Trump asks DOJ to drop charges

IF it was your stuff, you would want it back, too. Trump intentionally and repeatedly tried the keep it, not giving a damn if you wanted it back or not. Being an asshole is problematic and people do not like you stealing stuff, and being an asshole intentionally trying to steal stuff. What are you arguing for, the divine right of assholes to steal stuff from you and get away with it, because they are used to being assholes to get away with stuff?
That post is irrational.

OMB was POTUS when he took the docs to Maralago with him.
The National Archives wanted them back, NOT the CIA, the FBI, the Army or anybody else. Just the National Archives.

OMB believed, and still does, that he has/had a right to them and there was some back and forth. Something that could have been settled amicably or in a Civil Court. NARA has some gray areas. But, the DNC saw a chance for more Lawfare and -- Took it.


The presidential records act allows the outgoing president to keep copies of documents for future reference. A Supreme Court ruling allows the president to classify and classify documents at will.

Your case fails.
Watch the trial. Donny is going down in flames, as an intentional theif of government property he refused to give back, his own friends and employee will testify to. You guys are idiots.


The presidential records act allows the outgoing president to keep copies of documents for future reference. A Supreme Court ruling allows the president to classify and classify documents at will.

Your case fails.
You're FOS.
The act has NOTHING to do with declassifying records.

Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978​

National Archives | (.gov) › presidential-libraries › laws

Jan 11, 2023 — Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978 · Establishes public ownership of all Presidential records and defines the term Presidential records.
Oh it’s not a crime when a democrat does it, good logic!
You just want your thief in chief, back. Sorry, he is going down as a known thief, intentionally trying to steal from the government and cover it up. Pretty much makes you a complicit thief yourself, in my book. Just more lawless MAGA BS. You figure he stole it fair and square, so after he got it out, he gets to keep it? Your just a lawless moron, and that ain't how it works. Try intentionally trying to hide stolen merchandise in your house and see if it flies, dumbass.
After the DOJ failed to charge Joe Biden with mishandling classified documents Trump wants equal justice. To not do so would show just how political the DOJ has become.

Trump has the corrupt DOJ by the balls now.
Biden didn't hand them over. The FBI had to go looking and found them. They found them and returned them. Biden didn't.

Biden invited them in to search.

Trump, lied, obfuscated, hid, moved from Ball Room to Bathroom in the resort, and flew to Bedminster to store or hide, the top secret and national defense documents he took, even AFTER, the government subpoenaed him for the defense and top secret documents... (The subpoenas due to his repeated prior resistance....)

He obstructed justice.

So far, it appears both Biden and Pence did not.

That is the difference.
You're FOS.
The act has NOTHING to do with declassifying records.

Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978

View attachment 900138
National Archives | (.gov) › presidential-libraries › laws
Jan 11, 2023 — Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978 · Establishes public ownership of all Presidential records and defines the term Presidential records.
As far as I know, President Trum took copies of documents, not the originals, which the presidential records act allows.

(2) The term "Presidential records" means documentary materials, or any reasonably segregable portion thereof, created or received by the President, the President's immediate staff, or a unit or individual of the Executive Office of the President whose function is to advise or assist the President, in the course of conducting activities which relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President. Such term—

(A) includes any documentary materials relating to the political activities of the President or members of the President's staff, but only if such activities relate to or have a direct effect upon the carrying out of constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President; but

(B) does not include any documentary materials that are (i) official records of an agency (as defined in section 552(e) 1 of title 5, United States Code); (ii) personal records; (iii) stocks of publications and stationery; or (iv) extra copies of documents produced only for convenience of reference, when such copies are clearly so identified.
No. Even the trump appointed special prosecutor noted the difference. His only prayer is to attempt to nullify the jury. Donny is going to trial.

Do you know how many times I've heard the left claiming that Trump is incompetent and has dementia? Too many to count that's for sure. So why is he suddenly sane enough to stand trial now?

Lied about having the documents
Hid the documents
Conspired with others to hide the documents

Change Trump's name to Biden and it's still an accurate statement.
As far as I know, President Trum took copies of documents, not the originals, which the presidential records act allows.
If that were true, the National Archives would have given Trump copies.
(2) The term "Presidential records" means documentary materials, or any reasonably segregable portion thereof, created or received by the President, the President's immediate staff, or a unit or individual of the Executive Office of the President whose function is to advise or assist the President, in the course of conducting activities which relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President. Such term—

(A) includes any documentary materials relating to the political activities of the President or members of the President's staff, but only if such activities relate to or have a direct effect upon the carrying out of constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President; but

(B) does not include any documentary materials that are (i) official records of an agency (as defined in section 552(e) 1 of title 5, United States Code); (ii) personal records; (iii) stocks of publications and stationery; or (iv) extra copies of documents produced only for convenience of reference, when such copies are clearly so identified.

Donald Trump stored, showed off and refused to return ...​

AP News › article › trump-justice-departmen...

Jun 9, 2023 — The 49-page indictment centers on hundreds of classified documents that Trump took with him from the White House to Mar-a-Lago upon leaving ...

MIAMI (AP) — Donald Trump improperly stored in his Florida estate sensitive documents on nuclear capabilities, repeatedly enlisted aides and lawyers to help him hide records demanded by investigators and cavalierly showed off a Pentagon “plan of attack” and classified map, according to a sweeping felony indictment that paints a damning portrait of the former president’s treatment of national security information.
Do you know how many times I've heard the left claiming that Trump is incompetent and has dementia? Too many to count that's for sure. So why is he suddenly sane enough to stand trial now?

Change Trump's name to Biden and it's still an accurate statement.
Change it to Biden and it's a fantasy.
You just want your thief in chief, back. Sorry, he is going down as a known thief, intentionally trying to steal from the government and cover it up. Pretty much makes you a complicit thief yourself, in my book. Just more lawless MAGA BS. You figure he stole it fair and square, so after he got it out, he gets to keep it? Your just a lawless moron, and that ain't how it works. Try intentionally trying to hide stolen merchandise in your house and see if it flies, dumbass.
Biden and Hillary kept classified documents, Hillary’s wound up on Anthony Weiner laptop, while’s Biden’s were in an area that provided immediate access to the CCP

But only Bad Orange Man is charged
Biden and Hillary kept classified documents, Hillary’s wound up on Anthony Weiner laptop, while’s Biden’s were in an area that provided immediate access to the CCP

But only Bad Orange Man is charged
Will Dems move forward with the blatantly obvious double standard? The arrogance of Dem criminals, their party has turned to piss and shit.
Biden invited them in to search.

Trump, lied, obfuscated, hid, moved from Ball Room to Bathroom in the resort, and flew to Bedminster to store or hide, the top secret and national defense documents he took, even AFTER, the government subpoenaed him for the defense and top secret documents... (The subpoenas due to his repeated prior resistance....)

He obstructed justice.

So far, it appears both Biden and Pence did not.

That is the difference.

It doesn't matter. Biden, a VP at the time, had no legal authority to have classified documents. Trump did, until he refused to give them back.

Both of them should be prosecuted and removed from being the next POTUS candidates.
It won’t end well, we’re way past that point
I think the 2nd amendment is going to come back stronger than ever. The Dem lawlessness has set the country back 100 years. Soon everyone will be packing iron and the criminal thugs will be thinned out. When Dems won't even hold their most senior politicians accountable for 100% breaking the law over a period of decades with gobs of money laundering, bribes, extortion underpinning the crimes well the justice system doesn't really exist anymore.
Will Dems move forward with the blatantly obvious double standard? The arrogance of Dem criminals, their party has turned to piss and shit.

Y'all need to stop pretending that this is ever going to be fair and balanced.

This is what happens one party has control over the other. What y'all need to figure out is how to start electing Republicans who can lead this country better. Who's going to be so good, that the other side can't cheat enough to win. Who's also going to help increase his/her party's majority. And someone who knows how the beat the left at their own game.

Like DeSantis did in FL.

Trump has a long record of losing to the democrats. He knows how to make a good case against them. But he doesn't know how to beat them. He's like the 90's Buffalo Bills, when they went to the superbowl so many times in a row, but never could pull off a win.
Y'all need to stop pretending that this is ever going to be fair and balanced.

This is what happens one party has control over the other. What y'all need to figure out is how to start electing Republicans who can lead this country better. Who's going to be so good, that the other side can't cheat enough to win. Who's also going to help increase his/her party's majority. And someone who knows how the beat the left at their own game.

Like DeSantis did in FL.

Trump has a long record of losing to the democrats. He knows how to make a good case against them. But he doesn't know how to beat them. He's like the 90's Buffalo Bills, when they went to the superbowl so many times in a row, but never could pull off a win.
On a side note.

Donald Trump Couldn't Get Credit To Buy Buffalo Bills ...​

Sports Illustrated › nfl › bills › news › buffalo-bills-...

Oct 13, 2023 — In former President Donald Trump's New York fraud trial, an ex bank executive testified the billionaire couldn't get the credit necessary to buy ...
Y'all need to stop pretending that this is ever going to be fair and balanced.

This is what happens one party has control over the other. What y'all need to figure out is how to start electing Republicans who can lead this country better. Who's going to be so good, that the other side can't cheat enough to win. Who's also going to help increase his/her party's majority. And someone who knows how the beat the left at their own game.

Like DeSantis did in FL.

Trump has a long record of losing to the democrats. He knows how to make a good case against them. But he doesn't know how to beat them. He's like the 90's Buffalo Bills, when they went to the superbowl so many times in a row, but never could pull off a win.
Wrong, this isn't the USA. This is a dark period of lawlessness and corruption that will be overcome. Even if that takes the financial collapse of the country. Sooner or later it's going to come to a screeching halt.

Sadly it's the financial might of the USA that has prevented the world from devolving into a waring pile of shit. When the USA falls then the world will know true pain and suffering again, like the past 2,000 years.
After the DOJ failed to charge Joe Biden with mishandling classified documents Trump wants equal justice. To not do so would show just how political the DOJ has become.

That is so much garbage. Typical of what you would see on a garbage outlet like Fox. Neither Biden nor Pence have been charged because they cooperated, and they did not claim they had a right to have them. Trump actively claimed he had a right to them and tried to hide them from the government.

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