Trump and the new Mexican incoming administration have reached a deal on asylum seekers.

This is good, at least Mexico won't steal their children with no intention of ever reuniting them! :rolleyes:

Wonder what Mexico, got in return?

They did say they had lots of jobs for the refugees to fill in manufacturing and construction projects and were going to issue work permits to them....
Move to Mexico if you think they're superior.
I just want our country to be for the most part, ethical again, and not this doubled down swamp and lawlessness, with his divisiveness as the cherry on top, that Pres. Trump has created.
Care, Trump didn't create the deviousness it was here when he arrived along with the swamp and lawlessness. He was the one who exposed it.
I'm sorry Meister, but I disagree....
NOT to this degree of lawlessness and partisan hatred that HE has created Meister... he brought a level of lawlessness in to his administration that has never been seen before.... unprecedented! imo

And I did not vote for Obama, in either election.... so I am not an Obama-bot.
I would never call you an obama-bot, Care. Lawlessness, is in the media's reporting, Mueller is having a tough time hanging anything on that man. Trump has exposed the swamp on the Hill, there is no doubt about that. Decisiveness was already in place when he was handed the keys to the white House.
Partisan hatred is rampant, there is no doubt about that. having said that, it lies more with Congress.
You did NOT have to wake up every single day to a bombardment of tweets and official statements and pep rallies of President Obama's telling lies about you and your family and your party, saying that YOU are evil...

nor with a president causing so much divisiveness and hatred towards YOU.... or dealing with a president that is campaigning every single second against YOU, not even a moments rest from doing it....

President Trump has never ever even tried to be President of the United States.... he has only been president to his followers... and I and others just like me, (proven in the past election) are sick of it, nor did you have to see Obama vocally divide this country the way President Trump has done with his bully pulpit.

united we stand, DIVIDED we fall.... and his M/O is division.... sadly, that's all he knows how to do... he can't even pretend to be a president of ALL of us.

Hell hath no fury, like woman's scorn!!!

he can Kiss My Grits! :p
Move to Mexico if you think they're superior.
I just want our country to be for the most part, ethical again, and not this doubled down swamp and lawlessness, with his divisiveness as the cherry on top, that Pres. Trump has created.
Care, Trump didn't create the deviousness it was here when he arrived along with the swamp and lawlessness. He was the one who exposed it.
I'm sorry Meister, but I disagree....
NOT to this degree of lawlessness and partisan hatred that HE has created Meister... he brought a level of lawlessness in to his administration that has never been seen before.... unprecedented! imo

And I did not vote for Obama, in either election.... so I am not an Obama-bot.
I would never call you an obama-bot, Care. Lawlessness, is in the media's reporting, Mueller is having a tough time hanging anything on that man. Trump has exposed the swamp on the Hill, there is no doubt about that. Decisiveness was already in place when he was handed the keys to the white House.
Partisan hatred is rampant, there is no doubt about that. having said that, it lies more with Congress.
You did NOT have to wake up every single day to a bombardment of tweets and official statements and pep rallies of President Obama's telling lies about you and your family and your party, saying that YOU are evil...

nor with a president causing so much divisiveness and hatred towards YOU.... or dealing with a president that is campaigning every single second against YOU, not even a moments rest from doing it....

President Trump has never ever even tried to be President of the United States.... he has only been president to his followers... and I and others just like me, (proven in the past election) are sick of it, nor did you have to see Obama vocally divide this country the way President Trump has done with his bully pulpit.

united we stand, DIVIDED we fall.... and his M/O is division.... sadly, that's all he knows how to do... he can't even pretend to be a president of ALL of us.

Hell hath no fury, like woman's scorn!!!

he can Kiss My Grits! :p
Care, if the msm had been doing it's job it would have been exactly the same. The republicans were the enemy....straight from Obama's mouth, down played by the media.
Obama did nothing but divide this country, remember the beer summit? he always opened his mouth before the facts were in, and then had to backtrack.
Despite what the media says about all the bad things about Trump, they refuse to report all the good things.

I will never argue the fact that, "Hell hath no fury, like woman's scorn" Never will you hear me argue that. :beer:
This is good, at least Mexico won't steal their children with no intention of ever reuniting them! :rolleyes:

Wonder what Mexico, got in return?

They did say they had lots of jobs for the refugees to fill in manufacturing and construction projects and were going to issue work permits to them....
i do believe that only happened to repeat illegals who keep trying to come in - you make it sound like all are broken up upon entry into the country. maybe we need a little less sensationalizing in the world.

i still find it funny that if a couple in sandusky ohio is busted selling drugs and no one is there for their kids, they go into the system and no one ever says jack shit about it. but if illegals are being prosecuted and no one is there for their kids, suddenly it's a crime. this is giving illegals more rights than americans when you think about it.
That's not so, at all....

these were asylum seekers that came here for the FIRST time, not repeat offenders... repeat offenders have a record of them seeking asylum already and being denied already, and they can be deported immediately.

the families he separated were seeking asylum for the first time...

they put them in jail because of Session's zero tolerance program, and they did not want to release them while awaiting their hearing with a Judge for refugee status.... and they wanted to give them as painful of a situation as possible to try to discourage asylum seekers in the future....
i thought it was trumps policy.
wait, it was actually clintons but trump chose to enforce it.
obama put them in cages and i saw zero protests but hey - blame that on trump when convenient.

sorry - but when the left keeps doing crap like that i find it hard to pack my bags for any more emotional trips with them.

as for who was being held and separated -

Here Are the Facts About President Trump's Family Separation Policy
“If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law,” Sessions said at a law enforcement event in Scottsdale, Ariz. “If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.”
or this:
At the same time, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen tweeted on Sunday that there was no family separation policy. “We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period,” she wrote. Instead, she argued that it was a continuation of previous administrations’ policies of separating children if “the adult has broken a law.”

if the adult has broken a law. or no separation policy at all - this is from TIME so hardly a trump ally.

so show me where they just bring up the short buses and ship off kids from their parents. the TIME photo, ironically enough, was even altered to show a lost girl and in the real pic she was about 6" from her mother.

yea, the left doesn't tug at heart strings vs. logic at all, do they?
They crossed the border outside of the gate with a month's wait at the gate, and promptly turned themselves in and requested asylum....

by law, they are allowed to request asylum, no matter where they crossed to get to USA soil....

these were not smugglers of children... :rolleyes:

this is why President Trumps executive order on making it illegal to even request asylum if they cross outside of the gate that he recently tried to enact, got shot down by the Court.

Oh and the administration SAID they wanted (to cause pain, so) to discourage others from trying to attempt it.
what are they seeking asylum from?

seems more to game around a system vs being scared for your life at home.
Sounds good if true, but right at the moment it's unclear if there's really a deal or not.

The left as usual will be rooting for failure.
Seems there is a problem....

Incoming Mexico gov't: No deal to host US asylum-seekers!

Mexico's incoming government denied a report Saturday that it plans to allow asylum-seekers to wait in the country while their claims move through U.S. immigration courts, a deal the Trump administration has been pursuing for months.

"There is no agreement of any sort between the incoming Mexican government and the U.S. government," future Interior Minister Olga Sanchez said in a statement.

Read more at ...

Seems this might even be better for America while sticking it in Mexico's ass....a trump threatened to COMPLETELY CLOSE THE BORDER....DO IT!

As the invading hoards are stalled at our border MEXICO will have to figure out a way to deal with THOUSANDS of HUNGRY UNRULY AND PROBABLY A BUNCH OF CRIMINAL YOUNG MEN STALLED IN THEIR COUNTRY!......NEXT 2 weeks should be FUN to watch.
Perhaps Plan B should immediately go into effect....Shut down the border completely. Slow walk asylum applications - maybe 10 per day. Stop all foreign aid to Mexico, divert it for WALL PAYMENT!. Tax money transfers from the US to Mexico at 50%.!Wait for that pain to kick in and watch Mexico start rounding up the invaders.....Lots of dead invaders should be the outcome....maybe Mexico will hire the Cartels to do the really dirty THAT would be something!
Perhaps Plan B should immediately go into effect....Shut down the border completely. Slow walk asylum applications - maybe 10 per day. Stop all foreign aid to Mexico, divert it for WALL PAYMENT!. Tax money transfers from the US to Mexico at 50%.!Wait for that pain to kick in and watch Mexico start rounding up the invaders.....Lots of dead invaders should be the outcome....maybe Mexico will hire the Cartels to do the really dirty THAT would be something!
That's a Win Win.
I was on vacation but if history is to be our guide, the deal the he supposedly struck with the Mexican President was likely the first time the Mexican President heard about the deal
This is good, at least Mexico won't steal their children with no intention of ever reuniting them! :rolleyes:

Wonder what Mexico, got in return?

They did say they had lots of jobs for the refugees to fill in manufacturing and construction projects and were going to issue work permits to them....
i do believe that only happened to repeat illegals who keep trying to come in - you make it sound like all are broken up upon entry into the country. maybe we need a little less sensationalizing in the world.

i still find it funny that if a couple in sandusky ohio is busted selling drugs and no one is there for their kids, they go into the system and no one ever says jack shit about it. but if illegals are being prosecuted and no one is there for their kids, suddenly it's a crime. this is giving illegals more rights than americans when you think about it.
That's not so, at all....

these were asylum seekers that came here for the FIRST time, not repeat offenders... repeat offenders have a record of them seeking asylum already and being denied already, and they can be deported immediately.

the families he separated were seeking asylum for the first time...

they put them in jail because of Session's zero tolerance program, and they did not want to release them while awaiting their hearing with a Judge for refugee status.... and they wanted to give them as painful of a situation as possible to try to discourage asylum seekers in the future....
i thought it was trumps policy.
wait, it was actually clintons but trump chose to enforce it.
obama put them in cages and i saw zero protests but hey - blame that on trump when convenient.

sorry - but when the left keeps doing crap like that i find it hard to pack my bags for any more emotional trips with them.

as for who was being held and separated -

Here Are the Facts About President Trump's Family Separation Policy
“If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law,” Sessions said at a law enforcement event in Scottsdale, Ariz. “If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.”
or this:
At the same time, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen tweeted on Sunday that there was no family separation policy. “We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period,” she wrote. Instead, she argued that it was a continuation of previous administrations’ policies of separating children if “the adult has broken a law.”

if the adult has broken a law. or no separation policy at all - this is from TIME so hardly a trump ally.

so show me where they just bring up the short buses and ship off kids from their parents. the TIME photo, ironically enough, was even altered to show a lost girl and in the real pic she was about 6" from her mother.

yea, the left doesn't tug at heart strings vs. logic at all, do they?
They crossed the border outside of the gate with a month's wait at the gate, and promptly turned themselves in and requested asylum....

by law, they are allowed to request asylum, no matter where they crossed to get to USA soil....

these were not smugglers of children... :rolleyes:

this is why President Trumps executive order on making it illegal to even request asylum if they cross outside of the gate that he recently tried to enact, got shot down by the Court.

Oh and the administration SAID they wanted (to cause pain, so) to discourage others from trying to attempt it.
what are they seeking asylum from?

seems more to game around a system vs being scared for your life at home.
-------------------------------- they just want in to the USA and I hope that none get in ,
the new 'mex' president can't make any deals anyway until he is 'president' on , think its Jan 1st . Still gotta deal with the midget 'nietto' .
and no matter this nebulous Deal but looks like the invaders were rebuffed tonight and are still in 'mexico' . [GO Trump] Keep the invaders in 'mexico' and on the ground on there sporting field and make sure that you water the grass . Just get more of President Trumps Troops to the Border with enough ham and turkey for Christmas , And don't forget the Cristmas Trees and stockings eh .
This is good, at least Mexico won't steal their children with no intention of ever reuniting them! :rolleyes:

Wonder what Mexico, got in return?

They did say they had lots of jobs for the refugees to fill in manufacturing and construction projects and were going to issue work permits to them....
i do believe that only happened to repeat illegals who keep trying to come in - you make it sound like all are broken up upon entry into the country. maybe we need a little less sensationalizing in the world.

i still find it funny that if a couple in sandusky ohio is busted selling drugs and no one is there for their kids, they go into the system and no one ever says jack shit about it. but if illegals are being prosecuted and no one is there for their kids, suddenly it's a crime. this is giving illegals more rights than americans when you think about it.
That's not so, at all....

these were asylum seekers that came here for the FIRST time, not repeat offenders... repeat offenders have a record of them seeking asylum already and being denied already, and they can be deported immediately.

the families he separated were seeking asylum for the first time...

they put them in jail because of Session's zero tolerance program, and they did not want to release them while awaiting their hearing with a Judge for refugee status.... and they wanted to give them as painful of a situation as possible to try to discourage asylum seekers in the future....
i thought it was trumps policy.
wait, it was actually clintons but trump chose to enforce it.
obama put them in cages and i saw zero protests but hey - blame that on trump when convenient.

sorry - but when the left keeps doing crap like that i find it hard to pack my bags for any more emotional trips with them.

as for who was being held and separated -

Here Are the Facts About President Trump's Family Separation Policy
“If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law,” Sessions said at a law enforcement event in Scottsdale, Ariz. “If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.”
or this:
At the same time, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen tweeted on Sunday that there was no family separation policy. “We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period,” she wrote. Instead, she argued that it was a continuation of previous administrations’ policies of separating children if “the adult has broken a law.”

if the adult has broken a law. or no separation policy at all - this is from TIME so hardly a trump ally.

so show me where they just bring up the short buses and ship off kids from their parents. the TIME photo, ironically enough, was even altered to show a lost girl and in the real pic she was about 6" from her mother.

yea, the left doesn't tug at heart strings vs. logic at all, do they?
They crossed the border outside of the gate with a month's wait at the gate, and promptly turned themselves in and requested asylum....

by law, they are allowed to request asylum, no matter where they crossed to get to USA soil....

these were not smugglers of children... :rolleyes:

this is why President Trumps executive order on making it illegal to even request asylum if they cross outside of the gate that he recently tried to enact, got shot down by the Court.

Oh and the administration SAID they wanted (to cause pain, so) to discourage others from trying to attempt it.
ok - show me actual cases of the kids being taken away from people who were not engaged in illegal activity. all i hear is we keep doing it but i don't see any actual cases of it. the only thing i have seen is a photoshopped TIME cover where they removed the mother to again, pull on those heartstrings. she was not separated, so who was?

now - applying for asylum is not a get into america free card. there are conditions to be met before it can be granted. not being happy in our country or seeking a better life do NOT qualify.

The Affirmative Asylum Process

to apply:
To apply for asylum in the U.S., you must be physically present in the U.S. or seeking entry into the U.S. at a port of entry.

so they can sit in mexico according to our laws. they do NOT have to be IN the US.

  • Did not follow the one-year filing deadline for Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal. The one-year deadline is calculated from the date of your last arrival in the U.S. or April 1, 1997, whichever is later;
  • Had a previous asylum application denied by an immigration judge or the Board of Immigration Appeals; or
  • Can be removed to a safe third country under a two-party or multi-party agreement between the United States and other countries.
so mexico has offered them asylum. they should have taken it, it would appear. also, if any have tried this before they are an automatic NO - according to our laws. so this "lawlessness" is just another emo-ploy because it would appear we are following our laws. you may not like them but that does not make them "lawless".

now - who is eligible?

Who Is Eligible for Asylum or Refugee Protection in The U.S.?

If you are from a country where you have undergone persecution, or you have a well-founded fear of being persecuted if you return to that country, you may decide to seek either refugee protection from the U.S. (if you are currently overseas) or asylum (if you are currently in the United States). However, the criteria for these protections are stricter than you might expect. You will need to become familiar with the legal grounds for asylum and refugee status, and potentially prepare extensive materials showing that you meet these grounds.

are these people being persecuted in their own gov? all i hear is they want a better life and great. we all do. now go through the immigration process and stop trying to act like asking for asylum is a way around our processes and a clever loophole was found. you keep saying we're not playing fair with them but are these "refugees" playing fair with us? it does not seem so.

now if these people are in fear of their lives from their home country, please let me know how and why so we can see if they qualify for asking for asylum - in accordance with our lawless laws.
This is good, at least Mexico won't steal their children with no intention of ever reuniting them! :rolleyes:

Wonder what Mexico, got in return?

They did say they had lots of jobs for the refugees to fill in manufacturing and construction projects and were going to issue work permits to them....
i do believe that only happened to repeat illegals who keep trying to come in - you make it sound like all are broken up upon entry into the country. maybe we need a little less sensationalizing in the world.

i still find it funny that if a couple in sandusky ohio is busted selling drugs and no one is there for their kids, they go into the system and no one ever says jack shit about it. but if illegals are being prosecuted and no one is there for their kids, suddenly it's a crime. this is giving illegals more rights than americans when you think about it.
That's not so, at all....

these were asylum seekers that came here for the FIRST time, not repeat offenders... repeat offenders have a record of them seeking asylum already and being denied already, and they can be deported immediately.

the families he separated were seeking asylum for the first time...

they put them in jail because of Session's zero tolerance program, and they did not want to release them while awaiting their hearing with a Judge for refugee status.... and they wanted to give them as painful of a situation as possible to try to discourage asylum seekers in the future....
i thought it was trumps policy.
wait, it was actually clintons but trump chose to enforce it.
obama put them in cages and i saw zero protests but hey - blame that on trump when convenient.

sorry - but when the left keeps doing crap like that i find it hard to pack my bags for any more emotional trips with them.

as for who was being held and separated -

Here Are the Facts About President Trump's Family Separation Policy
“If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law,” Sessions said at a law enforcement event in Scottsdale, Ariz. “If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.”
or this:
At the same time, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen tweeted on Sunday that there was no family separation policy. “We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period,” she wrote. Instead, she argued that it was a continuation of previous administrations’ policies of separating children if “the adult has broken a law.”

if the adult has broken a law. or no separation policy at all - this is from TIME so hardly a trump ally.

so show me where they just bring up the short buses and ship off kids from their parents. the TIME photo, ironically enough, was even altered to show a lost girl and in the real pic she was about 6" from her mother.

yea, the left doesn't tug at heart strings vs. logic at all, do they?

Yup. It was perfectly all right when the Obama administration did it but because Trump is now POTUS its a crime.

All those pictures they showed of kids sleeping behind chain link were from 2014 and Trump sure wasn't POTUS then.

If you don't want to be separated from your children then don't come to our border. Stay the fuck home.
This is good, at least Mexico won't steal their children with no intention of ever reuniting them! :rolleyes:

Wonder what Mexico, got in return?

They did say they had lots of jobs for the refugees to fill in manufacturing and construction projects and were going to issue work permits to them....
i do believe that only happened to repeat illegals who keep trying to come in - you make it sound like all are broken up upon entry into the country. maybe we need a little less sensationalizing in the world.

i still find it funny that if a couple in sandusky ohio is busted selling drugs and no one is there for their kids, they go into the system and no one ever says jack shit about it. but if illegals are being prosecuted and no one is there for their kids, suddenly it's a crime. this is giving illegals more rights than americans when you think about it.
That's not so, at all....

these were asylum seekers that came here for the FIRST time, not repeat offenders... repeat offenders have a record of them seeking asylum already and being denied already, and they can be deported immediately.

the families he separated were seeking asylum for the first time...

they put them in jail because of Session's zero tolerance program, and they did not want to release them while awaiting their hearing with a Judge for refugee status.... and they wanted to give them as painful of a situation as possible to try to discourage asylum seekers in the future....
i thought it was trumps policy.
wait, it was actually clintons but trump chose to enforce it.
obama put them in cages and i saw zero protests but hey - blame that on trump when convenient.

sorry - but when the left keeps doing crap like that i find it hard to pack my bags for any more emotional trips with them.

as for who was being held and separated -

Here Are the Facts About President Trump's Family Separation Policy
“If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law,” Sessions said at a law enforcement event in Scottsdale, Ariz. “If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.”
or this:
At the same time, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen tweeted on Sunday that there was no family separation policy. “We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period,” she wrote. Instead, she argued that it was a continuation of previous administrations’ policies of separating children if “the adult has broken a law.”

if the adult has broken a law. or no separation policy at all - this is from TIME so hardly a trump ally.

so show me where they just bring up the short buses and ship off kids from their parents. the TIME photo, ironically enough, was even altered to show a lost girl and in the real pic she was about 6" from her mother.

yea, the left doesn't tug at heart strings vs. logic at all, do they?
They crossed the border outside of the gate with a month's wait at the gate, and promptly turned themselves in and requested asylum....

by law, they are allowed to request asylum, no matter where they crossed to get to USA soil....

these were not smugglers of children... :rolleyes:

this is why President Trumps executive order on making it illegal to even request asylum if they cross outside of the gate that he recently tried to enact, got shot down by the Court.

Oh and the administration SAID they wanted (to cause pain, so) to discourage others from trying to attempt it.
ok - show me actual cases of the kids being taken away from people who were not engaged in illegal activity. all i hear is we keep doing it but i don't see any actual cases of it. the only thing i have seen is a photoshopped TIME cover where they removed the mother to again, pull on those heartstrings. she was not separated, so who was?

now - applying for asylum is not a get into america free card. there are conditions to be met before it can be granted. not being happy in our country or seeking a better life do NOT qualify.

The Affirmative Asylum Process

to apply:
To apply for asylum in the U.S., you must be physically present in the U.S. or seeking entry into the U.S. at a port of entry.

so they can sit in mexico according to our laws. they do NOT have to be IN the US.

  • Did not follow the one-year filing deadline for Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal. The one-year deadline is calculated from the date of your last arrival in the U.S. or April 1, 1997, whichever is later;
  • Had a previous asylum application denied by an immigration judge or the Board of Immigration Appeals; or
  • Can be removed to a safe third country under a two-party or multi-party agreement between the United States and other countries.
so mexico has offered them asylum. they should have taken it, it would appear. also, if any have tried this before they are an automatic NO - according to our laws. so this "lawlessness" is just another emo-ploy because it would appear we are following our laws. you may not like them but that does not make them "lawless".

now - who is eligible?

Who Is Eligible for Asylum or Refugee Protection in The U.S.?

If you are from a country where you have undergone persecution, or you have a well-founded fear of being persecuted if you return to that country, you may decide to seek either refugee protection from the U.S. (if you are currently overseas) or asylum (if you are currently in the United States). However, the criteria for these protections are stricter than you might expect. You will need to become familiar with the legal grounds for asylum and refugee status, and potentially prepare extensive materials showing that you meet these grounds.

are these people being persecuted in their own gov? all i hear is they want a better life and great. we all do. now go through the immigration process and stop trying to act like asking for asylum is a way around our processes and a clever loophole was found. you keep saying we're not playing fair with them but are these "refugees" playing fair with us? it does not seem so.

now if these people are in fear of their lives from their home country, please let me know how and why so we can see if they qualify for asking for asylum - in accordance with our lawless laws.

Great post.

These people were offered asylum by Mexico but refused.

That right there speaks volumes. They want into our country so we the tax payer can support their useless asses.

They also passed through other countries to get to our border. They could have asked for asylum in any one of them but didn't.

No. This invasion wants into the US and I sure hope they never set on foot in my country.
This is good, at least Mexico won't steal their children with no intention of ever reuniting them! :rolleyes:

Wonder what Mexico, got in return?

They did say they had lots of jobs for the refugees to fill in manufacturing and construction projects and were going to issue work permits to them....
i do believe that only happened to repeat illegals who keep trying to come in - you make it sound like all are broken up upon entry into the country. maybe we need a little less sensationalizing in the world.

i still find it funny that if a couple in sandusky ohio is busted selling drugs and no one is there for their kids, they go into the system and no one ever says jack shit about it. but if illegals are being prosecuted and no one is there for their kids, suddenly it's a crime. this is giving illegals more rights than americans when you think about it.
That's not so, at all....

these were asylum seekers that came here for the FIRST time, not repeat offenders... repeat offenders have a record of them seeking asylum already and being denied already, and they can be deported immediately.

the families he separated were seeking asylum for the first time...

they put them in jail because of Session's zero tolerance program, and they did not want to release them while awaiting their hearing with a Judge for refugee status.... and they wanted to give them as painful of a situation as possible to try to discourage asylum seekers in the future....
i thought it was trumps policy.
wait, it was actually clintons but trump chose to enforce it.
obama put them in cages and i saw zero protests but hey - blame that on trump when convenient.

sorry - but when the left keeps doing crap like that i find it hard to pack my bags for any more emotional trips with them.

as for who was being held and separated -

Here Are the Facts About President Trump's Family Separation Policy
“If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law,” Sessions said at a law enforcement event in Scottsdale, Ariz. “If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.”
or this:
At the same time, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen tweeted on Sunday that there was no family separation policy. “We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period,” she wrote. Instead, she argued that it was a continuation of previous administrations’ policies of separating children if “the adult has broken a law.”

if the adult has broken a law. or no separation policy at all - this is from TIME so hardly a trump ally.

so show me where they just bring up the short buses and ship off kids from their parents. the TIME photo, ironically enough, was even altered to show a lost girl and in the real pic she was about 6" from her mother.

yea, the left doesn't tug at heart strings vs. logic at all, do they?

Yup. It was perfectly all right when the Obama administration did it but because Trump is now POTUS its a crime.

All those pictures they showed of kids sleeping behind chain link were from 2014 and Trump sure wasn't POTUS then.

If you don't want to be separated from your children then don't come to our border. Stay the fuck home.
at this point i can't disagree. we've gone far and away from "normal" and "fair" means on this. when 7k+ immigrants are demanding asylum and a vast majority of them DO NOT FIT THE CRITERIA - do NOT redefine how the process works because you want to be nice or hate trump and will do the opposite of anything he suggests out of your hate.

when the best the left has is a photoshopped picture to illustrate the point of separation, it must not be that big of an issue if they can't find a real picture. not to say it isn't happening but if you don't know the full details of the case, don't assume the US is just being a dick to people cause it fits your agenda.
i do believe that only happened to repeat illegals who keep trying to come in - you make it sound like all are broken up upon entry into the country. maybe we need a little less sensationalizing in the world.

i still find it funny that if a couple in sandusky ohio is busted selling drugs and no one is there for their kids, they go into the system and no one ever says jack shit about it. but if illegals are being prosecuted and no one is there for their kids, suddenly it's a crime. this is giving illegals more rights than americans when you think about it.
That's not so, at all....

these were asylum seekers that came here for the FIRST time, not repeat offenders... repeat offenders have a record of them seeking asylum already and being denied already, and they can be deported immediately.

the families he separated were seeking asylum for the first time...

they put them in jail because of Session's zero tolerance program, and they did not want to release them while awaiting their hearing with a Judge for refugee status.... and they wanted to give them as painful of a situation as possible to try to discourage asylum seekers in the future....
i thought it was trumps policy.
wait, it was actually clintons but trump chose to enforce it.
obama put them in cages and i saw zero protests but hey - blame that on trump when convenient.

sorry - but when the left keeps doing crap like that i find it hard to pack my bags for any more emotional trips with them.

as for who was being held and separated -

Here Are the Facts About President Trump's Family Separation Policy
“If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law,” Sessions said at a law enforcement event in Scottsdale, Ariz. “If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.”
or this:
At the same time, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen tweeted on Sunday that there was no family separation policy. “We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period,” she wrote. Instead, she argued that it was a continuation of previous administrations’ policies of separating children if “the adult has broken a law.”

if the adult has broken a law. or no separation policy at all - this is from TIME so hardly a trump ally.

so show me where they just bring up the short buses and ship off kids from their parents. the TIME photo, ironically enough, was even altered to show a lost girl and in the real pic she was about 6" from her mother.

yea, the left doesn't tug at heart strings vs. logic at all, do they?
They crossed the border outside of the gate with a month's wait at the gate, and promptly turned themselves in and requested asylum....

by law, they are allowed to request asylum, no matter where they crossed to get to USA soil....

these were not smugglers of children... :rolleyes:

this is why President Trumps executive order on making it illegal to even request asylum if they cross outside of the gate that he recently tried to enact, got shot down by the Court.

Oh and the administration SAID they wanted (to cause pain, so) to discourage others from trying to attempt it.
ok - show me actual cases of the kids being taken away from people who were not engaged in illegal activity. all i hear is we keep doing it but i don't see any actual cases of it. the only thing i have seen is a photoshopped TIME cover where they removed the mother to again, pull on those heartstrings. she was not separated, so who was?

now - applying for asylum is not a get into america free card. there are conditions to be met before it can be granted. not being happy in our country or seeking a better life do NOT qualify.

The Affirmative Asylum Process

to apply:
To apply for asylum in the U.S., you must be physically present in the U.S. or seeking entry into the U.S. at a port of entry.

so they can sit in mexico according to our laws. they do NOT have to be IN the US.

  • Did not follow the one-year filing deadline for Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal. The one-year deadline is calculated from the date of your last arrival in the U.S. or April 1, 1997, whichever is later;
  • Had a previous asylum application denied by an immigration judge or the Board of Immigration Appeals; or
  • Can be removed to a safe third country under a two-party or multi-party agreement between the United States and other countries.
so mexico has offered them asylum. they should have taken it, it would appear. also, if any have tried this before they are an automatic NO - according to our laws. so this "lawlessness" is just another emo-ploy because it would appear we are following our laws. you may not like them but that does not make them "lawless".

now - who is eligible?

Who Is Eligible for Asylum or Refugee Protection in The U.S.?

If you are from a country where you have undergone persecution, or you have a well-founded fear of being persecuted if you return to that country, you may decide to seek either refugee protection from the U.S. (if you are currently overseas) or asylum (if you are currently in the United States). However, the criteria for these protections are stricter than you might expect. You will need to become familiar with the legal grounds for asylum and refugee status, and potentially prepare extensive materials showing that you meet these grounds.

are these people being persecuted in their own gov? all i hear is they want a better life and great. we all do. now go through the immigration process and stop trying to act like asking for asylum is a way around our processes and a clever loophole was found. you keep saying we're not playing fair with them but are these "refugees" playing fair with us? it does not seem so.

now if these people are in fear of their lives from their home country, please let me know how and why so we can see if they qualify for asking for asylum - in accordance with our lawless laws.

Great post.

These people were offered asylum by Mexico but refused.

That right there speaks volumes. They want into our country so we the tax payer can support their useless asses.

They also passed through other countries to get to our border. They could have asked for asylum in any one of them but didn't.

No. This invasion wants into the US and I sure hope they never set on foot in my country.
my main point is this is NOT asylum - this is using the word and once again watering down it's meaning and intention for political gain. that game needs to end. if you don't like the laws work to redo them.

anything else is largely gaming the system and that needs to end no matter how much people whine.

They will remain in Mexico for the duration of their asylum application process.


The current situation is really hurting Tijuana.

The Tremendous City of Tijuana relies on Americans crossing the border legally to visit the town and partake in the Donkey Shows and other attractions the city is known for.

A huge crowd of foreign ruffians at the border blocks this important trade, particularly when the President of the Estados Unidos is forced to close the frontier.

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