Trump and Coal Mining and the stupidity of it all.....

"The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies, but simply because of the increasing use of natural gas and a variety of other alternative sources of energy."


And republicans couldn’t care less about ‘saving’ the jobs of coal miners, only contriving lies for some perceived partisan gain.

Well, a bit of "good news" is this new found love between right wingers and coal miners......I wonder if right wingers are now all PRO unions that protect [supposedly] the welfare of those miners....The UMWA must now be just fine for these republicans.
"The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies, but simply because of the increasing use of natural gas and a variety of other alternative sources of energy."


And republicans couldn’t care less about ‘saving’ the jobs of coal miners, only contriving lies for some perceived partisan gain.

What difference does it make whether Republicans care about coal miners? One thing is certain, Hillary and the rest of the Dims are actively trying to destroy their jobs. Republicans have no desire to make coal miners unemployed. Dims do. That's the bottom line.
Nobody is buying coal because the commies infesting Obama's EPA made it illegal to burn. They have forced power companies to shut down hundreds of perfectly serviceable coal fired power plants with their oppressive regulations. Anyone who denies that fact is a lying douche bag.

You really are too stupid to be one person.

Just because the coal plants are still functioning, doesn't make them "perfectly serviceable". The technology is old and inefficient. Installing tall stacks with scrubbers to clear the air of contaminants before it is released is possible but expensive.

Coal fired power plants will shut down because of the pollution they generate. As well, coal contributes to acid rain, which came close to destroying the maple syrup production in the eastern US and Canada. It also causes breathing problems for asthmatics and those with COPD.

In Ontario, where I live, all coal fired power plants are now closed. In the Niagara Region, there are hundreds of windmills, which are efficiently producing power. Tall, elegant. They're constantly under attack by Luddites such are yourself.
What does the conservative laissez-faire attitude towards environmentalism and government pollution control look like in real time? In the real world?

Athletes at Rio Olympics to compete in 'basically raw sewage', study reveals
Since when is Brasil an example of laizzes faire capitalism? The last I heard they elected a Marxist to run the country.

So now you SUPPORT strict environmental controls? Ten minutes ago you were an anarchist who didn't want the government to have any power to regulate pollution.

Which is it?
What does the conservative laissez-faire attitude towards environmentalism and government pollution control look like in real time? In the real world?

Athletes at Rio Olympics to compete in 'basically raw sewage', study reveals
Since when is Brasil an example of laizzes faire capitalism? The last I heard they elected a Marxist to run the country.

Since they allow the dumping of all sorts of pollutants into their waters, what else would you call it.
Nobody is buying coal because the commies infesting Obama's EPA made it illegal to burn. They have forced power companies to shut down hundreds of perfectly serviceable coal fired power plants with their oppressive regulations. Anyone who denies that fact is a lying douche bag.

You really are too stupid to be one person.

Just because the coal plants are still functioning, doesn't make them "perfectly serviceable". The technology is old and inefficient. Installing tall stacks with scrubbers to clear the air of contaminants before it is released is possible but expensive.

Coal fired power plants will shut down because of the pollution they generate. As well, coal contributes to acid rain, which came close to destroying the maple syrup production in the eastern US and Canada. It also causes breathing problems for asthmatics and those with COPD.

In Ontario, where I live, all coal fired power plants are now closed. In the Niagara Region, there are hundreds of windmills, which are efficiently producing power. Tall, elegant. They're constantly under attack by Luddites such are yourself.
There's a coal plant locally that powers 10% of our electricity and its' output is clean. If they could power the bullshit that comes from you leftists electricity would be free.
Nobody is buying coal because the commies infesting Obama's EPA made it illegal to burn. They have forced power companies to shut down hundreds of perfectly serviceable coal fired power plants with their oppressive regulations. Anyone who denies that fact is a lying douche bag.

Obama, the most powerful president ever. Able to make energy providers burn natural gas instead of coal.

What power he has to make them make more money.
We want to do things other countries do if they are smart, like use nuclear power. We don't want to do things they do that are dumb, like let the government run the healthcare system. We bring up the example of Trump because it destroys your claim that nuclear power has unresolvable problems. If some country managed to resolve them, then they are obviously resolvable.

This response is NOt actually for you since you're too fucking dumb and partisan to understand it....But for others to better understand that the problems of nuclear waste ARE HUMONGOUS (and I;m even addressing the Chernobyl type of catastrophes that could happen.)

France is in a huge mess as far as what to do with the nuclear waste generated by her plants....In one instance, they are fighting with Australia to store France's waste since the uranium was first generated in Australia.....In addition, France is trying to store this waste (supposedly with a half life of 24,000 years...maybe) various Polynesian islands.

Europe searches for nuclear waste storage sites | Environment | DW.COM | 14.04.2014

Further, the U.S. has tried (and failed) to have Inidan reservations take up the waste storage and if France wins the battle to have her waste stored in Australia, it would be stored in Aboriginal areas.

So, morons there is NO easy or safe solution but, at best, postponement.

Yup this Forbes article is so true about you dumb shits...

Environmentalists' Worst Enemy May Be Their Own Policies

Nobody is buying coal because the commies infesting Obama's EPA made it illegal to burn. They have forced power companies to shut down hundreds of perfectly serviceable coal fired power plants with their oppressive regulations. Anyone who denies that fact is a lying douche bag.

You really are too stupid to be one person.

Just because the coal plants are still functioning, doesn't make them "perfectly serviceable". The technology is old and inefficient. Installing tall stacks with scrubbers to clear the air of contaminants before it is released is possible but expensive.

Coal fired power plants will shut down because of the pollution they generate. As well, coal contributes to acid rain, which came close to destroying the maple syrup production in the eastern US and Canada. It also causes breathing problems for asthmatics and those with COPD.

In Ontario, where I live, all coal fired power plants are now closed. In the Niagara Region, there are hundreds of windmills, which are efficiently producing power. Tall, elegant. They're constantly under attack by Luddites such are yourself.
There's a coal plant locally that powers 10% of our electricity and its' output is clean. If they could power the bullshit that comes from you leftists electricity would be free.

And where does the other 90% come from?
Nobody is buying coal because the commies infesting Obama's EPA made it illegal to burn. They have forced power companies to shut down hundreds of perfectly serviceable coal fired power plants with their oppressive regulations. Anyone who denies that fact is a lying douche bag.

You really are too stupid to be one person.

Just because the coal plants are still functioning, doesn't make them "perfectly serviceable". The technology is old and inefficient. Installing tall stacks with scrubbers to clear the air of contaminants before it is released is possible but expensive.

Coal fired power plants will shut down because of the pollution they generate. As well, coal contributes to acid rain, which came close to destroying the maple syrup production in the eastern US and Canada. It also causes breathing problems for asthmatics and those with COPD.

In Ontario, where I live, all coal fired power plants are now closed. In the Niagara Region, there are hundreds of windmills, which are efficiently producing power. Tall, elegant. They're constantly under attack by Luddites such are yourself.
There's a coal plant locally that powers 10% of our electricity and its' output is clean. If they could power the bullshit that comes from you leftists electricity would be free.

And where does the other 90% come from?
Probably dams. Nuclear plants were closed down in the 80s. Energy would be much cheaper if we were allowed to operate them.
So now you SUPPORT strict environmental controls? Ten minutes ago you were an anarchist who didn't want the government to have any power to regulate pollution.

Well, following the Trumpster's "doctrine", nitwits CAN change policies every ten minutes.
Nuclear plants were closed down in the 80s. Energy would be much cheaper if we were allowed to operate them.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.......

The US has about 100 nuclear plants......while Russia about 40 and China at about 30 of them. In short, we have the most plants in the world and we have NO idea of what to do with the waste produced by these plants which will be toxic for about 3000 years.
What does the conservative laissez-faire attitude towards environmentalism and government pollution control look like in real time? In the real world?

Athletes at Rio Olympics to compete in 'basically raw sewage', study reveals
Since when is Brasil an example of laizzes faire capitalism? The last I heard they elected a Marxist to run the country.

So now you SUPPORT strict environmental controls? Ten minutes ago you were an anarchist who didn't want the government to have any power to regulate pollution.

Which is it?

Pollution occurs entirely on government owned property, like waterways. The way to control it is to sell it off to private owners. People don't allow others to dump pollution into their property. They file lawsuits for such things.

You tried to blame laizzes faire capitalism when the government of Rio has total control over the waterway under discussion.
What does the conservative laissez-faire attitude towards environmentalism and government pollution control look like in real time? In the real world?

Athletes at Rio Olympics to compete in 'basically raw sewage', study reveals
Since when is Brasil an example of laizzes faire capitalism? The last I heard they elected a Marxist to run the country.

Since they allow the dumping of all sorts of pollutants into their waters, what else would you call it.
I'd call it the government allowing pollution on the property under it's control. Would a private owner allow that?
Nobody is buying coal because the commies infesting Obama's EPA made it illegal to burn. They have forced power companies to shut down hundreds of perfectly serviceable coal fired power plants with their oppressive regulations. Anyone who denies that fact is a lying douche bag.

Obama, the most powerful president ever. Able to make energy providers burn natural gas instead of coal.

What power he has to make them make more money.

He does have that power, moron, although he shouldn't.
Nuclear plants were closed down in the 80s. Energy would be much cheaper if we were allowed to operate them.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.......

The US has about 100 nuclear plants......while Russia about 40 and China at about 30 of them. In short, we have the most plants in the world and we have NO idea of what to do with the waste produced by these plants which will be toxic for about 3000 years.

Bullshit. We have plenty of ideas, but leftwing douchebags like you work furiously to obstruct every one of them.
Bullshit. We have plenty of ideas, but leftwing douchebags like you work furiously to obstruct every one of them.

Which reminds me, dimwit........List ALL the successful "jobs, jobs, jobs" programs that the majority led right wingers in congress have passed in the last four years.......Go on., look it up.....IDIOT LOL.....
Nobody is buying coal because the commies infesting Obama's EPA made it illegal to burn. They have forced power companies to shut down hundreds of perfectly serviceable coal fired power plants with their oppressive regulations. Anyone who denies that fact is a lying douche bag.

You really are too stupid to be one person.

That's ironic coming from you, one of the biggest dumbasses on this forum. Your post is just more proof of your pure, undiluted idiocy.

Just because the coal plants are still functioning, doesn't make them "perfectly serviceable".

hmmmmm, yes it does. Utilities wouldn't operate them if they weren't making a profit on them. That means they are serviceable. That's what the word means, able to operate and produce positive revenue for the owner.

The technology is old and inefficient.

Windmills have been around for 3000 years. I don't see you eco-morons calling it "old technology." How are coal plants "inefficient?" On what basis is that claim made? How is your understanding of "efficient" calculated. If it's in terms of dollars spent per kilowatt of useful power extracted, then coal is far more efficient that solar and wind. That later can't be installed in the power grid without 100% backup from a more reliable source of power, like fossil fuels. How is that "efficient?"

Installing tall stacks with scrubbers to clear the air of contaminants before it is released is possible but expensive.

These plants all have tall stacks and scrubbers. They have been mandatory for coal fired power plants since the 1970s.

Coal fired power plants will shut down because of the pollution they generate. As well, coal contributes to acid rain, which came close to destroying the maple syrup production in the eastern US and Canada. It also causes breathing problems for asthmatics and those with COPD.

We already know the EPA wrote regulations that require these plants to be shut down. That's the whole intention of Obama's EPA regulations. As for your claim about maple syrup production is probably bullshit. The environmentalists claims about coal plants causing acid rain turned out to be almost entirely bullshit. Claims about asthma are also almost entirely bullshit.

Furthermore, 99% of sulfur emission have already been eliminated from the emissions of coal plants by scrubbers mandated in the 1970s. The new regulations will reduce those emissions by 99.9% from the levels produced in the 1970s, but that's only an additional reduction of 0.9%, and it doubles the cost of power generation using coal. That's typical of the over regulation that morons like you endorse. You want private companies to spend massive amounts of money for a trivial, unnoticeable improvement in the environment.

In Ontario, where I live, all coal fired power plants are now closed. In the Niagara Region, there are hundreds of windmills, which are efficiently producing power. Tall, elegant. They're constantly under attack by Luddites such are yourself.

Ontario has an abundance of hydro-power. It even exports hydro-power to the United States. That's the only reason it could get rid of coal fired power plants, Wind mills are an eyesore. Only morons believe windmills can replace fossil fuels. Whenever you examine their claims, it turns out they are based entirely on ignorance and abracadabra. They don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

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