Trump announces travel bans (too much or too little?) Dems need to decide and get on same page

Trump's job is to organize various entities of people to fight this the best way we can. He now put the VP in charge of organization. He is not making the calls on how to handle the virus himself. He's leaving that up to the experts. But as the CEO of our country, it is his job to create structure of our best self-defense.
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.

What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Accept that not all of us are inspired by Trump's haphazard half-assed leadership style during a crisis that requires a kind of cool-headed laser focus he has never shown himself capable of.


I’ve survived the following scares by media:

1. Swine flu

2.Avian flu

3.WestNile virus






I think I’ll survive the corona virus COVID-19 scare by the media.
When that shit gets to your hometown you'll be shitting your pants and praying to Trump to save you.

If and when, Pelosi or Schumer or Obama.....die of Corona Virus.....I will worry ok?

Not until then! :wink:
Trump's job is to organize various entities of people to fight this the best way we can. He now put the VP in charge of organization. He is not making the calls on how to handle the virus himself. He's leaving that up to the experts. But as the CEO of our country, it is his job to create structure of our best self-defense.
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.

What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Accept that not all of us are inspired by Trump's haphazard half-assed leadership style during a crisis that requires a kind of cool-headed laser focus he has never shown himself capable of.
That's because you are lying traitor scum.
We'll see if you love Trump as much when you are coughing up blood.
We'll see if you love the democrats as much when you are coughing up semen. Probably, no certainly, will.
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.

What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Accept that not all of us are inspired by Trump's haphazard half-assed leadership style during a crisis that requires a kind of cool-headed laser focus he has never shown himself capable of.
That's because you are lying traitor scum.
We'll see if you love Trump as much when you are coughing up blood.
We'll see if you love the democrats as much when you are coughing up semen. Probably, no certainly, will.
Go to bed you fucking drunk.
Stupid. What are democrats main complaint? Trump does not seem to be taking this seriously enough. He seems to think it's all about him. He seems to think it's a plot. His self-centered attitude will cost lives. A qualified president would know that now is the time to put the country first and be the public servant he's supposed to be.

It's the Democrats that made this politics--not Trump. Of course they have to credit the MSM for all their help.

Well I'm glad you think he is qualified to handle a crisis of this magnitude. Hopefully your blind faith will not cost you dearly.

Trump's job is to organize various entities of people to fight this the best way we can. He now put the VP in charge of organization. He is not making the calls on how to handle the virus himself. He's leaving that up to the experts. But as the CEO of our country, it is his job to create structure of our best self-defense.
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.

What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Trump is focusing on playing down, too much. He is focusing on the economy more than the disease. He should tap down panic with straight talk on the disease and what can happen.
The results of his dangerous message are apparent on this message board. People think it is like the common flu being pumped up by Democrats and the press.
Not true.
The results in China are proof it is different and must be taken seriously.
Based on what has happened today in the state of Washington all should be ecouraged to apply strict protocol to avoid the flu.
Cough and sneeze into your arm.
Good hand washing.
When touching public surfaces do not put your hand to face until you have washed your hands or sanitized.
There is no need to panic, just follow these procedures strictly to avoid exposure and passing on the disease.
If you come down with the specific symptoms, close to the flu. could be the flu, do not go to work and limit time in public. Do not go to doctor or hospital but contact a medical facility for instructions.

It's the Democrats that made this politics--not Trump. Of course they have to credit the MSM for all their help.

Well I'm glad you think he is qualified to handle a crisis of this magnitude. Hopefully your blind faith will not cost you dearly.

Trump's job is to organize various entities of people to fight this the best way we can. He now put the VP in charge of organization. He is not making the calls on how to handle the virus himself. He's leaving that up to the experts. But as the CEO of our country, it is his job to create structure of our best self-defense.
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.

What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Trump is focusing on playing down, too much. He is focusing on the economy more than the disease. He should tap down panic with straight talk on the disease and what can happen.
The results of his dangerous message are apparent on this message board. People think it is like the common flu being pumped up by Democrats and the press.
Not true.
The results in China are proof it is different and must be taken seriously.
Based on what has happened today in the state of Washington all should be ecouraged to apply strict protocol to avoid the flu.
Cough and sneeze into your arm.
Good hand washing.
When touching public surfaces do not put your hand to face until you have washed your hands or sanitized.
There is no need to panic, just follow these procedures strictly to avoid exposure and passing on the disease.
If you come down with the specific symptoms, close to the flu. could be the flu, do not go to work and limit time in public. Do not go to doctor or hospital but contact a medical facility for instructions.

Trump is focusing on playing down, too much. He is focusing on the economy more than the disease. He should tap down panic with straight talk on the disease and what can happen.

First you say he's "playing it down too much" and then say he should "tap down panic." Do you see the contradiction here?

In other words, no matter what he does, your TDS will kick in.
Well I'm glad you think he is qualified to handle a crisis of this magnitude. Hopefully your blind faith will not cost you dearly.

Trump's job is to organize various entities of people to fight this the best way we can. He now put the VP in charge of organization. He is not making the calls on how to handle the virus himself. He's leaving that up to the experts. But as the CEO of our country, it is his job to create structure of our best self-defense.
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.

What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Accept that not all of us are inspired by Trump's haphazard half-assed leadership style during a crisis that requires a kind of cool-headed laser focus he has never shown himself capable of.

This below

I’ve survived the following scares by media:

1. Swine flu

2.Avian flu

3.WestNile virus






I think I’ll survive the corona virus COVID-19 scare by the media.
I think you will survive coronus virus, also. But you will need to be more diligent in taking precautions from any of the diseases you mentioned.
Early indication this virus is substantially more contagious, when it enters a community, than the above mentioned viruses.
The vast majority of us will be fine even if we catch the virus except for damage to our pocket books.
None of the above viruses did not come close to effecting the economy as much as corona already has.

After reading many of your posts, I do have bad news for you. You have caught the STUPID virus. You are stupid as a result. There is no cure.
Trump's job is to organize various entities of people to fight this the best way we can. He now put the VP in charge of organization. He is not making the calls on how to handle the virus himself. He's leaving that up to the experts. But as the CEO of our country, it is his job to create structure of our best self-defense.
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.

What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Accept that not all of us are inspired by Trump's haphazard half-assed leadership style during a crisis that requires a kind of cool-headed laser focus he has never shown himself capable of.

This below

I’ve survived the following scares by media:

1. Swine flu

2.Avian flu

3.WestNile virus






I think I’ll survive the corona virus COVID-19 scare by the media.
I think you will survive coronus virus, also. But you will need to be more diligent in taking precautions from any of the diseases you mentioned.
Early indication this virus is substantially more contagious, when it enters a community, than the above mentioned viruses.
The vast majority of us will be fine even if we catch the virus except for damage to our pocket books.
None of the above viruses did not come close to effecting the economy as much as corona already has.

After reading many of your posts, I do have bad news for you. You have caught the STUPID virus. You are stupid as a result. There is no cure.
I am more concerned with catching is also an epidemic of epic proportions.........Even after 3 years no one has found a cure yet.............

Perhaps one day they can come up with a cure or a vaccine for it.............We can only Hope.

And now for what the MSM, and the Dems are sum it up.........Panic......We are all going to die HYPE......

It's the Democrats that made this politics--not Trump. Of course they have to credit the MSM for all their help.

Well I'm glad you think he is qualified to handle a crisis of this magnitude. Hopefully your blind faith will not cost you dearly.

Trump's job is to organize various entities of people to fight this the best way we can. He now put the VP in charge of organization. He is not making the calls on how to handle the virus himself. He's leaving that up to the experts. But as the CEO of our country, it is his job to create structure of our best self-defense.
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.

What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Accept that not all of us are inspired by Trump's haphazard half-assed leadership style during a crisis that requires a kind of cool-headed laser focus he has never shown himself capable of.

You TDS people make shit up as you go along. Trump is doing what he can to calm Americans down while at the same time, doing everything possible to prevent the spread of this thing. Currently, you have a better chance at hitting the lotto than getting the coronavirus. That doesn't mean we should not take it seriously, but at the same time, no need to worry about taking your face mask with you everywhere you go.
So he isn’t doing enough.

Occupied, what do you want him to do, specifically? Lay out your plan.
At this point it is too late to stop it getting to the US. A travel ban might play well to some jittery people but even had it been imposed in time it would not be ultimately effective. What he needs to do now is quit talking about it because he is saying stupid shit that is alarming rather than reassuring. He is not doing America any good looking like he is clueless. He needs to walk out and say: Here is Dr. so-and-so, the most knowledgeable expert we could find. He/she is going to coordinate our response. I'm giving them as much support as they need and no interference. Then he needs to shut up and listen to the experts and do what they say. That's what a real president would do.

And you are qualified to advise the president or anyone, because.....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If I had my choice of being stuck in an elevator full of Lunatic TDS Liberals or the Virus.......

I think I'd choose the dang virus............hell the mortality rate is low..........and only extremely lethal in countries without modern medicine....

Give me the dang virus............PLEASE don't make me stay in a dang elevator with a bunch of Nut bag liberals.
Trump sets new travel restrictions over coronavirus, considering southern border shutdown

Which way will Dimms go with this one?

Is Trump racist for travel band or is he stupid and reckless for not doing more.

You TDS left wing lunatics who post on the board will need your overlords to tell you what to think.
Democrats and many others were correct is saying that TRUMP IS NOT TAKING THIS SERIOUS ENOUGH.
Everyone needs to come together. We do not want to panic. We do need to take this serious. We need to do what we can to do to stop the spread.

If anyone is not taking this serious enough or spreading undo panic, they should be called out; if they are POTUS or Joe Smoe. The political leanings of an individual should not make a difference.

This idiot poster is doing the same thing he was accusing Democrats of doing; making this a political issue. Characterizing people by the party they belong, not by what their actions are. IDIOT, IDIOT, IDIOT.

What should he have done and when, specifically?
Trump has worked to limit funding, dismantle teams of experts, and interrupt nearly any strategic-planning initiative including firing the CDC global pandemic team.
When the first news of corona virus came, there was not a comprehensive plan in place.
The decisions on what to do with US citizens in affected areas had to be made on the run. Some were let in, some were not.
The initial medical teams assigned to work with US citizens returning with the virus were not provided adequate protection in the form of masks, etc.
Because of lack of a comprehensive plans, we have not stock piled adequate protective products, as a result citizens are told do not worry about buying masks, save them for health workers.
This shows Trump's thought process before corona virus hit, "we do not worry or invest in a potential pandemic" His news conference reaffirmed that attitude, no big deal, do not worry about it.
We should have been told to not panic, but given precautions. Trump spent his energy to to down play the virus, not to prepare us for it. He did that in his news conference and he did it in his prior and current planning.
We do not have enough testing ability and we are providing a comprehensive plan by the seat of our pants. The virus has been spreading for up to 3 weeks without a comprehensive plan.

Nonsense. He’s tried to block those from shithole countries, from entering the US since he’s been in office.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump's words and tone is not as serious on the potential of the disease as the medical experts.
There is no need to panic but we all have to take it serious.
Trump cannot lie and bully this virus away.
Trump's style is to provide alternative facts that meet his needs. Even though the virus is not Trump's fault it will have a negative factor on our economy and the stock market. He does not want that to happen, so he does what he usually does with factors he does not like, describes them the way he hopes they are, not the way they really are.

What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Accept that not all of us are inspired by Trump's haphazard half-assed leadership style during a crisis that requires a kind of cool-headed laser focus he has never shown himself capable of.

This below

I’ve survived the following scares by media:

1. Swine flu

2.Avian flu

3.WestNile virus






I think I’ll survive the corona virus COVID-19 scare by the media.
I think you will survive coronus virus, also. But you will need to be more diligent in taking precautions from any of the diseases you mentioned.
Early indication this virus is substantially more contagious, when it enters a community, than the above mentioned viruses.
The vast majority of us will be fine even if we catch the virus except for damage to our pocket books.
None of the above viruses did not come close to effecting the economy as much as corona already has.

After reading many of your posts, I do have bad news for you. You have caught the STUPID virus. You are stupid as a result. There is no cure.
I am more concerned with catching is also an epidemic of epic proportions.........Even after 3 years no one has found a cure yet.............

Perhaps one day they can come up with a cure or a vaccine for it.............We can only Hope.

And now for what the MSM, and the Dems are sum it up.........Panic......We are all going to die HYPE......

If I had my choice of being stuck in an elevator full of Lunatic TDS Liberals or the Virus.......

I think I'd choose the dang virus............hell the mortality rate is low..........and only extremely lethal in countries without modern medicine....

Give me the dang virus............PLEASE don't make me stay in a dang elevator with a bunch of Nut bag liberals.
Do you know where you picked the dumb ass virus. It has affected you more than most
So he isn’t doing enough.

Occupied, what do you want him to do, specifically? Lay out your plan.
At this point it is too late to stop it getting to the US. A travel ban might play well to some jittery people but even had it been imposed in time it would not be ultimately effective. What he needs to do now is quit talking about it because he is saying stupid shit that is alarming rather than reassuring. He is not doing America any good looking like he is clueless. He needs to walk out and say: Here is Dr. so-and-so, the most knowledgeable expert we could find. He/she is going to coordinate our response. I'm giving them as much support as they need and no interference. Then he needs to shut up and listen to the experts and do what they say. That's what a real president would do.

Real president? Like Obama?
President Obama’s Ebola problem
In the next month or two, let's compare the Ebola affect on US and citizen to the corona virus.
I pray Trump is as good or better. But Trump needs to up his game quickly.

Hopefully he doesn't appoint a Coronavirus czar.
I do not think you know or I know what should be done. Trump better turn the decisions over to a team of medical experts. A medical expert should make the final decision, not Trump or Pence.

He has advisers, like every president. They are medical experts. A president doesn’t turn over anything to anyone. If he did, he would be criticized for that also.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What Trump is doing is exactly as you said. He's playing this down to keep our economy going, while at the same time, going full force into prevention. What more do you want him to do?

You talk about Trump politicizing this, and that's all you have done in this topic is to politicize it.
Accept that not all of us are inspired by Trump's haphazard half-assed leadership style during a crisis that requires a kind of cool-headed laser focus he has never shown himself capable of.

This below

I’ve survived the following scares by media:

1. Swine flu

2.Avian flu

3.WestNile virus






I think I’ll survive the corona virus COVID-19 scare by the media.
I think you will survive coronus virus, also. But you will need to be more diligent in taking precautions from any of the diseases you mentioned.
Early indication this virus is substantially more contagious, when it enters a community, than the above mentioned viruses.
The vast majority of us will be fine even if we catch the virus except for damage to our pocket books.
None of the above viruses did not come close to effecting the economy as much as corona already has.

After reading many of your posts, I do have bad news for you. You have caught the STUPID virus. You are stupid as a result. There is no cure.
I am more concerned with catching is also an epidemic of epic proportions.........Even after 3 years no one has found a cure yet.............

Perhaps one day they can come up with a cure or a vaccine for it.............We can only Hope.

And now for what the MSM, and the Dems are sum it up.........Panic......We are all going to die HYPE......

If I had my choice of being stuck in an elevator full of Lunatic TDS Liberals or the Virus.......

I think I'd choose the dang virus............hell the mortality rate is low..........and only extremely lethal in countries without modern medicine....

Give me the dang virus............PLEASE don't make me stay in a dang elevator with a bunch of Nut bag liberals.
Do you know where you picked the dumb ass virus. It has affected you more than most

It happens when posting around infected TDS clowns like yourself........

Now Trump did the travel bans early on......and screening.........and quarantines early on...........and then the Dems and MSM said HE'S OVERREACTING...........then later the same Talking heads say HE ISN'T DOING ENOUGH.

All your side does is to bitch and moan everyday........blaming anything you can make up on Trump........

Nobody is going to listen to a bunch of retards who Cry Wolf everyday.

Given that..........I just Mock you..........
You want to truly crash the economy and throw the World into a great depression, then shut that border down...

Coronavirus has killed less than our own Influenza and is just another scare tactic!
YOU ARE A FRICKING IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are the unfortunate result of a Trump news conference.
This virus, unlike the flu, has never been found in any population before this year, as a result:
There is no built in immune with individuals in any population
There is no established vaccine
There is no established analytics to better understand the virus and establish a strategy
The R factor (spread ability of the virus) is double the flu

Our medical community will develop all and get this virus under control but it will take everyone taking it serious and doing their part.

Idiot like you are DANGEROUS. Your attitude will result in the virus having a more disastorous affect on our country.
Stupidity is more dangerous than any virus. YOU ARE STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for showing how stupid you are and buying the media hype on this as usual.

Over ten thousand people die yearly from influenza in this country and Coronavirus has not even came near to that amount yet.

Millions are infected yearly by influenza and only under a hundred cases have been reported in the U.S. so far.

So as you write hysterically I will visit this thread a month from now when the Coronavirus goes the same path as SARS and Swine Flu and then have you explain to me how I should be screaming the world is ending!

It is people like you that believe that less than three thousand people dying is the end of the world and less than one hundred thousand have been infected.

So please keep the hysteria up and remember vote Bernie Sanders this November because we both know that will calm your fears...

Agreed. I’ll bet he doesn’t even get a yearly flu [emoji855] shot.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In the next month or two, let's compare the Ebola affect on US and citizen to the corona virus.
I pray Trump is as good or better. But Trump needs to up his game quickly.

Hopefully he doesn't appoint a Coronavirus czar.
I do not think you know or I know what should be done. Trump better turn the decisions over to a team of medical experts. A medical expert should make the final decision, not Trump or Pence.

For medical reasons yes, nevertheless whatever decision is made Dems will say it's the wrong decision.
Let the medical people make the decision. If the Dems or the Reps say it is wrong, it is the medical people not Trump. This is time for him to step away.
He would not let the professionals in the following areas have the last say. He felt he knew better.
Countless cabinet and advisory staff who did not agree with him.
on and on


Did you get a flu shot this year?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk’s Biotech and Pharmaceutical Products.pdf

Rosemary Gibson, senior advisor at the Hastings Center and author of China RX, noted in her testimony before the Commission that the United States is losing its ability to produce generic drugs because Chinese drug companies dumped low-price products into the global market, which in turn pushed U.S., European, and Indian producers out of the generic drug manufacturing business.20According to Ms. Gibson, China is seeking to disrupt, dominate, and displace U.S. pharmaceutical and other medical companies, and in doing so limit the United States’ ability to produce its own medicines, including critical antibiotics such as penicillin and even generic aspirin.21 She believes the United States could see its generic drug industry made uncompetitive within five to ten years due to the Chinese government’s policies (including subsidies and export incentives) that allow Chinese pharmaceutical firms to undercut prices and drive U.S. firms out of business.22
“no reason to panic.”

Yet the South border is just one border. You still have the East, West, and North

So what does the Southern border have to do with the virus when there are other borders

If I was to go hunting with Trump, I would be sure that I was behind him when he shots at a target

But it is was to the South of him, I sure he would still miss’s Biotech and Pharmaceutical Products.pdf
In the past decade, U.S. consumers have been exposed to adulterated drug products made by Chinese manufacturers who employ dangerous manufacturing practices to save on cost. Last year, the FDA announced that a probable carcinogen once used in the production of rocket fuel was found in valsartan29 and two other blood pressure medicines used in 30 countries by millions of people, including in the United States.† 30 The companies selling the contaminated medicine sourced APIs from one of China’s leading generic drug companies, Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co., where employees ignored signs that the company’s manufacturing practice resulted in contaminated product.31 (For more information, see Addendum I, “FDA Letter to Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical.”)

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