Trump approval reaches 49% per Rasmussen daily tracking poll

Do you believe the polls that show Joe Biden up by 8% or more in swing states?

  • 1. Yes, Biden and the democrats will have a big blue wave on election day

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • 2. No, there are "stealth" Trump voters like in 2016, and 2020 will be a very close election

    Votes: 7 70.0%

  • Total voters
This topic was on another thread, but that was closed due to no link. I provided the link below.

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove."

"No Show Joe" Biden keeps ducking interviews, especially from Chris Wallace on FXN. He can't hide forever. Why is he camera shy?
"Basement Joe" must be having anxiety attacks worrying about the coming debates with Trump.

Let's hope that the virus wanes, schools open, football season happens, and people go back to work before election day.

I see you didn't report the rest of it from your own Cite. 49% approval when only the Approval is used. Now let's look at the rest of it.

37% find strongly approval while 42% strongly disapprove. According to your own cite, that 49% is actually 44% while the other side of the coin is 53% disapproval. Your own cite stated that the 49% approval rating had a -5% error. it's not any different than any of the other polls which show 39 to 42% approval rating. But damn, ain't it fun playing with the numbers? November is coming soon.
Very true Daryl, Polls, Polls, Polls, Polls. I saw on CNN and MSDNC they are doing the same propaganda as 2016. Their 2020 "reports" could be video from 2016 and no one would know the difference. Trump has no way to win. He's down in all the swing states, same reporters saying the same stats. I would love to see a repeat of 2016:

While I want to see Rump turned over the NY to answer for his other crimes. It's going to be a fun filled november wither Rump trying to use the courts to stay in office. Maybe we can get 3 FBI Agents out of Retirement for Jan 21 at 12:01

View attachment 367548

We want to see the left cry again and spend 4 more years in TDS land.

Wow, and we have a daily Weiner for the Daily TDS Fruitcake award. Well Johnny, what has he won? Well, Monty, in the Big Box on the Stage for an all expense paid trip to wonderful and colorful (mostly orange) to Rump Colin. It won't be much of a trip since his lips are securely attached to rumps anus.

DISCLAIMER: Due to contractual agreements between Satan and Rump, the Devil is contractual obligated to send Demons. But the Major Demon Union has refused since they find Rump more evil than even they can stand so only minor demons will be sent. The Contractual Agreement runs out on Jan 21 at 12:01 PM.

This topic was on another thread, but that was closed due to no link. I provided the link below.

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove."

"No Show Joe" Biden keeps ducking interviews, especially from Chris Wallace on FXN. He can't hide forever. Why is he camera shy?
"Basement Joe" must be having anxiety attacks worrying about the coming debates with Trump.

Let's hope that the virus wanes, schools open, football season happens, and people go back to work before election day.

Biden is a coward like most on the left. This election is far from over and most of these so called polls are rigged in favor of Democrats, shocker.

Yes, when your business is failing always tell the customers how well it's going. And Maybe, Maybe, that will make people think your business is doing better than it really is and the Public might start buying from you once again. Yuppers, standard Businessman's approach. Hell I've used it myself. Sometimes it works but most of the time your doors are destined to be closed forever.

When your business is failing to cry to Democrats they own the blame.

That one business that didn't make wasn't because of the Government. There were other factors both within and outside of my control. But I own up to the failure. The other Businesses were sold at a nice tidy profit and the Government had nothing to do with that either. I accept total responsibility for both good and bad. The Democrats had nothing to do with either the success nor failure. It was all ME.
This topic was on another thread, but that was closed due to no link. I provided the link below.

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove."

"No Show Joe" Biden keeps ducking interviews, especially from Chris Wallace on FXN. He can't hide forever. Why is he camera shy?
"Basement Joe" must be having anxiety attacks worrying about the coming debates with Trump.

Let's hope that the virus wanes, schools open, football season happens, and people go back to work before election day.

I see you didn't report the rest of it from your own Cite. 49% approval when only the Approval is used. Now let's look at the rest of it.

37% find strongly approval while 42% strongly disapprove. According to your own cite, that 49% is actually 44% while the other side of the coin is 53% disapproval. Your own cite stated that the 49% approval rating had a -5% error. it's not any different than any of the other polls which show 39 to 42% approval rating. But damn, ain't it fun playing with the numbers? November is coming soon.
Very true Daryl, Polls, Polls, Polls, Polls. I saw on CNN and MSDNC they are doing the same propaganda as 2016. Their 2020 "reports" could be video from 2016 and no one would know the difference. Trump has no way to win. He's down in all the swing states, same reporters saying the same stats. I would love to see a repeat of 2016:

While I want to see Rump turned over the NY to answer for his other crimes. It's going to be a fun filled november wither Rump trying to use the courts to stay in office. Maybe we can get 3 FBI Agents out of Retirement for Jan 21 at 12:01

View attachment 367548

We want to see the left cry again and spend 4 more years in TDS land.

Wow, and we have a daily Weiner for the Daily TDS Fruitcake award. Well Johnny, what has he won? Well, Monty, in the Big Box on the Stage for an all expense paid trip to wonderful and colorful (mostly orange) to Rump Colin. It won't be much of a trip since his lips are securely attached to rumps anus.

DISCLAIMER: Due to contractual agreements between Satan and Rump, the Devil is contractual obligated to send Demons. But the Major Demon Union has refused since they find Rump more evil than even they can stand so only minor demons will be sent. The Contractual Agreement runs out on Jan 21 at 12:01 PM.

View attachment 367553

LOL I see you got a head start on your post Nov 2020 TDS. :auiqs.jpg:
This topic was on another thread, but that was closed due to no link. I provided the link below.

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove."

"No Show Joe" Biden keeps ducking interviews, especially from Chris Wallace on FXN. He can't hide forever. Why is he camera shy?
"Basement Joe" must be having anxiety attacks worrying about the coming debates with Trump.

Let's hope that the virus wanes, schools open, football season happens, and people go back to work before election day.

I see you didn't report the rest of it from your own Cite. 49% approval when only the Approval is used. Now let's look at the rest of it.

37% find strongly approval while 42% strongly disapprove. According to your own cite, that 49% is actually 44% while the other side of the coin is 53% disapproval. Your own cite stated that the 49% approval rating had a -5% error. it's not any different than any of the other polls which show 39 to 42% approval rating. But damn, ain't it fun playing with the numbers? November is coming soon.
Very true Daryl, Polls, Polls, Polls, Polls. I saw on CNN and MSDNC they are doing the same propaganda as 2016. Their 2020 "reports" could be video from 2016 and no one would know the difference. Trump has no way to win. He's down in all the swing states, same reporters saying the same stats. I would love to see a repeat of 2016:

This isn't 2016, and the polls this time are far, far different than 2016. The 2016 polls were correct within a margin of error. Hillary won the popular vote. Trump won the election by the thinnest of margins. But here is the thing: Donald Trump won the 2016 election with FEWER VOTES THAN MITT ROMNEY RECEIVED IN LOSING TO BARACK OBAMA.

Trump won because 25+ years of Republican propaganda vilifying and criminalizing Hillary Clinton, worked. Couple with the Russian dis-information campaign, and a MSM who bent over to be "fair" to the real criminal in the campaign, Donald J. Trump.

People who would have voted Democrat in 2016, stayed home in record numbers. Black turnout was the lowest in a generation. That's very unlikely to happen in 2020. Trump's record is SO abysmal, and so destructive to the nation, that Democrats stood outside in the middle of pandemic until 1:00 a.m. in Georgia, to vote.

In fact, the entire nation is so pissed off about Trump's record of disease, death and debt, that they would vote for a tree stump over Donald Trump. Republicans haven't spent 30 years vilifying Joe Biden, and every time you compare the two men, they couldn't be more different.

The turn out of Democratic voters in the mid-terms was the highest in history and they flipped the House - despite gerrymandering, and voter supression on steriods. With former Trump voters all having serious buyers' remorse due to Trump's handling of the pandemic, Trump's once solid Republican base is melting like a snowstorm in May. When the elderly forms a HUGE part of your voting block, unleashing a virus that kills your base FIRST, and then telling them they need to die so the economy can live, is no way to retain their votes.

Biden is a decent, God-fearing, family man, with a strong marriage, and a loving family. Trump is a bloviating liar, who has publically cheated on all three of his wives, and who has yet to be seen spending ANY time with his children and grandchildren, and who famously said he left his children to be raised by their mothers until they became "interesting". The only child he was ever photographed with was Ivanka, and those photographs were beyond creepy.

The pandemic has stripped Trump naked. His lack of competence, empathy, the ability to plan and manage an effecitve response, or even care about the 150,000 who have died, or the tens of thousands who are sick, has been exposed for all to see. The Emperor has no clothes, and never did.
This topic was on another thread, but that was closed due to no link. I provided the link below.

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove."

"No Show Joe" Biden keeps ducking interviews, especially from Chris Wallace on FXN. He can't hide forever. Why is he camera shy?
"Basement Joe" must be having anxiety attacks worrying about the coming debates with Trump.

Let's hope that the virus wanes, schools open, football season happens, and people go back to work before election day.

I see you didn't report the rest of it from your own Cite. 49% approval when only the Approval is used. Now let's look at the rest of it.

37% find strongly approval while 42% strongly disapprove. According to your own cite, that 49% is actually 44% while the other side of the coin is 53% disapproval. Your own cite stated that the 49% approval rating had a -5% error. it's not any different than any of the other polls which show 39 to 42% approval rating. But damn, ain't it fun playing with the numbers? November is coming soon.
Very true Daryl, Polls, Polls, Polls, Polls. I saw on CNN and MSDNC they are doing the same propaganda as 2016. Their 2020 "reports" could be video from 2016 and no one would know the difference. Trump has no way to win. He's down in all the swing states, same reporters saying the same stats. I would love to see a repeat of 2016:

This isn't 2016, and the polls this time are far, far different than 2016. The 2016 polls were correct within a margin of error. Hillary won the popular vote. Trump won the election by the thinnest of margins. But here is the thing: Donald Trump won the 2016 election with FEWER VOTES THAN MITT ROMNEY RECEIVED IN LOSING TO BARACK OBAMA.

Trump won because 25+ years of Republican propaganda vilifying and criminalizing Hillary Clinton, worked. Couple with the Russian dis-information campaign, and a MSM who bent over to be "fair" to the real criminal in the campaign, Donald J. Trump.

People who would have voted Democrat in 2016, stayed home in record numbers. Black turnout was the lowest in a generation. That's very unlikely to happen in 2020. Trump's record is SO abysmal, and so destructive to the nation, that Democrats stood outside in the middle of pandemic until 1:00 a.m. in Georgia, to vote.

In fact, the entire nation is so pissed off about Trump's record of disease, death and debt, that they would vote for a tree stump over Donald Trump. Republicans haven't spent 30 years vilifying Joe Biden, and every time you compare the two men, they couldn't be more different.

The turn out of Democratic voters in the mid-terms was the highest in history and they flipped the House - despite gerrymandering, and voter supression on steriods. With former Trump voters all having serious buyers' remorse due to Trump's handling of the pandemic, Trump's once solid Republican base is melting like a snowstorm in May. When the elderly forms a HUGE part of your voting block, unleashing a virus that kills your base FIRST, and then telling them they need to die so the economy can live, is no way to retain their votes.

Biden is a decent, God-fearing, family man, with a strong marriage, and a loving family. Trump is a bloviating liar, who has publically cheated on all three of his wives, and who has yet to be seen spending ANY time with his children and grandchildren, and who famously said he left his children to be raised by their mothers until they became "interesting". The only child he was ever photographed with was Ivanka, and those photographs were beyond creepy.

The pandemic has stripped Trump naked. His lack of competence, empathy, the ability to plan and manage an effecitve response, or even care about the 150,000 who have died, or the tens of thousands who are sick, has been exposed for all to see. The Emperor has no clothes, and never did.

You must not have been paying attention. So here is the video again. This time please remember Trump's 1st term was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the Steele Dossier, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the deep state leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles.

Here is the miracle election video again...
Where's the option PROG polls are PROG polls, Trump is going to kick fucking ass in November, because PROGS are too lazy, irresponsible and lost to be able to vote. While conservatives are responsible people and we're PISSED
I’m curious, how was the Kenyan negro polling at the same point in his fraudulent presidency?

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