Trump-appointed judge rules in favor of Jim Acosta

Acosta, queen of the snowflakes, thinks he's on the Jerry Springer Show in the WH press room.
Trump said before his election that he would not ban press as President.
Trump said he would release his taxes.
Evidently, there is some kind of disconnect between the statements and reality.

I guess being a libtard you didn't remember when Rachel Madcow disease released one of Trump's tax returns and the lib press went into a feeding frenzy like sharks, only to discover Trump had paid millions and millions of dollars in taxes that year? Some libtards were calling for Madcow's head!

Don't remember?

How convenient! Imagine what it would be like if he did release his taxes. Be thankful! If he did release them, the alphabet channels, PMSNBC and the Clinton News Network would lost their shit!
Take it to the Supreme Court. Once more the judiciary renders itself a joke by pretending it has the authority to
tell any president how he must run his own press conferences. These lower level judges consistently show themselves to
be absolute boobs!
Trump should allow Acosta back in the WH, but have him escorted by 4 Secret Service guys at all times.
Have them hold his arms while he is in the WH press briefing room.
Trump should abide by the judge’s ruling. Reinstate Acosta’s press pass and shut down all press conferences both in and outside the WH. Anything Trump has to say to the American people can be said from the Oval Office in a national address!
But Trump is great at handling the fake news. He won either way on this ruling.
This is a victory for freedom of the press in embarrassing development for Donald Trump and Sarah Sanders and her doctored video:
Judge orders Trump administration to restore CNN reporter Jim Acosta's White House press pass
doctored video?

Yeah the one where Acosta beat the shit out of that poor orphan
I heard Acosta masturbated in front of the lady that was handling the mic.
I'm absolutely sure you heard that............the question is, did you believe it?
This is a victory for freedom of the press in embarrassing development for Donald Trump and Sarah Sanders and her doctored video:
Judge orders Trump administration to restore CNN reporter Jim Acosta's White House press pass
doctored video?

Yeah the one where Acosta beat the shit out of that poor orphan
I heard Acosta masturbated in front of the lady that was handling the mic.
I'm absolutely sure you heard that............the question is, did you believe it?
Of course I believe it. Why wouldn't I?
Since Acosta likes to monopolize the entire press conference, he should be called on last to ensure everyone else gets to ask their question. Let him ask his question, give the answer, and as soon as he starts his shit, end the press conference and walk out.
In tiny trumpland, 90 sec. = "monopolize the entire press conference" I wonder if in tiny trumpland, 90 secs is wonderful sex too.
This is a victory for freedom of the press in embarrassing development for Donald Trump and Sarah Sanders and her doctored video:
Judge orders Trump administration to restore CNN reporter Jim Acosta's White House press pass
doctored video?

Yeah the one where Acosta beat the shit out of that poor orphan
I heard Acosta masturbated in front of the lady that was handling the mic.
I'm absolutely sure you heard that............the question is, did you believe it?
Of course I believe it. Why wouldn't I?
I heard Acosta masturbated after he
provoked Trump into making him sit down. Is that not true?
Seems like something a classy guy like Jim Acosta might do.

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