Trump and the National debt..

Although the country's U-3 unemployment rate, as it's officially known, currently sits at 5.5 percent (which is considered to be a historically low percentage), that number only accounts for a small subset of Americans – those without jobs who have actively looked for work in the last four weeks.
Are you citing some article without attribution? The UE rate is at 4.9%.

But the monthly releases don't do justice to stories like Webb's. Months into her recovery, Webb wasn't counted as unemployed. She wasn't counted in the workforce at all.
Why would she be? What is the rationale?

The Labor Department estimates 93 million people lived in the U.S. in May and were not counted as members of the labor force. Some of this group are retired, some are physically unable to work and some have just thrown in the towel on trying to land a job.
And none of them can be hired until/unless they do something.

Discouraged workers are considered to be among those not included in the labor force. These are the unemployed individuals who have actively looked for a job at some point in the last 12 months but who aren't currently looking "because they believe there are no jobs available or there are none for which they would qualify," according to the Labor Department.

Discouraged workers are a subdivision of "marginally attached workers," who have looked for work at some point in the past year but hadn't in the last four weeks. Of the 1.8 million marginally attached workers in the U.S.

-- In September, 1.9 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force, down by 305,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.) These individuals were not in the labor force, wanted and were available for work, and had looked for a job some time in the prior 12 months. They were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey.
Right. For the UE rate in January, why would we include people who were not trying to work in January?
no, thank you.

The thread topic is debt policy.

More people working = more taxes collected = less debt, unless you have politicians who have no self-control, are near fiscally criminal, and engage in record-setting deficit-spending.

Obama's 1st spending bill he signed into law, placed upon his desk by a near Super Majority DNC-controlled Congress was touted as a Jobs Creation Bill - his economic/pro-jobs/anti-debt policy. What it really was turned out to be a nearly $1 trillion DNC Pork-filled 'wet dream', containing OVER 7,000 pieces of self/party-benefitting DNC-ONLY pieces of pork.

Did it address the eroding infrastructure? No
Did it help secure our borders? No
Did it help the hard-working Middle Class who had to pay for all their shite? No, not really. In many ways it hurt more than it helped.

Democratic Party Politicians benefitted from the money personally. Millionaire Diane Feinstein's husband, for example, got a huge 'loan' (which he has never paid back) to bailout his bankrupting business. Wasn't that special...any Middle Class people out there get a loan to help their business or help get out of debt? No? Didn't think so.

After wasting billions, counting up how much and how well that money was spent revealed Obama and Liberals spent over $740,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved. (Some businesses revealed Obama counted more employees' jobs saved than there were employees in their entire company.) Way to start out your Presidency, Barry.

Obama promised that the monstrosity would prevent unemployment from going above 8% - it went up to 10.1%. And when Obama finally sold most of the GM shares they had appropriated in the company's bailout, he actually LOST millions of the hard-working tax payer's money.

Debt Policy?
Obama set US records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending while adding over $6 Trillion in new debt in only 4 years in office, more debt on his own than every US President combined.

Then again, he was a Community Organizer who had no experience as a businessman and chose for his Secretary of the Treasury a tax cheat who had not paid his taxes in years, so what could one expect of Obama, actually.
Whoever the next President is, they are going to have to default. And he or she will do it through inflation and external devaluation. The Donald would do it in spectacular fashion.

The great thing, though, is that he can follow the precedence set by Obama and blame it all on his predecessor.

The American people have for too long enjoyed their government gifts to give them up now. So, in their own way, they are demanding the government default on the debt with inflation and external devaluation.

The American people won't give up their gifts of tax exemptions, deductions, and credits which drive up borrowing and the tax rates. They won't give up their heavy dependence on the federal government to "solve" every problem. They just won't do it. Everyone screams to protect their sacred cows.

So...inflation for everyone!
Whoever the next President is, they are going to have to default. And he or she will do it through inflation and external devaluation. The Donald would do it in spectacular fashion.

The great thing, though, is that he can follow the precedence set by Obama and blame it all on his predecessor.

There are few things of which I am certain, but I have no doubt the next Republican president will blame his Democratic predecessor for everything sour in life, and the rubes will sing along in harmony.
No one wants to look in the mirror and reflect on the beam in their eye.

They will turn their ear to whoever tells them their problems are the fault of Them.

It is positively hilarious how many people bleev Mexicans are somehow responsible for their problems.
External devaluation will be very exciting for globalization. The Donald, while a demigod and bully and nationalist, is not stupid.
It's already been happening since the crash. There has been a race to the bottom among the world's developed economies.

That's why the dollar index is as high as it is right now. We're the cleanest shirt in a pile of dirty shirts, as the saying goes.

Besides, whether they want it to happen or not, the Fed has already printed enough money to make it an inevitability once the velocity of money speeds up. They won't be able to stop it.
There are few things of which I am certain, but I have no doubt the next Republican president will blame his Democratic predecessor for everything sour in life, and the rubes will sing along in harmony.

Like I said, he will follow the precedence set by Obama...

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