Trump aftershock likely.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Democrats have a serious problem. Joe Biden, their great white hope, is dropping like a stone in the polls. His statements connecting Barack Obama to assassination fantasies along with pontifications elevating “truth over facts” are staggering the party faithful like a left hook. Biden doesn’t seem to know where he is, where he was, what he was doing or when he was doing it. His early support and sacrifices for the Civil rights Movement (ducking stones in arm-in-arm marches) are remembered only by himself and maybe Brian Williams.

This probably explains why Obama left skid marks separating himself from Biden along with his lack of support and apparent non endorsement. He knows what Joe is capable of as he purchases a 15-million- dollar fallout shelter in Martha’s Vineyard.

This leaves Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders leading the pack, two candidates even more bizarre than Biden. People are beginning to conclude that a Trump landslide is in the offing because Biden was a desperate attempt to right a listing ship and stabilize it to back to the middle.

Warren’s minstrel-show cultural appropriation of Native Americans and her stolen-valor first-woman-of-color honors at Harvard University are the kind of political fertilizer that never produces a healthy crop-it just lays there and stinks. She has no chance of becoming the country’s first female president because her conduct rivals Hillary Clinton’s and she has about as much connection with average voters as Jussie Smollett.

Bernie Sanders believes Cuba and Venezuela are great experiments in human political anthropology that have yet to catch up with China that he thinks has lifted more people out of poverty than any modern civilization. If killing off millions of poor people uplifts the survivors, he has a point. Sanders wants to outlaw private insurance and chain everyone to Medicare for all. Sanders does not understand that two pills for a headache is medication, swallowing the whole bottle is poison-except in China.

If the democrats don’t come up with a serious candidate for 2020 the election is going to be a cakewalk for Trump even though the same polls that said he was going to lose last time are saying it now. Voters described as deplorable tend to quietly keep their voting intentions under their hats. Trumps re-election will be a huge predictable aftershock and derangement will be even more widespread than it is now.
Biden was never a serious pick. He has been in the Imperial Capital on the Potomac FOREVER. He is corrupt, elitist, warmonger, most life long politicians. Fuck him. He is a criminal who should be in Supermax with W and O.

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