Trump and Coal Mining and the stupidity of it all.....

Another problem created by leftwing environmental wackos. Somehow French nuclear plants are not "overwhelmed."

Interesting how you.......want to be like France on some issues....but if someone suggests to be "like France" on health care have your usual shit fits.......

Liberty fries, anyone????
We will see a gradual return of coal jobs. The hemorrhaging will stop after Trump decimates the EPA and evicts all the communists from it.

No we won't. Any more than we will return to the horse and buggy. Nobody is buying coal. It's not an efficient form of energy. It's been replaced by the natural gas wells created by fracking.

The oil and gas industry is putting the coal industry out of business, not Obama and not the EPA.
We will see a gradual return of coal jobs. The hemorrhaging will stop after Trump decimates the EPA and evicts all the communists from it.

No we won't. Any more than we will return to the horse and buggy. Nobody is buying coal. It's not an efficient form of energy. It's been replaced by the natural gas wells created by fracking.

The oil and gas industry is putting the coal industry out of business, not Obama and not the EPA.

Nobody is buying coal because the commies infesting Obama's EPA made it illegal to burn. They have forced power companies to shut down hundreds of perfectly serviceable coal fired power plants with their oppressive regulations. Anyone who denies that fact is a lying douche bag.
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Another problem created by leftwing environmental wackos. Somehow French nuclear plants are not "overwhelmed."

Interesting how you.......want to be like France on some issues....but if someone suggests to be "like France" on health care have your usual shit fits.......

Liberty fries, anyone????

We want to do things other countries do if they are smart, like use nuclear power. We don't want to do things they do that are dumb, like let the government run the healthcare system. We bring up the example of France because it destroys your claim that nuclear power has unresolvable problems. If some country managed to resolve them, then they are obviously resolvable.
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We want to do things other countries do if they are smart, like use nuclear power. We don't want to do things they do that are dumb, like let the government run the healthcare system. We bring up the example of Trump because it destroys your claim that nuclear power has unresolvable problems. If some country managed to resolve them, then they are obviously resolvable.

This response is NOt actually for you since you're too fucking dumb and partisan to understand it....But for others to better understand that the problems of nuclear waste ARE HUMONGOUS (and I;m even addressing the Chernobyl type of catastrophes that could happen.)

France is in a huge mess as far as what to do with the nuclear waste generated by her plants....In one instance, they are fighting with Australia to store France's waste since the uranium was first generated in Australia.....In addition, France is trying to store this waste (supposedly with a half life of 24,000 years...maybe) various Polynesian islands.

Europe searches for nuclear waste storage sites | Environment | DW.COM | 14.04.2014

Further, the U.S. has tried (and failed) to have Inidan reservations take up the waste storage and if France wins the battle to have her waste stored in Australia, it would be stored in Aboriginal areas.

So, morons there is NO easy or safe solution but, at best, postponement.
It's only feasible if there is a suitable replacement, that happens to be decades away.

The problem is no company has figured out how to charge you for sun and wind.
There is no reliably to them...
A faulty product can not be marketed.

Coal can't be marketed when the selling price is lower than the production price.
Coal would be dirt cheap in the west if it was not for federal government interference...

You mean put kids back in the mines for pennies a day?? You're a bit behind the times there, Fagin.
While Hillary Clinton was heavily criticized over her comments about the moribund future of the coal mining industry, our beloved Donald Trump recently told coal miners that under his administration "tons of coal mining jobs will be resurrected....."......For those Clinton and Trump's divergent statement, Clinton was pillared, while Trump was cheered.

Now, we can either conclude from Trump's statement that coal miners are basically stupid, or that Trump is just an empty demagogue lying to a group of fellow citizens with callous fiction.

The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies, but simply because of the increasing use of natural gas and a variety of other alternative sources of energy.....Coupled with the very real fact that coal burning is the second most dangerous polluter to our planet, any Trump statement that the coal industry will undergo a renaissance is at best stupid, and at worst an outright lie.

Clinton told a truth that was difficult to hear....while Trump told a lie which is pandering to a desperate segment of our fellow citizens........So, who of these 2 nominees is really worthy of our
We want to do things other countries do if they are smart, like use nuclear power. We don't want to do things they do that are dumb, like let the government run the healthcare system. We bring up the example of Trump because it destroys your claim that nuclear power has unresolvable problems. If some country managed to resolve them, then they are obviously resolvable.

This response is NOt actually for you since you're too fucking dumb and partisan to understand it....But for others to better understand that the problems of nuclear waste ARE HUMONGOUS (and I;m even addressing the Chernobyl type of catastrophes that could happen.)

France is in a huge mess as far as what to do with the nuclear waste generated by her plants....In one instance, they are fighting with Australia to store France's waste since the uranium was first generated in Australia.....In addition, France is trying to store this waste (supposedly with a half life of 24,000 years...maybe) various Polynesian islands.

Europe searches for nuclear waste storage sites | Environment | DW.COM | 14.04.2014

Further, the U.S. has tried (and failed) to have Inidan reservations take up the waste storage and if France wins the battle to have her waste stored in Australia, it would be stored in Aboriginal areas.

So, morons there is NO easy or safe solution but, at best, postponement.

All your saying is that leftwing fanatics like you are doing everything they possibly can to prevent France from resolving a problem. All problems with nuclear power are political, not technical. Nuclear power is the safest form of power there is.
There's no lie from Trump ,coal has become and export ,we can debelope. Those markets,just saying coal is dead is far from true.the coal is dead crowd call miners inbreed idiots while they turn on their lights ,the ultimate hypocrisy . what exactly are we going to retrain them into what new jobs?
Coal miners should be earning at least $70 per hour. To risk your life and surrender your health for less would be humiliating.
Speaking of STUPID...The Hildebeast comes immediately to mind when discussing coal....

The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies

Possibly the dumbest thing you have posted ever, or a flat out lie. One of Obama's first acts after taking office was to stop a new coal mine from going into production by changing a bunch of EPA rules. Both senators from West Virginia sent Obama the asshole a scathing letter for doing this but he ignored them.

Why would new production be necessary when the mining companies are cutting back production for market reasons?
Exporting China India are just a few ,work deals right everyone wins,in meen time the transition from coal can be orderly and not as severe an impact
"The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies, but simply because of the increasing use of natural gas and a variety of other alternative sources of energy."


And republicans couldn’t care less about ‘saving’ the jobs of coal miners, only contriving lies for some perceived partisan gain.

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