Trump aides to hill GOP:Make childcare more affordable!

Free childcare !!!!! Lmfao
Where does it say free derp? Try reading the damn article. Oh and the US is WAY behind the rest of the civilized world as far as paid maternity is concerned...we are one of FOUR countries that don't offer it. European countries some offer up to a year at 80% pay.....god I hope my kids go to school in Europe...their life will be so much better.
Tell them to get a second job. I'm not interested in paying for those women to make up for their poor choices. Th could have just kept their legs shut and they wouldn't need any child care.
Tell them to get a second job. I'm not interested in paying for those women to make up for their poor choices. Th could have just kept their legs shut and they wouldn't need any child care.
derp derp derp says the cuckservative. Its happening whether you morons want it to or not. :) We FINALLY have a president that won't suck that corporate cock. Its time for the PEOPLE to get something out of the deal. You needle dicks have no issue when your taxes are used for war and foreign aide but taxes taking care of Americans now THAT is just unacceptable!
Free School
Free Childcare
Free Healthcare

For the people comrades !!!!
You is owed !!!!
OH so now we should charge kids to attend elementary-high school! Ahhhh muh money! Thank god we put you clowns out to pasture snowflake. When you start WHINING about MY taxes going to kill people in the middle east and military adventurism etc then you might have a point but taxes are there for the IMPROVEMENT of America NOT foreign aid and wars.

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