Trump announces travel bans (too much or too little?) Dems need to decide and get on same page

At this point it is too late to stop it getting to the US. A travel ban might play well to some jittery people but even had it been imposed in time it would not be ultimately effective. What he needs to do now is quit talking about it because he is saying stupid shit that is alarming rather than reassuring. He is not doing America any good looking like he is clueless. He needs to walk out and say: Here is Dr. so-and-so, the most knowledgeable expert we could find. He/she is going to coordinate our response. I'm giving them as much support as they need and no interference. Then he needs to shut up and listen to the experts and do what they say. That's what a real president would do.

Real president? Like Obama?
President Obama’s Ebola problem
In the next month or two, let's compare the Ebola affect on US and citizen to the corona virus.
I pray Trump is as good or better. But Trump needs to up his game quickly.

Hopefully he doesn't appoint a Coronavirus czar.
I do not think you know or I know what should be done. Trump better turn the decisions over to a team of medical experts. A medical expert should make the final decision, not Trump or Pence.

For medical reasons yes, nevertheless whatever decision is made Dems will say it's the wrong decision.
Let the medical people make the decision. If the Dems or the Reps say it is wrong, it is the medical people not Trump. This is time for him to step away.
He would not let the professionals in the following areas have the last say. He felt he knew better.
Countless cabinet and advisory staff who did not agree with him.
on and on

Democrats and many others were correct is saying that TRUMP IS NOT TAKING THIS SERIOUS ENOUGH.
Everyone needs to come together. We do not want to panic. We do need to take this serious. We need to do what we can to do to stop the spread.

And that entails what, exactly?
That involves:
Listening to the advice of CDC and local health officials for what to do.
The tone everyone should have is not to panic but we should all be aware we need to be tenacious on doing what medical people tell us
If the tone it is a hoax, we are in trouble
Flu precautions should be put into a discipline daily routine.
Cough and sneeze into your arm
good hand washing
When in public make sure hands washed or disinfected before putting hands to face.
In a community spread, the virus will be spreading for 2 to 3 weeks before you see diagnosed cases.
It's already here. Might buy a little time for the east coast but in the end it's shutting the barn door after the horses got out.

I kind of agree with that, but in the same respect, it makes little sense to allow people from countries with wide infections to keep entering the country. It will just make the spreading of it even worse.
As I said it may buy some time. Meanwhile they had better get their shit together. If they are not prepared to throw 100% of our public health resources at this in a very non-partisan way within the next couple of weeks they are fucking up.
All the democrats care about if harassing Trump. Nothing else matters. If half the country dies from the crap it would be ok if they got rid of Trump. I'd bet they would sacrifice their own children if it got rid on Trump.
Stupid. What are democrats main complaint? Trump does not seem to be taking this seriously enough. He seems to think it's all about him. He seems to think it's a plot. His self-centered attitude will cost lives. A qualified president would know that now is the time to put the country first and be the public servant he's supposed to be.

It's the Democrats that made this politics--not Trump. Of course they have to credit the MSM for all their help.
The easy answer is take Trump out of the decisions. Put the medical people in charge. Dems or nobody else can blame Trump.
Just about everyone wants the professionals to make the decisions.

Easy solution.

Trump is politicizing it by blaming the Dems.

Get the fricking politicians out of it. All of us need to provide non-politicized responses.
It's already here. Might buy a little time for the east coast but in the end it's shutting the barn door after the horses got out.

I kind of agree with that, but in the same respect, it makes little sense to allow people from countries with wide infections to keep entering the country. It will just make the spreading of it even worse.
As I said it may buy some time. Meanwhile they had better get their shit together. If they are not prepared to throw 100% of our public health resources at this in a very non-partisan way within the next couple of weeks they are fucking up.
All the democrats care about if harassing Trump. Nothing else matters. If half the country dies from the crap it would be ok if they got rid of Trump. I'd bet they would sacrifice their own children if it got rid on Trump.
Stupid. What are democrats main complaint? Trump does not seem to be taking this seriously enough. He seems to think it's all about him. He seems to think it's a plot. His self-centered attitude will cost lives. A qualified president would know that now is the time to put the country first and be the public servant he's supposed to be.

It's the Democrats that made this politics--not Trump. Of course they have to credit the MSM for all their help.

Well I'm glad you think he is qualified to handle a crisis of this magnitude. Hopefully your blind faith will not cost you dearly.
In the next month or two, let's compare the Ebola affect on US and citizen to the corona virus.
I pray Trump is as good or better. But Trump needs to up his game quickly.

Hopefully he doesn't appoint a Coronavirus czar.
I do not think you know or I know what should be done. Trump better turn the decisions over to a team of medical experts. A medical expert should make the final decision, not Trump or Pence.

For medical reasons yes, nevertheless whatever decision is made Dems will say it's the wrong decision.
Let the medical people make the decision. If the Dems or the Reps say it is wrong, it is the medical people not Trump. This is time for him to step away.
He would not let the professionals in the following areas have the last say. He felt he knew better.
Countless cabinet and advisory staff who did not agree with him.
on and on


You people are hilarious. If this thing grows, you will place the blame entirely on Trump. If it's eradicated by April or May, you will be saying Trump had nothing to do with it.

While the commies forced our Senate to be tied up with this impeachment farce, Trump was making plans for the virus since January 10th. The first Chinese death didn't take place until one day after. Trump is doing whatever he feels necessary.

This flu season, over 14,000 Americans have died from the flu. Another 250,000 being hospitalized. So far, one death in the coronavirus case. Travel bans have been put in place by Trump, quarantines have been put in place by Trump, AND HE IS listening to his experts on the subject.
I kind of agree with that, but in the same respect, it makes little sense to allow people from countries with wide infections to keep entering the country. It will just make the spreading of it even worse.
As I said it may buy some time. Meanwhile they had better get their shit together. If they are not prepared to throw 100% of our public health resources at this in a very non-partisan way within the next couple of weeks they are fucking up.
All the democrats care about if harassing Trump. Nothing else matters. If half the country dies from the crap it would be ok if they got rid of Trump. I'd bet they would sacrifice their own children if it got rid on Trump.
Stupid. What are democrats main complaint? Trump does not seem to be taking this seriously enough. He seems to think it's all about him. He seems to think it's a plot. His self-centered attitude will cost lives. A qualified president would know that now is the time to put the country first and be the public servant he's supposed to be.

It's the Democrats that made this politics--not Trump. Of course they have to credit the MSM for all their help.
The easy answer is take Trump out of the decisions. Put the medical people in charge. Dems or nobody else can blame Trump.
Just about everyone wants the professionals to make the decisions.

Easy solution.

Trump is politicizing it by blaming the Dems.

Get the fricking politicians out of it. All of us need to provide non-politicized responses.

The only way Trump is politicizing this is in response to the Democrat resistance of his decisions to protect our country from this disease. Besides that, they lied about Trump cutting funds to the CDC. He never did that, funds were increased. They said his actions of more travel bans was out of racism, not the protection of our country.

Then they were complaining that more money should be thrown at the problem, even though more money wouldn't change anything and was never asked for. Why did they make that statement? Because of politics in an attempt to make Trump look bad.
I kind of agree with that, but in the same respect, it makes little sense to allow people from countries with wide infections to keep entering the country. It will just make the spreading of it even worse.
As I said it may buy some time. Meanwhile they had better get their shit together. If they are not prepared to throw 100% of our public health resources at this in a very non-partisan way within the next couple of weeks they are fucking up.
All the democrats care about if harassing Trump. Nothing else matters. If half the country dies from the crap it would be ok if they got rid of Trump. I'd bet they would sacrifice their own children if it got rid on Trump.
Stupid. What are democrats main complaint? Trump does not seem to be taking this seriously enough. He seems to think it's all about him. He seems to think it's a plot. His self-centered attitude will cost lives. A qualified president would know that now is the time to put the country first and be the public servant he's supposed to be.

It's the Democrats that made this politics--not Trump. Of course they have to credit the MSM for all their help.

Well I'm glad you think he is qualified to handle a crisis of this magnitude. Hopefully your blind faith will not cost you dearly.

Trump's job is to organize various entities of people to fight this the best way we can. He now put the VP in charge of organization. He is not making the calls on how to handle the virus himself. He's leaving that up to the experts. But as the CEO of our country, it is his job to create structure of our best self-defense.
In the next month or two, let's compare the Ebola affect on US and citizen to the corona virus.
I pray Trump is as good or better. But Trump needs to up his game quickly.

Hopefully he doesn't appoint a Coronavirus czar.
I do not think you know or I know what should be done. Trump better turn the decisions over to a team of medical experts. A medical expert should make the final decision, not Trump or Pence.

For medical reasons yes, nevertheless whatever decision is made Dems will say it's the wrong decision.
Let the medical people make the decision. If the Dems or the Reps say it is wrong, it is the medical people not Trump. This is time for him to step away.
He would not let the professionals in the following areas have the last say. He felt he knew better.
Countless cabinet and advisory staff who did not agree with him.
on and on


You people are hilarious. If this thing grows, you will place the blame entirely on Trump. If it's eradicated by April or May, you will be saying Trump had nothing to do with it.

While the commies forced our Senate to be tied up with this impeachment farce, Trump was making plans for the virus since January 10th. The first Chinese death didn't take place until one day after. Trump is doing whatever he feels necessary.

This flu season, over 14,000 Americans have died from the flu. Another 250,000 being hospitalized. So far, one death in the coronavirus case. Travel bans have been put in place by Trump, quarantines have been put in place by Trump, AND HE IS listening to his experts on the subject.
You are the unfortunate result of a Trump news conference.
This virus, unlike the flu, has never been found in any population before this year, as a result:
There is no built in immune with individuals in any population
There is no established vaccine
There is no established analytics to better understand the virus and establish a strategy
The R factor (spread ability of the virus) is double the flu

Our medical community will develop all and get this virus under control but it will take everyone taking it serious and doing their part.

Idiot like you are DANGEROUS. Your attitude will result in the virus having a more disastorous affect on our country.
Stupidity is more dangerous than any virus. YOU ARE STUPID.
Hopefully he doesn't appoint a Coronavirus czar.
I do not think you know or I know what should be done. Trump better turn the decisions over to a team of medical experts. A medical expert should make the final decision, not Trump or Pence.

For medical reasons yes, nevertheless whatever decision is made Dems will say it's the wrong decision.
Let the medical people make the decision. If the Dems or the Reps say it is wrong, it is the medical people not Trump. This is time for him to step away.
He would not let the professionals in the following areas have the last say. He felt he knew better.
Countless cabinet and advisory staff who did not agree with him.
on and on


You people are hilarious. If this thing grows, you will place the blame entirely on Trump. If it's eradicated by April or May, you will be saying Trump had nothing to do with it.

While the commies forced our Senate to be tied up with this impeachment farce, Trump was making plans for the virus since January 10th. The first Chinese death didn't take place until one day after. Trump is doing whatever he feels necessary.

This flu season, over 14,000 Americans have died from the flu. Another 250,000 being hospitalized. So far, one death in the coronavirus case. Travel bans have been put in place by Trump, quarantines have been put in place by Trump, AND HE IS listening to his experts on the subject.
You are the unfortunate result of a Trump news conference.
This virus, unlike the flu, has never been found in any population before this year, as a result:
There is no built in immune with individuals in any population
There is no established vaccine
There is no established analytics to better understand the virus and establish a strategy
The R factor (spread ability of the virus) is double the flu

Our medical community will develop all and get this virus under control but it will take everyone taking it serious and doing their part.

Idiot like you are DANGEROUS. Your attitude will result in the virus having a more disastorous affect on our country.
Stupidity is more dangerous than any virus. YOU ARE STUPID.

I'm not in charge of the plans. That's what we have a President for. My only point is this is not a serious problem as of yet, and we are taking every measure possible to make sure it's not. There is nothing more that Trump or anybody else can do at this point but wait it out, and isolate people known to already have the virus.

Our labs in Maryland are on a brink of a vaccination. Israel is one step ahead of us. People are working night and day 24/7 to stop the spread of this virus.
As I said it may buy some time. Meanwhile they had better get their shit together. If they are not prepared to throw 100% of our public health resources at this in a very non-partisan way within the next couple of weeks they are fucking up.
All the democrats care about if harassing Trump. Nothing else matters. If half the country dies from the crap it would be ok if they got rid of Trump. I'd bet they would sacrifice their own children if it got rid on Trump.
Stupid. What are democrats main complaint? Trump does not seem to be taking this seriously enough. He seems to think it's all about him. He seems to think it's a plot. His self-centered attitude will cost lives. A qualified president would know that now is the time to put the country first and be the public servant he's supposed to be.

It's the Democrats that made this politics--not Trump. Of course they have to credit the MSM for all their help.

Well I'm glad you think he is qualified to handle a crisis of this magnitude. Hopefully your blind faith will not cost you dearly.

Trump's job is to organize various entities of people to fight this the best way we can. He now put the VP in charge of organization. He is not making the calls on how to handle the virus himself. He's leaving that up to the experts. But as the CEO of our country, it is his job to create structure of our best self-defense.
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.
Trump sets new travel restrictions over coronavirus, considering southern border shutdown

Which way will Dimms go with this one?

Is Trump racist for travel ban or is he stupid and reckless for not doing more.

You TDS left wing lunatics who post on the board will need your overlords to tell you what to think.

It's doing the wrong thing, too late. The first order of business was to have tests for the virus ready for distribution in a timely way. Tests won't be shipped until Monday - next week. And they're only going to 93 testing centres.

This bottle neck in testing is allowing the virus to spread unabated while potential patients are screened and wait days for testing and more days for results.

All the democrats care about if harassing Trump. Nothing else matters. If half the country dies from the crap it would be ok if they got rid of Trump. I'd bet they would sacrifice their own children if it got rid on Trump.
Stupid. What are democrats main complaint? Trump does not seem to be taking this seriously enough. He seems to think it's all about him. He seems to think it's a plot. His self-centered attitude will cost lives. A qualified president would know that now is the time to put the country first and be the public servant he's supposed to be.

It's the Democrats that made this politics--not Trump. Of course they have to credit the MSM for all their help.

Well I'm glad you think he is qualified to handle a crisis of this magnitude. Hopefully your blind faith will not cost you dearly.

Trump's job is to organize various entities of people to fight this the best way we can. He now put the VP in charge of organization. He is not making the calls on how to handle the virus himself. He's leaving that up to the experts. But as the CEO of our country, it is his job to create structure of our best self-defense.
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.

What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Stupid. What are democrats main complaint? Trump does not seem to be taking this seriously enough. He seems to think it's all about him. He seems to think it's a plot. His self-centered attitude will cost lives. A qualified president would know that now is the time to put the country first and be the public servant he's supposed to be.

It's the Democrats that made this politics--not Trump. Of course they have to credit the MSM for all their help.

Well I'm glad you think he is qualified to handle a crisis of this magnitude. Hopefully your blind faith will not cost you dearly.

Trump's job is to organize various entities of people to fight this the best way we can. He now put the VP in charge of organization. He is not making the calls on how to handle the virus himself. He's leaving that up to the experts. But as the CEO of our country, it is his job to create structure of our best self-defense.
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.

What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Accept that not all of us are inspired by Trump's haphazard half-assed leadership style during a crisis that requires a kind of cool-headed laser focus he has never shown himself capable of.
It's the Democrats that made this politics--not Trump. Of course they have to credit the MSM for all their help.

Well I'm glad you think he is qualified to handle a crisis of this magnitude. Hopefully your blind faith will not cost you dearly.

Trump's job is to organize various entities of people to fight this the best way we can. He now put the VP in charge of organization. He is not making the calls on how to handle the virus himself. He's leaving that up to the experts. But as the CEO of our country, it is his job to create structure of our best self-defense.
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.

What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Accept that not all of us are inspired by Trump's haphazard half-assed leadership style during a crisis that requires a kind of cool-headed laser focus he has never shown himself capable of.
That's because you are lying traitor scum.
Well I'm glad you think he is qualified to handle a crisis of this magnitude. Hopefully your blind faith will not cost you dearly.

Trump's job is to organize various entities of people to fight this the best way we can. He now put the VP in charge of organization. He is not making the calls on how to handle the virus himself. He's leaving that up to the experts. But as the CEO of our country, it is his job to create structure of our best self-defense.
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.

What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Accept that not all of us are inspired by Trump's haphazard half-assed leadership style during a crisis that requires a kind of cool-headed laser focus he has never shown himself capable of.
That's because you are lying traitor scum.
We'll see if you love Trump as much when you are coughing up blood.
It's the Democrats that made this politics--not Trump. Of course they have to credit the MSM for all their help.

Well I'm glad you think he is qualified to handle a crisis of this magnitude. Hopefully your blind faith will not cost you dearly.

Trump's job is to organize various entities of people to fight this the best way we can. He now put the VP in charge of organization. He is not making the calls on how to handle the virus himself. He's leaving that up to the experts. But as the CEO of our country, it is his job to create structure of our best self-defense.
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.

What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Accept that not all of us are inspired by Trump's haphazard half-assed leadership style during a crisis that requires a kind of cool-headed laser focus he has never shown himself capable of.

This below

I’ve survived the following scares by media:

1. Swine flu

2.Avian flu

3.WestNile virus






I think I’ll survive the corona virus COVID-19 scare by the media.
Well I'm glad you think he is qualified to handle a crisis of this magnitude. Hopefully your blind faith will not cost you dearly.

Trump's job is to organize various entities of people to fight this the best way we can. He now put the VP in charge of organization. He is not making the calls on how to handle the virus himself. He's leaving that up to the experts. But as the CEO of our country, it is his job to create structure of our best self-defense.
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.

What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Accept that not all of us are inspired by Trump's haphazard half-assed leadership style during a crisis that requires a kind of cool-headed laser focus he has never shown himself capable of.


I’ve survived the following scares by media:

1. Swine flu

2.Avian flu

3.WestNile virus






I think I’ll survive the corona virus COVID-19 scare by the media.
When that shit gets to your hometown you'll be shitting your pants and praying to Trump to save you.

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