Trump and his allies are quietly “plotting” to “deploy the U.S. Military to quell potential unrest on Inauguration Day” if Trump wins in 2024.

This is going to sound strange to you, but normal citizens prefer to have unrest quelled, as oppossd to "giving them space to riot".

November 10th 2010
" We will punish our enemies"

Remember this? There he is right in the middle of that sentence.
Breaking! Trump crumples his toilet paper and doesn't fold it!

Oh the humanity! Oh the horror!

You simply cannot let yourself vote for a man who crumples!
maybe he folds it and others crumple. One never knows now.
BREAKING: Washington Post drops Sunday morning bombshell, reveals that Trump and his allies are quietly “plotting” to “deploy the U.S. Military to quell potential unrest on Inauguration Day” if Trump wins in 2024.

Here's the thing. When it comes to maintaining support among The Following Trump doesn't need to be quiet about his authoritarian impulses. They love him for it.
The trouble with these leftard sheeple is they still BELIEVE everything WAPO tells them.

Boy, talk about brainwashed...
The trouble with these leftard sheeple is they still BELIEVE everything WAPO tells them.

Boy, talk about brainwashed...
Probably a plant from one of the government agencies or maybe even straight from the White House press room; And if it was something that was talked about secretly at a campaign meeting which government agency was illegally eavesdropping?
but they used 'unrest' in the quietly out loud report.
Man that was one pretty damn quiet report. It was so quiet that even now.... after all of these posts....I'm not even sure I actually heard it. Shhhhhhh
So? And if it's such a quiet plan why do you think it's been published in the newspapers?
Do you have two neural connections close to each other or have they all been driven apart by pipe smoke? How the hell can it be a clandestine plan if it's published in a national newspaper dude?

It's the Bezos Post.
Hates Trump

Hates our beloved President Trump.
Another Democrat conspiracy and fearmongering that never stop spewing.
Though this bluster is nothing new, it has taken on an even more menacing overtone recently: Trump, who is leading Biden in some recent polls, is running for a second term on an explicitly authoritarian platform—and allies like Stephen Miller are already plotting to clear the way for him to make good on his threats, to remove the roadblocks that kept his autocratic fantasies from being fully realized in his first term.

It’s possible to forget just how close he did come that first time around and to get desensitized to his repeated threats, praise for dictators, and other outrages. Which is why it’s so important to remain clear-eyed about the danger he represents. As Clinton warned, “Trump is telling us what he intends to do. Take him at his word.”

No one said it was a "secret plan", except you. Trump has been quite open about this plan, but you immediately try to deflect from it being a bad thing, and go to saying it's not true. Why don't you deal with the real question which is "How can you claim to love the USA, and want to install a dictator?".

Trump also says that he's going to use the military to open fire on protestors. Fuck the Constitution. Along with "I'm going to be a dictator for one day".

No dictator in world history has EVER given up power and Trump won't either. Trump has been on a quest to become "Dictator for Life" like Xi. He congratulated President Xi and said he "See about getting the same when he got home".

Doesn't sound like a guy who only wants to be "Dictator for a day".

Give up, Cunadian.

But everything in your post was spelled correctly.


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