Is Joe On or Off His Meds?

Luckily it's going to be for 90 minutes, same as the SoTU address.
Then they are going to have to shoot him with a BIG dose of speed, and he will come across as a nasty, angry old man who hates our country.

I can’t wait.
It would be an example of fair and balanced journalism if the media merely inquired about the prescription drugs the leader of the Free world is addicted to but it ain't happening. Meanwhile a Biden friendly network arranges for the upcoming debate and strangely (or not so strangely) the president is in isolation rather running the greatest Country in the world while he studies up on the questions no doubt furnished by CNN activists.
It would be an example of fair and balanced journalism if the media merely inquired about the prescription drugs the leader of the Free world is addicted to but it ain't happening. Meanwhile a Biden friendly network arranges for the upcoming debate and strangely (or not so strangely) the president is in isolation rather running the greatest Country in the world while he studies up on the questions no doubt furnished by CNN activists.
Even if he has the questions, he still has to memorize the answers. Big oh-oh right there.

Hey, you know what would be funny? If they changed the order to the questions, and Biden answered the question that hadn’t been asked yet.

I’m making popcorn.

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