Trump asks DOJ to drop charges

That is so much garbage. Typical of what you would see on a garbage outlet like Fox. Neither Biden nor Pence have been charged because they cooperated, and they did not claim they had a right to have them. Trump actively claimed he had a right to them and tried to hide them from the government.
The documents were not hidden from the government.
Do you know how many times I've heard the left claiming that Trump is incompetent and has dementia? Too many to count that's for sure. So why is he suddenly sane enough to stand trial now?

Change Trump's name to Biden and it's still an accurate statement.
He has always been sane enough to stand trial. Malevolent and sociopathic do not meet the criteria of insanity, so still responsible for criminal acts.
Biden and Hillary kept classified documents, Hillary’s wound up on Anthony Weiner laptop, while’s Biden’s were in an area that provided immediate access to the CCP

But only Bad Orange Man is charged
Like I have said before, Hillary has always been too smart for you guys. I chalked up you not getting her, to the incompetance of Republican lawyers. Go figure. Big difference between qualifying to charge and collect billable hours from the gullible, and actual competence in front judge, even a friendly judge.
Biden, called in the feds, notifying them of documents, turning over any he knew could be construed as government property, volunteering access to location where found, and suggesting other places that should be looked at, putting it all on the table, giving them back, having the investigation initiated. It would be pretty hard to get a conviction, presenting such a public spirited picture of cooperation and support for the laws of the land.

"But only Bad Orange Man" when discovered to have government document, tried to keep them from the government, by hook or crook. He hid them. He got employees to move them to places no already on search warrant. He tried to get security video destroyed. He fought tooth and nail, to establish, once you steal something, it should stay stolen, to do with as he likes. He is an intentionally corrupt former official and an unrepentant thief, making an asshole out of himself and all his supporter, like yourself.
Wrong, this isn't the USA. This is a dark period of lawlessness and corruption that will be overcome. Even if that takes the financial collapse of the country. Sooner or later it's going to come to a screeching halt.

Sadly it's the financial might of the USA that has prevented the world from devolving into a waring pile of shit. When the USA falls then the world will know true pain and suffering again, like the past 2,000 years.
On the bright side; Fat Fani's persecution of OMB is on the rocks. It's DOA. In fact she will be lucky if SHE escapes Prison time.

Republican state Sen. Bill Cowsert opened a meeting of the state Senate Special Committee on investigations with a bombshell revelation that multiple whistleblowers from the Fulton County DA's office have come forward to testify against their boss. He said they allege Willis misused state and federal funds — allegations that come after the embattled DA admitted to having a relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade that critics have called "improper."

The Classified Docs case? That's a pile of crap. It's an intramural fight between ex-President(s) and the National Archives. ALL, and I mean ALL Presidents that left the White House took papers with them. And they ALL had classified documents in them.

The danger to Trump is -- It will be tried by dimocrap persecutors in front of a dimocrap Judge in a City that has a grand total of 6% registered Republicans. And half of them are only registered republican so they can get the Literature and lie about it.

Even if they get a conviction, which is not certain even with every single card stacked against him, it will be over-turned on appeal.

And the odds are good that it doesn't go to trial until after the election anyway. Love to see them try to convict a sitting President Trump.

Bonus: SCOTUS is about to make Colorado look like the Insurrectionists they are. And I think it might be a VERY embarrassing 9-0 smack-down.
After the DOJ failed to charge Joe Biden with mishandling classified documents Trump wants equal justice. To not do so would show just how political the DOJ has become.

But but but but but but but but but but but

Oh, never mind.
They don't know about what Trump did. Most likely, they're told that Biden was the one who lied, delayed, denied, obfuscated, showed top secret documents to various people and moved documents all over the place. Oh, and kept a few hundred in a resort bathroom and ballroom. Oh, and has staff, groundspeople and attorneys, phone calls and emails lined up to testify about all the above.
And Biden had documents when he was a Senator. That is categorically illegal.
That would be the National Archives.

Yes, it was was.
The National Archives have rights to all presidential records.

No wonder why teabaggers hate the government, like their dear leader, the don't know how it works.

No retard. Courts have said the National Archives have NO right to decide what is or is not a Presidential Record. No wonder people like you hate the truth. You don’t know anything about anything.
Which one called the Document people and reported the stuff, and invited to look around for more stuff, and which one insisted he could steal stuff, hide it, move it to obscure it's presence and prevent recovery? In other words, which one doubled down on the original taking the stuff, in order to intentionally steal it and cover up. Any idiot knows, trump should have just given everything back without putting up a public fight to steal it on purpose.
Xiden didn’t report anything you lying scum. A third party found them and reported it. And it’s Xiden who moved and hid documents you liar. Yes you are an idiot.
Watch the trial. Donny is going down in flames, as an intentional theif of government property he refused to give back, his own friends and employee will testify to. You guys are idiots.
No, as usual, YOU are an idiot. Trump will have this case dropped, and you will cry about it. Again. Stock up on tissues and butthurt cream. Idiot.
After the DOJ failed to charge Joe Biden with mishandling classified documents Trump wants equal justice.

Well now, aren't we comparing apples with oranges?
  • Joe Biden held top secret documents for DECADES, taken as a mere senator or VP with absolutely no right, stored in the most insecure locations, and only turned them over after the DOJ ASKED HIM if he had anything, so to be sure Biden had no conflect that might affect the raiding of Trump's home.

  • But Trump on the other hand took documents that he was entitled to as president because he declassified them as president, then held them in his secure home under lock and key provided by NARA upon inspection and guarded by the secret service, until the FBI showed up one day unannounced waiting for when Trump was out of the state, then ransacked his home turning off cameras, not allowing anyone else to watch, even going through his wife's underwear drawer.
If Trump is to get equal justice, the DOJ and FBI would need to apologize, repay him 100 million dollars, fire those that ordered it, them go find Joe, bitch-slap him, and throw the bum in leg irons charging him with treason.
If that were true, the National Archives would have given Trump copies.

Whaddaya mean “if?”

I gave you a quote from the law, and a link to check it out for yourself. Did you see anywhere on that quote or in that link where it says a president has to ask For a copy from the national archives?

Are you living in an alternate universe? Is it just as hard to find a charger for your elective vehicle there?

Donald Trump stored, showed off and refused to return ...

View attachment 900165
AP News › article › trump-justice-departmen...
Jun 9, 2023 — The 49-page indictment centers on hundreds of classified documents that Trump took with him from the White House to Mar-a-Lago upon leaving ...

MIAMI (AP) — Donald Trump improperly stored in his Florida estate sensitive documents on nuclear capabilities, repeatedly enlisted aides and lawyers to help him hide records demanded by investigators and cavalierly showed off a Pentagon “plan of attack” and classified map, according to a sweeping felony indictment that paints a damning portrait of the former president’s treatment of national security information.
Sure, if you are just willing to accept the indictment as reveal truth, and don’t need any other information, then feel free to ignore the evidence you see with your own eyes.

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