Trump: Boycott Apple

I have been for years, not over this, but because EvilCorp is the most evil of all corporations, the embodiment of everything that is wrong with American corporatism.

Imagine if WalMart had institute a "no suicide pledge" because employees kept climbing on the roof and jumping to their deaths to highlight just how bad working for them is? Oh WalMart doesn't. but EvilCorp - Apple, does.

Imagine if WalMart brought suit every time a comedian made a joke about them? Oh, WalMart doesn't do that, but EvilCorp does, ask Ellen DeGeneres.

Imagine if WalMart sued employees who spoke ill of the company AFTER the employee was fired? Oh, WalMart would never do something so shitty, but EvilCorp does, all the time.

Imagine if WalMart made suppliers sign a contract that they would sell to no one else (Obstruction of interstate commerce.) Oh, WalMart would never do something so openly illegal, but EvilCorp does, and no one in the Federal government raises a finger.

Apple, EvilCorp, is rotten to the core.

Anyone buying an Apple product is contributing to their evil.
As well as their products are made in China and the Phillipines, by oppressed workers crammed into tiny factories, working excessively long hours, and for peanuts pay. As well as depriving Americans of jobs.

Iphone Made in China? Not Anymore. Philippines Welcome Apple Inc
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I truly think he might be a psychopath.
Cops execute (shoot) people every day, in self-defense of themselves and other people. This is exactly what shooting speeding motorcyclists is. You're not a "psychopath" You're just dumb and ignorant, that's all.
When the court order is blatantly unconstitutional? I guess you would need to ask a lawyer that one.

But as someone said, give Apple the phone and let them retrieve the encrypted data.
Apple may have to open a whole new plant just for that purpose. There are about 150 of these jihad phones needing to be retrieved.
How is making some comment that you claim to know what I know going to improve your argument? It isn't, so cut the bull.

You say "Muslims are this, Muslims are that" then you say that Malaysians are the least Islamic. They're still Islamic. They're still part of the equation.

There are bad parts of Islam, I didn't say there weren't. There are also bad parts of Christianity and every other religion. However coming to me and saying Islam is bad because of the bad parts of Islam, but Christianity isn't bad because of the bad parts of Christianity, is like coming to me with a big shit on a plate and expecting me to eat it.

Get real.
I have no idea what the hell your first sentence is saying.

No, Malaysians are NOT part of the equation, unless there are jihadist groups operating there. Then THOSE would be part of the equation.

Saying Islam is bad because of the bad parts of Islam, but Christianity isn't bad because of the bad parts of Christianity, is not what I am saying, nor did I ever say that. And trying to equate Islam with Christianity is ludicrous. Christianity is perhaps the finest religion and set of ideals ever created. Islam is the exact opposite. It is a vile, filthy ideology, masquerading as a religion. It's guidebook (the Koran) is a manual for engaging in just about every evil one could think of (mass murder, rape, pedophilia, sex discrimination, wife-beating, slavery, torture/mutilation, animal cruelty, etc)

YOU get real.
Maybe your fascist fantasy govt will let you play them.

And yes, the people will reject govt spying as they always have. If not, the courts will rule in favor of the constitution.
Oh yes the courts. The trump card every good liberal keeps in his back pocket. No matter if a million people work hard to get signatures and pass an initiative by a landslide. Liberals just go judge shopping, find the judge they like, and have the whole thing overturned, by one man. They might even take him out to dinner (or a titty bar).

Then keep pushing it up the line until it is decided by the 9 judges on the US Supreme Court. That will be the final word on what is, or is not, constitutional.
I truly think he might be a psychopath.
Cops execute (shoot) people every day, in self-defense of themselves and other people. This is exactly what shooting speeding motorcyclists is. You're not a "psychopath" You're just dumb and ignorant, that's all.

Bullshit. A cop is only allowed to shoot someone who is an imminent danger to kill someone. Speeding motorcyclists do not present that. Cops are not allowed to shoot people to enforce traffic laws.
Collision of elephants: Trump v. Apple

Boycott an American company, use your Korean Samsung phone.

Yeah, that's presidential.

Holy crap, this guy...

Kinda disingenuous to call apple an American company just because they're based here.
And I think trump was referring to just that phone.
Which makes total sense.

Apple company is owned by Americans and base here in US thus it's a US company. Boycott Apple does not make sense but make sense for Adolf Trump.
Collision of elephants: Trump v. Apple

Boycott an American company, use your Korean Samsung phone.

Yeah, that's presidential.

Holy crap, this guy...

Kinda disingenuous to call apple an American company just because they're based here.
And I think trump was referring to just that phone.
Which makes total sense.

Apple company is owned by Americans and base here in US thus it's a US company. Boycott Apple does not make sense but make sense for Adolf Trump.

Once more in english please...
We may have a lot of mexicans but english is still the national language.
The underlying issue is a serious one. Apple is embroiled in a dispute with the Justice Department over an encrypted iPhone belonging to one of the shooters in the San Bernardino massacre of Dec. 2. The FBI is demanding that Apple develop technology to unlock the phone, so they can investigate information the shooter may have stored there.

Collision of elephants: Trump v. Apple
Does anyone NOT want this phone unlocked?

Speak up?

The price is too high. Sorry.
yep. Back doors for Big Gov't? No thanks. I like the 4th Amendment
Apple company is owned by Americans and base here in US thus it's a US company. Boycott Apple does not make sense but make sense for Adolf Trump.
The quote refuted the post.

"Kinda disingenuous to call apple an American company just because they're based here.
And I think trump was referring to just that phone. Which makes total sense"
We are in favor of fighting the jihadists AND maintaining our freedoms. You gladly throw away the US Constitution in favor of the illusion of safety.
No illusion. Stop pretending. This is too serious for idiot liberal games. You don't fight jihadists by granting them important favors. You commit treason doing that.
Bullshit. A cop is only allowed to shoot someone who is an imminent danger to kill someone. Speeding motorcyclists do not present that. Cops are not allowed to shoot people to enforce traffic laws.
I was TALKING ABOUT people being in imminent danger. You think the motorcyclist is the only one on the road ? I was careful to specify the relation to other motorists, so you don't now get to pretend it's a different scenario. YOU are talking the bullshit.
Then keep pushing it up the line until it is decided by the 9 judges on the US Supreme Court. That will be the final word on what is, or is not, constitutional.
Bullshit. They shouldn't be going against the people's will and the voting, and trying to twist the law how they want it. Shouldn't be ANY court case, > like Proposition 187 in California, that dragged on for years. Justice delayed is justice DENIED.
We are in favor of fighting the jihadists AND maintaining our freedoms. You gladly throw away the US Constitution in favor of the illusion of safety.
No illusion. Stop pretending. This is too serious for idiot liberal games. You don't fight jihadists by granting them important favors. You commit treason doing that.

I am committing treason? LMAO!! You are perfectly willing to trash the US Constitution, and then have the gall to accuse others of treason? That is truly sad.

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