Trump: Boycott Apple

National security trumps EVERYTHING.

No it does not.
You've been MISeducated.

No I have not. Please show me, in the US Constitution (you even stated that it is the law of the land) where the right guaranteed in the Bill of Rights can be tossed aside for national security?

And please tell me that you do not believe that the US gov't would ever back off the violations of the Constitution when the threat is less?
Fuck the FBI and the American intelligence community. With their billion dollar intelligence gathering apparatus and human intel the best they can do is to attempt to strong arm a company into bankrupting itself because they are incompetent.

Don't come to me because you failed to do your job with the tools you have cultivated for your area of expertise.
As a consumer and citizen I won't my right to privacy protected as well as the rights of others to that same protection, I don't want a government with the right to demand whatever they want simply because they want it.
When you're DEAD, you won't HAVE any "right to privacy", Mr. Oddball Fringe.
Dead or not is irrelevant to whether we govern by the rule of law and function as a American Democracy, intelligent people realize, not so much.
Fuck the FBI and the American intelligence community. With their billion dollar intelligence gathering apparatus and human intel the best they can do is to attempt to strong arm a company into bankrupting itself because they are incompetent.

Don't come to me because you failed to do your job with the tools you have cultivated for your area of expertise.
As a consumer and citizen I won't my right to privacy protected as well as the rights of others to that same protection, I don't want a government with the right to demand whatever they want simply because they want it.
When you're DEAD, you won't HAVE any "right to privacy", Mr. Oddball Fringe.

How many civilians have been killed by terrorists? 15 or 20 per year since 2001? And you want to flush a constitutional right for 310,000,000 citizens because you are afraid?
National security trumps EVERYTHING.

No it does not.
You've been MISeducated.

No I have not. Please show me, in the US Constitution (you even stated that it is the law of the land) where the right guaranteed in the Bill of Rights can be tossed aside for national security?

And please tell me that you do not believe that the US gov't would ever back off the violations of the Constitution when the threat is less?
Why are you asking questions that you know he can't answer due to a lack of intelligence, education and conservative idiocy???
The federal government needs to leave personal privacy alone, they need to forget about this phone issue.
Good on Apple
No I have not. Please show me, in the US Constitution (you even stated that it is the law of the land) where the right guaranteed in the Bill of Rights can be tossed aside for national security?

And please tell me that you do not believe that the US gov't would ever back off the violations of the Constitution when the threat is less?
You already asked me that, and I answered it in Post # 153 (sure sign you're losing a debate is asking questions already answered. As for your current questions, you don't get to ask any, UNTIL YOU ANSWER my question from Post 3 153. waiting......waiting.....waiting.....
Dead or not is irrelevant to whether we govern by the rule of law and function as a American Democracy, intelligent people realize, not so much.
NO! It is NOT irrelevant. You are alos MISeducated. You have no concept of national security. You probably never had it taught to you.
Dead or not is irrelevant to whether we govern by the rule of law and function as a American Democracy, intelligent people realize, not so much.
NO! It is NOT irrelevant. You are alos MISeducated. You have no concept of national security. You probably never had it taught to you.

Bullshit. The fact that I hold the US Constitution to be the law of the land does not mean I am uneducated or that I do not understand national security.

I simply understand that you cannot violate the US Constitution on a whim and out of fear.
How many civilians have been killed by terrorists? 15 or 20 per year since 2001? And you want to flush a constitutional right for 310,000,000 citizens because you are afraid?
1. 318, 000, 000.

2. Of course we flush constituional rights in deference to national secuirty. Good lord! Where did you go to school ?

3. TOO MANY civilians have been killed by terrorists. Maybe if they were YOUR friends or family, you'd have a different perspective. I heard the families of the San Bernardino victims are speaking out now. They are totally in support of the FBI. (as are the majority of Americans)

4. The question isn't "How many civilians have been killed by terrorists?" The question is what are the consequence of allowing terrorism to operate without all impediments applied to it / And the answer is the annihilation of the USA, with numerous cities nuked & bio-bombed, and half the US population (or more) killed.
Feel free to show any place in the Constitution that says the Bill of Rights may be suspended for reasons of national security.
I don't have to. National security trumps every word of the Constitution. Your lack of understanding of this is glaring. Where did you go to school ?

Here's a test case for you. An American citizen jihadist terrorist is captured, who gives positive evidence that a NUCLEAR attack is imminent (next 24 hours) in a large American city, with a capacity to kill MILLIONS of people. If that terrorist is tortured (in violation of the constitution ?) the plot can be revealed and stopped. Are you going to let millions of people die, to protect his constituional rights, and not violate the Constitution ??

Have you ever read about how reliable information gained from torture is? If this bomb will go off in 24 hours, and the jihadists is pprepared to die, why do you think he would give accurate information?

Our great nation was formed with higher ideals. If you are only holding to those ideals and the US Constitution when things are safe, you are part of the problem.

It is better that our nation fall than to become the fascist homeland you want.
The federal government needs to leave personal privacy alone, they need to forget about this phone issue.
Good on Apple
The federal govt needs to ensure national security. in comparison, cell phones don't matter, and I'd be OK with the abolishing of them entirely (which may be the next big thing)..

We did perfectly well for decades without cell phones. We don't need them now either, (especially when they are a valuable tool to jihadists)
How many civilians have been killed by terrorists? 15 or 20 per year since 2001? And you want to flush a constitutional right for 310,000,000 citizens because you are afraid?
1. 318, 000, 000.

2. Of course we flush constituional rights in deference to national secuirty. Good lord! Where did you go to school ?

3. TOO MANY civilians have been killed by terrorists. Maybe if they were YOUR friends or family, you'd have a different perspective. I heard the families of the San Bernardino victims are speaking out now. They are totally in support of the FBI. (as are the majority of Americans)

4. The question isn't "How many civilians have been killed by terrorists?" The question is what are the consequence of allowing terrorism to operate without all impediments applied to it / And the answer is the annihilation of the USA, with numerous cities nuked & bio-bombed, and half the US population (or more) killed.

Your fascist desires do not trump the freedoms of the citizens of this nation. Period. The US Constitution stands as the law of the land. Don't like the 4th amendment? Then amend the US Constitution.

You keep claiming I am uneducated. And yet, you cannot show where the US Constitution says the Bill of Rights can be violated in the interest of national security.
I've been ridding myself of all things Apple lately but it has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the fact they discontinued the classic 160G Ipod
The federal government needs to leave personal privacy alone, they need to forget about this phone issue.
Good on Apple
The federal govt needs to ensure national security. in comparison, cell phones don't matter, and I'd be OK with the abolishing of them entirely (which may be the next big thing)..

We did perfectly well for decades without cell phones. We don't need them now either, (especially when they are a valuable tool to jihadists)

Congrats on your independence from cell phones. But that is really irrelevant. The only relevant issue is whether or not the 4th amendment is a bona fide right or simply something that sounds good and can be tossed aside out of convenience.
Why are you asking questions that you know he can't answer due to a lack of intelligence, education and conservative idiocy???
I've answered all that needs to be answered. HE is the one who isn't answering (my question at the end of Post # 153) Maybe YOU would like to try to answer it. :biggrin:
Why are you asking questions that you know he can't answer due to a lack of intelligence, education and conservative idiocy???
I've answered all that needs to be answered. HE is the one who isn't answering (my question at the end of Post # 153) Maybe YOU would like to try to answer it. :biggrin:

I did answer it. Are you reading this thread?
Bullshit. The fact that I hold the US Constitution to be the law of the land does not mean I am uneducated or that I do not understand national security.

I simply understand that you cannot violate the US Constitution on a whim and out of fear.
You haven't answered my question at the end of Post # 153. WHY NOT ?

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