Trump and RNC support for paedos

I am reading a lot about the "lefts" support for paedos on the board this week. Mr Biden seems to be copping for a load of alleged stuff as well.

It reminded me of a time when trump backed a certain character out of political expediency. I wonder if the Rev Jerry backed him as well. I think we should be told.
Sorry, fags and pedophiles are squarely in the Dem camp. I mean you're a foreign fag, but who would you vote for?
The republicans will support and protect pedos IF the pedo is a male and the victim is a female. The Alabama State Pedo is a male who trolled for girls, so he's a hero. They like an underage "piece of ass." Very "Godly," you know. Girls are just fresh meat to them.

Again....harvey weistein, epstein, and entire infrastructure of rape and abuse of women and children...all part of the democrat party support industry....and you guys have to lie and try to turn republicans into democrat party molestors....

You keep insisting that pedophilia and sexual abuse has to do with identifying with an American political party. There is no justification for this. The pageants, cheerleaders, "purity" ringsters parading their sexually groomed daughters in front of crowds as "virgins" in white dresses, "religious" fraudsters recommending chasing 16-year-olds on TV, moore trolling malls for teenage girls, "conservative" legislators refusing to raise the age of consent in their states, allegedly to preserve "the family," (what kind of a "family" would this be that it would depend on whether someone has had sex or not?), apparently by allowing the selling of these young people's bodies, have as much to do with republicans as democrats, and perhaps even more so.
Just in time for Thanksgiving Dinner! :D


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