trump bashes Murdoch and claims he was arrested for promoting Newsmax

It seems that trump is developing a very serious case of extreme paranoia. Does he really think Georgia arrested him for promoting a news station?
It's for his dumbass followers! Every lie republicans tell is to fool their voters!
Watch this board. It will be brought up several times before Monday.
I like this pic more than the surrender scowl...

loser trump pic.jpg

It depicts more than you think.

It seems that trump is developing a very serious case of extreme paranoia. Does he really think Georgia arrested him for promoting a news station?
It's not paranoia when it's the truth, and Trump knows what the truth is 99% of the time. The Deep State hates that.
I like this pic more than the surrender scowl...

View attachment 820132

It depicts more than you think.
The grey sleeve doesn't match the white collar, and I'm not buying the surrender scowl. When President Trump is re-elected, the Deep State will be up to their upper lips in sewage water. These pictures prove it:
Edit: I'm sorry, but my computer only accepts jpeg photographs, and I was unable to bring the mugshot picture back here. So sorry, love, beautress
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The grey sleeve doesn't match the white collar, and I'm not buying the surrender scowl. When President Trump is re-elected, the Deep State will be up to their upper lips in sewage water. These pictures prove it:

Dear leader never had his Presidential portrait painted. He will be remembered for his surrender pic forever.
Dear leader never had his Presidential portrait painted. He will be remembered for his surrender pic forever.
The picture with a grey sleeve and a white collar? Well, I can't bring pictures unless they're jpegs. I apologize, but the expression on his face says something Patriotic like, "This deep state slander is going to end when I win the Presidency."

If the State of Georgia recalls President Trump back for any reason, the demonic incarceration will not go unpunished. Half of the American people are very nonplussed about this unfair interruption of President Trump's campaign because it is illegal, unconstitutional, and rather unfriendly to the point of obsession of the Deep State to appease Hillary Clinton for losing the 2016 campaign for President. At the time, she didn't know that 75% of Americans can't stand her for comments like "I forget" and "what difference does it make."
The picture with a grey sleeve and a white collar? Well, I can't bring pictures unless they're jpegs. I apologize, but the expression on his face says something Patriotic like, "This deep state slander is going to end when I win the Presidency."

If the State of Georgia recalls President Trump back for any reason, the demonic incarceration will not go unpunished. Half of the American people are very nonplussed about this unfair interruption of President Trump's campaign because it is illegal, unconstitutional, and rather unfriendly to the point of obsession of the Deep State to appease Hillary Clinton for losing the 2016 campaign for President. At the time, she didn't know that 75% of Americans can't stand her for comments like "I forget" and "what difference does it make."
Hogwash baloney. You should take a good look hard at his scowl? He's petrified.
Trump is a fighter, but he has realized that if he does not do this right, he is going to die some day in federal custody in an average housing unit on the grounds of the Florence federal prison with his security detachment as his sole witnesses..
Dear leader never had his Presidential portrait painted. He will be remembered for his surrender pic forever.
Yes he will. A lot of people have a deep regard for a President who kept the hounds of hell that inflation is far away from the American shores by rather wise bringing jobs back to America, did all he could to clean up the plastics out of oceanic water near our shores as his kinder, gentler side. I pray for President Trump every night when I'm too tired to continue my charity quilting projects, and nightly timeout for my vespers go forward.

While some people do not like President Trump, many more love his approach to higher paying jobs, by encouraging employers to work toward a more prosperous America. I live out in the country, and I'm driving 75% less and purchasing 50% less groceries and clothing due to bidenomic inflationary ppoverty-making unilateral dictates that make families with 5 children from 6 months old to 16 years a very harsh time as both parents have to work full time and one works at two jobs. My niece in law works sun up to sun down, and her husband, my nephew is disabled, so he babysits and does part-time maintenance work after she gets home. One of their daughters was born with a neural disorder and requires constant guidance and love as she speaks gibberish that makes no sense half the time. When I finish asking God to strengthen their family, prayers are up for the islanders at Maui who are grieved, Goodnight, everyone. Prayers up for healing the President and for reducing the animus in the nation as we try harder to live in peace with others. Amen. :sleep:
Yes he will. A lot of people have a deep regard for a President who kept the hounds of hell that inflation is far away from the American shores by rather wise bringing jobs back to America, did all he could to clean up the plastics out of oceanic water near our shores as his kinder, gentler side. I pray for President Trump every night when I'm too tired to continue my charity quilting projects, and nightly timeout for my vespers go forward.

While some people do not like President Trump, many more love his approach to higher paying jobs, by encouraging employers to work toward a more prosperous America. I live out in the country, and I'm driving 75% less and purchasing 50% less groceries and clothing due to bidenomic inflationary ppoverty-making unilateral dictates that make families with 5 children from 6 months old to 16 years a very harsh time as both parents have to work full time and one works at two jobs. My niece in law works sun up to sun down, and her husband, my nephew is disabled, so he babysits and does part-time maintenance work after she gets home. One of their daughters was born with a neural disorder and requires constant guidance and love as she speaks gibberish that makes no sense half the time. When I finish asking God to strengthen their family, prayers are up for the islanders at Maui who are grieved, Goodnight, everyone. Prayers up for healing the President and for reducing the animus in the nation as we try harder to live in peace with others. Amen. :sleep:
Hogwash baloney. You should take a good look hard at his scowl? He's petrified.
The picture I saw showed anger and a determination to make sure the weaponization of the DOJ, the FBI, and others will undergo peace in the halls of Congress. I pray for the nation to remove Marxist deep state measures to prevent another bitter civil war, when we need to work for the good of those who love America in all three branches of our government under the Constitution. Have a lovely evening, okfine. :thanks:
The picture I saw showed anger and a determination to make sure the weaponization of the DOJ, the FBI, and others will undergo peace in the halls of Congress. I pray for the nation to remove Marxist deep state measures to prevent another bitter civil war, when we need to work for the good of those who love America in all three branches of our government under the Constitution. Have a lovely evening, okfine. :thanks:

The picture I saw showed a fat orange guy trying to hold back a shart.
It seems that trump is developing a very serious case of extreme paranoia. Does he really think Georgia arrested him for promoting a news station?
Believe you totally miss the point. The thought that The Donald had is that top Deep State individuals can obligate organisations to their wishes and bidding .This happens all the time and everywhere . But neither you or I know whether it happened in this matter -- though my private belief is one of near certainty .
Believe you totally miss the point. The thought that The Donald had is that top Deep State individuals can obligate organisations to their wishes and bidding .This happens all the time and everywhere . But neither you or I know whether it happened in this matter -- though my private belief is one of near certainty .
Don't believe news stations have the authority to charge trump with the legal problems he is facing. Tell me how that works.

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