Trump blames congess

How many times has the news started off with Trump blaming congress?

For everything?

Midterms are coming up. How to you get the GOP base to vote GOP when the GOP base says the GOP congress is no good?

Liberals should really study up on the Separation of Powers...

How many times has the news started off with Trump blaming congress?

For everything?

Midterms are coming up. How to you get the GOP base to vote GOP when the GOP base says the GOP congress is no good?
I agree, We both want Trump to bypass congress with executive orders just like jughead did. Thank you!

View attachment 147571
It is a Republican Congress

Why can't he get anything done? He is a great deal maker. That is what he told us

Why can't he make a deal?
Because of divisive scum that's why.
How many times has the news started off with Trump blaming congress?

For everything?

Midterms are coming up. How to you get the GOP base to vote GOP when the GOP base says the GOP congress is no good?
I agree, We both want Trump to bypass congress with executive orders just like jughead did. Thank you!

View attachment 147571
It is a Republican Congress

Why can't he get anything done? He is a great deal maker. That is what he told us

Why can't he make a deal?

Hey, you can play that line if you think the voters are going to buy it... maybe they will?

Doesn't work on me because I see what's happening. Republicans have a slim majority but when you factor in people like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, it's dead even. Then you have this rift going between the establishment and conservatives, so they are effectively out of commission unless some Democrats cross over. Fat chance of that happening, right?
How many times has the news started off with Trump blaming congress?

For everything?

Midterms are coming up. How to you get the GOP base to vote GOP when the GOP base says the GOP congress is no good?

Well it does get old hearing Democrats with the talking point that Trump hasn't gotten any legislation passed.... given that he has yet to garner a single Democrat vote for ANYTHING!
That's because the Democrats aren't for taking healthcare away from 32 million Americans and raising the cost on everyone else.

That's because Democrats don't feel billionaires need their taxes cut.

Besides, since Republicans control the entire government, what do they need Democrats for to fuk over the American People. The GOP seems to be doing that really well on their own.
One word...primaries.

No Democrat will be elected from my district for the next twenty years...but we can easily switch out Republicans if necessary.
How many times has the news started off with Trump blaming congress?

For everything?

Midterms are coming up. How to you get the GOP base to vote GOP when the GOP base says the GOP congress is no good?
I agree, We both want Trump to bypass congress with executive orders just like jughead did. Thank you!

View attachment 147571
It is a Republican Congress

Why can't he get anything done? He is a great deal maker. That is what he told us

Why can't he make a deal?

Hey, you can play that line if you think the voters are going to buy it... maybe they will?

Doesn't work on me because I see what's happening. Republicans have a slim majority but when you factor in people like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, it's dead even. Then you have this rift going between the establishment and conservatives, so they are effectively out of commission unless some Democrats cross over. Fat chance of that happening, right?
How gullible and how tolerant are Republican voters?

After demanding a balanced budget, Obamacare repeal, tax reform and a freak'n wall and being told...."if only we were in control of government" patient will the right wing voters be when Republicans can not even resolve these issues among themselves?

Mitch McConnell bowing his head and tried
Is not going to cut it. Democrats got their agenda accomplished while they were in power

Republicans seem content with gridlock
Now Trump is saying about tossing out children who were raised here since infancy, to leave it to Congress.

Everything is leave it to congress.

Obviously because he doesn't know what he's doing and that's how he ran his company.

Maybe that's why the six bankruptcies?

Republicans elected a deal maker who only makes bad deals. We saw this under Bush.

Maybe we need someone who can organize a community?
i give up dean how do we do that?....
i give up dean how do we do that?....
You're supposed to know.
republicans do think congress sucks,but then apparently so do democrats,so how do you get democrats to vote democrat when they think the democrat congress is not to good also?......the ratings for both houses of congress are so bad that ANY American regardless of party should think that 30% or were ever they are at now should be totally unacceptable.......but yet you dummies keep voting the same incompetent asswipes in, time and time again.....
i give up dean how do we do that?....
i give up dean how do we do that?....
You're supposed to know.
republicans do think congress sucks,but then apparently so do democrats,so how do you get democrats to vote democrat when they think the democrat congress is not to good also?......the ratings for both houses of congress are so bad that ANY American regardless of party should think that 30% or were ever they are at now should be totally unacceptable.......but yet you dummies keep voting the same incompetent asswipes in, time and time again.....
Republicans are racist. They had a black president to fire up the racist base. They are still attacking Obama, his wife and even his kids. And his wife? Has she even spoken a single word in public?

Denying the GOP is racist is like denying they are 90% white. It simply can't be denied.

And they are anti American. Of course they don't care about Russia. For one, the Russians they see look white.
And there is all that voter suppression which they pretend is only about ID's. Gerrymandering and voter suppression can only go so far. There becomes a point where massive demonstrations become civil war. At what point will Republicans decide civil war is the answer to stay in power? When they completely turn their backs on the Constitution and the Country to stay in power? The Republicans in power have proven, even to their base, they are inept. If the GOP base turns against a black president who got them healthcare and protected them from credit card fraud and worked to them them education and orthodontia, imagine what they will do to a GOP government that works to totally fuk over their lives. Look how many are deciding they want healthcare. That number will only grow.
i give up dean how do we do that?....
i give up dean how do we do that?....
You're supposed to know.
republicans do think congress sucks,but then apparently so do democrats,so how do you get democrats to vote democrat when they think the democrat congress is not to good also?......the ratings for both houses of congress are so bad that ANY American regardless of party should think that 30% or were ever they are at now should be totally unacceptable.......but yet you dummies keep voting the same incompetent asswipes in, time and time again.....
Republicans are racist. They had a black president to fire up the racist base. They are still attacking Obama, his wife and even his kids. And his wife? Has she even spoken a single word in public?

Denying the GOP is racist is like denying they are 90% white. It simply can't be denied.

And they are anti American. Of course they don't care about Russia. For one, the Russians they see look white.
And there is all that voter suppression which they pretend is only about ID's. Gerrymandering and voter suppression can only go so far. There becomes a point where massive demonstrations become civil war. At what point will Republicans decide civil war is the answer to stay in power? When they completely turn their backs on the Constitution and the Country to stay in power? The Republicans in power have proven, even to their base, they are inept. If the GOP base turns against a black president who got them healthcare and protected them from credit card fraud and worked to them them education and orthodontia, imagine what they will do to a GOP government that works to totally fuk over their lives. Look how many are deciding they want healthcare. That number will only grow.
dean snap out of post had jack shit to do about racism or for that matter republicans....try dealing with the post instead of the shit in your head.....
Denying the GOP is racist is like denying they are 90% white. It simply can't be denied.

Claiming the GOP is racist is played out. You got Donald Trump shoved down your throat precisely BECAUSE of this strategy that has failed miserably on the American people. It's really incredible what we've witnessed happening since you've adopted this failed meme... Across America, Democrats have lost thousands of statehouse seats. Entire state legislatures have turned Republican, some for the first time since Reconstruction. You lost both houses of Congress and the White House... yet you inexplicably cling to this narrative without really any other game plan.

You would think Democrats would take a hint... get a clue... but they haven't. And now, even the black vote is being eroded away. Trump secured more of the black vote than the past two GOP candidates. More and more, black Americans are realizing the folly of supporting a Democrat Party who simply doesn't represent their best interests, in spite of their claims. The more this happens, the more some of you want to scream "RACISTS!" It's not working anymore.
After working with Nancy and Dick, Trump should have just come out and said "vote Democrat". Even he knows Republicans can't be trusted. Only, he's also a Republican. With his crime filled history, everyone should have figured that out by now.

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