Trump Becoming A GREAT President

With little Swamp experience other than politicians begging him for campaign money, the President's first year had it's share of bumps in the road. His campaign advisors steered him wrong on several Cabinet picks. He learned the FAKE NEWS rodents were not going to play nice. He discovered world leaders were quite comfortable with the US under the weenie Obama and considered him a maniac. Did he buckle and try to go along to get along with the "resistance"? No he did not. Even under the scam witch hunt threatening him with PRISON, he ran his agenda down their throats. He exposed the Rat media and has cut off their little insult-fest/face-time shows by doing his walk to Chopper One, airing questions but not showing faces....a master stroke. The left has now completely lost it's mind, drowning in TDS. And now that he's assembled a team he can trust, learned he can't make unilateral decisions like he did in business, and met and tangled with other world leaders, he's come out as quite impressive. Note the deference he was given at the G7....are they afraid of him? Yes. Are they starting to understand he's willing to listen and learn but take care of America first? Yes. So get used to it...he's not only directing the orchestra but is, in fact, running the world. :lol:


He sucks out loud. His Cult45 morons would commit suicide to 'own da libz'.

Trump claims wind turbine 'noise causes cancer'

By Michael Burke - 04/03/19 08:30 AM EDT

Trump claims wind turbine 'noise causes cancer'


Psst....hey MORON:

Wind turbine syndrome and wind farm syndrome are terms for adverse human health effects that have been ascribed to the proximity of wind turbines.[1][2] Proponents have claimed that these effects include death, cancer, and congenital abnormality.[3] The distribution of recorded events, however, correlates with media coverage of wind farm syndrome itself, and not with the presence or absence of wind farms.[3][4]


the best one ever.............


Despite his public acknowledgment of the recording’s authenticity in the final days of the presidential campaign — and his hasty videotaped apology under pressure from his advisers — Mr. Trump as president-elect began raising the prospect with allies that it may not have been him on the tape after all.

Most of Mr. Trump’s aides ignored his changing story. But in January, shortly before his inauguration, Mr. Trump told a Republican senator that he wanted to investigate the recording that had him boasting about grabbing women’s genitals.

“We don’t think that was my voice,” Mr. Trump told the senator, according to a person familiar with the conversation. Since then, Mr. Trump has continued to suggest that the tape that nearly upended his campaign was not actually him, according to three people close to the president.
Trump Once Said the ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape Was Real. Now He’s Not Sure.

Trump is becoming a 'great President' ???

In what alternative universe do you exist, and what are you doing in ours? Fell into a wormhole, didja?

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