?

1) being poorly educated has nothing to do with how far one has gone in school.

2) it has everything to do with it. you think trump wants you to research the things he has said, the things he has done, the things he has not done, & find out truthful facts? of course not. he wants you to 'stick with him'.

1. Wow. You're stupid. The basis of that quote is because Trump's strongest support comes from whites without college degrees, often referred to as "poorly educated". Trump "loves" them, because they support him, politically.

2. That is your opinion, and it has nothing to do with those silly flags. Did you forget that you posted that vid as an explanation supposedly of why those flags matter? Or is the stuff you say just shit?

you keep telling yerself that, cartoon boy. trump cares not about you. nobody questioning that flag with trump's name on it is a perfect example of the laziness of his people.

i bet you would give him the bullets if he wanted to take a stroll down the middle of 5th ave.

you go boy!

My God, you were watching the whole thing, and you understood NOTHING.

The basis of that quote is because Trump's strongest support comes from whites without college degrees, often referred to as "poorly educated". Trump "loves" them, because they support him, politically.

That is the point, you moron.

if it makes you feel better to actually try 'n believe that.... then you go right ahead.

I will. Along with everyone who paid any attention to the election, with the slightest level of understanding.
1) being poorly educated has nothing to do with how far one has gone in school.

2) it has everything to do with it. you think trump wants you to research the things he has said, the things he has done, the things he has not done, & find out truthful facts? of course not. he wants you to 'stick with him'.

1. Wow. You're stupid. The basis of that quote is because Trump's strongest support comes from whites without college degrees, often referred to as "poorly educated". Trump "loves" them, because they support him, politically.

2. That is your opinion, and it has nothing to do with those silly flags. Did you forget that you posted that vid as an explanation supposedly of why those flags matter? Or is the stuff you say just shit?

you keep telling yerself that, cartoon boy. trump cares not about you. nobody questioning that flag with trump's name on it is a perfect example of the laziness of his people.

i bet you would give him the bullets if he wanted to take a stroll down the middle of 5th ave.

you go boy!

My God, you were watching the whole thing, and you understood NOTHING.

The basis of that quote is because Trump's strongest support comes from whites without college degrees, often referred to as "poorly educated". Trump "loves" them, because they support him, politically.

That is the point, you moron.

if it makes you feel better to actually try 'n believe that.... then you go right ahead.

I will. Along with everyone who paid any attention to the election, with the slightest level of understanding.

well there's the 30% die hard basket dwellers that paid attention to his carnival barking, & then there's the sane 70% who know exactly what donny is because of what he has been for the last +/- 45 years.

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