Trump: And I will not let him turn the USA into a crime filled, disease ridden dumping ground

Just saying conservatives get a distorted view on reality.

The vast majority say the economy is getting worse, which is crazy.

What views about high interest rates, record deficits, high inflation, deficit spending on Biden's wars and deficit spending on Biden's illegals is distorted?
Inflation has only come down from record highs under the Dems / Marxists. Your conspiracy theories about conservative media pretending inflation isn't a real problem for Americans is dishonest.
Yeah, and inflation is now below 3%. It was a problem. It no longer is a problem.
What views about high interest rates, record deficits, high inflation, deficit spending on Biden's wars and deficit spending on Biden's illegals is distorted?
Inflation is below 3%. In another thread, someone pointed out that GDP growth was >3% and unemployment was under 4%. They were called a liar and idiot by conservatives.

Hell, in 2022, I was called a moron for saying we weren’t in a recession.
Yeah, and inflation is now below 3%. It was a problem. It no longer is a problem.

Ummm, you need to understand that prices due to inflation are cumulative. The latest number represents the increase in prices added to numbers preceding it. Prices are 3% higher vs. the previous reporting period.

The cumulative results of Biden’s policies have caused prices to increase by more than 20% since he began damaging this country as a pretend president.
Only retards believe that "crime is down" in blue/sanctuary cities. It's easy to play games with crime statistics when you refuse to prosecute criminals.
That's a great point. When leftist, Soros controlled DA's refuse to prosecute criminals, when theft up to a certain threshold is no longer a crime and criminals are arrested but released with no charges or no bail, it's just dishonestly rigging the numbers.
Yeah, and inflation is now below 3%. It was a problem. It no longer is a problem.
Do you not know how inflation works?

Liberals are dumb as stumps.

To return to post Biden prices we would need NEGATIVE inflation.

Inflation of 2.9% mean 2.9% HIGHER than already inflated prices.

More bullshit from a bullshiter.
And this is WHY the media can't be trusted.

Violent crime is down from the Pandemic Peak...but overall it is still HIGHER than the years prior to the pandemic.

And violent crime was significantly lower than the Pandemic Peak BEFORE Biden took office in January 2021.

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Sure, the legacy media tells a little truth...but framed in such a way as to hide the big lie.

That's what propagandists do.

So now it’s not enough to accurately say crime is going down because it’s not as low as it was before the pandemic?

You’re just looking for nit picks.
Ummm, you need to understand that prices due to inflation are cumulative. The latest number represents the increase in prices added to numbers preceding it. Prices are 3% higher vs. the previous reporting period.

The cumulative results of Biden’s policies have caused prices to increase by more than 20% since he began damaging this country as a pretend president.
Which is a very distorted thing to say. Biden isn’t the only one who has blame for inflation following the pandemic. No matter what anyone did, we’d have had considerable inflation.

We got inflation down without a huge recession.
Inflation is below 3%. In another thread, someone pointed out that GDP growth was >3% and unemployment was under 4%. They were called a liar and idiot by conservatives.

Hell, in 2022, I was called a moron for saying we weren’t in a recession.

These are not well people.

So now it’s not enough to accurately say crime is going down because it’s not as low as it was before the pandemic?

You’re just looking for nit picks.
No, I'm not.

The inference being make is BIDEN lowered the crime rate. But the peak crime rate was ALREADY lowered before Biden took office.

Overall, crime under Biden on average is higher than it was during Trump's term.

But the media is framing it the way they are to make it APPEAR better than it is in reality.

Where the rubber meets the road, AMERICANS are less safe today than they were during the Trump administration...and that is the metric voters really care about.

The legacy media is supposed to inform us of the facts...not bury the facts, obscure the facts, massage the data, to fit a political agenda.

If you believed you are more safe today than you were when Trump was are not living in reality.

I on the other hand, being informed by alternate media, know the truth.

The red line is the month Biden took office...

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Which is a very distorted thing to say. Biden isn’t the only one who has blame for inflation following the pandemic. No matter what anyone did, we’d have had considerable inflation.

We got inflation down without a huge recession.

There's no distortion in the description of inflation. There's no distortion in the fact that prices are 17% to 20% higher now than when Biden became president.

A recession hurts everyone but I haven't read anywhere that economists are ruling it out. World events that can change where we are now have a nasty habit of rearing their ugly heads.


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