Trump and RNC support for paedos

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

I am reading a lot about the "lefts" support for paedos on the board this week. Mr Biden seems to be copping for a load of alleged stuff as well.

It reminded me of a time when trump backed a certain character out of political expediency. I wonder if the Rev Jerry backed him as well. I think we should be told.

I am reading a lot about the "lefts" support for paedos on the board this week. Mr Biden seems to be copping for a load of alleged stuff as well.

It reminded me of a time when trump backed a certain character out of political expediency. I wonder if the Rev Jerry backed him as well. I think we should be told.

I am reading a lot about the "lefts" support for paedos on the board this week. Mr Biden seems to be copping for a load of alleged stuff as well.

It reminded me of a time when trump backed a certain character out of political expediency. I wonder if the Rev Jerry backed him as well. I think we should be told.
Tommy is projecting again.

I am reading a lot about the "lefts" support for paedos on the board this week. Mr Biden seems to be copping for a load of alleged stuff as well.

It reminded me of a time when trump backed a certain character out of political expediency. I wonder if the Rev Jerry backed him as well. I think we should be told.
Tommy is projecting again.
Projecting Trump support for paedos.
Who was best mates with Epstein?

I am reading a lot about the "lefts" support for paedos on the board this week. Mr Biden seems to be copping for a load of alleged stuff as well.

It reminded me of a time when trump backed a certain character out of political expediency. I wonder if the Rev Jerry backed him as well. I think we should be told.
Tommy is projecting again.
Projecting Trump support for paedos.
You have no logical reason to believe Roy Moore is a pedo. That's how we know you're projecting again.

I am reading a lot about the "lefts" support for paedos on the board this week. Mr Biden seems to be copping for a load of alleged stuff as well.

It reminded me of a time when trump backed a certain character out of political expediency. I wonder if the Rev Jerry backed him as well. I think we should be told.
Tommy is projecting again.
Projecting Trump support for paedos.
You have no logical reason to believe Roy Moore is a pedo. That's how we know you're projecting again.
Banned from the Mall for perving young girls.

I am reading a lot about the "lefts" support for paedos on the board this week. Mr Biden seems to be copping for a load of alleged stuff as well.

It reminded me of a time when trump backed a certain character out of political expediency. I wonder if the Rev Jerry backed him as well. I think we should be told.
Tommy is projecting again.
Projecting Trump support for paedos.

No, that's YOUR side, tainty.

I am reading a lot about the "lefts" support for paedos on the board this week. Mr Biden seems to be copping for a load of alleged stuff as well.

It reminded me of a time when trump backed a certain character out of political expediency. I wonder if the Rev Jerry backed him as well. I think we should be told.
Tommy is projecting again.
Projecting Trump support for paedos.
You have no logical reason to believe Roy Moore is a pedo. That's how we know you're projecting again.
Banned from the Mall for perving young girls.
First of all, the manager of the mall debunked that rumor, dumbass. And the specious unsupported accusations against Moore were not related to pedophilia in the first place.

A pedophile is somebody who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children. Moore's debunked accuser was not a prepubescent child.

And Moore isn't the only one you've recently accused of being a pedophile with no evidence and no apparent logical reason.

That's how we know that you are projecting, you sicko.
View attachment 389682
Trump and bestie.
View attachment 389683
"So I grabbed her pussy,She was married"
View attachment 389684
"I fucked her and her little sister"
Making shit up is all you got...pathetic
Pix freely available.

And you ignoring what actually went down between the two where Trump cut ties, and banned Epstein from Trump properties. While on the other hand your own prince Andrew was a frequent visitor to pedo island, as was Bill Clinton....So, either you’re ill informed, or you’re just another snarky liar.

I am reading a lot about the "lefts" support for paedos on the board this week. Mr Biden seems to be copping for a load of alleged stuff as well.

It reminded me of a time when trump backed a certain character out of political expediency. I wonder if the Rev Jerry backed him as well. I think we should be told.

Really? The democrat party is the actual party of child molestors...the entertainment division of the democrat party, Hollywood, all by itself has its own child molesting infrastructure.........the biggest donors to the democrat party are molestors of either children or women........

You are insane.....
The republicans will support and protect pedos IF the pedo is a male and the victim is a female. The Alabama State Pedo is a male who trolled for girls, so he's a hero. They like an underage "piece of ass." Very "Godly," you know. Girls are just fresh meat to them.
The republicans will support and protect pedos IF the pedo is a male and the victim is a female. The Alabama State Pedo is a male who trolled for girls, so he's a hero. They like an underage "piece of ass." Very "Godly," you know. Girls are just fresh meat to them.

Again....harvey weistein, epstein, and entire infrastructure of rape and abuse of women and children...all part of the democrat party support industry....and you guys have to lie and try to turn republicans into democrat party molestors....
Everytime this retard moonbat wanker posts, he gets completely owned in his own threads. :auiqs.jpg:

You would think after so much embarrassment, and being proven wrong on the daily..any self respecting individual would just stop..

But that's the disease of leftism..they can't ever recognize what's in their own best interests.
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I am reading a lot about the "lefts" support for paedos on the board this week. Mr Biden seems to be copping for a load of alleged stuff as well.

It reminded me of a time when trump backed a certain character out of political expediency. I wonder if the Rev Jerry backed him as well. I think we should be told., Britain...allowed thousands of young British girls to be gang raped for years because you asshats didn't want to be called anti-muslim......thousands of girls for years, you dumb ass.....your government did that...the police and your vaunted social services bureaucrats....

So....I have to ask....are you really this fucking stupid, or do you just post things this stupid?

In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children, most of them white British girls,[15] had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men (Kurdish and Kosovar men were also involved).[16][13] British Asian girls in Rotherham also suffered abuse, but a fear of shame and dishonour made them reluctant to report the abuse to authorities.[17]

A "common thread" was that taxi drivers had been picking the children up for sex from care homes and schools. The abuse included gang rape, forcing children to watch rape, dousing them with petrol and threatening to set them on fire, threatening to rape their mothers and younger sisters, and trafficking them to other towns.[20] There were pregnancies—one at age 12—terminations, miscarriages, babies raised by their mothers, and babies removed, causing further trauma.[21][22][23][24]

The failure to address the abuse was attributed to a combination of factors revolving around race, class and gender—contemptuous and sexist attitudes toward the mostly working-class victims; fear that the perpetrators' ethnicity would trigger allegations of racism and damage community relations; the Labour council's reluctance to challenge a Labour-voting ethnic minority; lack of a child-centred focus; a desire to protect the town's reputation; and lack of training and resources.[25][26][8]

Rotherham Council's chief executive, its director of children's services, and the Police and Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire Police all resigned.[27]

This thread is offically dead....from the gross stupidity of tommy....who posted it in the face of the mass gang rape of young British girls while the British government officials looked the other they begged for help....
an entire infrastructure of rape and abuse of women and children...all part of the democrat party support industry...

Don't forget Desmond is amazing and the other countless "child drag queens" that the woketards, and liberal media were pushing as acceptably progressive when they had 11 year old children stripping on stage for money at gay men's club.

Oh, and don't forget how the prog moonbats think it's perfectly acceptable to hire convicted pedo trannies (happened more than once) to read to your children at your local public library.

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