Trump goes to Harlem

Fake orange bag O' shit con man doing what con men do, though this time, his campaign fun time is limited due to court obligations, because, well, criminal indictments. :dunno:

Yet another desperate fake photo op (exactly like the fake bible op) for his superficial base of magaturd morons. It's as real as sasquatch, and they eat that stuff up. This isn't for votes, it's for his base.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Some suburban soccer moms are magaturds. That's where he'll go. Binary talking points are boring.

Go with that.
Nancy Pelosi’s husband was attacked with a hammer....the “overachiever” tweeted a picture of a hammer to mock him.

They achieved one thing in life...picking a rich parent. Much like their father.
Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked because San Francisco has become a drug addled...crime ridden...feces covered city where people are in fear for their lives if they leave their homes.

Hunter had a rich did that work out for him?
All of the Trump kid's are straight arrow over achievers. None of them are doing drugs and hookers. Don't even embarrass yourself trying to compare Hunter with Donald's kids. It's not going to end well for you. (Or for Hunter most likely!)
Trump stopped by Sanaa Convenient Store, a tiny bodega that sells chips, sodas and other snacks. Trump aides said the former president and presumptive GOP nominee chose the store because it has been the site of a violent attack on an employee, a case that resulted in public criticism for the district attorney now prosecuting him.

Wow, is this the same New York that want's to put Trump in jail?

Trump goes from court to campaign at a bodega in his heavily Democratic hometown

BTW, Biden attempted to visit a fast food joint, but it didn't go so well, so apparently they pulled the video.

Sequel to Cotton comes to Harlem 1970. (snicker).
And he made fun of a victim of crime.

Don Jr. is garbage and so is his old man.
With all due respect, Candy? The Pelosi's got a taste of what everyday San Franciscan's are dealing with because of the policies of the far left of the Democratic Party. When you don't believe in law and order then you're not going to get a lot of pity when a criminal attacks you.
With all due respect, Candy? The Pelosi's got a taste of what everyday San Franciscan's are dealing with because of the policies of the far left of the Democratic Party. When you don't believe in law and order then you're not going to get a lot of pity when a criminal attacks you.
You keep blaming Pelosi.

I thought you were talking about Blob Jr.

Will you agree that he made fun of a victim of crime?

Of course you won' are genetically unable to be honest.
You keep blaming Pelosi.

I thought you were talking about Blob Jr.

Will you agree that he made fun of a victim of crime?

Of course you won' are genetically unable to be honest.
Yes, he definitely did that, Candy! So did half the country. That's what happens when you're married to the woman that is the head of the party that gave us wonderful stuff like defund the Police. When it comes back to bite you in the ass then people are going to make fun of you.

Democrat leaders push far left agendas that have everyday Americans cowering in their homes because criminals are running wild but you don't expect people to make fun of them when THEY are attacked? Paul Pelosi got a little taste of what way too many other San Francisco residents have been dealing with for years now!
Yes, he definitely did that, Candy! So did half the country. That's what happens when you're married to the woman that is the head of the party that gave us wonderful stuff like defund the Police. When it comes back to bite you in the ass then people are going to make fun of you.
So your point, now, is that the blob jr. is no better than the moron on the internet (aka people like you) who find joy when some one is the victim of crime?

Wow...thanks for impeaching your own point there.
Democrat leaders push far left agendas that have everyday Americans cowering in their homes because criminals are running wild but you don't expect people to make fun of them when THEY are attacked? Paul Pelosi got a little taste of what way too many other San Francisco residents have been dealing with for years now!
Again, your applauding someone being assaulted is not the point... that you think Trump raised angelic kids is. Clearly--as you have pointed out--he's raised some garbage. I haven't even gotten to Ivanka's sweatshops yet.
Since I brought it up:

Yep...Ivanka uses/used sweatshop labor.

So your point, now, is that the blob jr. is no better than the moron on the internet (aka people like you) who find joy when some one is the victim of crime?

Wow...thanks for impeaching your own point there.

Again, your applauding someone being assaulted is not the point... that you think Trump raised angelic kids is. Clearly--as you have pointed out--he's raised some garbage. I haven't even gotten to Ivanka's sweatshops yet.
Really? You're REALLY going to go there? You know what drove you on the left CRAZY, Candy? You spent years trying to find something illegal that the Trump family did and came up with nothing...but then Joe Biden's family influence peddling cottage industry is exposed in all of it's sleaziness and suddenly it's all "Russian disinformation" and let's move on!
Really? You're REALLY going to go there? You know what drove you on the left CRAZY, Candy? You spent years trying to find something illegal that the Trump family did and came up with nothing...but then Joe Biden's family influence peddling cottage industry is exposed in all of it's sleaziness and suddenly it's all "Russian disinformation" and let's move on!

Not sure what that has to do with the behavior of Trump's kids; one makes fun of assault victims and the other one has sweatshops.

Those are facts as I have demonstrated.

You have nothing but conspiracy theories.
Not sure what that has to do with the behavior of Trump's kids; one makes fun of assault victims and the other one has sweatshops.

Those are facts as I have demonstrated.

You have nothing but conspiracy theories.
Hunter Biden is a crack addict, whore monger who's spent decades selling his father's influence to our nation's biggest adversaries. That's not a "conspiracy theory"...that's a fact!
Hunter Biden is a crack addict, whore monger who's spent decades selling his father's influence to our nation's biggest adversaries. That's not a "conspiracy theory"...that's a fact!
And if that were remotely true...that excuses Blob Jr. and the sweat shop owner how exactly?

PS: Blob Sr is actually a whore monger. You seem fine with it.
And if that were remotely true...that excuses Blob Jr. and the sweat shop owner how exactly?

PS: Blob Sr is actually a whore monger. You seem fine with it.
Did you miss the whole under aged Chinese whore fetish of Hunter's? You want to know why Joe doesn't do shit to China? The CCP has so much dirt on the Biden family he doesn't DARE play hard ball with them!

And if you can't grasp the difference between Trump paying off Stormy Daniels and the Biden's being owned by the Chinese Communist Party then you're not that bright!
Did you miss the whole under aged Chinese whore fetish of Hunter's?
Total fabrication.
You want to know why Joe doesn't do shit to China? The CCP has so much dirt on the Biden family he doesn't DARE play hard ball with them!
Conspiracy theory.
Trump paying off Stormy Daniels
Been proven.
and the Biden's being owned by the Chinese Communist Party then you're not that bright!
Ridiculous lie.

Again, we were talking about Trump’s seem to want to change the subject now that you’ve been bitch slapped. I can’t blame you.
Total fabrication.

Conspiracy theory.

Been proven.

Ridiculous lie.

Again, we were talking about Trump’s seem to want to change the subject now that you’ve been bitch slapped. I can’t blame you.
Let me get this actually think that Hunter was running around China doing crack cocaine and under age hookers...but you don't think the CCP noticed? Hunter and James Biden are making millions selling influence and then laundering the money through a dozen shell companies but the CCP ignored that as well? I've got news for you, Candy...the CCP hold enough evidence to put the entire Biden clan in jail...they've got Joe by the short hairs and Biden knows it!

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