Trump awarded highest honor by zionist group.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Okay how any of the trump supporters who hate BOTH Obama AND Bush as i do,can still say trump is any different than them is beyond me. same as every president since LBJ,Trump is an ass kisser of the Zionists. I held out hope that he was different since he was not a career politician but he is just playing all of us as people like Odiom,Billo Reily and others very well know.

If that is really true that no president has done more to promote zionism,god help us all other you than evil shill zionists that have penetrated this thread and endorce their murderous activities against Syrai and Iran..

Zionist Group Awards Trump its Highest Honor: ‘No President Has Done More’ to Promote Zionism
Okay how any of the trump supporters who hate BOTH Obama AND Bush as i do,can still say trump is any different than them is beyond me. same as every president since LBJ,Trump is an ass kisser of the Zionists. I held out hope that he was different since he was not a career politician but he is just playing all of us as people like Odiom,Billo Reily and others very well know.

Zionist Group Awards Trump its Highest Honor: ‘No President Has Done More’ to Promote Zionism

He has been surrounded by jews all his life, to include Russian jews.
Okay how any of the trump supporters who hate BOTH Obama AND Bush as i do,can still say trump is any different than them is beyond me. same as every president since LBJ,Trump is an ass kisser of the Zionists. I held out hope that he was different since he was not a career politician but he is just playing all of us as people like Odiom,Billo Reily and others very well know.

Zionist Group Awards Trump its Highest Honor: ‘No President Has Done More’ to Promote Zionism

He has been surrounded by jews all his life, to include Russian jews.

Yeah thats why I did not trust him when he was elected as i do with Ron Paul because of his zionist ties. The last several months he appeared to be different than warmongers Obama and Bush because of the fact he is the first president since carter to do good things for the american people,having a strong economy,bringing back jobs that were shipped overseas starting with Reagan all the way up to Obama, but that is just all a clever ruse on his part.

He is doing things to make AMERICA strong that benefit americans but thats where it all stops.He is not interested in world peace in the least.

I notice that his campaine speech is basically the same as Obamas.Obamas was hope and change for america and trumps is make america great. Yeah it is true that he is making AMERICA great but he has no intentions of making the WORLD great or world peace.

He is a warmonger mass murderer same as Bush and Obama and has no intention of getting rid of the CIA,FBI,FED or any of the other evil three letter alphabet institutions in america.:mad:
He has been surrounded by jews all his life, to include Russian jews.

Wow, that must be awful...
...for You to live in the US.

Can I suggest a number of Jew-free destinations?

See, I disagree that he is making the US great. Bush Jr I agree with but not about Obama. Why does Israel hate Obama?
All planned: A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm - Wikipedia

Dont be fooled that Obomination was any different than Bushwacker just because Israel allegedly hates Obama. Doesnt sound like you have ever seen this video here.It documents how he contiuned ALL of Bushs policys,it has NEVER been debunked.

It has never been debunked.It documents how Obama same as Bushwacker was a warmonger,how he lied to the american people about ending the war in the mideast. every president starting with Bush sr,has had ties to the CIA.Obama is no different. Trump did not but having ties to Israel he might as well have i think we can agree?

He not only continued the war in the mideast,he expanded it as well as expanding Bushs war on the american people with the patriot act. I hate all the clueless americans that say he was blocked by a republican congress.That is BE.He said he would reverse Bushs patriot act but he signed executive order after executive order expanding the NSA'S monitoring americans.

Even Jimmy Carter,our last good president we had who TRIED to do the right thing,he also tried to get rid of the evil CIA,did you know that? even HE came out and told the truth that Bush and Obama are BOTH equally to blame for the middle east crisis. Carter has always been demonized by the media and the sheep in america because he tells it like it is,that Israel is the one to blame for the conflict.

Plus he even upped Bush. Bush at least got approval from congress before he invaded Iraq,Obama didnt even do that.He invaded syria without even consulting congress. Oh and I guess Israel hates him for not doing as much for them as they wanted him to do incredibly because its amazing that they hate him when all he did was give them more military aide than any other president before him COMBINED.:abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

Obama hands Israel the largest military aid deal in history

Obama Has a Stronger Record on Israel Than You Might Have Been Led to Think

so who knows WHY Israel would hate him.sounds pretty stupid to me why they would hate him as anybody with logic and common sense would agree.:D guess they thought he wasnt as corrupt as he should have been who knows what their warped mind is thinking?:D Israel they are such psychotic nuts its hard to peg them. HEE HEE.
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Jew haters are so make me laugh out loud...
All U.S. politicians, and that includes Trump, must kowtow to the zionist Jew lobby and pledge to defend Israel with the last drop of American soldiers blood in order to get elected. ...... :cool:
See, I disagree that he is making the US great. Bush Jr I agree with but not about Obama. Why does Israel hate Obama?
All planned: A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm - Wikipedia

Dont be fooled that Obomination was any different than Bushwacker just because Israel allegedly hates Obama. Doesnt sound like you have ever seen this video here.It documents how he contiuned ALL of Bushs policys,it has NEVER been debunked.

It has never been debunked.It documents how Obama same as Bushwacker was a warmonger,how he lied to the american people about ending the war in the mideast. every president starting with Bush sr,has had ties to the CIA.Obama is no different. Trump did not but having ties to Israel he might as well have i think we can agree?

He not only continued the war in the mideast,he expanded it as well as expanding Bushs war on the american people with the patriot act. I hate all the clueless americans that say he was blocked by a republican congress.That is BE.He said he would reverse Bushs patriot act but he signed executive order after executive order expanding the NSA'S monitoring americans.

Even Jimmy Carter,our last good president we had who TRIED to do the right thing,he also tried to get rid of the evil CIA,did you know that? even HE came out and told the truth that Bush and Obama are BOTH equally to blame for the middle east crisis. Carter has always been demonized by the media and the sheep in america because he tells it like it is,that Israel is the one to blame for the conflict.

Plus he even upped Bush. Bush at least got approval from congress before he invaded Iraq,Obama didnt even do that.He invaded syria without even consulting congress. Oh and I guess Israel hates him for not doing as much for them as they wanted him to do incredibly because its amazing that they hate him when all he did was give them more military aide than any other president before him COMBINED.:abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

Obama hands Israel the largest military aid deal in history

so who knows WHY Israel would hate him.sounds pretty stupid to me why they would hate him as anybody with logic and common sense would agree.:D guess they thought he wasnt as corrupt as he should have been who knows what their warped mind is thinking?:D Israel they are such psychotic nuts its hard to peg them. HEE HEE.

Such silly conspiracy theory drivel.
All U.S. politicians, and that includes Trump, must kowtow to the zionist Jew lobby and pledge to defend Israel with the last drop of American soldiers blood in order to get elected. ...... :cool:

How lucky you goofy converts to islamism have a built-in avenue for your Jew hatreds.
Jew haters are so make me laugh out loud...

YOU make ME laugh with this asinine retarded pathetic post ignoring what the title of the thread says.:iyfyus.jpg:

do you realise how you have shot your credibility to hell with this childish and asinine post? :haha: you completely lost your credibility in the real world where you dont have all these Israel paid shills that have penetrated this site to back you up by making the false outright lie I am a jew hater. I have friends that are jewish people,they are good people,they are juduism jews and THEY hate the zionists as well. here time to wipe the egg off your face after making that moronic post.:iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:
All U.S. politicians, and that includes Trump, must kowtow to the zionist Jew lobby and pledge to defend Israel with the last drop of American soldiers blood in order to get elected. ...... :cool:

sad but true.
Jew haters are so make me laugh out loud...

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer

Hatred gives meaning to the lives of many, consider Obama hatred, Hillary hatred, Clinton hatred, Nancy hatred, Michelle hatred, and this list could go on and on and on. "If hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world.*" Hillary is fascinating because it was developed over twenty years on mostly BS and lies, but say Hillary and the conservative Trump snowflakes salivate. Think of Germany under Hitler, the soil was there and all that was needed was the man. Consider right wing media, their racist - xenophobic hatred for democrats today, did that happen by accident or for some reasonable reason? Heck no, weak people can be easily led and Trump demonstrates that daily. Hate can be taught and is taught daily.

George Bush won the elections! It was God's will.
Obama won the elections!!!! OMG!! God has abandon America!!!

'Why Your Brain Hates Other People - And how to make it think differently.'' Overcoming Us vs. Them

"The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal. From the viewpoint of our legal institutions and of our moral standards of judgment, this normality was much more terrifying than all the atrocities put together." Hannah Arendt

"Nor is kindness, in and of itself, evidence of the presence of good. I’m sure there were people who would have gladly attended or even facilitated the lynching of my ancestors just as they would have politely brought a cherry pie to a neighbor. In this country ugliness and politeness are in no way incompatible." Carvell Wallace

Life After Hate: HOME

The Best Books on Cruelty and Evil | Five Books

Read this book sometime. Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing by James Waller

"Today Christians... stand at the head of Germany... We want to fill our culture again with the Christian Spirit." Adolf Hitler

"God gave the savior to the German people. We have faith, deep and unshakable faith, that he [Hitler] was sent to us by God to save Germany." Hermann Goring

"Mormonism is a 'cult'" - "Jews and Muslims going 'to Hell'" - "The Catholic Church is an instrument of Satan - "Catholicism is the result of 'corruption' showing “the genius of Satan.” - "Clinton supporters are going to hell." Robert Jeffress, the controversial figure giving the prayer at the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem today"

*Nikola Tesla
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Jew haters are so make me laugh out loud...

YOU make ME laugh with this asinine retarded pathetic post ignoring what the title of the thread says.:iyfyus.jpg:

do you realise how you have shot your credibility to hell with this childish and asinine post? :haha: you completely lost your credibility in the real world where you dont have all these Israel paid shills that have penetrated this site to back you up by making the false outright lie I am a jew hater. I have friends that are jewish people,they are good people,they are juduism jews and THEY hate the zionists as well. here time to wipe the egg off your face after making that moronic post.:iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:
A Zionists supports the state of Israel and supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel (roughly corresponding to Canaan, the Holy Land, or the region of Palestine)
I do not know anyone that still believes this is the way of the future of are barking at non existent makes me are a throwback...
Jew haters are so make me laugh out loud...

YOU make ME laugh with this asinine retarded pathetic post ignoring what the title of the thread says.:iyfyus.jpg:

do you realise how you have shot your credibility to hell with this childish and asinine post? :haha: you completely lost your credibility in the real world where you dont have all these Israel paid shills that have penetrated this site to back you up by making the false outright lie I am a jew hater. I have friends that are jewish people,they are good people,they are juduism jews and THEY hate the zionists as well. here time to wipe the egg off your face after making that moronic post.:iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:
A Zionists supports the state of Israel and supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel (roughly corresponding to Canaan, the Holy Land, or the region of Palestine)
I do not know anyone that still believes this is the way of the future of are barking at non existent makes me are a throwback...

yeah thats WHY the zionists kill unarmed palestine women and children all the time charlie because they are what you say they are.better stop drinking the kooliade.:boohoo:
Jew haters are so make me laugh out loud...

YOU make ME laugh with this asinine retarded pathetic post ignoring what the title of the thread says.:iyfyus.jpg:

do you realise how you have shot your credibility to hell with this childish and asinine post? :haha: you completely lost your credibility in the real world where you dont have all these Israel paid shills that have penetrated this site to back you up by making the false outright lie I am a jew hater. I have friends that are jewish people,they are good people,they are juduism jews and THEY hate the zionists as well. here time to wipe the egg off your face after making that moronic post.:iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:
A Zionists supports the state of Israel and supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel (roughly corresponding to Canaan, the Holy Land, or the region of Palestine)
I do not know anyone that still believes this is the way of the future of are barking at non existent makes me are a throwback...

yeah thats WHY the zionists kill unarmed palestine women and children all the time charlie because they are what you say they are.better stop drinking the kooliade.:boohoo:

Arabs have the record here.
Palestinians tend to be at the heart of every civil war in the region.

I guess civil wars are started with flowers.

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