Trump and His Fans Made This Acceptable Behavior In Today’s Society

It's Trump fault that leftists are rapists.

Ok... next talking point please?
The selective memory of the left. I believe the standard for womanizing and sexual misconduct was set by a Kennedy and perfected by a Clinton.
The selective memory of the left. I believe the standard for womanizing and sexual misconduct was set by a Kennedy and perfected by a Clinton.
It has nothing to do with politics. It's a culture. For every leftwing lothello there is a rightwinger.
Several wrongs don't make a right. What Clinton did was unreal wrong. What trump said was beyond wrong and no it wasn't locker room talk.Goes to show you how these rich elitists havenoclue what it is to work hardfora living and live by the rules. If this makes me a traitor, buy me the t shiryt I will wear it.
Liberal distraction and projection I see. Just admit liberals, your party of preference is approaching death, and your talking points are trash. At best your talking points are projection, as you're guilty as charged.

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