Trump Attacks Republicans - Republicans Eat They Young By Working Romney, Ryan.


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2022
Former President Trump said Tuesday fellow GOP candidates “eat their young” by working with Republicans like former Speaker Paul Ryan (Wis.) and Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah) to attempt to thwart Trump’s presidential run.

“If [Romney] and RINO Paul fought as hard against Obama as they do against President Donald J. Trump, they would never have lost,” Trump said in a post on his social media platform. Trump often uses “RINO,” or “Republican in Name Only,” as an insult toward more moderate members of his party.

But remember, Republicans ‘Eat Their Young,’ and that’s the problem with so many in our Party,” Trump continued. “They go after the people who are on their side, rather than the Radical Left Democrats that are DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY.”
Former President Trump said Tuesday fellow GOP candidates “eat their young” by working with Republicans like former Speaker Paul Ryan (Wis.) and Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah) to attempt to thwart Trump’s presidential run.

“If [Romney] and RINO Paul fought as hard against Obama as they do against President Donald J. Trump, they would never have lost,” Trump said in a post on his social media platform. Trump often uses “RINO,” or “Republican in Name Only,” as an insult toward more moderate members of his party.

But remember, Republicans ‘Eat Their Young,’ and that’s the problem with so many in our Party,” Trump continued. “They go after the people who are on their side, rather than the Radical Left Democrats that are DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY.”
Did he say that before or after he was bitch slapped by Pelosi and Schumer in 2018 after he shut down the government and had to take their deal?
P01135809 is just pissed that a lot of the people will be testifying against him are former staff members or former employees.

The only people P01135809 want around him are "Yes" people who would do whatever he wanted, regardless of the legality of what they might be doing violates the law.

Romney wanted to save his party and failed. Ryan is an asshole who abused his authority to get his tax cuts to rich passed. Neither one of them fell on their knees to worship P01135809. P01135809 believes in loyalty, as long as that loyalty is to him and him only. The moment any ReNaziKlan dares to speak out against P01135809 brands them a "RINO".

Bill Barr dared to tell P01135809 that there was no evidence of the 2020 election was rigged (60+ Lawsuits alleging Election Fraud were tossed out of court for lack of evidence) . Up to point, Barr had a useful tool....but after that Barr became a traitor to P01135809.

General Miley must be executed because he would NOT allow U.S. Military Personnel to seize ballot boxes.

P01135809 fired the Director of Cybersecurity and Infrastruction Security Agency Christopher Krebs because Krebs called the 2020 Election
one the most secure election in recent history. Telling the truth is now allowed unless that truth conforms to reality of P01135809.

Paul Ryan's crime was that he wanted to Republican Party to focus on principles rather than individuals like P01145809.

Unless you are 100% pro-P01135809 and never question him, you are his enemy.

The loyalty P01135809 speaks can be to only him, as for any person who speaks out against him, they are RINOS who deserve personal attacks. P01135809 has no loyalty to anyone but him.
The MAGAs are more like the US political version of GOT's Night King and the Walking Dead.

Good Americans, of course, and Republicans in particular will oppose Trump et al.
Damn you're a lying little traitor. What's wrong with you scum? You never shut up about trump! You must be gay as fk for trump cause he's all you brain dead imbeciles talk about. I wonder what your family's think of your obsession with an old man?
Former President Trump said Tuesday fellow GOP candidates “eat their young” by working with Republicans like former Speaker Paul Ryan (Wis.) and Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah) to attempt to thwart Trump’s presidential run.

“If [Romney] and RINO Paul fought as hard against Obama as they do against President Donald J. Trump, they would never have lost,” Trump said in a post on his social media platform. Trump often uses “RINO,” or “Republican in Name Only,” as an insult toward more moderate members of his party.

But remember, Republicans ‘Eat Their Young,’ and that’s the problem with so many in our Party,” Trump continued. “They go after the people who are on their side, rather than the Radical Left Democrats that are DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY.”
What you are not realizing is that people, not just Republicans, like Trump because Trump is not either a Republican or a Democrat, the fastest growing political segment of the population who want none of the above. The more Trump pisses off both sides the more voters like him.
Former President Trump said Tuesday fellow GOP candidates “eat their young” by working with Republicans like former Speaker Paul Ryan (Wis.) and Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah) to attempt to thwart Trump’s presidential run.

“If [Romney] and RINO Paul fought as hard against Obama as they do against President Donald J. Trump, they would never have lost,” Trump said in a post on his social media platform. Trump often uses “RINO,” or “Republican in Name Only,” as an insult toward more moderate members of his party.

But remember, Republicans ‘Eat Their Young,’ and that’s the problem with so many in our Party,” Trump continued. “They go after the people who are on their side, rather than the Radical Left Democrats that are DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY.”
And once again cherry picked phrases taken out of their full context completely misrepresent what the person is saying and what the person is saying is pretty much the sermon I've been preaching for awhile now.

And while he could maybe be accused of some hypocrisy here--he isn't shy about criticizing or disparaging other Republicans--he's usually pretty spot on in his observations. But some people have no shame in the dishonest way they represent another's words and/or message. . .
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Former President Trump said Tuesday fellow GOP candidates “eat their young” by working with Republicans like former Speaker Paul Ryan (Wis.) and Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah) to attempt to thwart Trump’s presidential run.

“If [Romney] and RINO Paul fought as hard against Obama as they do against President Donald J. Trump, they would never have lost,” Trump said in a post on his social media platform. Trump often uses “RINO,” or “Republican in Name Only,” as an insult toward more moderate members of his party.

But remember, Republicans ‘Eat Their Young,’ and that’s the problem with so many in our Party,” Trump continued. “They go after the people who are on their side, rather than the Radical Left Democrats that are DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY.”

Trump attacks Republicans, and you attack Republicans.

You're a Trumper!

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