Trump basks in media praise

It's obvious that the GOP congress is a total failure - it's also obvious that the American people are fed up with them. They may talk the talk, but they sure as hell don't walk the walk.

On the other hand, the Dems do actually try to get things done. You may not like what they try to do, but at least they try.

For Trump it's obvious - he'd better make nice with the Dems if he is to accomplish anything. Besides, if the mid-term elections go well for the Dems, he may need their good will if he's to survive politically at all.

Sure, things "get done" so long as it is from the Progressive hand book.

If you want to continue the massive spending, or murder the unborn, or destroy morality in the schools, then the sky is the limit to "get things done".

We are now $20 trillion plus in debt by "getting things done"

The Republicans are just as guilty of massive spending as the Dems. They have no interest in outlawing abortion either.

I'll bet you also thought that the Republicans would repeal Obamacare!


No, I've been advocating people to support their local Article V movement. I have no illusions about the traitorous nature of the GOP.

Conservatives can't agree on healthcare legislature - do you really believe that if they did have an article V convention, they could agree on any constitutional amendments?

Just for laughs...what do you think they'd be?

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