Trump asks DOJ to drop charges

Lied about having the documents
Hid the documents
Conspired with others to hide the documents
OMB didn't hide anything. He just got into a pissing contest with the National Archives over who had the rights to the papers. A disagreement that could easily be settled out of Court or, at worst, in a Civil trial.

But, dims being who and what they are, brought charges. Serious charges.

And they want to try him with dim persecutors, in Washington DC where only 6% of the Jury Pool are registered Republicans.
Teabaggers are delusional.
Biden gave the papers back when asked and cooperated with the investigation.

The orange wannabe dictator, refused, then he claimed .....................

'It's not theirs, it's mine': Trump resisted advisers' calls to ...

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The Independent › ... › US politics
Aug 16, 2022 — President ignored advice from counsel to heed National Archives' demands for records.
Biden actually called and invited the Feds to his home. Blaster is a stooge.
There is really no difference aside from Biden having dementia.
No. There really is. You are just showing you partisanship. If it was property taken from you, you would know the difference. Two guy borrow some stuff. One guy, don't ask for your stuff back, I'm entitled to your stuff, and keeping it. That obviously will no fly. The other guy say, oh, is that stuff still here, and then reports to your people for pick up. One guy, lies and says I gave it all back, but his own employees, say he his lying and he still has your stuff. You still want your stuff. The other guy, says while your people are here, look around, if you find any more, by all means, take it with you. The other guy says, you can't look for here, and has his people move it, so it won't be found where you friends even say they saw it. He even tries to get his employees, to conspire to destroy video evidence that he has it, but the employee even admits your attempt. You are a prosecutor, which case do you think you could get a conviction on, the one that assists you getting your stuff back, or the one that intentionally tries to keep the stolen stuff?
No. There really is. You are just showing you partisanship. If it was property taken from you, you would know the difference. Two guy borrow some stuff. One guy, don't ask for your stuff back, I'm entitled to your stuff, and keeping it. That obviously will no fly. The other guy say, oh, is that stuff still here, and then reports to your people for pick up. One guy, lies and says I gave it all back, but his own employees, say he his lying and he still has your stuff. You still want your stuff. The other guy, says while your people are here, look around, if you find any more, by all means, take it with you. The other guy says, you can't look for here, and has his people move it, so it won't be found where you friends even say they saw it. He even tries to get his employees, to conspire to destroy video evidence that he has it, but the employee even admits your attempt. You are a prosecutor, which case do you think you could get a conviction on, the one that assists you getting your stuff back, or the one that intentionally tries to keep the stolen stuff?

What the actual fook? Evidently both did the same thing. But you squeak about partisanship?

Mind boggling
After the DOJ failed to charge Joe Biden with mishandling classified documents Trump wants equal justice. To not do so would show just how political the DOJ has become.

Meh. He has asked that on every case every week since the very beginning.
Tell us -- What is the difference? That somebody wanted them back? For no reason? At all?

OMB was POTUS and had a right to ANY Classified Document he wanted, ANY time he wanted it and ANY place he wanted it.

Sponge Brains had no right, NONE, to any Classified Docs without permission.

Not that I care. All Garland is doing is amassing thousands more votes every tiome they go after OMB. People are starting to see what we've been warning about for the last 50 years.......

There really is a Deep State.

SCOTUS is about to shoot down the Colorado Insurrectionists, I guess they want to go for more.
IF it was your stuff, you would want it back, too. Trump intentionally and repeatedly tried the keep it, not giving a damn if you wanted it back or not. Being an asshole is problematic and people do not like you stealing stuff, and being an asshole intentionally trying to steal stuff. What are you arguing for, the divine right of assholes to steal stuff from you and get away with it, because they are used to being assholes to get away with stuff?
OMB didn't hide anything. He just got into a pissing contest with the National Archives over who had the rights to the papers.
That would be the National Archives.
A disagreement that could easily be settled out of Court or, at worst, in a Civil trial.
Yes, it was was.
The National Archives have rights to all presidential records.
But, dims being who and what they are, brought charges. Serious charges.

And they want to try him with dim persecutors, in Washington DC where only 6% of the Jury Pool are registered Republicans.
No wonder why teabaggers hate the government, like their dear leader, the don't know how it works.

IF it was your stuff, you would want it back, too. Trump intentionally and repeatedly tried the keep it, not giving a damn if you wanted it back or not. Being an asshole is problematic and people do not like you stealing stuff, and being an asshole intentionally trying to steal stuff. What are you arguing for, the divine right of assholes to steal stuff from you and get away with it, because they are used to being assholes to get away with stuff?
They don't know what Trump did, and they're not going to find out for themselves.

It's easier for them to remain ignorant, so they can deny everything and blame Biden for everything.

"Plausible deniability".
Two guys have classified documents one of whom was NEVER POTUS but only POTUS gets charged??
Which one called the Document people and reported the stuff, and invited to look around for more stuff, and which one insisted he could steal stuff, hide it, move it to obscure it's presence and prevent recovery? In other words, which one doubled down on the original taking the stuff, in order to intentionally steal it and cover up. Any idiot knows, trump should have just given everything back without putting up a public fight to steal it on purpose.
So, the Biden special prosecutor made two points. One of them applies to Donald Trump but the other one does not. Whether that means it should be the president for Donald Trump, is debatable hence our debate

The first point of prosecutor made was that Biden is clearly not in control of his own actions, nor does he remember any of his actions. The reason he stored highly classified information that he had stolen from his jobs as vice president and senator, and did not have sense enough to know that he should have returned them to the United States government who property they were Was according to the special prosecutor that he is too old to remember things like that. It is a weird president. I’ve never heard of a bank robber being let off of a bank robbery because after the robbery he developed dementia. But that could be a reason for him not to go to trial. It’s called being incompetent to stand trial.

That clearly does not apply to Trump. Is public appearances as many speeches is simultaneous, battling of almost half a dozen tranches of indictments show that he is perfectly capable of functioning not only as an adult, but as a world leader.

The second point was that , due to Biden’s obvious mental failings, no jury would convict him. According to Mr. her the jury would reason this man was not capable of deciding to act legally, because he clearly is not capable of deciding anything. In other words, no jury would convict him.

Fine. That “No jury would convict Biden” is probably a true statement. That no jury would convict was also cited as a reason not to indict Hillary Clinton. Also the lack of precedent. For some reason that only seem to apply to Democrats.

But that “no jury would convict” is also true for Trump, for different reasons. On any 12 person jury, at least 1/3 - 4 of them – will understand that this is a huge hoax of a political indictment and Prosecution, and that allowing it to lead to a guilty verdict would be the end of our American democracy. We would become a “Democrat-ocracy” in which anyone who dared to oppose the ruling party, would be tried and sent to Prison.

Not a novel idea. Despots have been doing that , for centuries. Probably since the first times that the power of a monarchy was deemed not to be absolute and systems of laws were implemented. Those monarchs, of course, were immediately about finding ways around the system of laws, or failing that ways to use the system of laws to maintain their own power.

We have the same now, in many countries around the world. Instead of hereditary monarchs, though, power devolves to whoever succeeds in grabbing it. Power is held by whoever uses the legal system to maintain it.

We understand that happening in Venezuela, North Korea, And Ukraine. But are we willing to accept it here?
Which one called the Document people and reported the stuff, and invited to look around for more stuff, and which one insisted he could steal stuff,


The presidential records act allows the outgoing president to keep copies of documents for future reference. A Supreme Court ruling allows the president to classify and classify documents at will.

Your case fails.
Which one called the Document people and reported the stuff, and invited to look around for more stuff, and which one insisted he could steal stuff, hide it, move it to obscure it's presence and prevent recovery? In other words, which one doubled down on the original taking the stuff, in order to intentionally steal it and cover up. Any idiot knows, trump should have just given everything back without putting up a public fight to steal it on purpose.
Oh it’s not a crime when a democrat does it, good logic!

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