Trump: And I will not let him turn the USA into a crime filled, disease ridden dumping ground

But enough about Mar-A-Lago....

In Trump's last year in office the entire country shut down for a virus, crime skyrocketed, and riots raged across the country for months while he hid in the White House and tweeted. The irony here is thick.

Like the riots were his fault.

Grow the fuck up.

Yeah, and inflation is now below 3%. It was a problem. It no longer is a problem.
Inflation goes where it goes. And it does affect people overseas. Purchasing homes is inflation. It's actually getting quite expensive and there are more and more people priced out of it. Purchasing vehicles is inflation. Longer loan periods that started even before the inflation and the elites designed agenda to get us out of vehicles that goes to the Obama administration and the Cash for Clunkers program.
Which is a very distorted thing to say. Biden isn’t the only one who has blame for inflation following the pandemic. No matter what anyone did, we’d have had considerable inflation.

We got inflation down without a huge recession.
Shutting down the economy and paying people not to work was a liberal democrat idea

And biden is the top liberal democrat at the moment
There is little to no value in his threads.
Mostly Twitter links with little to no content of his own, because he doesn't know enough to make any comments.
The sheer irony of this link is so thick you could build a sky scraper with it.

What a waste of internet.
Very true. Such a shame...
Though the virus wasn't his fault, taking advice from assholes like Fauxi and Birx was....He should have known by then that the permanent bureaucracy would go to any length to fuck him over.
As well as it was the Democrat Governors that shut their states down, not Trump.
Republican states opened up much earlier and the economic smackdown was less because of it.
BUUUT - you have to be something other than be a brain dead parrot to know this

Libs can call trump’s bluff, if it is that, by passing the House bill and sending it to biden for a yea or nay
Is it bi-partisan? Is it the Dems who scream that the border is the greatest threat to national security but insist it is their way or the highway and end up with nothing?
Is it bi-partisan? Is it the Dems who scream that the border is the greatest threat to national security but insist it is their way or the highway and end up with nothing?
It will be when the democrat senate approves it and biden signs it into law
Shutting down the economy and paying people not to work was a liberal democrat idea

And biden is the top liberal democrat at the moment
Biden wasn’t in office in 2020. He didn’t sign most of those bills. Trump did.
There's no distortion in the description of inflation. There's no distortion in the fact that prices are 17% to 20% higher now than when Biden became president.

A recession hurts everyone but I haven't read anywhere that economists are ruling it out. World events that can change where we are now have a nasty habit of rearing their ugly heads.
There’s always going to be a recession eventually, but the fact that inflation went from 9% to below 3% without a recession is something that most economists thought was impossible.

Why do the vast majority of conservatives think that the economy is getting worse?
There’s always going to be a recession eventually, but the fact that inflation went from 9% to below 3% without a recession is something that most economists thought was impossible.

Why do the vast majority of conservatives think that the economy is getting worse?
because we have jobs and real lives where we buy stuff everyday and dont live off the government and other people,,
No, I'm not.

The inference being make is BIDEN lowered the crime rate. But the peak crime rate was ALREADY lowered before Biden took office.

Overall, crime under Biden on average is higher than it was during Trump's term.

But the media is framing it the way they are to make it APPEAR better than it is in reality.

Where the rubber meets the road, AMERICANS are less safe today than they were during the Trump administration...and that is the metric voters really care about.

The legacy media is supposed to inform us of the facts...not bury the facts, obscure the facts, massage the data, to fit a political agenda.

If you believed you are more safe today than you were when Trump was are not living in reality.

I on the other hand, being informed by alternate media, know the truth.

The red line is the month Biden took office...

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All this twisting and turning can’t ignore the fact that conservatives believe crime has skyrocketed under Biden but the data shows it skyrocketed under Trump.

If you want to distort this fact by averaging and whatever statistical manipulations you want, but the fact remains that Biden is blamed for what happened under Trump.

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