Trump announces travel bans (too much or too little?) Dems need to decide and get on same page

In the next month or two, let's compare the Ebola affect on US and citizen to the corona virus.
I pray Trump is as good or better. But Trump needs to up his game quickly.

Hopefully he doesn't appoint a Coronavirus czar.
I do not think you know or I know what should be done. Trump better turn the decisions over to a team of medical experts. A medical expert should make the final decision, not Trump or Pence.

For medical reasons yes, nevertheless whatever decision is made Dems will say it's the wrong decision.
Let the medical people make the decision. If the Dems or the Reps say it is wrong, it is the medical people not Trump. This is time for him to step away.
He would not let the professionals in the following areas have the last say. He felt he knew better.
Countless cabinet and advisory staff who did not agree with him.
on and on


Did you get a flu shot this year?

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“no reason to panic.”

Yet the South border is just one border. You still have the East, West, and North

So what does the Southern border have to do with the virus when there are other borders

If I was to go hunting with Trump, I would be sure that I was behind him when he shots at a target

But it is was to the South of him, I sure he would still miss

You have no idea WTF you're talking about. Trump instituted travel bans from several countries, and wants to expand it. None of those countries are to the south of us as they require air and sea travel.
Accept that not all of us are inspired by Trump's haphazard half-assed leadership style during a crisis that requires a kind of cool-headed laser focus he has never shown himself capable of.

This below

I’ve survived the following scares by media:

1. Swine flu

2.Avian flu

3.WestNile virus






I think I’ll survive the corona virus COVID-19 scare by the media.
I think you will survive coronus virus, also. But you will need to be more diligent in taking precautions from any of the diseases you mentioned.
Early indication this virus is substantially more contagious, when it enters a community, than the above mentioned viruses.
The vast majority of us will be fine even if we catch the virus except for damage to our pocket books.
None of the above viruses did not come close to effecting the economy as much as corona already has.

After reading many of your posts, I do have bad news for you. You have caught the STUPID virus. You are stupid as a result. There is no cure.
I am more concerned with catching is also an epidemic of epic proportions.........Even after 3 years no one has found a cure yet.............

Perhaps one day they can come up with a cure or a vaccine for it.............We can only Hope.

And now for what the MSM, and the Dems are sum it up.........Panic......We are all going to die HYPE......

If I had my choice of being stuck in an elevator full of Lunatic TDS Liberals or the Virus.......

I think I'd choose the dang virus............hell the mortality rate is low..........and only extremely lethal in countries without modern medicine....

Give me the dang virus............PLEASE don't make me stay in a dang elevator with a bunch of Nut bag liberals.
Do you know where you picked the dumb ass virus. It has affected you more than most

It happens when posting around infected TDS clowns like yourself........

Now Trump did the travel bans early on......and screening.........and quarantines early on...........and then the Dems and MSM said HE'S OVERREACTING...........then later the same Talking heads say HE ISN'T DOING ENOUGH.

All your side does is to bitch and moan everyday........blaming anything you can make up on Trump........

Nobody is going to listen to a bunch of retards who Cry Wolf everyday.

Given that..........I just Mock you..........

We are where we are now. The focus should be on what we need to do going forward and not litigate the past.
Bottom line Trump needs to turn it over to the medical specialists. People have to judge what they do and say, not Trump. Trump has the right to over ride anything they do. If so, then it is on him.
But Trump has done some things right and some things wrong about a worldwide epidemic.
Trump terminated the CDC world wide epidemic team in 2018. As a result when corona virus hit, the US had no predetermined plan.
Trump did not like what he heard from some of his medical staff. He wanted to spin the virus in a positive light, over riding his medical specialists. Everyday he contradicts what his medical team are saying.
That is the past. What is important is what we do going forward.
Trump should let medical specialist communicate what is happening and what we should do. if he says anything he should not contradict the medical specialists. If he contradicts medical specialists he must take responsibility.
“no reason to panic.”

Yet the South border is just one border. You still have the East, West, and North

So what does the Southern border have to do with the virus when there are other borders

If I was to go hunting with Trump, I would be sure that I was behind him when he shots at a target

But it is was to the South of him, I sure he would still miss

You have no idea WTF you're talking about. Trump instituted travel bans from several countries, and wants to expand it. None of those countries are to the south of us as they require air and sea travel.

yeah relax a little

the moderator also posted the below in his original post to indicated an opinion

Trump sets new travel restrictions over coronavirus, considering southern border shutdown
This below

I’ve survived the following scares by media:

1. Swine flu

2.Avian flu

3.WestNile virus






I think I’ll survive the corona virus COVID-19 scare by the media.
I think you will survive coronus virus, also. But you will need to be more diligent in taking precautions from any of the diseases you mentioned.
Early indication this virus is substantially more contagious, when it enters a community, than the above mentioned viruses.
The vast majority of us will be fine even if we catch the virus except for damage to our pocket books.
None of the above viruses did not come close to effecting the economy as much as corona already has.

After reading many of your posts, I do have bad news for you. You have caught the STUPID virus. You are stupid as a result. There is no cure.
I am more concerned with catching is also an epidemic of epic proportions.........Even after 3 years no one has found a cure yet.............

Perhaps one day they can come up with a cure or a vaccine for it.............We can only Hope.

And now for what the MSM, and the Dems are sum it up.........Panic......We are all going to die HYPE......

If I had my choice of being stuck in an elevator full of Lunatic TDS Liberals or the Virus.......

I think I'd choose the dang virus............hell the mortality rate is low..........and only extremely lethal in countries without modern medicine....

Give me the dang virus............PLEASE don't make me stay in a dang elevator with a bunch of Nut bag liberals.
Do you know where you picked the dumb ass virus. It has affected you more than most

It happens when posting around infected TDS clowns like yourself........

Now Trump did the travel bans early on......and screening.........and quarantines early on...........and then the Dems and MSM said HE'S OVERREACTING...........then later the same Talking heads say HE ISN'T DOING ENOUGH.

All your side does is to bitch and moan everyday........blaming anything you can make up on Trump........

Nobody is going to listen to a bunch of retards who Cry Wolf everyday.

Given that..........I just Mock you..........

We are where we are now. The focus should be on what we need to do going forward and not litigate the past.
Bottom line Trump needs to turn it over to the medical specialists. People have to judge what they do and say, not Trump. Trump has the right to over ride anything they do. If so, then it is on him.
But Trump has done some things right and some things wrong about a worldwide epidemic.
Trump terminated the CDC world wide epidemic team in 2018. As a result when corona virus hit, the US had no predetermined plan.
Trump did not like what he heard from some of his medical staff. He wanted to spin the virus in a positive light, over riding his medical specialists. Everyday he contradicts what his medical team are saying.
That is the past. What is important is what we do going forward.
Trump should let medical specialist communicate what is happening and what we should do. if he says anything he should not contradict the medical specialists. If he contradicts medical specialists he must take responsibility.

He made cuts but the majority of the DNC people are still there..........And they are doing their job..........

He is doing nothing wrong..............A cure or a vaccine will come out and a pharma company will make a killing off of it................way it always goes down................hell for all I know they did this for that very reason.....and released it MAKE MONEY.

It's not beyond them to do this.
Hopefully he doesn't appoint a Coronavirus czar.
I do not think you know or I know what should be done. Trump better turn the decisions over to a team of medical experts. A medical expert should make the final decision, not Trump or Pence.

For medical reasons yes, nevertheless whatever decision is made Dems will say it's the wrong decision.
Let the medical people make the decision. If the Dems or the Reps say it is wrong, it is the medical people not Trump. This is time for him to step away.
He would not let the professionals in the following areas have the last say. He felt he knew better.
Countless cabinet and advisory staff who did not agree with him.
on and on


Did you get a flu shot this year?

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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
“no reason to panic.”

Yet the South border is just one border. You still have the East, West, and North

So what does the Southern border have to do with the virus when there are other borders

If I was to go hunting with Trump, I would be sure that I was behind him when he shots at a target

But it is was to the South of him, I sure he would still miss

You have no idea WTF you're talking about. Trump instituted travel bans from several countries, and wants to expand it. None of those countries are to the south of us as they require air and sea travel.

yeah relax a little

the moderator also posted the below in his original post to indicated an opinion

Trump sets new travel restrictions over coronavirus, considering southern border shutdown

Yes, I read that yesterday. Not only have there been a few cases in Mexico already, they are not the most hygienic people around. It's also believed that the coronavirus started in China because of poor hygiene and their poor diets over there. So it can spread faster in Mexico than it can here. Even without the virus, that border should have been much more secured decades ago.

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