Trump Blames 'Our Communist Friend' Sanders For Chicago Clashes

So, let me guess: After repeatedly talking about Trump's allegedly "violent tone" and the supposedly "violent" atmosphere at Trump rallies, you are not the least bit bothered by a left-wing mob shutting down shutting down the Trump rally in Chicago last night. Right?

You people are genuinely scary, and fascist.

If a conservative mob had shut down a Bernie or Hillary rally, I would condemn it in the strongest terms, because I believe in the freedom of speech, tolerance, and the rule of law.

Part of the problem is that you and so many of your fellow leftists do not believe in those things.
I wonder if forum management has considered a Trump sub forum....everyday thread after thread about him

I wouldn't mind the mass media taking the same approach. Make Rump news a subscription-only channel, really expensive, and you have to drive to North Dakota to watch it.

Good idea. And there's plenty of places to stay in No Dak now that the price of oil has fallen off a cliff.
Trump will say anything. And in Australia it wouldn't work, but Americans are so saturated in brainwashing, you guys don't know left from right anymore. The C word was well used here.

Not all of us are. But if Australia had the mega-billionaires running it like the U.S. and China, you'd have a media problem there, too.
We do, but here its the baby boomer generation running it. Ten thousand tyrants one mile away.. that sort of thing. It's the same in Europe. Lots of little Kings holding down and selling out their own forebears.
I think Trump is right about the protestor groups being organized. But the question is, who is organizing them?
Who wants Trump out of the race more than a handful of unknowns in Chicago and at his other rallies?
Who benefits the most from Trump being eliminated from the race?
Occam's Razor: The most obvious answer is the right one: The Republicans. Rich Republicans who are the establishment families of the GOP.
But Big Money makes things look like they are coming from the Peanut Gallery. I hope these protestors who get hauled off to jail are handsomely paid by the Koch Republicans.
It appears to me the Bush lackies such as Rubio and Avatar is a Mormon so my quess would be there is some verbal activity on those ends, Hillary I'm sure has her shit stirrers doing their part. Bernie could have supporters that would get hostile if you have been watching how many people are sick from the chemical agenda you might understand that a little better.

I'm sure I could understand your post a little better if you knew how to structure a sentence. I don't try to interpret word salads.
Too bad.
So, let me guess: After repeatedly talking about Trump's allegedly "violent tone" and the supposedly "violent" atmosphere at Trump rallies, you are not the least bit bothered by a left-wing mob shutting down shutting down the Trump rally in Chicago last night. Right?

You people are genuinely scary, and fascist.

If a conservative mob had shut down a Bernie or Hillary rally, I would condemn it in the strongest terms, because I believe in the freedom of speech, tolerance, and the rule of law.

Part of the problem is that you and so many of your fellow leftists do not believe in those things.

I condemn violence anywhere, public or private. But Trump has been stirring up and serving blood sandwiches to his redneck minions for 10 months now. So no surprise these mouth-frothers are ready to jump as soon as a black face shows up in their crowd. And if it's a black face with a protest sign.....
Trump will say anything. And in Australia it wouldn't work, but Americans are so saturated in brainwashing, you guys don't know left from right anymore. The C word was well used here.

Not all of us are. But if Australia had the mega-billionaires running it like the U.S. and China, you'd have a media problem there, too.
We do, but here its the baby boomer generation running it. Ten thousand tyrants one mile away.. that sort of thing. It's the same in Europe. Lots of little Kings holding down and selling out their own forebears.

Well, one of the biggest worst media monsters here in the U.S. is Rupert Murdoch. And you know where he's from, right?
So, let me guess: After repeatedly talking about Trump's allegedly "violent tone" and the supposedly "violent" atmosphere at Trump rallies, you are not the least bit bothered by a left-wing mob shutting down shutting down the Trump rally in Chicago last night. Right?

You people are genuinely scary, and fascist.

If a conservative mob had shut down a Bernie or Hillary rally, I would condemn it in the strongest terms, because I believe in the freedom of speech, tolerance, and the rule of law.

Part of the problem is that you and so many of your fellow leftists do not believe in those things.

I condemn violence anywhere, public or private. But Trump has been stirring up and serving blood sandwiches to his redneck minions for 10 months now. So no surprise these mouth-frothers are ready to jump as soon as a black face shows up in their crowd. And if it's a black face with a protest sign.....
I really like Bernie but must agree with a dear older friend. He just isn't intelligent enough to even consider for president. He makes a great senator though.

About Handmade Projects and Journey to Forever
Sanders may look like a confused old dog trying to understand algebra - but I doubt he's a communist.
So, Trump the innuendoer and instigator just accused Sanders of being a communist. Gee, that certainly won't incite Trump's radical supporters or cause more protests.

Well considering the protesters were flying the hammer and sickle and no one tried to stop them, I'd say Trump is spot on.
Sanders may look like a confused old dog trying to understand algebra - but I doubt he's a communist.
I would hate to see the senate lose him.

Please tell us what impresses you about his record in the Senate.

Bernie Sanders’ record in Congress shows little socialist progress
He has taken a stance against the chemical companies. On the other hand he claims unvaccinated children are killers when in fact many of these vaccines being foisted on children and even many adults are damaging the heck out of so many of them.

I don't believe he is a full blown socialist but I don't see where he takes a strong stance on personal freedom and liberty.

We need a leader that can understand we need to protect our small businesses and that I like about him. But I am uncertain that he has the full understanding on how that building up small businesses needs to be organic also. The best advances throughout history come from having a will to do something really cool, innovative and being creative. The hardliners claiming that there should be no social helping hands are in error as the whole system is a bit too screwed up for that at the moment. Bernie has compassion and empathy but it could go a bit too far.
CHICAGO, March 12 (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Saturday blamed supporters of Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders for protests that shut down his Chicago rally, calling the U.S. senator from Vermont "our communist friend."

More: Trump Blames 'Our Communist Friend' Sanders For Chicago Clashes

Does Trump know the difference between communists and socialists?
Chicago Trump Rally 3-11-2016
Sanders may look like a confused old dog trying to understand algebra - but I doubt he's a communist.
I would hate to see the senate lose him.

Please tell us what impresses you about his record in the Senate.

Bernie Sanders’ record in Congress shows little socialist progress
He has taken a stance against the chemical companies. On the other hand he claims unvaccinated children are killers when in fact many of these vaccines being foisted on children and even many adults are damaging the heck out of so many of them.

I don't believe he is a full blown socialist but I don't see where he takes a strong stance on personal freedom and liberty.

We need a leader that can understand we need to protect our small businesses and that I like about him. But I am uncertain that he has the full understanding on how that building up small businesses needs to be organic also. The best advances throughout history come from having a will to do something really cool, innovative and being creative. The hardliners claiming that there should be no social helping hands are in error as the whole system is a bit too screwed up for that at the moment. Bernie has compassion and empathy but it could go a bit too far.

Well then, easiest thing to do is look at the record.

What Kind of Mayor was Bernie Sanders?

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