Diamond Member
It wouldn't matter if terrorists were storing on cell phones, information that the FBI needs, or not. Simple fact is, the terrorists COULD do that, and they should not have that opportunity to use that advantage to kill Americans.Oh, so you think "because the FBI wants access" is proof that terrorists store plans on iPhones, and we should surrender our 4th amendment rights because the FBI needs us to do that in order to stop the terrorists? Nice circular logic.
Still no proof that eliminating the 4th amendment (without a constitutional amendment) will prevent more terrorist attacks? The worst one ever was planned in a cave. Did they use iPhones?
As for the 4th Amendment, have you noticed it does have the word "unreasonable in it ? Nothing unreasonable about doing what is necessary to PROTECT the American people from lunatics trying to kill us. And the current iPhones in question are under court order, just as the 4th amendment specifies. Future searches can be also. I see nothing wrong happening here on the part of the FBI.
If Apple keep going on the way they are, they may find themselves out of business, before they know what hit them. They thought they were too big to be challenged? They thought wrong.
The terrorists COULD be storing them by memory. We must have cameras in every room in every building, because they COULD be planning another attack.
What someone COULD do is not the point. Our Constitution does not get flushed because someone COULD do something.