Trump Blames 'Our Communist Friend' Sanders For Chicago Clashes

Does Trump know the difference between communists and socialists?

One of them follows a very, very destructive ideology.

And the other follows a very, very, very destructive ideology.

Sort of like the difference between AIDS and Ebola. The only question leftists want you to answer, is "Which one would you rather have?"
Adolf Trump is now threatening protesters with arrests and police records. Says he WILL press charges. They really have him rattled. So funny...

Ah, the 'Obama is to blame for everything ever at any time in any era on every planet in all galaxies in every universe' crowd shows up.

Gooood, I feel the hatred swelling inside you. You exhibit much butthurt.
I would hate to see the senate lose him.

Please tell us what impresses you about his record in the Senate.

Bernie Sanders’ record in Congress shows little socialist progress
He has taken a stance against the chemical companies. On the other hand he claims unvaccinated children are killers when in fact many of these vaccines being foisted on children and even many adults are damaging the heck out of so many of them.

I don't believe he is a full blown socialist but I don't see where he takes a strong stance on personal freedom and liberty.

We need a leader that can understand we need to protect our small businesses and that I like about him. But I am uncertain that he has the full understanding on how that building up small businesses needs to be organic also. The best advances throughout history come from having a will to do something really cool, innovative and being creative. The hardliners claiming that there should be no social helping hands are in error as the whole system is a bit too screwed up for that at the moment. Bernie has compassion and empathy but it could go a bit too far.

Well then, easiest thing to do is look at the record.

What Kind of Mayor was Bernie Sanders?
I read all of his votes in the senate. A mayor in Vermont qualifies Bernie to be president of the United States? Heck we could go get the mayor in the little town I used to live in too and run him. He could even bring the pot smoking council, secretary and police chief along with him they would all be qualified too according to some of the people on this forum.

The previous poster inquired about Sanders' experience with protecting and growing small business. So I gave him a link to directly that, from when he was in a position to directly affect that: Mayor, as opposed to time as part of a parliamentary body.

Burlington has no "pot smoking council, secretary or police chief". But it does have some old Republican investor class who appreciated his approach and in fact voted for him every time out. And it did have an entrenched Democrat in power before Sanders defeated him, and kept on winning.

But of course you know all this, since you read the link.

Oh... wait...
I already read about his mayor experience too and the fact that Burlington is the hometown of Ben and Jerry's. It is like I said before I like Bernie. I'd would take Bernie over Hillary any day of the week in a government body. Does he have any dead bodies left back in his trail of politics?
Trump argues that this is about more than just him, pulling in Bernie Sanders and his fight against Hillary Clinton and the establishment for the Democratic Party nod -- into the fray. The message from Trump is that the power brokers on both sides are trying to rig the game.
"You see what's happening to me and Bernie Sanders," Trump said Sunday in Rochester, New York. "It's a corrupt deal going on."
See Donald Trump rages against the machine -

On the other hand, here is Bernie Sanders "take" on Donald Trump:

“As is the case virtually every day, Donald Trump is showing the American people that he is a pathological liar,” Sanders said.
See Sanders Unloads On 'Pathological Liar' Trump
CHICAGO, March 12 (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Saturday blamed supporters of Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders for protests that shut down his Chicago rally, calling the U.S. senator from Vermont "our communist friend."

More: Trump Blames 'Our Communist Friend' Sanders For Chicago Clashes

Does Trump know the difference between communists and socialists?

Say Shitting Bull, where was it that Comrade Sanders spent his honeymoon?


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