trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
But removing those regulations wouldn't be enough - you'd still want to use government to force them to treat everyone "equally and impartially", right?
For a few years, after all the distortion to the economy the federal government created has ended.
Are you ever not a fucking moron?


No, fucking moron, Twitter is not a common carrier.

A common carrier is a person or a commercial enterprise that transports passengers or goods for a fee and establishes that their service is open to the general public. Typical examples of common carriers include, a shipowner, railroad, airline, taxi service, etc. A private carrier, on the other hand, is a person or a commercial enterprise that only agrees in particular circumstances to transport passengers or goods. Private carriers differ from common carriers because they don’t establish that their service is open to the general public. In other words, private carriers enter into a contract with each customer without the assumption that a similar contract will be available to the next customer.

Hopefully you'll note there's nothing in there designating a service qualifies as a common carrier due to exemption of laws. But I'm not banking on it.
Thanks for showing the whole forum that you're a dumbass.
Just until Trump is reelected? Then, we promise, no more socialism!
Wow. I never expected anyone to outright admit the end goal. This is what most people would call saying the quiet part out loud.
Believe it or not, Republicans used to understand this. Back when some of them were conservatives.
I don't.

This is not a sea change in conservative perspective IMHO, it is just getting more in your face as the stakes elevate.

FA_Q2: kaz, you said If you support Trump, then you believe that we cannot do anything on any subject to support liberty.

This is what you just claimed I said, and it's a lie, I didn't. That's the problem with taking one quote and applying it to a different subject. It has to be apples to apples, and it just wasn't
No, the quote was in this thread and it does not matter what topic you were trying to apply it to. The statement is pretty straight forward:

"When someone is trying to destroy you, fighting for liberty means defending yourself, not discussing the theoretical limits of government in a libertarian utopia"

I see no other way to take that then abandoning core principals because you think they are weighing us down in the fight against government power. All I see is capitulation to the concept that the government needs or should have that power. As bri just openly admitted. Power NEVER recedes, not until the destruction of the entire system it is constructed upon. You cannot give the government more power just until. That is blatantly obvious.
If he'd spent one-tenth of the time he spent on Twitter as president actually working to improve the lives of the American people, the country would be exponentially better off right now.
I believe you miss the news. He moved out of the WH already. Also, Biden is spending 16 hrs per M-F to improve the lives of the American people :laugh:
Quit pretending that you're a libertarian. We all know you're just another NAZI prog who endorses censorship.
Ya, that's right. He should quit pretending to be a libertarian and instead admit he is a democrat that is just holding to a libertarian principal regardless of what the parties think about it. He is not a real libertarian or conservative such as yourself when you advocate for government to force people to be 'treated equally.' Just until that is. We are only giving the government ultimate power just until...
I don't.

This is not a sea change in conservative perspective IMHO, it is just getting more in your face as the stakes elevate.
I would add a case in point here:

I was actually surprised by the resulting conversation. The right has always been on the side of big government, just in a different manner than the left.
The leader of the Dimwinger party says Facebook is a monopoly.
Of course they did. Democrats want a piece of social media, every bit as much as the Republicans. Isn't it nice when we can all agree?
Sadly, you remain retarded. Again, no one has a right to post on Twitter.
Muslims did not make people smile when they first came upon the scene 600 years after Christ, making people think they were like them, lying. Muslims will not make Left people smile when they rule over you, or anyone that is not called Muslim. Muslims think that name is greater than any other name, fooling themselves. One name that vibrates the air, cannot be greater than another name, that vibrates the air. People who fool themselves, will strive to fool others. Muslims are making Left people to be a fool in God's eyes. Muslims have wicked, mischievous, deceitful, conniving, fraudulent, minds; teaching Left people how to be like them. That is not good. Jesus will think, HA,HA, a golf ball hit trump in the head, when that was not the case at all? Satan, the dishonest one, did that through the minds of Left people. The Fraudulent Satan is talking through Left people. A fraudulent mind is in the mind of Left people. How can fraud not occur? Fraud will be a certainty. No one can deny it. Fraud occurred with the election. Jesus is not heard, therefore fraud occurred.
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