Trump: Boycott Apple

Actually it is you who is dodging.
As I stated earlier, you have dreamed up this doomsday scenario in order to dodge the actual, factual situation that exists with Apple.
Again, why don't you address the???

Actually it is you who is dodging. The ACTUAL ISSUE is NATIONAL SECURITY. That is the annihilation of America. Hundred thousand people killed. You compare a stupid cell phone toy to that. ?
Sheeeesh! Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.

That's enough. Time for breakfast now. I've beat up on you techie-toy loons long enough. You get a break now. :biggrin:

It is not about "techie toys". It is about constitutional rights.

But considering I have seen you call for the federal govt to takeover Major League Baseball, and for cops to execute (without trial) motorcyclists for speeding, your fascist stance is not surprising.
Right. Wait till the next iPhone comes out and see the lines around the block.
Not as big as the lines supporting the FBI. OK. That's it for this thread. I just started 2 new OPs, so I'll be over there now.

PS - here's my technical toys >>




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Right. Wait till the next iPhone comes out and see the lines around the block.
Not as big as the lines supporting the FBI. OK. That's it for this thread. I just started 2 new OPs, so I'll be over there now.

PS - here's my technical toys >>

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Maybe your fascist fantasy govt will let you play them.

And yes, the people will reject govt spying as they always have. If not, the courts will rule in favor of the constitution.
You know, Apple could take in the phone, recover the data, and give the phone with the unencripted data back to the FBI. I'm pretty sure that someone knows where and how to get into the phone at that company.

As far as making them build a back door program for the FBI? Absolutely not. The government doesn't need stuff like that. Besides, if it gets out that the FBI has a copy, don't you think that someone, somewhere is going to either (a) figure out how to make their own back door (because Apple hacked their own phones and said it could be done), or (b) bribe someone in the FBI to get a copy of it.

Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if criminals, or other countries got a copy of that back door? They would use it to steal money, secrets and people's lives.

Let Apple have the phone, station an FBI agent with the tech doing the decryption and let it be at that.

Besides.................if Apple caved in right now and gave the FBI a back door program and people found out about it (and they would), their stock would crater and their company would go bye bye, because nobody would ever buy their products again.

And no Protectionist, national security does NOT over ride the Constitution, no matter how many of your little wet dream terrors of nuclear and biological attacks tell you that it does. you know how expensive, hard to deploy and HEAVY a small yield nuke is? I do, used to work with them back in the late 80's/early 90's as a member of the PRP program, and I really don't think those in ISIL have the know how, money, or ability to deploy such a weapon. The worst they can do is a "dirty bomb", which is a regular bomb with nuclear material. And those can be cleaned up fairly easily.
I guess you have forgotten the 4th Amendment?

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

And if our gov't, with all its resources, can't hack an iPhone, while there are teenagers that can do it, we have already lost. This is not about data on a single phone (or 150 phones).

There is more than a warrant, there is a court order instructing EvilCorp to open the phone. But EvilCorp keeps obstructing justice.
No I don't think I will be part of that boycott.

I have been for years, not over this, but because EvilCorp is the most evil of all corporations, the embodiment of everything that is wrong with American corporatism.

Imagine if WalMart had institute a "no suicide pledge" because employees kept climbing on the roof and jumping to their deaths to highlight just how bad working for them is? Oh WalMart doesn't. but EvilCorp - Apple, does.

Imagine if WalMart brought suit every time a comedian made a joke about them? Oh, WalMart doesn't do that, but EvilCorp does, ask Ellen DeGeneres.

Imagine if WalMart sued employees who spoke ill of the company AFTER the employee was fired? Oh, WalMart would never do something so shitty, but EvilCorp does, all the time.

Imagine if WalMart made suppliers sign a contract that they would sell to no one else (Obstruction of interstate commerce.) Oh, WalMart would never do something so openly illegal, but EvilCorp does, and no one in the Federal government raises a finger.

Apple, EvilCorp, is rotten to the core.

Anyone buying an Apple product is contributing to their evil.
It is not about "techie toys". It is about constitutional rights.

But considering I have seen you call for the federal govt to takeover Major League Baseball, and for cops to execute (without trial) motorcyclists for speeding, your fascist stance is not surprising.

What Constitutional right does EvilCorp have to ignore a court order?
No I don't think I will be part of that boycott.

I have been for years, not over this, but because EvilCorp is the most evil of all corporations, the embodiment of everything that is wrong with American corporatism.

Imagine if WalMart had institute a "no suicide pledge" because employees kept climbing on the roof and jumping to their deaths to highlight just how bad working for them is? Oh WalMart doesn't. but EvilCorp - Apple, does.

Imagine if WalMart brought suit every time a comedian made a joke about them? Oh, WalMart doesn't do that, but EvilCorp does, ask Ellen DeGeneres.

Imagine if WalMart sued employees who spoke ill of the company AFTER the employee was fired? Oh, WalMart would never do something so shitty, but EvilCorp does, all the time.

Imagine if WalMart made suppliers sign a contract that they would sell to no one else (Obstruction of interstate commerce.) Oh, WalMart would never do something so openly illegal, but EvilCorp does, and no one in the Federal government raises a finger.

Apple, EvilCorp, is rotten to the core.

Anyone buying an Apple product is contributing to their evil.
Sent from my Apple 6 IPhone.
It is not about "techie toys". It is about constitutional rights.

But considering I have seen you call for the federal govt to takeover Major League Baseball, and for cops to execute (without trial) motorcyclists for speeding, your fascist stance is not surprising.

What Constitutional right does EvilCorp have to ignore a court order?

When the court order is blatantly unconstitutional? I guess you would need to ask a lawyer that one.

But as someone said, give Apple the phone and let them retrieve the encrypted data.
Islam is supremacist huh?

I just got back from holiday to a country which has a majority Muslim population. It also has Buddhists, Christians and Hindus playing a prominent part in society. They all manage to deal with the law first and religion second.

The country is Malaysia

Constitution of Malaysia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's not the only country that does that. Many Muslims live in a world where they accept the law of the state over the law of their religion.

Just because you don't know that, doesn't mean your view is true.
I know more about Islam and Islamization in my little toe, than you know in your whole body. What they do in Malaysia is cool. They are the least Islamic of Muslims in the world. I'm happy for them. That being said, you want to talk about the Saudi Wahhabists, the Iranians, the Taliban, ISIS ? Or even the dozens of Muslim Brotherhood front groups, well organized & financed right here in America ? >> (CAIR, ISNA, MSA, FCNA, NAIT, MAYA, AEF, UASR, IAP, BMI, IIIT, IMANA, AMSE, ICNA, IFMI, AMC, AMF, Success Foundation, MAS, GSISS, NAIF, IIFTIKHAR, AMSS, TIAA, IRO, African Muslim Agency, Safa Trust, SAAR Foundation, MMCT, Dar El-Eiman USA, ADAMS, IANA, GRF, MWL, WAMY, MYNA, HHT, IAF, Fairfax Institute, AMTFCRE, IIFSO, AMCE, AMAFVAC, CISNA, IMF)

What any country does, does not negate the FACT that the US Constitution bans supremacisms, and the FACT that Islam is a supremacism. Simple as that.

As for just getting back from another country, I just got back from 3 months in Iraq, last October (+ 5 days in Afghanistan), doing volunteer work with the DOD, and I can tell you it was no "holiday".

How is making some comment that you claim to know what I know going to improve your argument? It isn't, so cut the bull.

You say "Muslims are this, Muslims are that" then you say that Malaysians are the least Islamic. They're still Islamic. They're still part of the equation.

There are bad parts of Islam, I didn't say there weren't. There are also bad parts of Christianity and every other religion. However coming to me and saying Islam is bad because of the bad parts of Islam, but Christianity isn't bad because of the bad parts of Christianity, is like coming to me with a big shit on a plate and expecting me to eat it.

Get real.
Thats not what this is about. If you goofy bastards think that there isnt a school full of teens who could unlock this phone in a second you're stupid. If you think the FBI cant unlock this phone you're stupid.

What the FBI wants is for Apple to create a master key that can unlock ALL IPHONES and they promise with a cherry on top they wont abuse this super powerful tool. Scouts honor.

^^ If you believe they want a new tool for terror and their promise to not abuse it, you're stupid
They SHOULD be able to unlock ALL iPhones and ALL cell phones in existence. Whose side are you on ? The American people or the terrorists ?

Wipe your missed some jackboot polish.
I draw the line where violating the US Constitution is concerned. Whether you want to try and demean that by calling devices that store large volumes of personal information "techie toys", you are welcome to do so. The US Constitution still applies.
I draw the line where enemies of America (in a NUCLEAR AGE) vow to kill millions of Americans and destroy America, and appear to be fully capable of doing that. The application of the US Constitution is a subjective thing. Some people would say that jails and prisons are unconstitutional. And the govt has violated the constitution many times. Islam is a violation of the Constitution > Article 6, Section 2.

You are an enemy of America.
Actually it is you who is dodging.
As I stated earlier, you have dreamed up this doomsday scenario in order to dodge the actual, factual situation that exists with Apple.
Again, why don't you address the???

Actually it is you who is dodging. The ACTUAL ISSUE is NATIONAL SECURITY. That is the annihilation of America. Hundred thousand people killed. You compare a stupid cell phone toy to that. ?
Sheeeesh! Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.

That's enough. Time for breakfast now. I've beat up on you techie-toy loons long enough. You get a break now. :biggrin:

It is not about "techie toys". It is about constitutional rights.

But considering I have seen you call for the federal govt to takeover Major League Baseball, and for cops to execute (without trial) motorcyclists for speeding, your fascist stance is not surprising.

I truly think he might be a psychopath.
Maybe your fascist fantasy govt will let you play them.

And yes, the people will reject govt spying as they always have. If not, the courts will rule in favor of the constitution.
Oh yes the courts. The trump card every good liberal keeps in his back pocket. No matter if a million people work hard to get signatures and pass an initiative by a landslide. Liberals just go judge shopping, find the judge they like, and have the whole thing overturned, by one man. They might even take him out to dinner (or a titty bar).
You know, Apple could take in the phone, recover the data, and give the phone with the unencripted data back to the FBI. I'm pretty sure that someone knows where and how to get into the phone at that company.

As far as making them build a back door program for the FBI? Absolutely not. The government doesn't need stuff like that. Besides, if it gets out that the FBI has a copy, don't you think that someone, somewhere is going to either (a) figure out how to make their own back door (because Apple hacked their own phones and said it could be done), or (b) bribe someone in the FBI to get a copy of it.

Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if criminals, or other countries got a copy of that back door? They would use it to steal money, secrets and people's lives.

Let Apple have the phone, station an FBI agent with the tech doing the decryption and let it be at that.

Besides.................if Apple caved in right now and gave the FBI a back door program and people found out about it (and they would), their stock would crater and their company would go bye bye, because nobody would ever buy their products again.

And no Protectionist, national security does NOT over ride the Constitution, no matter how many of your little wet dream terrors of nuclear and biological attacks tell you that it does. you know how expensive, hard to deploy and HEAVY a small yield nuke is? I do, used to work with them back in the late 80's/early 90's as a member of the PRP program, and I really don't think those in ISIL have the know how, money, or ability to deploy such a weapon. The worst they can do is a "dirty bomb", which is a regular bomb with nuclear material. And those can be cleaned up fairly easily.
1. Of course national security overrides the Constitution. The Constitution is there to establish how we live, not get i=us all killed. National security has been overiding the Constitution (and everything else) for centuries.

2. ISIS is immensely wealthy. To say that they don't have the money, shows you don't know what you;re talking about. And as long as they have all that money, the got the know how, because that will just buy it. They could have any kind of nuclear bombs shipped here in shipping containers and trucked to warehouses all over the country. Very difficult to stop (especially without top notch intelligence), especially when US ports are not even US owned, and security is 95% nonexistent.

3. In Golania, Brazil, 1987 -1988: Two metal scavengers broke into an abandoned radiotherapy clinic and removed a teletherapy source capsule, containing powdered caesium-137 with an activity of 50 TBq. They brought it back to the home of one of the men to take it apart, and sell as scrap metal. Later that day, both of them were showing acute signs of radiation illness, and one of the men had a swollen hand and diahreaa.. A few days later, one of these guys punctured the 1 mm thick window of the capsule, allowing the caesium chloride powder to leak out, and when realizing the powder glowed blue in the dark, brought it back home to his family and friends to show it off. After 2 weeks of spread by contact contamination causing an increasing number of adverse health effects, the correct diagnosis of acute radiation sickness was made at a hospital, and proper precautions could be put into procedure. By this time, 249 people were contaminated, 151 exhibited both external and internal contamination, of which 20 people were seriously ill and 5 people died.

The Goiânia incident to some extent predicts the contamination pattern if it is not immediately realized that the explosion spread radioactive material, but also how fatal even very small amounts of ingested radioactive powder can be.In the case of a dirty bomb detonation, most people would not get the word about it until well after the detonation, and would get maximum exposure. This raises worries of terrorists using powdered alpha emitting material, that if ingested, can pose a serious health risk,as in the case of deceased former KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko, who either ate, drank or inhaled polonium-210. And "smoky bombs" based on alpha emitters, might easily be just as dangerous as beta or gama emitting dirty bombs.

4. If the radiation levels are not too high from a dirty bomb blast, and the area does not need to be abandoned such as the town of Prypiat near the Chernobyl reactor, there still would be an expensive and time consuming cleanup procedure. This would mainly consist of tearing down highly contaminated buildings, digging up contaminated soil and quickly applying sticky substances to remaining surfaces, so that radioactive particles adhere before radioactivity penetrates the building materials. These procedures are the current state of the art for radioactive contamination cleanup, but some experts say that a complete cleanup of external surfaces in an urban area to current decontamination limits, may not be technically feasible.

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