trump becomes obsessed with water pressure and toilets at Ohio rally

I'm sorry you find the truth so upsetting. Hell the link is posted for all to see so stop lying and stop proving yourself to be such an ass.
What were Trump's stellar legistlative accomplishments that he helped Congress to pass?h

You only need a couple seconds.
Vegas has toilets like that (low use water) and showers. Forget about getting all the shampoo out of your hair. Water saving is a pain in the behind. Let me decide if I want a dribble shower or a full force shower for my long hair! :) Thanks for a great post!
A city in the middle of the desert wants to save water?!?! Commies!
So you felt the need to punt?
No, I recovered your fumble and your trick play failed.

To start with I'm not exactly a fan of Trump and didn't vote for him but you keep making the false assumption I'm one of his biggest fans.

What I am is something democrats can't handle, I'm honest and fair with my criticisms.

And this is not the first time he completely goes over the edge of water pressure and toilets:

Is he losing his mind? Poor stupid Loser.
Is he losing his mind? No and any SANE MIDDLE AGED ADULT knows what he's talking about.

Water is a NEVER ENDING SOUCE yet the fucktard left restrict it to the point that for some it takes 2 or 3 flushes to dispatch a turd.

Modern toilets SUCK compared to the previous generation, all thanks to librard water regulations.



And this is not the first time he completely goes over the edge of water pressure and toilets:

Is he losing his mind? Poor stupid Loser.

How can these fools attend Trump's rallies, and listen to his ranting about water pressure, and then say Joe Biden is senile and unfit to be President. It defies reality.
Is he losing his mind? No and any SANE MIDDLE AGED ADULT knows what he's talking about.

Water is a NEVER ENDING SOUCE yet the fucktard left restrict it to the point that for some it takes 2 or 3 flushes to dispatch a turd.

Modern toilets SUCK compared to the previous generation, all thanks to librard water regulations.


Apparently if you talk about how gov't regulation screws things you're a raving lunatic.... . Or something like that.
Here's the deal, lefties who are afflicted with TDS need that hateful fix every day and it makes them feel slightly vindicated when they hear this junk even when they suffer from buyers remorse.
No its not.
The Records Preservation Act is for political transparency.
But the White House get classified military papers all the time, like the locations and status of nuclear arsenals, that are NOT public records and are required by law to be shredded.
Really? Link to that Boris
He’s right. It’s ridiculous. Dishwashers take hours now because of the low water use requirements. They used to take 40 mins or so. Toilets are overflushed because of the limits, and shower heads suck. I take the flow reducers out of all the shower heads.
Click on the link and watch it.
Reason I asked, there are three more clips offered in the OP. Yes, the first is 18 seconds long. No watching, homework, or remembering necessary to figure that out. Here's the second one:
How long is that one?
I'm honest and fair with my criticisms.
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Democrats keep bringing up Trump when they are about to lose the Hill and defend Biden or Harris as their candidate in 2024.
Reason I asked, there are three more clips offered in the OP. Yes, the first is 18 seconds long. No watching, homework, or remembering necessary to figure that out. Here's the second one:
How long is that one?
He's not complaining dumbass he's talking about how they fixed a regulatory problem so the company could make better dishwashers that people would be happier with.

Try again.
He's not complaining dumbass he's talking about how they fixed a regulatory problem so the company could make better dishwashers that people would be happier with.

Try again.
Touchy, touchy!
That wasn't the question.

Please try again.

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